Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
CAddEventCommand | Command to add an event to an editable containing events, with undo |
►CAggregateWaveModel | |
CAlignmentModel | |
CAllocationFailed | |
►CAnyById | |
CAudioFileReader | |
►CAudioFileReaderFactory | |
CAudioFileSizeEstimator | Estimate the number of samples in an audio file |
CAudioLevel | AudioLevel converts audio sample levels between various scales: |
CAudioPlaySource | Simple interface for audio playback |
CAudioRecordTarget | The record target API used by the view manager |
CAuditionable | |
CAutoRangeMapper | |
CBasicCompressedDenseThreeDimensionalModel | |
CBoxModel | BoxModel – a model for annotations having start time, duration, and a value range |
►CBQAFileReader | Audio file reader using bqaudiostream library AudioReadStream classes |
CBundleCommand | BundleCommand is a MacroCommand whose name includes a note of how many commands it contains |
CBZipFileDevice | |
CCachedFile | |
CChangeEventsCommand | Command to add or remove a series of events to or from an editable, with undo |
CClipboard | |
CCodedAudioFileReader | |
CColumnOp | Class containing static functions for simple operations on data columns, for use by display layers |
CCommand | |
CCSVFeatureWriter | |
CCSVFileReader | |
CCSVFileWriter | |
CCSVFormat | |
CDataFileReader | |
CDataFileReaderFactory | |
►CDecodingWavFileReader | |
CDeferredNotifier | |
CDense3DModelPeakCache | A DenseThreeDimensionalModel that represents a reduction in the time dimension of another DenseThreeDimensionalModel |
CDenseThreeDimensionalModel | |
CDenseTimeValueModel | Base class for models containing dense two-dimensional data (value against time) |
CDirectoryCreationFailed | |
CDSSIPluginFactory | |
►CDSSIPluginInstance | |
CEditableDenseThreeDimensionalModel | |
►CEvent | An immutable(-ish) type used for point and event representation in sparse models, as well as for interchange within the clipboard |
CEventEditable | Interface for classes that can be modified through these commands |
CEventSeries | Container storing a series of events, with or without durations, and supporting the ability to query which events are active at a given frame or within a span of frames |
CExtents | Maintain a min and max value, and update them when supplied a new data point |
CFaderDescription | |
CFailedToOpenFile | |
CFeatureExtractionModelTransformer | |
CFeatureExtractionPluginFactory | |
►CFeatureWriter | |
►CFFTModel | An implementation of DenseThreeDimensionalModel that makes FFT data derived from a DenseTimeValueModel available as a generic data grid |
CFileFeatureWriter | |
►CFileFinder | |
CFileNotFound | |
CFileOperationFailed | |
CFileReadFailed | |
►CFileReadThread | |
CFileSource | FileSource is a class used to refer to the contents of a file that may be either local or at a remote location such as a HTTP URL |
CFrameTimer | A trivial interface for things that permit retrieving "the current frame" |
CGenericCommand | GenericCommand is a Command that can be constructed directly using lambdas, without having to create a subclass |
►CHelperExecPath | Class to find helper executables that have been installed alongside the application |
CHitCount | Profile class for counting cache hits and the like |
CIdAlloc | !! to do: review how often we are calling getAs<...> when we could |
CImageModel | A model representing image annotations, identified by filename or URI, at a given time, with an optional label |
CInsufficientDiscSpace | |
CInterpolatingRangeMapper | |
CKnownPluginCandidates | |
CLabeller | |
CLADSPAPluginFactory | |
CLADSPAPluginInstance | |
CLinearRangeMapper | |
CLogRange | |
CLogRangeMapper | |
CMacroCommand | |
CMIDIEvent | |
CMIDIEventCmp | |
CMIDIException | |
CMIDIFileImportPreferenceAcquirer | |
CMIDIFileReader | |
CMIDIFileWriter | Write a MIDI file |
CMIDIInput | |
CModel | Model is the base class for all data models that represent any sort of data on a time scale based on an audio frame rate |
CModelDataTableModel | |
►CModelTransformer | A ModelTransformer turns one data model into another |
►CModelTransformerFactory | |
CMovingMedian | Obtain the median (or other percentile) of a moving window across a time series |
►CMP3FileReader | |
CMultiSelection | |
►CMutexLocker | |
CNativeVampPluginFactory | FeatureExtractionPluginFactory type for Vamp plugins hosted in-process |
CNoteData | Note record used when constructing synthetic events for sonification |
CNoteExportable | |
CNoteModel | |
COSCMessage | |
COSCMessageCallback | |
COSCQueue | |
CPath | |
CPathPoint | |
CPitch | |
CPlayable | |
CPlaylistFileReader | |
►CPlayParameterRepository | |
CPlayParameters | |
CPluginDeletionNotifyAdapter | |
CPluginIdentifier | |
►CPluginPathSetter | |
CPluginRDFDescription | |
CPluginRDFIndexer | |
►CPluginScan | |
CPluginXml | |
CPowerOfSqrtTwoZoomConstraint | |
CPowerOfTwoZoomConstraint | |
CPreferences | |
CProfiler | Profile point instance class |
CProfiles | Profiling classes |
CProgressPrinter | |
CProgressReporter | |
►CPropertyContainer | |
CProvider | |
CRangeMapper | |
►CRangeSummarisableTimeValueModel | Base class for models containing dense two-dimensional data (value against time) that may be meaningfully represented in a zoomed view using min/max range summaries |
CRDFExporter | |
CRDFFeatureWriter | |
CRDFImporter | |
CRDFImporterImpl | |
CRDFTransformFactory | |
CRDFTransformFactoryImpl | |
►CReadOnlyWaveFileModel | |
CRealTime | RealTime represents time values to nanosecond precision with accurate arithmetic and frame-rate conversion functions |
CRealTimeEffectModelTransformer | |
CRealTimePluginDescriptor | |
CRealTimePluginFactory | |
CRealTimePluginInstance | |
CRecentFiles | RecentFiles manages a list of recently-used identifier strings, saving and restoring that list via QSettings |
CRecordDirectory | Report the intended target location for recorded audio files |
CRegionModel | RegionModel – a model for intervals associated with a value, which we call regions for no very compelling reason |
CRelativelyFineZoomConstraint | |
CRemoveEventCommand | Command to remove an event from an editable containing events, with undo |
CResourceFinder | |
CRingBuffer | RingBuffer implements a lock-free ring buffer for one writer and N readers, that is to be used to store a sample type T |
CSamplePlayer | |
►CScaleTickIntervals | |
CScavenger | A very simple class that facilitates running things like plugins without locking, by collecting unwanted objects and deleting them after a delay so as to be sure nobody's in the middle of using them |
CScavengerArrayWrapper | A wrapper to permit arrays to be scavenged |
CSelection | A selection object simply represents a range in time, via start and end frame |
CSerialiser | |
CSparseOneDimensionalModel | A model representing a series of time instants with optional labels but without values |
CSparseTimeValueModel | A model representing a wiggly-line plot with points at arbitrary intervals of the model resolution |
CStorageAdviser | A utility class designed to help decide whether to store cache data (for example FFT outputs) in memory or on disk in the TempDirectory |
CStringBits | |
CStrings | |
CSVCerr | |
CSVDebug | |
CTabularModel | TabularModel is an abstract base class for models that support direct access to data in a tabular form |
CTempDirectory | A class that manages the creation and removal of a temporary directory tree to store data during the program run |
CTempWriteFile | A class that manages the creation of a temporary file with a given prefix and the renaming of that file to the prefix after use |
►CTextMatcher | A rather eccentric interface for matching texts in differently-scored fields |
CTextModel | A model representing casual textual annotations |
CTextTest | |
CThread | |
CTransform | |
CTransformDescription | Metadata associated with a transform |
►CTransformFactory | |
CTypedById | |
CTypedId | |
CUnitDatabase | |
CViewManagerBase | Base class for ViewManager, with no GUI content |
CWaveFileModel | |
CWaveformOversampler | Oversample the sample data from a DenseTimeValueModel by an integer factor, on the assumption that the model represents audio |
CWavFileReader | Reader for audio files using libsndfile |
CWavFileWriter | |
CWindow | |
CWithEditable | |
CWithId | |
CWithTypedId | |
CWritableWaveFileModel | |
CXmlExportable | |
CZoomConstraint | ZoomConstraint is a simple interface that describes a limitation on the available zoom sizes for a view, for example based on cache strategy or a (processing) window-size limitation |
CZoomLevel | Display zoom level |
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