Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAddEventCommandCommand to add an event to an editable containing events, with undo
 CAudioFileSizeEstimatorEstimate the number of samples in an audio file
 CAudioLevelAudioLevel converts audio sample levels between various scales:
 CAudioPlaySourceSimple interface for audio playback
 CAudioRecordTargetThe record target API used by the view manager
 CBoxModelBoxModel – a model for annotations having start time, duration, and a value range
 CBQAFileReaderAudio file reader using bqaudiostream library AudioReadStream classes
 CBundleCommandBundleCommand is a MacroCommand whose name includes a note of how many commands it contains
 CChangeEventsCommandCommand to add or remove a series of events to or from an editable, with undo
 CColumnOpClass containing static functions for simple operations on data columns, for use by display layers
 CDense3DModelPeakCacheA DenseThreeDimensionalModel that represents a reduction in the time dimension of another DenseThreeDimensionalModel
 CDenseTimeValueModelBase class for models containing dense two-dimensional data (value against time)
 CEventAn immutable(-ish) type used for point and event representation in sparse models, as well as for interchange within the clipboard
 CEventEditableInterface for classes that can be modified through these commands
 CEventSeriesContainer storing a series of events, with or without durations, and supporting the ability to query which events are active at a given frame or within a span of frames
 CExtentsMaintain a min and max value, and update them when supplied a new data point
 CFFTModelAn implementation of DenseThreeDimensionalModel that makes FFT data derived from a DenseTimeValueModel available as a generic data grid
 CFileSourceFileSource is a class used to refer to the contents of a file that may be either local or at a remote location such as a HTTP URL
 CFrameTimerA trivial interface for things that permit retrieving "the current frame"
 CGenericCommandGenericCommand is a Command that can be constructed directly using lambdas, without having to create a subclass
 CHelperExecPathClass to find helper executables that have been installed alongside the application
 CHitCountProfile class for counting cache hits and the like
 CIdAlloc!! to do: review how often we are calling getAs<...> when we could
 CImageModelA model representing image annotations, identified by filename or URI, at a given time, with an optional label
 CMIDIFileWriterWrite a MIDI file
 CModelModel is the base class for all data models that represent any sort of data on a time scale based on an audio frame rate
 CModelTransformerA ModelTransformer turns one data model into another
 CMovingMedianObtain the median (or other percentile) of a moving window across a time series
 CNativeVampPluginFactoryFeatureExtractionPluginFactory type for Vamp plugins hosted in-process
 CNoteDataNote record used when constructing synthetic events for sonification
 CProfilerProfile point instance class
 CProfilesProfiling classes
 CRangeSummarisableTimeValueModelBase class for models containing dense two-dimensional data (value against time) that may be meaningfully represented in a zoomed view using min/max range summaries
 CRealTimeRealTime represents time values to nanosecond precision with accurate arithmetic and frame-rate conversion functions
 CRecentFilesRecentFiles manages a list of recently-used identifier strings, saving and restoring that list via QSettings
 CRecordDirectoryReport the intended target location for recorded audio files
 CRegionModelRegionModel – a model for intervals associated with a value, which we call regions for no very compelling reason
 CRemoveEventCommandCommand to remove an event from an editable containing events, with undo
 CRingBufferRingBuffer implements a lock-free ring buffer for one writer and N readers, that is to be used to store a sample type T
 CScavengerA very simple class that facilitates running things like plugins without locking, by collecting unwanted objects and deleting them after a delay so as to be sure nobody's in the middle of using them
 CScavengerArrayWrapperA wrapper to permit arrays to be scavenged
 CSelectionA selection object simply represents a range in time, via start and end frame
 CSparseOneDimensionalModelA model representing a series of time instants with optional labels but without values
 CSparseTimeValueModelA model representing a wiggly-line plot with points at arbitrary intervals of the model resolution
 CStorageAdviserA utility class designed to help decide whether to store cache data (for example FFT outputs) in memory or on disk in the TempDirectory
 CTabularModelTabularModel is an abstract base class for models that support direct access to data in a tabular form
 CTempDirectoryA class that manages the creation and removal of a temporary directory tree to store data during the program run
 CTempWriteFileA class that manages the creation of a temporary file with a given prefix and the renaming of that file to the prefix after use
 CTextMatcherA rather eccentric interface for matching texts in differently-scored fields
 CTextModelA model representing casual textual annotations
 CTransformDescriptionMetadata associated with a transform
 CViewManagerBaseBase class for ViewManager, with no GUI content
 CWaveformOversamplerOversample the sample data from a DenseTimeValueModel by an integer factor, on the assumption that the model represents audio
 CWavFileReaderReader for audio files using libsndfile
 CZoomConstraintZoomConstraint is a simple interface that describes a limitation on the available zoom sizes for a view, for example based on cache strategy or a (processing) window-size limitation
 CZoomLevelDisplay zoom level