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Amine Sehili
auditok is an audio activity detection and audio segmentation tool and API written in Python
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Svara Workshop Materials
2024-05-15 02:23 PM
Temporary container for materials relevant to ReVamp/Svara workshops in summer 2024.
Hybrid music recommender using content-based and social information »
Hybrid music recommender Github
2022-07-09 05:20 AM
Github repository for the parent project
Hearing Loss Simulation Plugin
2020-08-15 05:37 PM
Source code and plugin files (Windows & Mac versions) accompanying the paper ''Investigation of a real-time hearing loss simulation for use in audio production'', scheduled to be presented at the 149th AES Convention in New York ...
Vamp Plugin Pack
2019-10-22 01:15 PM
Vamp Plugin Pack is a bundled installer for various Vamp plugins with redistributable licences, built and packaged for Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Perceptually Motivated Hearing Loss Simulation (Demo Audio Files) »
Perceptually Motivated Hearing Loss Simulation for Audio Mix Reference
2019-10-11 09:58 AM
This paper proposes the development of a hearing loss simulation for use in audio mix referencing, designed according to psychoacoustic and audiology research findings. The simulation proposed in this paper aims to reproduce four perceptual aspects of hearing loss ...
Real-Time Chromagram Estimation & Chord Detector
Adam Stark
This is a C++ implementation of the chromagram estimation and chord recognition algorithm by Adam Stark and Mark Plumbley.
Selective FDCTRANC for bleed reduction - IEEE TASLP '13
Alice Clifford
This project contain MATLAB code in support of the paper "Selective overdetermined microphone interference reduction" submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing by Alice Clifford and Josh Reiss ...
An empirical approach to the relationship between emotion and music production quality
David Ronan
It is commonly known that music expresses emotion. In music production, the role of the mix engineer is to take a piece of recorded music and convey the emotions expressed as professionally sounding as possible ...
Robert Tubb
Second version of synth parameter matching experiment.
Source Modelling Toolbox
Jonathan Sheaffer
The source modelling toolbox is a set of MATLAB function for the design of FDTD acoustic sources. It is associated with the following paper:
Weather Synthesis prototyping
Rod Selfridge
Prototyping models in Pure Data for weather sounds - moving towards aeroacoustic sound synthesis.
Analysis of Scattering-Based MCA Systems
Francisco Rodriguez-Algarra
Code provided to allow the reproduction of the results reported in the paper "Analysing Scattering-Based Music Content Analysis Systems: Where's the Music?" by Francisco RodrÃguez-Algarra, Bob L. Sturm and Hugo Maruri ...