All Projects

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Proof of concept mode of a edge tone compact sound source. Derived using equations from aeroacoustics
real-time, soundsynthesis, physicalmodelRod Selfridge2017-12-202017-12-20
Physically derived sound synthesis model that replicates the sound of a number of objects swinging through the air
real-time, soundsynthesis, physicalmodel, gameaudio, VRaudioRod Selfridge2017-10-072017-10-07
Sound synthesis model of an Aeolian harp. GUI gives users control over 13 strings, controlling length, diameter, tension, mass and damping.
real-time, soundsynthesis, physicalmodelRod Selfridge2016-11-232016-11-23
Real-time physically derived sound synthesis model of a propeller.
real-time, soundsynthesis, physicalmodel, aeroacousitc, propellerRod Selfridge2017-04-052017-04-05
Real-time sound synthesis model of a cavity tone
real-time, soundsynthesis, physicalmodel, cavitytoneRod Selfridge2017-04-072017-04-07


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