Register or login with OpenID

Who can register here?

You can register if you are a researcher in the audio and music field are you are:

  • working in the UK,
  • working with UK researchers who are also using this site, or
  • working on projects having an audience within the UK research community.

Please ensure you provide enough information in the description below to establish which of these is the case.

(You do not need to register in order to download or use code from this site — only to host your own code here.)

Must be at least 6 characters long.

Other Details

Please describe your current research or development interests.
This information will be used at registration to determine that you are a real person – so please be descriptive, or your application may be delayed or rejected.
After registration, the description is publicly visible in your profile and you can edit it at any time.


I have read, and agree to, the Terms and Conditions.