Go to the documentation of this file.
170 double external_clock_drift; ///< external clock base - time (av_gettime) at which we updated external_clock
241 double video_current_pts_drift; // video_current_pts - time (av_gettime) at which we updated video_current_pts - used to have running video pts
243 double max_frame_duration; // maximum duration of a frame - above this, we consider the jump a timestamp discontinuity
503 static void fill_border(int xleft, int ytop, int width, int height, int x, int y, int w, int h, int color, int update)
772 static void calculate_display_rect(SDL_Rect *rect, int scr_xleft, int scr_ytop, int scr_width, int scr_height, VideoPicture *vp)
839 if (rect.x != is->last_display_rect.x || rect.y != is->last_display_rect.y || rect.w != is->last_display_rect.w || rect.h != is->last_display_rect.h || is->force_refresh) {
841 fill_border(is->xleft, is->ytop, is->width, is->height, rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h, bgcolor, 1);
969 // least efficient way to do this, we should of course directly access it but its more than fast enough
972 int a = sqrt(w * sqrt(data[0][2 * y + 0] * data[0][2 * y + 0] + data[0][2 * y + 1] * data[0][2 * y + 1]));
1130 return is->external_clock_drift + time - (time - is->external_clock_time / 1000000.0) * (1.0 - is->external_clock_speed);
1191 update_external_clock_speed(is, FFMAX(EXTERNAL_CLOCK_SPEED_MIN, is->external_clock_speed - EXTERNAL_CLOCK_SPEED_STEP));
1194 update_external_clock_speed(is, FFMIN(EXTERNAL_CLOCK_SPEED_MAX, is->external_clock_speed + EXTERNAL_CLOCK_SPEED_STEP));
1198 update_external_clock_speed(is, speed + EXTERNAL_CLOCK_SPEED_STEP * (1.0 - speed) / fabs(1.0 - speed));
1220 is->frame_timer += av_gettime() / 1000000.0 + is->video_current_pts_drift - is->video_current_pts;
1287 prevvp = &is->pictq[(is->pictq_rindex + VIDEO_PICTURE_QUEUE_SIZE - 1) % VIDEO_PICTURE_QUEUE_SIZE];
1342 if (is->frame_last_dropped_pts != AV_NOPTS_VALUE && is->frame_last_dropped_pts > is->frame_last_pts) {
1343 update_video_pts(is, is->frame_last_dropped_pts, is->frame_last_dropped_pos, is->frame_last_dropped_serial);
1387 if(!is->step && (redisplay || framedrop>0 || (framedrop && get_master_sync_type(is) != AV_SYNC_VIDEO_MASTER)) && time > is->frame_timer + duration){
1536 static int queue_picture(VideoState *is, AVFrame *src_frame, double pts, int64_t pos, int serial)
1584 /* if the queue is aborted, we have to pop the pending ALLOC event or wait for the allocation to complete */
1585 if (is->videoq.abort_request && SDL_PeepEvents(&event, 1, SDL_GETEVENT, SDL_EVENTMASK(FF_ALLOC_EVENT)) != 1) {
1657 // Make sure there are no long delay timers (ideally we should just flush the queue but that's harder)
1754 static int configure_video_filters(AVFilterGraph *graph, VideoState *is, const char *vfilters, AVFrame *frame)
1788 if ((ret = av_opt_set_int_list(filt_out, "pix_fmts", pix_fmts, AV_PIX_FMT_NONE, AV_OPT_SEARCH_CHILDREN)) < 0)
1810 static int configure_audio_filters(VideoState *is, const char *afilters, int force_output_format)
1846 if ((ret = av_opt_set_int_list(filt_asink, "sample_fmts", sample_fmts, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_NONE, AV_OPT_SEARCH_CHILDREN)) < 0)
1857 if ((ret = av_opt_set_int_list(filt_asink, "channel_layouts", channel_layouts, -1, AV_OPT_SEARCH_CHILDREN)) < 0)
1859 if ((ret = av_opt_set_int_list(filt_asink, "channel_counts" , channels , -1, AV_OPT_SEARCH_CHILDREN)) < 0)
1861 if ((ret = av_opt_set_int_list(filt_asink, "sample_rates" , sample_rates , -1, AV_OPT_SEARCH_CHILDREN)) < 0)
1959 pts = (frame->pts == AV_NOPTS_VALUE) ? NAN : frame->pts * av_q2d(filt_out->inputs[0]->time_base);
2139 while (pkt_temp->size > 0 || (!pkt_temp->data && new_packet) || is->audio_buf_frames_pending) {
2181 pkt_temp->pts += (double) is->frame->nb_samples / is->frame->sample_rate / av_q2d(is->audio_st->time_base);
2184 dec_channel_layout = get_valid_channel_layout(is->frame->channel_layout, av_frame_get_channels(is->frame));
2198 "Audio frame changed from rate:%d ch:%d fmt:%s layout:%s serial:%d to rate:%d ch:%d fmt:%s layout:%s serial:%d\n",
2199 is->audio_filter_src.freq, is->audio_filter_src.channels, av_get_sample_fmt_name(is->audio_filter_src.fmt), buf1, is->audio_last_serial,
2200 is->frame->sample_rate, av_frame_get_channels(is->frame), av_get_sample_fmt_name(is->frame->format), buf2, is->audio_pkt_temp_serial);
2234 (is->frame->channel_layout && av_frame_get_channels(is->frame) == av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels(is->frame->channel_layout)) ?
2248 fprintf(stderr, "Cannot create sample rate converter for conversion of %d Hz %s %d channels to %d Hz %s %d channels!\n",
2249 is->frame->sample_rate, av_get_sample_fmt_name(is->frame->format), av_frame_get_channels(is->frame),
2262 int out_count = (int64_t)wanted_nb_samples * is->audio_tgt.freq / is->frame->sample_rate + 256;
2263 int out_size = av_samples_get_buffer_size(NULL, is->audio_tgt.channels, out_count, is->audio_tgt.fmt, 0);
2266 if (swr_set_compensation(is->swr_ctx, (wanted_nb_samples - is->frame->nb_samples) * is->audio_tgt.freq / is->frame->sample_rate,
2285 resampled_data_size = len2 * is->audio_tgt.channels * av_get_bytes_per_sample(is->audio_tgt.fmt);
2294 is->audio_clock = is->frame->pts * av_q2d(tb) + (double) is->frame->nb_samples / is->frame->sample_rate;
2341 int frame_size = av_samples_get_buffer_size(NULL, is->audio_tgt.channels, 1, is->audio_tgt.fmt, 1);
2367 bytes_per_sec = is->audio_tgt.freq * is->audio_tgt.channels * av_get_bytes_per_sample(is->audio_tgt.fmt);
2370 is->audio_current_pts = is->audio_clock - (double)(2 * is->audio_hw_buf_size + is->audio_write_buf_size) / bytes_per_sec;
2376 static int audio_open(void *opaque, int64_t wanted_channel_layout, int wanted_nb_channels, int wanted_sample_rate, struct AudioParams *audio_hw_params)
2387 if (!wanted_channel_layout || wanted_nb_channels != av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels(wanted_channel_layout)) {
2450 case AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO : is->last_audio_stream = stream_index; forced_codec_name = audio_codec_name; break;
2451 case AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE: is->last_subtitle_stream = stream_index; forced_codec_name = subtitle_codec_name; break;
2452 case AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO : is->last_video_stream = stream_index; forced_codec_name = video_codec_name; break;
2457 if (forced_codec_name) fprintf(stderr, "No codec could be found with name '%s'\n", forced_codec_name);
2499 is->audio_filter_src.channel_layout = get_valid_channel_layout(avctx->channel_layout, avctx->channels);
2527 is->audio_diff_threshold = 2.0 * is->audio_hw_buf_size / av_samples_get_buffer_size(NULL, is->audio_tgt.channels, is->audio_tgt.freq, is->audio_tgt.fmt, 1);
2719 ic->pb->eof_reached = 0; // FIXME hack, ffplay maybe should not use url_feof() to test for the end
2868 && (is->subtitleq.nb_packets > MIN_FRAMES || is->subtitle_stream < 0 || is->subtitleq.abort_request)))) {
3075 } while (next != is->show_mode && (next == SHOW_MODE_VIDEO && !is->video_st || next != SHOW_MODE_VIDEO && !is->audio_st));
3181 if (cur_stream->ic->start_time != AV_NOPTS_VALUE && pos < cur_stream->ic->start_time / (double)AV_TIME_BASE)
3227 fprintf(stderr, "Seek to %2.0f%% (%2d:%02d:%02d) of total duration (%2d:%02d:%02d) \n", frac*100,
3363 { "s", HAS_ARG | OPT_VIDEO, { .func_arg = opt_frame_size }, "set frame size (WxH or abbreviation)", "size" },
3368 { "ast", OPT_INT | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT, { &wanted_stream[AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO] }, "select desired audio stream", "stream_number" },
3369 { "vst", OPT_INT | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT, { &wanted_stream[AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO] }, "select desired video stream", "stream_number" },
3370 { "sst", OPT_INT | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT, { &wanted_stream[AVMEDIA_TYPE_SUBTITLE] }, "select desired subtitle stream", "stream_number" },
3372 { "t", HAS_ARG, { .func_arg = opt_duration }, "play \"duration\" seconds of audio/video", "duration" },
3376 { "pix_fmt", HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT | OPT_VIDEO, { .func_arg = opt_frame_pix_fmt }, "set pixel format", "format" },
3381 { "drp", OPT_INT | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT, { &decoder_reorder_pts }, "let decoder reorder pts 0=off 1=on -1=auto", ""},
3384 { "ec", OPT_INT | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT, { &error_concealment }, "set error concealment options", "bit_mask" },
3385 { "sync", HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT, { .func_arg = opt_sync }, "set audio-video sync. type (type=audio/video/ext)", "type" },
3388 { "exitonmousedown", OPT_BOOL | OPT_EXPERT, { &exit_on_mousedown }, "exit on mouse down", "" },
3389 { "loop", OPT_INT | HAS_ARG | OPT_EXPERT, { &loop }, "set number of times the playback shall be looped", "loop count" },
3390 { "framedrop", OPT_BOOL | OPT_EXPERT, { &framedrop }, "drop frames when cpu is too slow", "" },
3391 { "infbuf", OPT_BOOL | OPT_EXPERT, { &infinite_buffer }, "don't limit the input buffer size (useful with realtime streams)", "" },
3392 { "window_title", OPT_STRING | HAS_ARG, { &window_title }, "set window title", "window title" },
3397 { "rdftspeed", OPT_INT | HAS_ARG| OPT_AUDIO | OPT_EXPERT, { &rdftspeed }, "rdft speed", "msecs" },
3398 { "showmode", HAS_ARG, { .func_arg = opt_show_mode}, "select show mode (0 = video, 1 = waves, 2 = RDFT)", "mode" },
3399 { "default", HAS_ARG | OPT_AUDIO | OPT_VIDEO | OPT_EXPERT, { .func_arg = opt_default }, "generic catch all option", "" },
3402 { "acodec", HAS_ARG | OPT_STRING | OPT_EXPERT, { &audio_codec_name }, "force audio decoder", "decoder_name" },
3403 { "scodec", HAS_ARG | OPT_STRING | OPT_EXPERT, { &subtitle_codec_name }, "force subtitle decoder", "decoder_name" },
3404 { "vcodec", HAS_ARG | OPT_STRING | OPT_EXPERT, { &video_codec_name }, "force video decoder", "decoder_name" },
static int opt_show_mode(void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
Definition: ffplay.c:3316
Definition: ffplay.c:143
void * av_mallocz(size_t size)
Allocate a block of size bytes with alignment suitable for all memory accesses (including vectors if ...
Definition: mem.c:205
Definition: ffplay.c:208
Allow non spec compliant speedup tricks.
Definition: libavcodec/avcodec.h:721
static int opt_height(void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
Definition: ffplay.c:3267
const int program_birth_year
program birth year, defined by the program for show_banner()
Definition: ffplay.c:63
struct PacketQueue PacketQueue
int64_t pts_correction_num_faulty_dts
Number of incorrect PTS values so far.
Definition: libavcodec/avcodec.h:2810
struct AudioParams AudioParams
static int audio_open(void *opaque, int64_t wanted_channel_layout, int wanted_nb_channels, int wanted_sample_rate, struct AudioParams *audio_hw_params)
Definition: ffplay.c:2376
int swr_convert(struct SwrContext *s, uint8_t *out_arg[SWR_CH_MAX], int out_count, const uint8_t *in_arg[SWR_CH_MAX], int in_count)
Definition: swresample.c:735
Definition: pixfmt.h:67
Definition: dict.h:80
int av_samples_get_buffer_size(int *linesize, int nb_channels, int nb_samples, enum AVSampleFormat sample_fmt, int align)
Get the required buffer size for the given audio parameters.
Definition: samplefmt.c:125
AVIOInterruptCB interrupt_callback
Custom interrupt callbacks for the I/O layer.
Definition: avformat.h:1125
static void opt_input_file(void *optctx, const char *filename)
Definition: ffplay.c:3325
int av_lockmgr_register(int(*cb)(void **mutex, enum AVLockOp op))
Register a user provided lock manager supporting the operations specified by AVLockOp.
Definition: libavcodec/utils.c:2950
misc image utilities
static int opt_format(void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
Definition: ffplay.c:3273
Definition: rdft.h:51
external API header
int avformat_open_input(AVFormatContext **ps, const char *filename, AVInputFormat *fmt, AVDictionary **options)
Open an input stream and read the header.
Definition: libavformat/utils.c:614
Memory buffer source API.
Definition: ffplay.c:148
enum VideoState::ShowMode show_mode
int avfilter_graph_config(AVFilterGraph *graphctx, void *log_ctx)
Check validity and configure all the links and formats in the graph.
Definition: avfiltergraph.c:1044
void avfilter_inout_free(AVFilterInOut **inout)
Free the supplied list of AVFilterInOut and set *inout to NULL.
Definition: graphparser.c:175
struct AVFilterInOut * next
next input/input in the list, NULL if this is the last
Definition: avfilter.h:1134
#define av_opt_set_int_list(obj, name, val, term, flags)
Set a binary option to an integer list.
Definition: opt.h:671
AVRational av_guess_sample_aspect_ratio(AVFormatContext *format, AVStream *stream, AVFrame *frame)
Guess the sample aspect ratio of a frame, based on both the stream and the frame aspect ratio...
Definition: libavformat/utils.c:4268
static int configure_video_filters(AVFilterGraph *graph, VideoState *is, const char *vfilters, AVFrame *frame)
Definition: ffplay.c:1754
static void calculate_display_rect(SDL_Rect *rect, int scr_xleft, int scr_ytop, int scr_width, int scr_height, VideoPicture *vp)
Definition: ffplay.c:772
static void stream_cycle_channel(VideoState *is, int codec_type)
Definition: ffplay.c:3001
static int opt_frame_pix_fmt(void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
Definition: ffplay.c:3283
int nb_colors
number of colors in pict, undefined when pict is not set
Definition: libavcodec/avcodec.h:3081
int av_copy_packet(AVPacket *dst, AVPacket *src)
Copy packet, including contents.
Definition: avpacket.c:236
static void stream_seek(VideoState *is, int64_t pos, int64_t rel, int seek_by_bytes)
Definition: ffplay.c:1203
About Git write you should know how to use GIT properly Luckily Git comes with excellent documentation git help man git shows you the available git< command > help man git< command > shows information about the subcommand< command > The most comprehensive manual is the website Git Reference visit they are quite exhaustive You do not need a special username or password All you need is to provide a ssh public key to the Git server admin What follows now is a basic introduction to Git and some FFmpeg specific guidelines Read it at least if you are granted commit privileges to the FFmpeg project you are expected to be familiar with these rules I if not You can get git from etc no matter how small Every one of them has been saved from looking like a fool by this many times It s very easy for stray debug output or cosmetic modifications to slip in
Definition: git-howto.txt:5
Various defines for YUV<->RGB conversion.
AVRational sample_aspect_ratio
sample aspect ratio (0 if unknown) That is the width of a pixel divided by the height of the pixel...
Definition: libavcodec/avcodec.h:1505
void avfilter_graph_free(AVFilterGraph **graph)
Free a graph, destroy its links, and set *graph to NULL.
Definition: avfiltergraph.c:75
void show_banner(int argc, char **argv, const OptionDef *options)
Print the program banner to stderr.
Definition: cmdutils.c:1055
static int opt_codec(void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
Definition: ffplay.c:3337
Definition: cmdutils.h:144
static int configure_filtergraph(AVFilterGraph *graph, const char *filtergraph, AVFilterContext *source_ctx, AVFilterContext *sink_ctx)
Definition: ffplay.c:1716
Definition: ffplay.c:130
void avdevice_register_all(void)
Initialize libavdevice and register all the input and output devices.
Definition: alldevices.c:40
av_dlog(ac->avr,"%d samples - audio_convert: %s to %s (%s)\n", len, av_get_sample_fmt_name(ac->in_fmt), av_get_sample_fmt_name(ac->out_fmt), use_generic?ac->func_descr_generic:ac->func_descr)
Definition: avformat.h:456
struct VideoState VideoState
void avcodec_register_all(void)
Register all the codecs, parsers and bitstream filters which were enabled at configuration time...
Definition: allcodecs.c:67
int avcodec_decode_subtitle2(AVCodecContext *avctx, AVSubtitle *sub, int *got_sub_ptr, AVPacket *avpkt)
Decode a subtitle message.
Definition: libavcodec/utils.c:2209
void av_log_set_callback(void(*callback)(void *, int, const char *, va_list))
Definition: log.c:279
AVDictionaryEntry * av_dict_get(AVDictionary *m, const char *key, const AVDictionaryEntry *prev, int flags)
Get a dictionary entry with matching key.
Definition: dict.c:39
AVDictionary * filter_codec_opts(AVDictionary *opts, enum AVCodecID codec_id, AVFormatContext *s, AVStream *st, AVCodec *codec)
Filter out options for given codec.
Definition: cmdutils.c:1836
char * scale_sws_opts
sws options to use for the auto-inserted scale filters
Definition: avfilter.h:1002
static VideoState * stream_open(const char *filename, AVInputFormat *iformat)
Definition: ffplay.c:2960
AVRational time_base
This is the fundamental unit of time (in seconds) in terms of which frame timestamps are represented...
Definition: libavcodec/avcodec.h:1253
void av_freep(void *arg)
Free a memory block which has been allocated with av_malloc(z)() or av_realloc() and set the pointer ...
Definition: mem.c:198
initialize output if(nPeaks >3)%at least 3 peaks in spectrum for trying to find f0 nf0peaks
void av_picture_copy(AVPicture *dst, const AVPicture *src, enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmt, int width, int height)
Copy image src to dst.
Definition: avpicture.c:72
AVRational av_guess_frame_rate(AVFormatContext *ctx, AVStream *stream, AVFrame *frame)
Guess the frame rate, based on both the container and codec information.
Definition: libavformat/utils.c:4291
memory buffer sink API for audio and video
const AVClass * avcodec_get_class(void)
Get the AVClass for AVCodecContext.
Definition: libavcodec/options.c:239
void av_fast_malloc(void *ptr, unsigned int *size, size_t min_size)
Allocate a buffer, reusing the given one if large enough.
Definition: libavcodec/utils.c:96
Public dictionary API.
int avfilter_link(AVFilterContext *src, unsigned srcpad, AVFilterContext *dst, unsigned dstpad)
Link two filters together.
Definition: avfilter.c:114
int swr_set_compensation(struct SwrContext *s, int sample_delta, int compensation_distance)
Activate resampling compensation.
Definition: swresample.c:880
Definition: avutil.h:148
void log_callback_help(void *ptr, int level, const char *fmt, va_list vl)
Trivial log callback.
Definition: cmdutils.c:95
int opt_default(void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
Fallback for options that are not explicitly handled, these will be parsed through AVOptions...
Definition: cmdutils.c:483
Definition: samplefmt.h:50
int flags
Definition: avformat.h:475
static void stream_component_close(VideoState *is, int stream_index)
Definition: ffplay.c:2559
libavcodec/libavfilter gluing utilities
Definition: ffplay.c:145
int attribute_align_arg sws_scale(struct SwsContext *c, const uint8_t *const srcSlice[], const int srcStride[], int srcSliceY, int srcSliceH, uint8_t *const dst[], const int dstStride[])
swscale wrapper, so we don't need to export the SwsContext.
Definition: swscale.c:798
static int cmp_audio_fmts(enum AVSampleFormat fmt1, int64_t channel_count1, enum AVSampleFormat fmt2, int64_t channel_count2)
Definition: ffplay.c:332
Skip repeated messages, this requires the user app to use av_log() instead of (f)printf as the 2 woul...
Definition: log.h:219
int64_t pts
Presentation timestamp in time_base units (time when frame should be shown to user).
Definition: frame.h:159
double external_clock_drift
external clock base - time (av_gettime) at which we updated external_clock
Definition: ffplay.c:170
Generate missing pts even if it requires parsing future frames.
Definition: avformat.h:1022
void init_opts(void)
Initialize the cmdutils option system, in particular allocate the *_opts contexts.
Definition: cmdutils.c:74
#define CODEC_CAP_DR1
Codec uses get_buffer() for allocating buffers and supports custom allocators.
Definition: libavcodec/avcodec.h:743
AVFormatContext * avformat_alloc_context(void)
Allocate an AVFormatContext.
Definition: libavformat/options.c:106
static int64_t get_valid_channel_layout(int64_t channel_layout, int channels)
Definition: ffplay.c:343
static int packet_queue_get(PacketQueue *q, AVPacket *pkt, int block, int *serial)
Definition: ffplay.c:452
void parse_options(void *optctx, int argc, char **argv, const OptionDef *options, void(*parse_arg_function)(void *, const char *))
Definition: cmdutils.c:345
static void update_external_clock_speed(VideoState *is, double speed)
Definition: ffplay.c:1183
int avformat_network_init(void)
Do global initialization of network components.
Definition: libavformat/utils.c:4196
char av_get_picture_type_char(enum AVPictureType pict_type)
Return a single letter to describe the given picture type pict_type.
Definition: libavutil/utils.c:76
static int configure_audio_filters(VideoState *is, const char *afilters, int force_output_format)
Definition: ffplay.c:1810
struct SubPicture SubPicture
static void copy(LZOContext *c, int cnt)
Copies bytes from input to output buffer with checking.
Definition: lzo.c:79
const AVClass * avformat_get_class(void)
Get the AVClass for AVFormatContext.
Definition: libavformat/options.c:120
void parse_loglevel(int argc, char **argv, const OptionDef *options)
Find the '-loglevel' option in the command line args and apply it.
Definition: cmdutils.c:459
static void fill_rectangle(SDL_Surface *screen, int x, int y, int w, int h, int color, int update)
Definition: ffplay.c:489
external API header
static av_always_inline int64_t avio_tell(AVIOContext *s)
ftell() equivalent for AVIOContext.
Definition: avio.h:248
void show_help_options(const OptionDef *options, const char *msg, int req_flags, int rej_flags, int alt_flags)
Print help for all options matching specified flags.
Definition: cmdutils.c:147
static void duplicate_right_border_pixels(SDL_Overlay *bmp)
Definition: ffplay.c:1518
a generic parameter which can be set by the user for muxing or encoding
Definition: opt.h:281
Definition: libavcodec/avcodec.h:3102
AVDictionary ** setup_find_stream_info_opts(AVFormatContext *s, AVDictionary *codec_opts)
Setup AVCodecContext options for avformat_find_stream_info().
Definition: cmdutils.c:1892
static void * av_x_if_null(const void *p, const void *x)
Return x default pointer in case p is NULL.
Definition: avutil.h:250
int64_t av_rescale_q(int64_t a, AVRational bq, AVRational cq)
Rescale a 64-bit integer by 2 rational numbers.
Definition: mathematics.c:130
void av_dump_format(AVFormatContext *ic, int index, const char *url, int is_output)
Definition: libavformat/utils.c:3599
Main libavdevice API header.
int av_find_best_stream(AVFormatContext *ic, enum AVMediaType type, int wanted_stream_nb, int related_stream, AVCodec **decoder_ret, int flags)
Find the "best" stream in the file.
Definition: libavformat/utils.c:3189
int avcodec_close(AVCodecContext *avctx)
Close a given AVCodecContext and free all the data associated with it (but not the AVCodecContext its...
Definition: libavcodec/utils.c:2305
libswresample public header
Definition: dict.c:28
void av_free(void *ptr)
Free a memory block which has been allocated with av_malloc(z)() or av_realloc(). ...
Definition: mem.c:183
int avcodec_decode_video2(AVCodecContext *avctx, AVFrame *picture, int *got_picture_ptr, const AVPacket *avpkt)
Decode the video frame of size avpkt->size from avpkt->data into picture.
Definition: libavcodec/utils.c:1901
static void video_refresh(void *opaque, double *remaining_time)
Definition: ffplay.c:1315
a generic parameter which can be set by the user for filtering
Definition: opt.h:287
Encoder or decoder requires flushing with NULL input at the end in order to give the complete and cor...
Definition: libavcodec/avcodec.h:770
Definition: swresample_internal.h:69
int av_read_play(AVFormatContext *s)
Start playing a network-based stream (e.g.
Definition: libavformat/utils.c:3251
static double compute_target_delay(double delay, VideoState *is)
Definition: ffplay.c:1244
void av_dict_free(AVDictionary **pm)
Free all the memory allocated for an AVDictionary struct and all keys and values. ...
Definition: dict.c:162
int av_get_channel_layout_nb_channels(uint64_t channel_layout)
Return the number of channels in the channel layout.
Definition: channel_layout.c:191
struct VideoPicture VideoPicture
int av_opt_set_int(void *obj, const char *name, int64_t val, int search_flags)
Definition: opt.c:394
static int packet_queue_put_private(PacketQueue *q, AVPacket *pkt)
Definition: ffplay.c:353
AVRational time_base
Define the time base used by the PTS of the frames/samples which will pass through this link...
Definition: avfilter.h:585
Definition: avutil.h:144
simple assert() macros that are a bit more flexible than ISO C assert().
size_t av_strlcpy(char *dst, const char *src, size_t size)
Copy the string src to dst, but no more than size - 1 bytes, and null-terminate dst.
Definition: avstring.c:82
static void update_external_clock_pts(VideoState *is, double pts)
Definition: ffplay.c:1169
static int opt_sync(void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
Definition: ffplay.c:3289
static void update_sample_display(VideoState *is, short *samples, int samples_size)
Definition: ffplay.c:2053
void av_rdft_calc(RDFTContext *s, FFTSample *data)
Filter the word “frame” indicates either a video frame or a group of audio as stored in an AVFilterBuffer structure Format for each input and each output the list of supported formats For video that means pixel format For audio that means channel sample they are references to shared objects When the negotiation mechanism computes the intersection of the formats supported at each end of a link
Definition: filter_design.txt:23
static int queue_picture(VideoState *is, AVFrame *src_frame, double pts, int64_t pos, int serial)
Definition: ffplay.c:1536
AVFrame * avcodec_alloc_frame(void)
Allocate an AVFrame and set its fields to default values.
Definition: libavcodec/utils.c:951
const char program_name[]
program name, defined by the program for show_version().
Definition: ffplay.c:62
int av_read_pause(AVFormatContext *s)
Pause a network-based stream (e.g.
Definition: libavformat/utils.c:3260
AVInputFormat * av_find_input_format(const char *short_name)
Find AVInputFormat based on the short name of the input format.
Definition: libavformat/utils.c:248
Definition: ffplay.c:99
int av_frame_get_channels(const AVFrame *frame)
int64_t av_frame_get_best_effort_timestamp(const AVFrame *frame)
Accessors for some AVFrame fields.
Search in possible children of the given object first.
Definition: opt.h:538
static int opt_width(void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
Definition: ffplay.c:3261
static void refresh_loop_wait_event(VideoState *is, SDL_Event *event)
Definition: ffplay.c:3085
struct SwrContext * swr_alloc_set_opts(struct SwrContext *s, int64_t out_ch_layout, enum AVSampleFormat out_sample_fmt, int out_sample_rate, int64_t in_ch_layout, enum AVSampleFormat in_sample_fmt, int in_sample_rate, int log_offset, void *log_ctx)
Allocate SwrContext if needed and set/reset common parameters.
Definition: swresample.c:186
enum AVSampleFormat av_get_packed_sample_fmt(enum AVSampleFormat sample_fmt)
Get the packed alternative form of the given sample format.
Definition: samplefmt.c:73
int avcodec_decode_audio4(AVCodecContext *avctx, AVFrame *frame, int *got_frame_ptr, const AVPacket *avpkt)
Decode the audio frame of size avpkt->size from avpkt->data into frame.
Definition: libavcodec/utils.c:2033
static void blend_subrect(AVPicture *dst, const AVSubtitleRect *rect, int imgw, int imgh)
Definition: ffplay.c:567
Definition: avfft.h:72
void av_rdft_end(RDFTContext *s)
static int audio_decode_frame(VideoState *is)
Decode one audio frame and return its uncompressed size.
Definition: ffplay.c:2121
Definition: avfilter.h:991
static void fill_border(int xleft, int ytop, int width, int height, int x, int y, int w, int h, int color, int update)
Definition: ffplay.c:503
const char * av_get_sample_fmt_name(enum AVSampleFormat sample_fmt)
Return the name of sample_fmt, or NULL if sample_fmt is not recognized.
Definition: samplefmt.c:47
AVFilterContext * filter_ctx
filter context associated to this input/output
Definition: avfilter.h:1128
int attribute_align_arg av_buffersink_get_frame_flags(AVFilterContext *ctx, AVFrame *frame, int flags)
Get a frame with filtered data from sink and put it in frame.
Definition: buffersink.c:126
The stream is stored in the file as an attached picture/"cover art" (e.g.
Definition: avformat.h:627
void show_help_default(const char *opt, const char *arg)
Per-fftool specific help handler.
Definition: ffplay.c:3415
int av_get_bytes_per_sample(enum AVSampleFormat sample_fmt)
Return number of bytes per sample.
Definition: samplefmt.c:104
void avcodec_flush_buffers(AVCodecContext *avctx)
Flush buffers, should be called when seeking or when switching to a different stream.
Definition: libavcodec/utils.c:2608
int format
format of the frame, -1 if unknown or unset Values correspond to enum AVPixelFormat for video frames...
Definition: frame.h:134
int av_opt_get_int(void *obj, const char *name, int search_flags, int64_t *out_val)
Definition: opt.c:687
int avformat_network_deinit(void)
Undo the initialization done by avformat_network_init.
Definition: libavformat/utils.c:4208
static int opt_duration(void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
Definition: ffplay.c:3310
1i.*Xphase exp()
int linesize[AV_NUM_DATA_POINTERS]
For video, size in bytes of each picture line.
Definition: frame.h:101
FFT functions.
AVCodec * avcodec_find_decoder(enum AVCodecID id)
Find a registered decoder with a matching codec ID.
Definition: libavcodec/utils.c:2397
av_cold void swr_free(SwrContext **ss)
Free the given SwrContext and set the pointer to NULL.
Definition: swresample.c:220
void avsubtitle_free(AVSubtitle *sub)
Free all allocated data in the given subtitle struct.
Definition: libavcodec/utils.c:2274
AVRational sample_aspect_ratio
Sample aspect ratio for the video frame, 0/1 if unknown/unspecified.
Definition: frame.h:154
int av_dict_set(AVDictionary **pm, const char *key, const char *value, int flags)
Set the given entry in *pm, overwriting an existing entry.
Definition: dict.c:62
int avfilter_graph_create_filter(AVFilterContext **filt_ctx, AVFilter *filt, const char *name, const char *args, void *opaque, AVFilterGraph *graph_ctx)
Create and add a filter instance into an existing graph.
Definition: avfiltergraph.c:112
static int video_open(VideoState *is, int force_set_video_mode, VideoPicture *vp)
Definition: ffplay.c:1045
void * av_malloc(size_t size)
Allocate a block of size bytes with alignment suitable for all memory accesses (including vectors if ...
Definition: mem.c:73
void avcodec_get_frame_defaults(AVFrame *frame)
Set the fields of the given AVFrame to default values.
Definition: libavcodec/utils.c:927
Definition: f_ebur128.c:90
static int get_video_frame(VideoState *is, AVFrame *frame, AVPacket *pkt, int *serial)
Definition: ffplay.c:1646
a generic parameter which can be set by the user for demuxing or decoding
Definition: opt.h:282
int64_t parse_time_or_die(const char *context, const char *timestr, int is_duration)
Parse a string specifying a time and return its corresponding value as a number of microseconds...
Definition: cmdutils.c:135
discard useless packets like 0 size packets in avi
Definition: libavcodec/avcodec.h:595
size_t av_strlcatf(char *dst, size_t size, const char *fmt,...)
Definition: avstring.c:100
static void check_external_clock_speed(VideoState *is)
Definition: ffplay.c:1188
Definition: ffplay.c:105
void av_frame_unref(AVFrame *frame)
Unreference all the buffers referenced by frame and reset the frame fields.
Definition: frame.c:330
int avcodec_open2(AVCodecContext *avctx, const AVCodec *codec, AVDictionary **options)
Initialize the AVCodecContext to use the given AVCodec.
Definition: libavcodec/utils.c:1034
Definition: ffplay.c:118
Filter the word “frame” indicates either a video frame or a group of audio as stored in an AVFilterBuffer structure Format for each input and each output the list of supported formats For video that means pixel format For audio that means channel sample they are references to shared objects When the negotiation mechanism computes the intersection of the formats supported at each end of a all references to both lists are replaced with a reference to the intersection And when a single format is eventually chosen for a link amongst the remaining all references to the list are updated That means that if a filter requires that its input and output have the same format amongst a supported all it has to do is use a reference to the same list of formats query_formats can leave some formats unset and return AVERROR(EAGAIN) to cause the negotiation mechanism toagain later.That can be used by filters with complex requirements to use the format negotiated on one link to set the formats supported on another.Buffer references ownership and permissions
misc parsing utilities
int av_read_frame(AVFormatContext *s, AVPacket *pkt)
Return the next frame of a stream.
Definition: libavformat/utils.c:1530
int avformat_seek_file(AVFormatContext *s, int stream_index, int64_t min_ts, int64_t ts, int64_t max_ts, int flags)
Seek to timestamp ts.
Definition: libavformat/utils.c:2146
AVFrame * av_frame_alloc(void)
Allocate an AVFrame and set its fields to default values.
Definition: frame.c:95
int64_t pkt_pts
PTS copied from the AVPacket that was decoded to produce this frame.
Definition: frame.h:164
double parse_number_or_die(const char *context, const char *numstr, int type, double min, double max)
Parse a string and return its corresponding value as a double.
Definition: cmdutils.c:114
static int stream_component_open(VideoState *is, int stream_index)
Definition: ffplay.c:2431
int av_buffersrc_add_frame(AVFilterContext *ctx, AVFrame *frame)
Add a frame to the buffer source.
Definition: buffersrc.c:87
static int opt_frame_size(void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
Definition: ffplay.c:3255
Definition: ffplay.c:135
AVCodec * avcodec_find_decoder_by_name(const char *name)
Find a registered decoder with the specified name.
Definition: libavcodec/utils.c:2402
int64_t start_time
Decoding: position of the first frame of the component, in AV_TIME_BASE fractional seconds...
Definition: avformat.h:1001
Definition: ffplay.c:144
static int synchronize_audio(VideoState *is, int nb_samples)
Definition: ffplay.c:2073
uint8_t max_lowres
maximum value for lowres supported by the decoder
Definition: libavcodec/avcodec.h:2879
int64_t pkt_dts
DTS copied from the AVPacket that triggered returning this frame.
Definition: frame.h:171
static int op(uint8_t **dst, const uint8_t *dst_end, GetByteContext *gb, int pixel, int count, int *x, int width, int linesize)
Perform decode operation.
Definition: libavcodec/anm.c:76
Main libavformat public API header.
void print_error(const char *filename, int err)
Print an error message to stderr, indicating filename and a human readable description of the error c...
Definition: cmdutils.c:982
static void check_external_clock_sync(VideoState *is, double pts)
Definition: ffplay.c:1176
planar YUV 4:2:0, 12bpp, (1 Cr & Cb sample per 2x2 Y samples)
Definition: pixfmt.h:68
AVFilterInOut * avfilter_inout_alloc(void)
Allocate a single AVFilterInOut entry.
Definition: graphparser.c:170
int avformat_find_stream_info(AVFormatContext *ic, AVDictionary **options)
Read packets of a media file to get stream information.
Definition: libavformat/utils.c:2748
int64_t start_time
Decoding: pts of the first frame of the stream in presentation order, in stream time base...
Definition: avformat.h:689
void av_frame_free(AVFrame **frame)
Free the frame and any dynamically allocated objects in it, e.g.
Definition: frame.c:108
static int opt_seek(void *optctx, const char *opt, const char *arg)
Definition: ffplay.c:3304
static void update_video_pts(VideoState *is, double pts, int64_t pos, int serial)
Definition: ffplay.c:1302
int workaround_bugs
Work around bugs in encoders which sometimes cannot be detected automatically.
Definition: libavcodec/avcodec.h:2374
struct MyAVPacketList MyAVPacketList
uint64_t channel_layout
channel layout of current buffer (see libavutil/channel_layout.h)
Definition: avfilter.h:573
void av_init_packet(AVPacket *pkt)
Initialize optional fields of a packet with default values.
Definition: avpacket.c:56
void uninit_opts(void)
Uninitialize the cmdutils option system, in particular free the *_opts contexts and their contents...
Definition: cmdutils.c:82
struct AVInputFormat * iformat
Can only be iformat or oformat, not both at the same time.
Definition: avformat.h:957
void avformat_close_input(AVFormatContext **s)
Close an opened input AVFormatContext.
Definition: libavformat/utils.c:3329
struct SwsContext * sws_getCachedContext(struct SwsContext *context, int srcW, int srcH, enum AVPixelFormat srcFormat, int dstW, int dstH, enum AVPixelFormat dstFormat, int flags, SwsFilter *srcFilter, SwsFilter *dstFilter, const double *param)
Check if context can be reused, otherwise reallocate a new one.
Definition: libswscale/utils.c:1927
printf("static const uint8_t my_array[100] = {\n")
int64_t av_frame_get_pkt_pos(const AVFrame *frame)
void show_help_children(const AVClass *class, int flags)
Show help for all options with given flags in class and all its children.
Definition: cmdutils.c:176
int bit_rate
Decoding: total stream bitrate in bit/s, 0 if not available.
Definition: avformat.h:1016
int64_t duration
Decoding: duration of the stream, in AV_TIME_BASE fractional seconds.
Definition: avformat.h:1009
Filter the word “frame” indicates either a video frame or a group of audio samples
Definition: filter_design.txt:2
int64_t pts_correction_num_faulty_pts
Current statistics for PTS correction.
Definition: libavcodec/avcodec.h:2809
void sws_freeContext(struct SwsContext *swsContext)
Free the swscaler context swsContext.
Definition: libswscale/utils.c:1860
Definition: avutil.h:143
uint8_t pi<< 24) CONV_FUNC_GROUP(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT, float, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8, uint8_t,(*(const uint8_t *) pi-0x80)*(1.0f/(1<< 7))) CONV_FUNC_GROUP(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBL, double, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8, uint8_t,(*(const uint8_t *) pi-0x80)*(1.0/(1<< 7))) CONV_FUNC_GROUP(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8, uint8_t, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, int16_t,(*(const int16_t *) pi >> 8)+0x80) CONV_FUNC_GROUP(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT, float, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, int16_t,*(const int16_t *) pi *(1.0f/(1<< 15))) CONV_FUNC_GROUP(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBL, double, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, int16_t,*(const int16_t *) pi *(1.0/(1<< 15))) CONV_FUNC_GROUP(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8, uint8_t, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32, int32_t,(*(const int32_t *) pi >> 24)+0x80) CONV_FUNC_GROUP(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT, float, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32, int32_t,*(const int32_t *) pi *(1.0f/(1U<< 31))) CONV_FUNC_GROUP(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBL, double, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32, int32_t,*(const int32_t *) pi *(1.0/(1U<< 31))) CONV_FUNC_GROUP(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8, uint8_t, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT, float, av_clip_uint8(lrintf(*(const float *) pi *(1<< 7))+0x80)) CONV_FUNC_GROUP(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, int16_t, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT, float, av_clip_int16(lrintf(*(const float *) pi *(1<< 15)))) CONV_FUNC_GROUP(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32, int32_t, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_FLT, float, av_clipl_int32(llrintf(*(const float *) pi *(1U<< 31)))) CONV_FUNC_GROUP(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_U8, uint8_t, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBL, double, av_clip_uint8(lrint(*(const double *) pi *(1<< 7))+0x80)) CONV_FUNC_GROUP(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16, int16_t, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBL, double, av_clip_int16(lrint(*(const double *) pi *(1<< 15)))) CONV_FUNC_GROUP(AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S32, int32_t, AV_SAMPLE_FMT_DBL, double, av_clipl_int32(llrint(*(const double *) pi *(1U<< 31))))#define SET_CONV_FUNC_GROUP(ofmt, ifmt) static void set_generic_function(AudioConvert *ac){}void ff_audio_convert_free(AudioConvert **ac){if(!*ac) return;ff_dither_free(&(*ac) ->dc);av_freep(ac);}AudioConvert *ff_audio_convert_alloc(AVAudioResampleContext *avr, enum AVSampleFormat out_fmt, enum AVSampleFormat in_fmt, int channels, int sample_rate, int apply_map){AudioConvert *ac;int in_planar, out_planar;ac=av_mallocz(sizeof(*ac));if(!ac) return NULL;ac->avr=avr;ac->out_fmt=out_fmt;ac->in_fmt=in_fmt;ac->channels=channels;ac->apply_map=apply_map;if(avr->dither_method!=AV_RESAMPLE_DITHER_NONE &&av_get_packed_sample_fmt(out_fmt)==AV_SAMPLE_FMT_S16 &&av_get_bytes_per_sample(in_fmt) > 2){ac->dc=ff_dither_alloc(avr, out_fmt, in_fmt, channels, sample_rate, apply_map);if(!ac->dc){av_free(ac);return NULL;}return ac;}in_planar=av_sample_fmt_is_planar(in_fmt);out_planar=av_sample_fmt_is_planar(out_fmt);if(in_planar==out_planar){ac->func_type=CONV_FUNC_TYPE_FLAT;ac->planes=in_planar?ac->channels:1;}else if(in_planar) ac->func_type=CONV_FUNC_TYPE_INTERLEAVE;else ac->func_type=CONV_FUNC_TYPE_DEINTERLEAVE;set_generic_function(ac);if(ARCH_ARM) ff_audio_convert_init_arm(ac);if(ARCH_X86) ff_audio_convert_init_x86(ac);return ac;}int ff_audio_convert(AudioConvert *ac, AudioData *out, AudioData *in){int use_generic=1;int len=in->nb_samples;int p;if(ac->dc){av_dlog(ac->avr,"%d samples - audio_convert: %s to %s (dithered)\n", len, av_get_sample_fmt_name(ac->in_fmt), av_get_sample_fmt_name(ac->out_fmt));return ff_convert_dither(ac-> out
Definition: audio_convert.c:194
const char * av_get_pix_fmt_name(enum AVPixelFormat pix_fmt)
Return the short name for a pixel format, NULL in case pix_fmt is unknown.
Definition: pixdesc.c:1700
AVRational time_base
This is the fundamental unit of time (in seconds) in terms of which frame timestamps are represented...
Definition: avformat.h:679
AVFilter * avfilter_get_by_name(const char *name)
Get a filter definition matching the given name.
Definition: avfilter.c:391
Definition: swscale_internal.h:259
Definition: avutil.h:146
enum AVDiscard discard
Selects which packets can be discarded at will and do not need to be demuxed.
Definition: avformat.h:702
Definition: libavcodec/avcodec.h:3076
void av_register_all(void)
Initialize libavformat and register all the muxers, demuxers and protocols.
Definition: allformats.c:52
these buffered frames must be flushed immediately if a new input produces new the filter must not call request_frame to get more It must just process the frame or queue it The task of requesting more frames is left to the filter s request_frame method or the application If a filter has several inputs
Definition: filter_design.txt:216
static void sdl_audio_callback(void *opaque, Uint8 *stream, int len)
Definition: ffplay.c:2336
int64_t pts
Presentation timestamp in AVStream->time_base units; the time at which the decompressed packet will b...
Definition: libavcodec/avcodec.h:1044
AVPacket attached_pic
For streams with AV_DISPOSITION_ATTACHED_PIC disposition, this packet will contain the attached pictu...
Definition: avformat.h:725
const AVClass * sws_get_class(void)
Get the AVClass for swsContext.
Definition: libswscale/options.c:78
av_cold int swr_init(struct SwrContext *s)
Initialize context after user parameters have been set.
Definition: swresample.c:242
void av_get_channel_layout_string(char *buf, int buf_size, int nb_channels, uint64_t channel_layout)
Return a description of a channel layout.
Definition: channel_layout.c:182
int avfilter_graph_parse(AVFilterGraph *graph, const char *filters, AVFilterInOut **inputs, AVFilterInOut **outputs, void *log_ctx)
Add a graph described by a string to a graph.
Definition: graphparser.c:447
int64_t av_get_default_channel_layout(int nb_channels)
Return default channel layout for a given number of channels.
Definition: channel_layout.c:196
Generated on Sun Mar 23 2025 06:53:05 for FFmpeg by