All Projects

NameTagsManaged byCreated onUpdated on
A java program for running behavioural studies of music perception.
java, midi, psychology, perceptionMarcus Pearce2011-11-142013-07-16
The Calcium Signal Analyser is a Vamp plugin for the detection and characterization of transients in noisy signals. It is adapted for the analysis of calcium signals measured on zebrafish living embryos using confocal microscopy ...
c++, vamp, plugin, fish, bioacoustics, calciumMathieu Barthet2010-11-042013-06-21
csv2wav is a simple standalone application to convert CSV text data into a WAV file. The data are automatically rescaled according to the specifications of the WAV format and can also be resampled.
Mathieu Barthet2011-06-202011-06-22
This is the Python implementation of chirplet sound analysis by heterodyning, as described in the following publication:
spectrogram, birdsong, chirpletDan Stowell2013-05-142013-05-14
Daniel Wolff2016-08-192016-08-19
Example code based on Software Carpentry's existing workshop material.
Chris Cannam, Luis Figueira, Steve Welburn2013-02-112013-02-11
Alo Allik, Gyorgy Fazekas2013-02-252013-12-18
Matthias Mauch's collection of research ideas for students, or future collaborators.
Matthias Mauch2012-07-032012-07-03
Umbrella project for managing SoundSoftware activities.
soundsoftwareChris Cannam, Luis Figueira, Mark Plumbley, Simon Dixon, Steve Welburn2012-10-032012-10-03
Developing a Reproducible Research repository to contain associations of experimental results with external code and data.
soundsoftware, website, rrrCarl Bussey, Chris Cannam, Daniele Barchiesi, Luis Figueira, Mark Plumbley, Steve Welburn, Tim Kay2012-09-192013-11-12
A project for managing technical aspects of the code project site -- that is, this site.
ruby on rails, redmine, soundsoftwareChris Cannam, Luis Figueira, Mark Plumbley, Steve Welburn2010-07-232012-10-03
The theme used by our Drupal site.
soundsoftware, drupalChris Cannam, Luis Figueira2011-06-232012-10-26
Paper submitted to ICASSP 2012
paper, latex, icassp, soundsoftwareChris Cannam, Luis Figueira2011-09-202012-03-29
soundsoftware, tutorials, workshopsChris Cannam, Luis Figueira, Steve Welburn2013-02-052013-02-05
Material from our Tutorial at the Audio Engineering Society 53rd Conference on Semantic Audio, London, January 2014.
soundsoftware, aesChris Cannam2014-01-262014-01-26
Material for the SoundSoftware / Software Carpentry York 2012 bootcamp Day 3, on audio and music software development. Includes Python example code mirrored from the Codasign repository.
python, soundsoftware, codasign, software carpentryAdam Stark, Becky Stewart, Chris Cannam, Greg Wilson, Luis Figueira, Mark Plumbley, Steve Welburn2012-08-142012-10-03
Proposal and materials for tutorials to be presented at ISMIR 2012 and DAFx 2012.
soundsoftwareChris Cannam, Luis Figueira, Mark Plumbley, Simon Dixon, Steve Welburn2012-03-082013-02-05
Code written during the "live" test-driven development session of our ISMIR 2012 tutorial, "Reusable software and reproducibility in music informatics research".
python, soundsoftwareChris Cannam2012-10-082012-12-07
A pre-prepared repository containing some basic test files and code, made for use during the SoundSoftware ISMIR 2012 tutorial.
python, soundsoftwareChris Cannam, Luis Figueira, Steve Welburn2012-10-032013-02-05
SoundSoftware-organised Software Carpentry workshops material for QM C4DM and MAT
python, soundsoftware, software carpentry, workshopBogdan Vera, Chris Cannam, Christian Heinrichs, Luis Figueira, Marcus Pearce, Mi Tian, Steve Welburn2013-02-052015-03-25
Introduction to Audio processing using Python.
Chris Cannam, Luis Figueira, Steve Welburn2013-02-112013-02-11
Example code based on Software Carpentry's existing workshop material.
Chris Cannam, Luis Figueira, Steve Welburn2013-02-112013-02-11
Interactive Music Application Format (IM AF) Online Player (JavaScript).
imaf, mpeg, javascript, online, player, imaGiacomo Herrero, Panos Kudumakis2013-08-192015-07-28
The multichannel audio source separation evaluation framework is designed to facilitate the development and evaluation of audio source separation algorithms. The framework generates the mixture(s), provides the mixture(s) to the separation algorithm(s) ...
matlab, evaluation, bssChristopher Hummersone2017-03-042017-03-04
Midi IO for SWI Prolog on Mac OS X
midi, prologSamer Abdallah2012-01-102012-01-10
Source code for sonic zoom on iOS. Includes subproject of associated event logging server.
Robert Tubb2012-11-192013-02-28
SoundSoftware-organised Software Carpentry workshops material for QM C4DM and MAT
python, soundsoftware, software carpentry, workshopBogdan Vera, Chris Cannam, Christian Heinrichs, Luis Figueira, Marcus Pearce, Mi Tian, Steve Welburn2013-02-052015-03-25
Introduction to Audio processing using Python.
Chris Cannam, Luis Figueira, Steve Welburn2013-02-112013-02-11
Example code based on Software Carpentry's existing workshop material.
Chris Cannam, Luis Figueira, Steve Welburn2013-02-112013-02-11
Bulk uploader using the SWORDv2 protocol. This is a python script making use of the SWORDv2 python modules (with modifications) available here:
data management, pythonChris Cannam, Marco Fabiani, Steve Welburn2012-03-272012-05-25
Material from our Tutorial at the Audio Engineering Society 53rd Conference on Semantic Audio, London, January 2014.
soundsoftware, aesChris Cannam2014-01-262014-01-26
Code for my listening test inteface
David Ronan2017-07-072017-07-07
Code and annotated data accompanying the paper "Analysis of Intonation Trajectories in Solo Singing" by Dai, Mauch, Dixon.
intonation, singingJiajie Dai, Matthias Mauch, Simon Dixon2015-07-142015-07-18
This automatic music transcription method takes as input a .wav recording of instrumental or vocal Turkish makam music with its corresponding makam and returns a list of detected notes (onset, duration ...
transcription, multi-pitch, automatic music transcription, computational ethnomusicologyAndre Holzapfel, Emmanouil Benetos2015-08-132015-08-13
*The main page of this project is now at (git repository, wiki documentation and public issue tracker). This page still contains an up to date Mercurial repository ...
javascript, HTML5, WebAudioBrecht De Man, Dave Moffat, josh reiss, Nicholas Jillings, Ryan Stables2015-02-202016-08-11
The Mobile Audio Ontology investigates the ways in which music can be experienced on mobile devices. It allows a definition a multiplicity of mappings between the available controls on mobile devices and parameters of the music itself ...
music, ontology, mobileAlfonso Perez, Florian Thalmann, Gyorgy Fazekas2015-06-242015-06-26
Arrow-inspired embedded dataflow language for Prolog.
prolog, arrowsSamer Abdallah2012-01-202012-01-20
Standard MIDI file input for SWI Prolog.
midi, prologSamer Abdallah2012-01-172012-01-17
GM-PHD (Gaussian mixture probability hypothesis density) filter, implemented in Python.
python, statistical models, trackingDan Stowell2012-05-152012-05-15
The source modelling toolbox is a set of MATLAB function for the design of FDTD acoustic sources. It is associated with the following paper:
acoustics, fdtd, source-model, room-acoustics, excitation, simulationJonathan Sheaffer2013-06-222013-06-22
Site content for, hosted by C4DM
Chris Cannam2017-10-132017-10-13
Code provided for the publication: F. Rodríguez-Algarra and B. L. Sturm, "Re-Evaluating the Scattering Transform", in Proc. 16th International Society of Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR'15) ...
evaluation, DSS, ISMIR2015, Scattering, ScatNet, GTZANBob Sturm, Francisco Rodriguez-Algarra2015-10-202015-10-20
MATLAB code implementing a source-filter model based on the beta-divergence. Details about the method can be found a supplementary technical report (see 'Publications' tab).
source-filter model, instrument model, icassp 2013Holger Kirchhoff2012-11-202012-11-29
This PUBLIC subproject contains files to be included in the VirtualBox image
Dan Stowell2013-01-112013-01-11
Small program to check whether a named set of plugin libraries (typically Vamp plugins, but also LADSPA or DSSI) can be loaded.
Chris Cannam2016-04-062017-01-09
Experimental azimuth-based stereo plan plugin
Chris Cannam2014-07-252019-05-08
Sparse Representation and Dictionary Learning evaluation toolbox
matlab, toolbox, sparse, smallboxChris Cannam, Daniele Barchiesi, Luis Figueira, Maria Jafari2011-03-232011-04-11
Journal paper about incoherent dictionary learning using iterative projections and rotations
smallboxDaniele Barchiesi, Luis Figueira2011-11-102012-02-07
A pre-prepared repository containing some basic test files and code, made for use during the SoundSoftware ISMIR 2012 tutorial.
python, soundsoftwareChris Cannam, Luis Figueira, Steve Welburn2012-10-032013-02-05
A Juce-based plugin that allows to send and receive audio and sensor data over a UDP connection. Designed as a complement to the Scope project in BeagleRT
Andrew McPherson, Giulio Moro2015-06-082017-05-04
A VST plugin + BeagleRT module to (try to) achieve media clock synchronization between a host and a BBB. Useful in combination with the UdpIoPlugin, which sends audio and sensor data over the network. ...
Andrew McPherson, Giulio Moro2015-09-082015-09-08
A screen based UI for the information dynamics engine.
Henrik Ekeus, Samer Abdallah2012-01-232012-01-23
Useful classes to perform ringbuffering of audio
Andrew Robertson2014-08-142014-08-14
A collection of models for auditory processing
auditoryNick Clark, Roy Patterson, Stefan Bleeck, Thomas Walters2011-05-202013-06-21
The auditory image model is intended to simulate all of the auditory processing required to convert a sound into your initial perception of that sound, that is, your auditory image of the sound.
auditoryEtienne Gaudrain, Roy Patterson, Stefan Bleeck, Thomas Walters2011-01-262013-06-21
The Auditory Image Model in C++. AIM-Cis a real time version of the auditory image model written in C that is suitable for batch processing of sound databases. The AIM-MAT tutorial ...
c++, auditoryRoy Patterson, Thomas Walters2010-12-212013-06-21
AIM-MAT is the implementation of the auditory image model in MATLAB. It has a GUI that allows you to investigate auditory processing stage by stage. There is a tutorial ...
Etienne Gaudrain, Roy Patterson, Stefan Bleeck, Thomas Walters2011-05-202011-07-02
UNMAINTAINED version of the auditory image model from 1992.
Roy Patterson, Thomas Walters2011-05-202011-05-20
MATLAB model of the auditory periphery
Nick Clark, Stefan Bleeck, Thomas Walters2011-05-202011-05-20
In auditory signal processing research, we are often interested in algorithms that modify audible sounds, for example to increase speech intelligibility. Oftentimes, it is interesting and sufficient in an experiment to process such sounds offline and play them back to participants at a later stage ...
matlab, real-time, simulinkStefan Bleeck2015-12-212015-12-21
Simple Object-oriented Model of Audition
Nick Clark2011-05-262011-05-30
Di Sheng2017-09-212017-09-21
This code performs automatic music transcription of both pitched and unpitched sounds. The present demo includes a .wav file ("Take Five") as an example taken from the TRIOS dataset. It also includes sets of instrument templates computed using recordings from the RWC database ...
transcription, automatic music transcription, drum transcription, polyphonic music transcriptionEmmanouil Benetos2014-02-212015-08-13
Singing with other singers is a common scene in practical performance and it is very hard to keep in tune. The aim of this research is to find an evidence of the interaction in SATB ensemble which makes a comparison of intonation accuracy of individual singers and collaborative ensembles ...
Jiajie Dai, Simon Dixon2017-04-202019-01-09
A program that listens to live audio, runs one or more Vamp audio feature extraction plugins on that incoming audio, and causes a configurable set of events to occur in close to real-time based on the features extracted from it ...
alpha, vamp, liveChris Cannam2013-12-032013-12-03
Advanced Musical Score Encoding
lisp, music representationMarcus Pearce2012-02-062012-02-13
Advanced Musical Score Encoding
lisp, music representationJamie Forth, Marcus Pearce2012-02-022013-04-13
Mathematical Investigation of Pitch Systems
lisp, music representationMarcus Pearce2012-02-022012-02-07
A set of LADSPA plugins and a C++ library for preprocessing audio in various simple ways that may be useful prior to feature estimation.
c++, plugin, ladspa, envelope, dynamics, preprocess, whiten, denoiseChris Cannam2015-01-062015-04-28
python, tracking, markov, polyphonic, multisourceDan Stowell2013-06-072013-06-07
Matthias Mauch2015-01-092015-01-09
Dave Moffat2017-12-072017-12-07
These are some Matlab tools for statistical signal processing and other general things.
matlabSamer Abdallah2012-12-192013-06-21
A MATLAB reference implementation of a computationally efficient method for computing the constant-Q transform (CQT) of a time-domain signal.
matlab, constantq, cqtAnssi Klapuri, Chris Cannam2013-05-172013-05-17
Bibtex documents listing C4DM publications.
bibtex, c4dm, publicationsChris Cannam, Dan Stowell, Magdalena Chudy, Mark Plumbley2012-07-262012-07-26
Vamp plugin builds submitted to the MIREX evaluation in 2013 and subsequent years.
evaluation, mirexChris Cannam, Luis Figueira, Matthias Mauch, Siddharth Sigtia2013-08-132014-09-03
csv2wav is a simple standalone application to convert CSV text data into a WAV file. The data are automatically rescaled according to the specifications of the WAV format and can also be resampled.
Mathieu Barthet2011-06-202011-06-22
This code performs automatic music transcription for multiple-instrument music (supporting Western orchestral instruments) using the temporally-constrained model of the below publication. The output is a non ...
Emmanouil Benetos, Tillman Weyde2015-06-232015-06-23
We propose a method to effectively embed general objects, like audio samples, into a vectorial feature space, suitable for classification problems. From the practical point of view, the researcher adopting the proposed method is just required to provide two ingredients ...
Dan Stowell, Emmanouil Benetos, Mark Plumbley2013-10-112013-10-11
A VST plugin to decode a first order Ambisonics signal (e.g. SoundField type microphone) to virtual microphone's over 2.0, 2.1, 4.0, 5.0 and 5.1 speaker layouts.
Martin James Morrell2012-08-142013-12-16
Open perceptual evaluation toolbox. See [1] for more information, and please refer to it if you use this toolbox in your work.
matlab, perception, listeningtest, perceptual, listeningBrecht De Man2014-03-202014-03-20
This is the code repository for the Beatles chord transcriptions and associated chord tools created by Chris Harte as part of his PhD research.
chords, chord, transcriptions, human, annotations, beatlesChristopher Harte2012-01-122013-06-21
A Vamp plugin implementation of Dan Stowell's OnsetsDS onset detector.
Chris Cannam, Dan Stowell2012-07-042012-07-11
Andrew Robertson2013-05-132013-05-13
This is a self contained but overly simplistic demo to show how to create a web based app or service using the cherrypy library in Python.
web service python cherrypyGyorgy Fazekas2012-11-222012-11-22
Kinect multiple user tracker for Melody Triangle
Henrik Ekeus, Samer Abdallah2012-02-242012-02-24
Two methods of Frequency Domain CrossTalk Resistant Noise Cancellation are developed into vst plugins: iterative FDCTRANC and selective FDCTRANC
Yilin Zheng2013-08-132013-08-13
Gyorgy Fazekas, Mathieu Barthet, Matthias Georgi2012-06-162017-12-24
Loads a multichannel audio file. Processes for chromagram and aubio onset function. Allows playback of the file and display of up to sample level information. Made in openFrameworks
Andrew Robertson2011-08-302011-08-30
An experimental application for comparative visualisation of structural segmentations of music audio. Requires the SV Libraries code. Not in a useful state.
experimentalChris Cannam2010-07-232010-07-26
Yannick JACOB2013-09-032013-09-03
Alignment between multitrack rehearsal and live rendition
Andrew Robertson2012-01-272012-01-27
AIM-MAT is the implementation of the auditory image model in MATLAB. It has a GUI that allows you to investigate auditory processing stage by stage. There is a tutorial ...
Etienne Gaudrain, Roy Patterson, Stefan Bleeck, Thomas Walters2011-05-202011-07-02
A test plugin for use by developers working on Vamp plugin hosts.
c++, vamp, plugin, sdk, testChris Cannam, Luis Figueira2013-03-212013-04-30
Mathematical Investigation of Pitch Systems
lisp, music representationMarcus Pearce2012-02-022012-02-07
A C++ library and Vamp plugin implementing the Constant-Q transform of a time-domain signal.
c++, vamp, bsd, constantq, cqtAnssi Klapuri, Chris Cannam, Emmanouil Benetos, Luis Figueira2013-05-172014-07-18
ISWC 2016 Paper about MusicWeb
ISWC2016, musicwebGyorgy Fazekas2016-04-182018-06-06
Tony is a software program for high quality scientific pitch and note transcription in three steps: automatic visualisation/sonification, easy correction, and export.
pitch track, note track, intonation, transcription, annotationChris Cannam, Gyorgy Fazekas, Justin Salamon, Matthias Mauch, Rachel Bittner2012-05-252015-04-24
Learning Similarity with RBM Features + Updated CAMIR Code
Daniel Wolff2015-02-102016-08-19
Matthias Mauch2014-10-312014-10-31
Maria Panteli2016-05-192016-08-02
Andrew McPherson, Giulio Moro2014-10-312016-06-25
A Juce-based plugin that allows to send and receive audio and sensor data over a UDP connection. Designed as a complement to the Scope project in BeagleRT
Andrew McPherson, Giulio Moro2015-06-082017-05-04
A VST plugin + BeagleRT module to (try to) achieve media clock synchronization between a host and a BBB. Useful in combination with the UdpIoPlugin, which sends audio and sensor data over the network. ...
Andrew McPherson, Giulio Moro2015-09-082015-09-08
pYIN (Probabilistic YIN) is a modification of the well-loved YIN algorithm for fundamental frequency (F0) estimation in monophonic audio. This plugin's main features are
c++, vamp, pitch track, note track, yinChris Cannam, Matthias Mauch, Simon Dixon2013-11-042015-04-23
A variation of the Accessible Peak Meter that always sends the sonification to the default sound card.
Fiore Martin, Nick Bryan-Kinns2015-06-092015-06-09
A simple example of an autoencoder set up for spectrograms, with two convolutional layers - thought of as one "encoding" layer and one "decoding" layer.
python, birdsong, theano, lasagne, autoencoderDan Stowell2016-01-082016-01-08
A Python module and native-code extension permitting Python programs to load and run Vamp plugins.
c++, vamp, bsd, pythonChris Cannam, Gyorgy Fazekas2012-10-222015-06-24
A simple tool to align different recordings of the same sound scene (e.g. a concert) based on an iteratively refining Hough transform. Compared to dynamic time warping, the method can deal with arbitrary start and end positions ...
Florian Thalmann, Sebastian Ewert2016-10-032016-10-03
The Shared Open Vocabulary for Audio Research and Retrieval project
Alo Allik, Gyorgy Fazekas2012-11-092013-12-18
Alo Allik, Gyorgy Fazekas2013-02-252013-12-18
This project aims to create a revised version of the audio features (AF) ontology that betters serves the need of specific use cases, including multitrack content analysis, harmonized with audio effects ontologies ...
Alo Allik, Gyorgy Fazekas, Simon Dixon, Steven Hargreaves, Thomas Wilmering2012-01-252013-03-16
The theme used by our Drupal site.
soundsoftware, drupalChris Cannam, Luis Figueira2011-06-232012-10-26
The audio application framework used by Sonic Visualiser, initially developed as part of the SV application and subsequently spun out into independent libraries.
c++, stable, qt, libraryChris Cannam2010-07-232014-09-11
Document class and base class for main window instance for applications that "resemble Sonic Visualiser", with the same pane and layer structure but not necessarily the same user functions.
Chris Cannam2010-07-232010-07-26
Core application library from the Sonic Visualiser project, also used by GUI-less applications such as Sonic Annotator. Includes audio file wrappers and other file format support, data models, basic utility functions ...
Chris Cannam, Lucas Thompson2010-07-232010-07-26
Implementations of the layer and view abstractions from Sonic Visualiser, as well as any additional Qt widgets used by SV.
Chris Cannam2010-07-232010-07-26
RDF documents describing known Vamp plugins (from anywhere). If you've written a plugin and want to publish it, get in touch and find out how to add a description to this set.
Chris Cannam2014-03-252014-06-26
arc regression
Dan Stowell2012-01-122012-01-21
This project is where we perform subgrouping on sound effects
matlab, grouping, paper, SFX, samplesDave Moffat, David Ronan2016-04-082017-09-03
Nick Clark2013-01-172013-01-17
Quick evaluation of some DSP jobs in Javascript (first up: the FFT).
dsp, javascript, fftChris Cannam2015-10-072015-10-07
Common code for emotion detection.
v0.0Dawn Black2012-04-272012-04-27
Evaluation methods for audio beat tracking algorithms
beat track, matlab, beat, evaluationMatthew Davies2010-12-142013-06-21
Audio examples and source code to recreate the figures and results from the paper:
Matthew Davies, Norberto Degara2010-12-142011-03-21
Presentation for the MIR-AMT tutorial at the UFRGS Computer Music workshop
Emmanouil Benetos2017-08-132017-08-13
A tool for compiling and rendering an inter-predicate call graph as a PDF using Graphviz.
Samer Abdallah2014-03-232014-03-23
An implementation of several cognitive models of melodic grouping perception.
psychology, lisp, music representation, perception, groupingMarcus Pearce2012-02-022012-02-07
Vamp plugins providing methods from Paul Brossier's Aubio library.
c++, beat track, vamp, feature extraction, pitch track, aubio, onsetsChris Cannam, Paul Brossier2012-07-042015-02-02
Gyorgy Fazekas, Mi Tian2014-02-012017-12-31
Implementation of a time domain probabilistic concatenative synthesis.
music, synthesis, soundsynthesis, concatenative, knn, resynthesisDave Moffat2016-07-212018-04-18
Meta-project for running automated build-and-test cycles of known Vamp plugins.
vamp, test, buildChris Cannam, Christopher Harte2014-07-142016-05-18
Precise Onset Detection - does peak picking and gives precise location of onset in a frame of audio. Written as opeFrameworks project using Accelerate framework for FFT
Andrew Robertson2012-09-212012-09-21
Simple Object-oriented Model of Audition
Nick Clark2011-05-262011-05-30

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