Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CAudioDialAudioDial is a nicer-looking QDial that by default reacts to mouse movement on horizontal and vertical axes instead of in a radial motion
 CColour3DPlotLayerThis is a view that displays dense 3-D data (time, some sort of binned y-axis range, value) as a colour plot with value mapped to colour range
 CColourComboBoxColour-picker combo box with swatches, optionally including "Add New Colour..." entry to invoke a QColorDialog/ColourNameDialog
 CColourMapComboBoxColour map picker combo box with optional swatches
 CColourMapperA class for mapping intensity values onto various colour maps
 CColourScaleMap values within a range onto a set of colours, with a given distribution (linear, log etc) and optional colourmap rotation
 CColourScaleLayerInterface for layers in which a colour scale represents (or can sometimes represent, depending on the display mode) the sample value
 CCommandHistoryStores a list of executed commands and maintains Undo and Redo actions synchronised with those commands
 CFaderHorizontal audio fader and meter widget
 CHorizontalScaleProviderInterface to be implemented by objects, such as layers or objects they delegate to, in which the X axis corresponds to frequency
 CLayerThe base class for visual representations of the data found in a Model
 CLayerGeometryProviderInterface for classes that provide geometry information (such as size, start frame, and a large number of other properties) about the disposition of a layer
 CLevelPanWidgetA simple widget for coarse level and pan control
 CListInputDialogLike QInputDialog::getItem(), except that it offers the items as a set of radio buttons instead of in a single combo box
 CNoteLayerLayer for displaying and editing notes, i.e
 CNotifyingCheckBoxVery trivial enhancement to QCheckBox to make it emit signals when the mouse enters and leaves (for context help)
 CNotifyingComboBoxVery trivial enhancement to QComboBox to make it emit signals when the mouse enters and leaves (for context help)
 CNotifyingPushButtonVery trivial enhancement to QPushButton to make it emit signals when the mouse enters and leaves (for context help)
 CNotifyingToolButtonVery trivial enhancement to QToolButton to make it emit signals when the mouse enters and leaves (for context help)
 CPluginParameterDialogA dialog for editing the parameters of a given plugin, using a PluginParameterBox
 CScrollableImageCacheA cached image for a view that scrolls horizontally, such as a spectrogram
 CScrollableMagRangeCacheA cached set of magnitude range records for a view that scrolls horizontally, such as a spectrogram
 CSliceableLayerBase class for layers that can be sliced, that is, that contain models appropriate for use in a SliceLayer
 CSpectrogramLayerSpectrogramLayer represents waveform data (obtained from a DenseTimeValueModel) in spectrogram form
 CSubdividingMenuA menu that divides its entries into submenus, alphabetically
 CVerticalBinLayerInterface for layers in which the Y axis corresponds to bin number rather than scale value
 CVerticalScaleLayerInterface for layers in which the Y axis represents (or can sometimes represent, depending on the display mode) the sample value
 CViewView is the base class of widgets that display one or more overlaid views of data against a horizontal time scale
 CViewManagerThe ViewManager manages properties that may need to be synchronised between separate Views
 CWheelCounterManage the little bit of tedious book-keeping associated with translating vertical wheel events into up/down notch counts