#include <Pane.h>

Inheritance diagram for Pane:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for Pane:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

enum  PaneType { Normal = 0, TonyMain = 1, TonySelection = 2 }
typedef PropertyContainer::PropertyName PropertyName
typedef std::set< ModelId > ModelSet

Public Slots

virtual void toolModeChanged () override
virtual void zoomWheelsEnabledChanged () override
virtual void viewZoomLevelChanged (View *, ZoomLevel, bool locked) override
virtual void modelAlignmentCompletionChanged (ModelId) override
void horizontalThumbwheelMoved (int value)
void verticalThumbwheelMoved (int value)
void verticalZoomChanged ()
void verticalPannerMoved (float x, float y, float w, float h)
void verticalPannerContextMenuRequested (const QPoint &)
void editVerticalPannerExtents ()
void resetVerticalPannerExtents ()
virtual void layerParametersChanged () override
virtual void propertyContainerSelected (View *, PropertyContainer *pc) override
void zoomToRegion (QRect r)
void mouseEnteredWidget ()
void mouseLeftWidget ()
virtual void modelChanged (ModelId)
virtual void modelChangedWithin (ModelId, sv_frame_t startFrame, sv_frame_t endFrame)
virtual void modelCompletionChanged (ModelId)
virtual void modelReplaced ()
virtual void layerParameterRangesChanged ()
virtual void layerMeasurementRectsChanged ()
virtual void layerNameChanged ()
virtual void globalCentreFrameChanged (sv_frame_t)
virtual void viewCentreFrameChanged (View *, sv_frame_t)
virtual void viewManagerPlaybackFrameChanged (sv_frame_t)
virtual void selectionChanged ()
virtual void overlayModeChanged ()
virtual void cancelClicked ()
virtual void progressCheckStalledTimerElapsed ()


void paneInteractedWith ()
void rightButtonMenuRequested (QPoint position)
void dropAccepted (QStringList uriList)
void dropAccepted (QString text)
void doubleClickSelectInvoked (sv_frame_t frame)
void regionOutlined (QRect rect)
void propertyContainerAdded (PropertyContainer *pc)
void propertyContainerRemoved (PropertyContainer *pc)
void propertyContainerPropertyChanged (PropertyContainer *pc)
void propertyContainerPropertyRangeChanged (PropertyContainer *pc)
void propertyContainerNameChanged (PropertyContainer *pc)
void propertyContainerSelected (PropertyContainer *pc)
void propertyChanged (PropertyContainer::PropertyName)
void layerModelChanged ()
void cancelButtonPressed (Layer *)
void centreFrameChanged (sv_frame_t frame, bool globalScroll, PlaybackFollowMode followMode)
void zoomLevelChanged (ZoomLevel level, bool locked)
void contextHelpChanged (const QString &)

Public Member Functions

 Pane (QWidget *parent=0)
virtual ~Pane ()
virtual QString getPropertyContainerIconName () const override
virtual bool shouldIlluminateLocalFeatures (const Layer *layer, QPoint &pos) const override
virtual bool shouldIlluminateLocalSelection (QPoint &pos, bool &closeToLeft, bool &closeToRight) const override
void setCentreLineVisible (bool visible)
bool getCentreLineVisible () const
virtual sv_frame_t getFirstVisibleFrame () const override
int getVerticalScaleWidth () const
virtual QImage * renderToNewImage () override
 Render the view contents to a new QImage (which may be wider than the visible View). More...
virtual QImage * renderPartToNewImage (sv_frame_t f0, sv_frame_t f1) override
 Render the view contents between the given frame extents to a new QImage (which may be wider than the visible View). More...
virtual QSize getRenderedImageSize () override
 Calculate and return the size of image that will be generated by renderToNewImage(). More...
virtual QSize getRenderedPartImageSize (sv_frame_t f0, sv_frame_t f1) override
 Calculate and return the size of image that will be generated by renderPartToNewImage(f0, f1). More...
virtual void toXml (QTextStream &stream, QString indent="", QString extraAttributes="") const override
int getId () const override
 Retrieve the id of this object. More...
sv_frame_t getStartFrame () const override
 Retrieve the first visible sample frame on the widget. More...
void setStartFrame (sv_frame_t)
 Set the widget pan based on the given first visible frame. More...
sv_frame_t getCentreFrame () const override
 Return the centre frame of the visible widget. More...
void setCentreFrame (sv_frame_t f)
 Set the centre frame of the visible widget. More...
sv_frame_t getEndFrame () const override
 Retrieve the last visible sample frame on the widget. More...
int getXForFrame (sv_frame_t frame) const override
 Return the pixel x-coordinate corresponding to a given sample frame. More...
sv_frame_t getFrameForX (int x) const override
 Return the closest frame to the given pixel x-coordinate. More...
int getXForViewX (int viewx) const override
 Return the closest pixel x-coordinate corresponding to a given view x-coordinate. More...
int getViewXForX (int x) const override
 Return the closest view x-coordinate corresponding to a given pixel x-coordinate. More...
double getYForFrequency (double frequency, double minFreq, double maxFreq, bool logarithmic) const override
 Return the pixel y-coordinate corresponding to a given frequency, if the frequency range is as specified. More...
double getFrequencyForY (double y, double minFreq, double maxFreq, bool logarithmic) const override
 Return the closest frequency to the given pixel y-coordinate, if the frequency range is as specified. More...
ZoomLevel getZoomLevel () const override
 Return the zoom level, i.e. More...
virtual void setZoomLevel (ZoomLevel z)
 Set the zoom level, i.e. More...
virtual void zoom (bool in)
 Zoom in or out. More...
virtual void scroll (bool right, bool lots, bool doEmit=true)
 Scroll left or right by a smallish or largish amount. More...
virtual void addLayer (Layer *v)
 Add a layer to the view. More...
virtual void removeLayer (Layer *v)
 Remove a layer from the view. More...
virtual int getLayerCount () const
 Return the number of layers, regardless of whether visible or dormant, i.e. More...
virtual LayergetLayer (int n)
 Return the nth layer, counted in stacking order. More...
virtual LayergetFixedOrderLayer (int n)
 Return the nth layer, counted in the order they were added. More...
virtual LayergetInteractionLayer ()
 Return the layer currently active for tool interaction. More...
virtual const LayergetInteractionLayer () const
virtual LayergetSelectedLayer ()
 Return the layer most recently selected by the user. More...
virtual const LayergetSelectedLayer () const
virtual LayergetTopLayer ()
 Return the "top" layer in the view, whether visible or dormant. More...
virtual void setViewManager (ViewManager *m)
virtual void setViewManager (ViewManager *m, sv_frame_t initialFrame)
ViewManagergetViewManager () const override
virtual void setFollowGlobalPan (bool f)
virtual bool getFollowGlobalPan () const
virtual void setFollowGlobalZoom (bool f)
virtual bool getFollowGlobalZoom () const
bool hasLightBackground () const override
QColor getForeground () const override
QColor getBackground () const override
void drawMeasurementRect (QPainter &p, const Layer *, QRect rect, bool focus) const override
bool shouldShowFeatureLabels () const override
virtual void setPlaybackFollow (PlaybackFollowMode m)
virtual PlaybackFollowMode getPlaybackFollow () const
virtual PropertyContainer::PropertyList getProperties () const
virtual QString getPropertyLabel (const PropertyName &) const
virtual PropertyContainer::PropertyType getPropertyType (const PropertyName &) const
virtual int getPropertyRangeAndValue (const PropertyName &, int *min, int *max, int *deflt) const
virtual QString getPropertyValueLabel (const PropertyName &, int value) const
virtual void setProperty (const PropertyName &, int value)
virtual QString getPropertyContainerName () const
virtual int getPropertyContainerCount () const
virtual const PropertyContainer * getPropertyContainer (int i) const
virtual PropertyContainer * getPropertyContainer (int i)
virtual bool renderToSvgFile (QString filename)
 Render the view contents to a new SVG file. More...
virtual bool renderPartToSvgFile (QString filename, sv_frame_t f0, sv_frame_t f1)
 Render the view contents between the given frame extents to a new SVG file. More...
bool getVisibleExtentsForUnit (QString unit, double &min, double &max, bool &log) const override
 Return the visible vertical extents for the given unit, if any. More...
bool getVisibleExtentsForAnyUnit (double &min, double &max, bool &logarithmic, QString &unit) const
 Return some visible vertical extents and unit. More...
int getTextLabelYCoord (const Layer *layer, QPainter &) const override
 Return a y-coordinate at which text labels for individual items in a layer may be drawn, so as not to overlap with those of other layers. More...
virtual sv_frame_t getLastVisibleFrame () const
sv_frame_t getModelsStartFrame () const override
sv_frame_t getModelsEndFrame () const override
QRect getPaintRect () const override
 To be called from a layer, to obtain the extent of the surface that the layer is currently painting to. More...
QSize getPaintSize () const override
int getPaintWidth () const override
int getPaintHeight () const override
double scaleSize (double size) const override
int scalePixelSize (int size) const override
double scalePenWidth (double width) const override
QPen scalePen (QPen pen) const override
ModelSet getModels ()
void setUseAligningProxy (bool uap)
 !!??? poor name, probably poor api, consider this More...
ModelId getAligningModel () const
 !! More...
void getAligningAndReferenceModels (ModelId &aligning, ModelId &reference) const
sv_frame_t alignFromReference (sv_frame_t) const
sv_frame_t alignToReference (sv_frame_t) const
sv_frame_t getAlignedPlaybackFrame () const
void updatePaintRect (QRect r) override
ViewgetView () override
const ViewgetView () const override

Static Public Member Functions

static void registerShortcuts (KeyReference &kr)

Protected Types

enum  DragMode { UnresolvedDrag, VerticalDrag, HorizontalDrag, FreeDrag }
typedef std::vector< Layer * > LayerList
typedef std::map< Layer *, ProgressBarRecProgressMap

Protected Slots

void playbackScheduleTimerElapsed ()

Protected Member Functions

virtual void paintEvent (QPaintEvent *e) override
virtual void mousePressEvent (QMouseEvent *e) override
virtual void mouseReleaseEvent (QMouseEvent *e) override
virtual void mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent *e) override
virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent (QMouseEvent *e) override
virtual void enterEvent (QEvent *e) override
virtual void leaveEvent (QEvent *e) override
virtual void wheelEvent (QWheelEvent *e) override
virtual void resizeEvent (QResizeEvent *e) override
virtual void dragEnterEvent (QDragEnterEvent *e) override
virtual void dropEvent (QDropEvent *e) override
void wheelVertical (int sign, Qt::KeyboardModifiers)
void wheelHorizontal (int sign, Qt::KeyboardModifiers)
void wheelHorizontalFine (int pixels, Qt::KeyboardModifiers)
void drawVerticalScale (QRect r, Layer *, QPainter &)
void drawFeatureDescription (Layer *, QPainter &)
void drawCentreLine (sv_samplerate_t, QPainter &, bool omitLine)
void drawModelTimeExtents (QRect, QPainter &, ModelId)
void drawDurationAndRate (QRect, ModelId, sv_samplerate_t, QPainter &)
void drawWorkTitle (QRect, QPainter &, ModelId)
void drawLayerNames (QRect, QPainter &)
void drawEditingSelection (QPainter &)
void drawAlignmentStatus (QRect, QPainter &, ModelId, bool down)
virtual bool render (QPainter &paint, int x0, sv_frame_t f0, sv_frame_t f1) override
Selection getSelectionAt (int x, bool &closeToLeft, bool &closeToRight) const
bool editSelectionStart (QMouseEvent *e)
bool editSelectionDrag (QMouseEvent *e)
bool editSelectionEnd (QMouseEvent *e)
bool selectionIsBeingEdited () const
void updateHeadsUpDisplay ()
void updateVerticalPanner ()
bool canTopLayerMoveVertical ()
bool setTopLayerDisplayExtents (double displayMin, double displayMax)
bool getTopLayerDisplayExtents (double &valueMin, double &valueMax, double &displayMin, double &displayMax, QString *unit=0)
void dragTopLayer (QMouseEvent *e)
void dragExtendSelection (QMouseEvent *e)
void updateContextHelp (const QPoint *pos)
void edgeScrollMaybe (int x)
LayergetTopFlexiNoteLayer ()
void schedulePlaybackFrameMove (sv_frame_t frame)
DragMode updateDragMode (DragMode currentMode, QPoint origin, QPoint currentPoint, bool canMoveHorizontal, bool canMoveVertical, bool resistHorizontal, bool resistVertical)
bool setCentreFrame (sv_frame_t f, bool doEmit)
virtual void drawSelections (QPainter &)
virtual bool shouldLabelSelections () const
virtual void drawPlayPointer (QPainter &)
virtual void setPaintFont (QPainter &paint)
QSize scaledSize (const QSize &s, int factor)
QRect scaledRect (const QRect &r, int factor)
sv_samplerate_t getModelsSampleRate () const
bool areLayersScrollable () const
LayerList getScrollableBackLayers (bool testChanged, bool &changed) const
LayerList getNonScrollableFrontLayers (bool testChanged, bool &changed) const
LayergetScaleProvidingLayerForUnit (QString unit) const
ZoomLevel getZoomConstraintLevel (ZoomLevel level, ZoomConstraint::RoundingDirection dir=ZoomConstraint::RoundNearest) const
int countZoomLevels () const
int getZoomLevelIndex (ZoomLevel level) const
ZoomLevel getZoomLevelByIndex (int ix) const
bool areLayerColoursSignificant () const
bool hasTopLayerTimeXAxis () const
void movePlayPointer (sv_frame_t f)
void checkProgress (ModelId)
void checkAlignmentProgress (ModelId)
bool waitForLayersToBeReady ()
int getProgressBarWidth () const
int effectiveDevicePixelRatio () const

Static Protected Member Functions

static int getNextId ()

Protected Attributes

bool m_identifyFeatures
QPoint m_identifyPoint
QPoint m_clickPos
QPoint m_mousePos
bool m_clickedInRange
bool m_shiftPressed
bool m_ctrlPressed
bool m_altPressed
bool m_navigating
bool m_resizing
bool m_editing
bool m_releasing
sv_frame_t m_dragCentreFrame
double m_dragStartMinValue
bool m_centreLineVisible
sv_frame_t m_selectionStartFrame
Selection m_editingSelection
int m_editingSelectionEdge
int m_scaleWidth
int m_pendingWheelAngle
DragMode m_dragMode
QWidget * m_headsUpDisplay
QMenu * m_lastVerticalPannerContextMenu
bool m_mouseInWidget
bool m_playbackFrameMoveScheduled
sv_frame_t m_playbackFrameMoveTo
int m_id
sv_frame_t m_centreFrame
ZoomLevel m_zoomLevel
bool m_followPan
bool m_followZoom
PlaybackFollowMode m_followPlay
bool m_followPlayIsDetached
sv_frame_t m_playPointerFrame
bool m_lightBackground
bool m_showProgress
QPixmap * m_cache
QPixmap * m_buffer
bool m_cacheValid
sv_frame_t m_cacheCentreFrame
ZoomLevel m_cacheZoomLevel
bool m_selectionCached
bool m_deleting
LayerList m_layerStack
LayerList m_fixedOrderLayers
bool m_haveSelectedLayer
bool m_useAligningProxy
QString m_lastError
LayerList m_lastScrollableBackLayers
LayerList m_lastNonScrollableBackLayers
ProgressMap m_progressBars
AlignmentProgressBarRec m_alignmentProgressBar

Static Protected Attributes

static QCursor * m_measureCursor1 = nullptr
 !! ugh More...
static QCursor * m_measureCursor2 = nullptr

Detailed Description

Definition at line 35 of file Pane.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef PropertyContainer::PropertyName View::PropertyName

Definition at line 292 of file View.h.

typedef std::set<ModelId> View::ModelSet

Definition at line 400 of file View.h.

typedef std::vector<Layer *> View::LayerList

Definition at line 498 of file View.h.

typedef std::map<Layer *, ProgressBarRec> View::ProgressMap

Definition at line 577 of file View.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Definition at line 75 of file Pane.h.

enum Pane::DragMode

Definition at line 194 of file Pane.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Pane::Pane ( QWidget *  parent = 0)

Definition at line 73 of file Pane.cpp.

References regionOutlined(), updateHeadsUpDisplay(), and zoomToRegion().

Pane::~Pane ( )

Definition at line 107 of file Pane.cpp.

References m_lastVerticalPannerContextMenu.

Member Function Documentation

virtual QString Pane::getPropertyContainerIconName ( ) const

Implements View.

Definition at line 43 of file Pane.h.

References setCentreLineVisible(), shouldIlluminateLocalFeatures(), and shouldIlluminateLocalSelection().

bool Pane::shouldIlluminateLocalFeatures ( const Layer layer,
QPoint &  pos 
) const
bool Pane::shouldIlluminateLocalSelection ( QPoint &  pos,
bool &  closeToLeft,
bool &  closeToRight 
) const
void Pane::setCentreLineVisible ( bool  visible)

Definition at line 353 of file Pane.cpp.

References m_centreLineVisible.

Referenced by getPropertyContainerIconName().

bool Pane::getCentreLineVisible ( ) const

Definition at line 52 of file Pane.h.

References getFirstVisibleFrame(), getVerticalScaleWidth(), and m_centreLineVisible.

sv_frame_t Pane::getFirstVisibleFrame ( ) const

Reimplemented from View.

Definition at line 1258 of file Pane.cpp.

References View::getFirstVisibleFrame(), View::getFrameForX(), and m_scaleWidth.

Referenced by getCentreLineVisible().

int Pane::getVerticalScaleWidth ( ) const

Definition at line 532 of file Pane.cpp.

References m_scaleWidth.

Referenced by getCentreLineVisible().

virtual QImage* Pane::renderToNewImage ( )

Render the view contents to a new QImage (which may be wider than the visible View).

Reimplemented from View.

Definition at line 58 of file Pane.h.

References renderPartToNewImage(), and View::renderToNewImage().

QImage * Pane::renderPartToNewImage ( sv_frame_t  f0,
sv_frame_t  f1 

Render the view contents between the given frame extents to a new QImage (which may be wider than the visible View).

Reimplemented from View.

Definition at line 1200 of file Pane.cpp.

References View::getTopLayer(), Layer::getVerticalScaleWidth(), View::getZoomLevel(), View::m_manager, m_scaleWidth, render(), ViewManager::shouldShowVerticalColourScale(), and ViewManager::shouldShowVerticalScale().

Referenced by renderToNewImage().

virtual QSize Pane::getRenderedImageSize ( )

Calculate and return the size of image that will be generated by renderToNewImage().

Reimplemented from View.

Definition at line 64 of file Pane.h.

References View::getRenderedImageSize(), getRenderedPartImageSize(), registerShortcuts(), and toXml().

QSize Pane::getRenderedPartImageSize ( sv_frame_t  f0,
sv_frame_t  f1 

Calculate and return the size of image that will be generated by renderPartToNewImage(f0, f1).

Reimplemented from View.

Definition at line 1239 of file Pane.cpp.

References View::getRenderedPartImageSize(), View::getTopLayer(), Layer::getVerticalScaleWidth(), View::m_manager, ViewManager::shouldShowVerticalColourScale(), and ViewManager::shouldShowVerticalScale().

Referenced by getRenderedImageSize().

void Pane::toXml ( QTextStream &  stream,
QString  indent = "",
QString  extraAttributes = "" 
) const

Definition at line 2988 of file Pane.cpp.

References m_centreLineVisible, and View::toXml().

Referenced by getRenderedImageSize().

void Pane::registerShortcuts ( KeyReference kr)
void Pane::paneInteractedWith ( )
void Pane::rightButtonMenuRequested ( QPoint  position)

Referenced by mousePressEvent().

void Pane::dropAccepted ( QStringList  uriList)

Referenced by dropEvent().

void Pane::dropAccepted ( QString  text)
void Pane::doubleClickSelectInvoked ( sv_frame_t  frame)

Referenced by mouseDoubleClickEvent().

void Pane::regionOutlined ( QRect  rect)

Referenced by mouseReleaseEvent(), and Pane().

void Pane::zoomWheelsEnabledChanged ( )

Definition at line 2805 of file Pane.cpp.

References updateHeadsUpDisplay().

void Pane::viewZoomLevelChanged ( View v,
ZoomLevel  z,
bool  locked 
void Pane::modelAlignmentCompletionChanged ( ModelId  modelId)

Definition at line 933 of file Pane.cpp.

References View::modelAlignmentCompletionChanged().

void Pane::horizontalThumbwheelMoved ( int  value)
void Pane::verticalThumbwheelMoved ( int  value)
void Pane::verticalZoomChanged ( )
void Pane::verticalPannerMoved ( float  x,
float  y,
float  w,
float  h 

Definition at line 2542 of file Pane.cpp.

References getTopLayerDisplayExtents(), and setTopLayerDisplayExtents().

Referenced by updateHeadsUpDisplay().

void Pane::verticalPannerContextMenuRequested ( const QPoint &  pos)
void Pane::resetVerticalPannerExtents ( )
void Pane::layerParametersChanged ( )

Definition at line 2614 of file Pane.cpp.

References View::layerParametersChanged(), and updateHeadsUpDisplay().

void Pane::propertyContainerSelected ( View v,
PropertyContainer *  pc 
void Pane::mouseEnteredWidget ( )

Definition at line 2965 of file Pane.cpp.

References View::contextHelpChanged(), m_hthumb, m_reset, m_vpan, and m_vthumb.

Referenced by updateHeadsUpDisplay().

void Pane::mouseLeftWidget ( )

Definition at line 2982 of file Pane.cpp.

References View::contextHelpChanged().

Referenced by updateHeadsUpDisplay().

void Pane::playbackScheduleTimerElapsed ( )
void Pane::enterEvent ( QEvent *  e)

Definition at line 2341 of file Pane.cpp.

References m_mouseInWidget.

void Pane::leaveEvent ( QEvent *  e)

Definition at line 2347 of file Pane.cpp.

References View::contextHelpChanged(), m_identifyFeatures, and m_mouseInWidget.

void Pane::wheelEvent ( QWheelEvent *  e)
void Pane::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent *  e)

Definition at line 2357 of file Pane.cpp.

References updateHeadsUpDisplay().

void Pane::dragEnterEvent ( QDragEnterEvent *  e)

Definition at line 2621 of file Pane.cpp.

void Pane::dropEvent ( QDropEvent *  e)

Definition at line 2642 of file Pane.cpp.

References dropAccepted().

void Pane::wheelVertical ( int  sign,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers  mods 
void Pane::wheelHorizontal ( int  sign,
Qt::KeyboardModifiers  mods 

Definition at line 2484 of file Pane.cpp.

References wheelHorizontalFine().

Referenced by wheelEvent().

void Pane::wheelHorizontalFine ( int  pixels,
void Pane::drawFeatureDescription ( Layer topLayer,
QPainter &  paint 

Definition at line 695 of file Pane.cpp.

References Layer::getFeatureDescription(), View::hasLightBackground(), and m_identifyPoint.

Referenced by paintEvent().

void Pane::drawModelTimeExtents ( QRect  r,
QPainter &  paint,
ModelId  modelId 
void Pane::drawDurationAndRate ( QRect  r,
ModelId  waveformModelId,
sv_samplerate_t  sampleRate,
QPainter &  paint 
void Pane::drawWorkTitle ( QRect  r,
QPainter &  paint,
ModelId  modelId 

Definition at line 940 of file Pane.cpp.

References PaintAssistant::drawVisibleText(), m_scaleWidth, and PaintAssistant::OutlinedText.

Referenced by paintEvent().

void Pane::drawEditingSelection ( QPainter &  paint)
void Pane::drawAlignmentStatus ( QRect  r,
QPainter &  paint,
ModelId  modelId,
bool  down 

Definition at line 868 of file Pane.cpp.

References PaintAssistant::drawVisibleText(), m_scaleWidth, and PaintAssistant::OutlinedText.

Referenced by paintEvent().

bool Pane::render ( QPainter &  paint,
int  x0,
sv_frame_t  f0,
sv_frame_t  f1 
Selection Pane::getSelectionAt ( int  x,
bool &  closeToLeft,
bool &  closeToRight 
) const
bool Pane::editSelectionStart ( QMouseEvent *  e)
bool Pane::editSelectionDrag ( QMouseEvent *  e)

Definition at line 2690 of file Pane.cpp.

References m_editingSelection, and m_mousePos.

Referenced by mouseMoveEvent().

bool Pane::selectionIsBeingEdited ( ) const

Definition at line 341 of file Pane.cpp.

References View::getFrameForX(), m_clickPos, m_editingSelection, and m_mousePos.

Referenced by paintEvent(), and shouldIlluminateLocalSelection().

bool Pane::canTopLayerMoveVertical ( )

Definition at line 1302 of file Pane.cpp.

References getTopLayerDisplayExtents().

Referenced by dragTopLayer().

bool Pane::setTopLayerDisplayExtents ( double  displayMin,
double  displayMax 
bool Pane::getTopLayerDisplayExtents ( double &  valueMin,
double &  valueMax,
double &  displayMin,
double &  displayMax,
QString *  unit = 0 
void Pane::updateContextHelp ( const QPoint *  pos)

!! could call through to a layer function to find out exact meaning

!! could call through to a layer function to find out exact meaning

!! could call through to layer

Definition at line 2873 of file Pane.cpp.

References View::contextHelpChanged(), ViewManager::DrawMode, ViewManager::EditMode, ViewManager::EraseMode, View::getInteractionLayer(), getSelectionAt(), ViewManager::getSelections(), ViewManager::getToolModeFor(), View::hasTopLayerTimeXAxis(), Layer::isLayerEditable(), m_clickedInRange, View::m_manager, ViewManager::NavigateMode, and ViewManager::SelectMode.

Referenced by mouseMoveEvent().

Layer * Pane::getTopFlexiNoteLayer ( )
void Pane::schedulePlaybackFrameMove ( sv_frame_t  frame)
Pane::DragMode Pane::updateDragMode ( DragMode  currentMode,
QPoint  origin,
QPoint  currentPoint,
bool  canMoveHorizontal,
bool  canMoveVertical,
bool  resistHorizontal,
bool  resistVertical 
sv_frame_t View::getStartFrame ( ) const

Retrieve the first visible sample frame on the widget.

This is a calculated value based on the centre-frame, widget width and zoom level. The result may be negative.

Implements LayerGeometryProvider.

Definition at line 445 of file View.cpp.

References View::getFrameForX().

Referenced by drawModelTimeExtents(), View::drawPlayPointer(), edgeScrollMaybe(), View::getFirstVisibleFrame(), View::getId(), ViewProxy::getStartFrame(), View::modelChangedWithin(), View::movePlayPointer(), Overview::paintEvent(), View::paintEvent(), View::scroll(), wheelHorizontalFine(), and zoomToRegion().

void View::setStartFrame ( sv_frame_t  f)

Set the widget pan based on the given first visible frame.

The frame value may be negative.

Definition at line 457 of file View.cpp.

References View::m_zoomLevel, and View::setCentreFrame().

Referenced by View::getId(), and zoomToRegion().

sv_frame_t View::getCentreFrame ( ) const

Return the centre frame of the visible widget.

This is an exact value that does not depend on the zoom block size. Other frame values (start, end) are calculated from this based on the zoom and other factors.

Implements LayerGeometryProvider.

Definition at line 93 of file View.h.

References View::m_centreFrame.

Referenced by View::drawPlayPointer(), ViewProxy::getCentreFrame(), View::getFrameForX(), and View::getXForFrame().

bool View::setCentreFrame ( sv_frame_t  f,
bool  doEmit 
sv_frame_t View::getEndFrame ( ) const

Retrieve the last visible sample frame on the widget.

This is a calculated value based on the centre-frame, widget width and zoom level.

Implements LayerGeometryProvider.

Definition at line 451 of file View.cpp.

References View::getFrameForX().

Referenced by drawModelTimeExtents(), View::drawPlayPointer(), edgeScrollMaybe(), ViewProxy::getEndFrame(), View::getLastVisibleFrame(), View::modelChangedWithin(), View::movePlayPointer(), View::scroll(), View::setCentreFrame(), wheelHorizontalFine(), and zoomToRegion().

int View::getXForFrame ( sv_frame_t  frame) const

Return the pixel x-coordinate corresponding to a given sample frame.

The frame is permitted to be negative, and the result may be outside the currently visible area. But this should not be called with frame values very far away from the currently visible area, as that could lead to overflow. In that situation an error will be logged and 0 returned.

Implements LayerGeometryProvider.

Definition at line 527 of file View.cpp.

References View::getCentreFrame(), View::getFrameForX(), View::getId(), View::m_centreFrame, and View::m_zoomLevel.

Referenced by dragTopLayer(), drawEditingSelection(), drawModelTimeExtents(), View::drawPlayPointer(), View::drawSelections(), editSelectionEnd(), View::getFrameForX(), getSelectionAt(), ViewProxy::getXForFrame(), View::movePlayPointer(), AlignmentView::paintEvent(), Overview::paintEvent(), View::paintEvent(), View::setCentreFrame(), and Overview::viewManagerPlaybackFrameChanged().

int View::getXForViewX ( int  viewx) const

Return the closest pixel x-coordinate corresponding to a given view x-coordinate.

Default is no scaling, ViewProxy handles scaling case.

Implements LayerGeometryProvider.

Definition at line 127 of file View.h.

int View::getViewXForX ( int  x) const

Return the closest view x-coordinate corresponding to a given pixel x-coordinate.

Default is no scaling, ViewProxy handles scaling case.

Implements LayerGeometryProvider.

Definition at line 134 of file View.h.

References View::addLayer(), View::getFrequencyForY(), View::getYForFrequency(), View::getZoomLevel(), View::removeLayer(), View::scroll(), View::setZoomLevel(), and View::zoom().

double View::getYForFrequency ( double  frequency,
double  minFreq,
double  maxFreq,
bool  logarithmic 
) const

Return the pixel y-coordinate corresponding to a given frequency, if the frequency range is as specified.

This does not imply any policy about layer frequency ranges, but it might be useful for layers to match theirs up if desired.

Not thread-safe in logarithmic mode. Call only from GUI thread.

Implements LayerGeometryProvider.

Definition at line 666 of file View.cpp.

Referenced by View::getViewXForX(), and ViewProxy::getYForFrequency().

double View::getFrequencyForY ( double  y,
double  minFreq,
double  maxFreq,
bool  logarithmic 
) const

Return the closest frequency to the given pixel y-coordinate, if the frequency range is as specified.

Not thread-safe in logarithmic mode. Call only from GUI thread.

Implements LayerGeometryProvider.

Definition at line 700 of file View.cpp.

Referenced by ViewProxy::getFrequencyForY(), and View::getViewXForX().

ZoomLevel View::getZoomLevel ( ) const

Return the zoom level, i.e.

the number of frames per pixel or pixels per frame

Implements LayerGeometryProvider.

Definition at line 732 of file View.cpp.

References View::m_zoomLevel.

Referenced by View::getRenderedPartImageSize(), View::getViewXForX(), ViewProxy::getZoomLevel(), renderPartToNewImage(), View::renderPartToNewImage(), View::renderPartToSvgFile(), and updateHeadsUpDisplay().

void View::setZoomLevel ( ZoomLevel  z)

Set the zoom level, i.e.

the number of frames per pixel or pixels per frame. The centre frame will be unchanged; the start and end frames will change.

!! int dpratio = effectiveDevicePixelRatio();

Definition at line 760 of file View.cpp.

References View::m_followZoom, View::m_zoomLevel, and View::zoomLevelChanged().

Referenced by View::getViewXForX(), horizontalThumbwheelMoved(), View::setViewManager(), View::viewZoomLevelChanged(), wheelVertical(), View::zoom(), and zoomToRegion().

void View::zoom ( bool  in)

Zoom in or out.

Definition at line 1879 of file View.cpp.

References View::getZoomConstraintLevel(), View::m_zoomLevel, and View::setZoomLevel().

Referenced by View::getViewXForX().

void View::scroll ( bool  right,
bool  lots,
bool  doEmit = true 

Scroll left or right by a smallish or largish amount.

Definition at line 1899 of file View.cpp.

References View::getEndFrame(), View::getModelsEndFrame(), View::getStartFrame(), View::m_centreFrame, and View::setCentreFrame().

Referenced by View::getViewXForX().

void View::removeLayer ( Layer v)
virtual Layer* View::getFixedOrderLayer ( int  n)

Return the nth layer, counted in the order they were added.

Unlike the stacking order used in getLayer(), which changes each time a layer is selected, this ordering remains fixed. The returned layer may be visible or it may be dormant, i.e. invisible.

Definition at line 217 of file View.h.

References View::getInteractionLayer(), View::getSelectedLayer(), and View::m_fixedOrderLayers.

Layer * View::getInteractionLayer ( )

Return the layer currently active for tool interaction.

This is the topmost non-dormant (i.e. visible) layer in the view. If there are no visible layers in the view, return 0.

Definition at line 960 of file View.cpp.

References View::getLayer(), View::getLayerCount(), View::getSelectedLayer(), Layer::isLayerDormant(), and View::m_layerStack.

Referenced by dragExtendSelection(), editSelectionEnd(), View::getFixedOrderLayer(), View::getInteractionLayer(), mouseDoubleClickEvent(), mouseMoveEvent(), mousePressEvent(), mouseReleaseEvent(), shouldIlluminateLocalFeatures(), shouldIlluminateLocalSelection(), updateContextHelp(), and zoomToRegion().

const Layer * View::getInteractionLayer ( ) const

Definition at line 980 of file View.cpp.

References View::getInteractionLayer().

Layer * View::getSelectedLayer ( )

Return the layer most recently selected by the user.

This is the layer that any non-tool-driven commands should operate on, in the case where this view is the "current" one.

If the user has selected the view itself more recently than any of the layers on it, this function will return 0, and any non-tool-driven layer commands should be deactivated while this view is current. It will also return 0 if there are no layers in the view.

Note that, unlike getInteractionLayer(), this could return an invisible (dormant) layer.

Definition at line 986 of file View.cpp.

References View::getLayer(), View::getLayerCount(), View::m_haveSelectedLayer, and View::m_layerStack.

Referenced by View::getFixedOrderLayer(), View::getInteractionLayer(), and View::getSelectedLayer().

const Layer * View::getSelectedLayer ( ) const

Definition at line 996 of file View.cpp.

References View::getSelectedLayer().

virtual Layer* View::getTopLayer ( )

Return the "top" layer in the view, whether visible or dormant.

This is the same as getLayer(getLayerCount()-1) if there is at least one layer, and 0 otherwise.

For most purposes involving interaction or commands, you probably want either getInteractionLayer() or getSelectedLayer() instead.

Definition at line 258 of file View.h.

References View::m_layerStack, and View::setViewManager().

Referenced by getRenderedPartImageSize(), getTopLayerDisplayExtents(), mouseDoubleClickEvent(), mouseMoveEvent(), mousePressEvent(), mouseReleaseEvent(), paintEvent(), render(), renderPartToNewImage(), and setTopLayerDisplayExtents().

void View::setViewManager ( ViewManager m,
sv_frame_t  initialFrame 

Definition at line 1076 of file View.cpp.

References View::setCentreFrame(), and View::setViewManager().

ViewManager* View::getViewManager ( ) const

Implements LayerGeometryProvider.

Definition at line 264 of file View.h.

References View::m_manager, and View::setFollowGlobalPan().

Referenced by ViewProxy::getViewManager().

void View::setFollowGlobalPan ( bool  f)
virtual bool View::getFollowGlobalPan ( ) const

Definition at line 267 of file View.h.

References View::m_followPan, and View::setFollowGlobalZoom().

void View::setFollowGlobalZoom ( bool  f)
virtual bool View::getFollowGlobalZoom ( ) const
QColor View::getBackground ( ) const
void View::drawMeasurementRect ( QPainter &  p,
const Layer topLayer,
QRect  rect,
bool  focus 
) const
bool View::shouldShowFeatureLabels ( ) const
void View::setPlaybackFollow ( PlaybackFollowMode  m)
virtual PlaybackFollowMode View::getPlaybackFollow ( ) const

Definition at line 290 of file View.h.

References View::m_followPlay.

PropertyContainer::PropertyList View::getProperties ( ) const

Definition at line 94 of file View.cpp.

QString View::getPropertyLabel ( const PropertyName pn) const

Definition at line 104 of file View.cpp.

PropertyContainer::PropertyType View::getPropertyType ( const PropertyName name) const

Definition at line 113 of file View.cpp.

int View::getPropertyRangeAndValue ( const PropertyName name,
int *  min,
int *  max,
int *  deflt 
) const
QString View::getPropertyValueLabel ( const PropertyName name,
int  value 
) const

Definition at line 145 of file View.cpp.

void View::setProperty ( const PropertyName name,
int  value 
int View::getPropertyContainerCount ( ) const
const PropertyContainer * View::getPropertyContainer ( int  i) const
PropertyContainer * View::getPropertyContainer ( int  i)

Definition at line 190 of file View.cpp.

References View::m_fixedOrderLayers, and View::m_propertyContainer.

bool View::renderToSvgFile ( QString  filename)

Render the view contents to a new SVG file.

Definition at line 3201 of file View.cpp.

References View::getModelsEndFrame(), View::getModelsStartFrame(), and View::renderPartToSvgFile().

Referenced by View::getPropertyContainerName().

bool View::renderPartToSvgFile ( QString  filename,
sv_frame_t  f0,
sv_frame_t  f1 

Render the view contents between the given frame extents to a new SVG file.

Definition at line 3210 of file View.cpp.

References View::getZoomLevel(), and View::render().

Referenced by View::getPropertyContainerName(), and View::renderToSvgFile().

bool View::getVisibleExtentsForUnit ( QString  unit,
double &  min,
double &  max,
bool &  log 
) const

Return the visible vertical extents for the given unit, if any.

Overridden from LayerGeometryProvider (see docs there).

Implements LayerGeometryProvider.

Definition at line 197 of file View.cpp.

References Layer::getDisplayExtents(), View::getId(), View::getScaleProvidingLayerForUnit(), Layer::getValueExtents(), and View::m_layerStack.

Referenced by View::getPropertyContainerName(), and ViewProxy::getVisibleExtentsForUnit().

bool View::getVisibleExtentsForAnyUnit ( double &  min,
double &  max,
bool &  logarithmic,
QString &  unit 
) const

Return some visible vertical extents and unit.

That is, if at least one non-dormant layer has a non-empty unit and returns some values from its getDisplayExtents() method, return the extents and unit from the topmost of those. Otherwise return false.

Definition at line 323 of file View.cpp.

References Layer::getDisplayExtents(), Layer::getValueExtents(), Layer::isLayerDormant(), and View::m_layerStack.

Referenced by View::getPropertyContainerName().

int View::getTextLabelYCoord ( const Layer layer,
QPainter &   
) const

Return a y-coordinate at which text labels for individual items in a layer may be drawn, so as not to overlap with those of other layers.

The returned coordinate will be near the top of the visible widget, but adjusted downward depending on how many other visible layers return true from their implementation of Layer::needsTextLabelHeight().

Implements LayerGeometryProvider.

Definition at line 367 of file View.cpp.

References View::m_layerStack, and View::scalePixelSize().

Referenced by View::getPropertyContainerName(), and ViewProxy::getTextLabelYCoord().

sv_frame_t View::getLastVisibleFrame ( ) const

Definition at line 1442 of file View.cpp.

References View::getEndFrame(), and View::getModelsEndFrame().

Referenced by View::getPropertyContainerName().

QRect View::getPaintRect ( ) const

To be called from a layer, to obtain the extent of the surface that the layer is currently painting to.

This may be the extent of the view (if 1x display scaling is in effect) or of a larger cached pixmap (if greater display scaling is in effect).

Implements LayerGeometryProvider.

Definition at line 2219 of file View.cpp.

Referenced by View::getPaintHeight(), ViewProxy::getPaintRect(), View::getPaintSize(), View::getPaintWidth(), and View::getPropertyContainerName().

QSize View::getPaintSize ( ) const

Reimplemented from LayerGeometryProvider.

Definition at line 391 of file View.h.

References View::getPaintRect().

int View::getPaintWidth ( ) const

Reimplemented from LayerGeometryProvider.

Definition at line 392 of file View.h.

References View::getPaintRect().

int View::getPaintHeight ( ) const
double View::scaleSize ( double  size) const
int View::scalePixelSize ( int  size) const
double View::scalePenWidth ( double  width) const
QPen View::scalePen ( QPen  pen) const

Implements LayerGeometryProvider.

Definition at line 1853 of file View.cpp.

References View::scalePenWidth().

Referenced by drawCentreLine(), and View::getPaintHeight().

View::ModelSet View::getModels ( )

Definition at line 1521 of file View.cpp.

References View::getLayer(), View::getLayerCount(), and Layer::getModel().

void View::setUseAligningProxy ( bool  uap)
void View::getAligningAndReferenceModels ( ModelId &  aligning,
ModelId &  reference 
) const
void View::updatePaintRect ( QRect  r)

Implements LayerGeometryProvider.

Definition at line 415 of file View.h.

View* View::getView ( )

Implements LayerGeometryProvider.

Definition at line 417 of file View.h.

void View::propertyContainerAdded ( PropertyContainer *  pc)
void View::propertyContainerRemoved ( PropertyContainer *  pc)

Referenced by View::getView(), and View::removeLayer().

void View::propertyContainerPropertyChanged ( PropertyContainer *  pc)
void View::propertyContainerPropertyRangeChanged ( PropertyContainer *  pc)
void View::propertyContainerNameChanged ( PropertyContainer *  pc)
void View::propertyContainerSelected ( PropertyContainer *  pc)
void View::propertyChanged ( PropertyContainer::PropertyName  )

Referenced by View::getView().

void View::layerModelChanged ( )
void View::cancelButtonPressed ( Layer )
void View::centreFrameChanged ( sv_frame_t  frame,
bool  globalScroll,
PlaybackFollowMode  followMode 
void View::zoomLevelChanged ( ZoomLevel  level,
bool  locked 
void View::contextHelpChanged ( const QString &  )
void View::modelChanged ( ModelId  modelId)
void View::modelChangedWithin ( ModelId  modelId,
sv_frame_t  startFrame,
sv_frame_t  endFrame 
void View::modelCompletionChanged ( ModelId  modelId)

Definition at line 1184 of file View.cpp.

References View::checkProgress(), and View::getId().

Referenced by View::addLayer(), View::getView(), and View::removeLayer().

void View::modelReplaced ( )
void View::layerParameterRangesChanged ( )
void View::layerMeasurementRectsChanged ( )

Definition at line 1236 of file View.cpp.

Referenced by View::addLayer(), and View::getView().

void View::layerNameChanged ( )

Definition at line 1243 of file View.cpp.

References View::propertyContainerNameChanged().

Referenced by View::addLayer(), View::getView(), and View::removeLayer().

void View::globalCentreFrameChanged ( sv_frame_t  rf)
void View::viewCentreFrameChanged ( View ,
void View::viewManagerPlaybackFrameChanged ( sv_frame_t  f)
void View::selectionChanged ( )

Definition at line 1423 of file View.cpp.

References View::m_cacheValid, and View::m_selectionCached.

Referenced by View::getView(), and View::setViewManager().

void View::overlayModeChanged ( )

Definition at line 432 of file View.cpp.

References View::m_cacheValid.

Referenced by View::getView(), and View::setViewManager().

void View::cancelClicked ( )

Definition at line 1925 of file View.cpp.

References View::cancelButtonPressed(), and View::m_progressBars.

Referenced by View::addLayer(), and View::getView().

void View::progressCheckStalledTimerElapsed ( )

Definition at line 2146 of file View.cpp.

References View::getId(), and View::m_progressBars.

Referenced by View::addLayer(), and View::getView().

virtual bool View::shouldLabelSelections ( ) const

Reimplemented in Overview, and AlignmentView.

Definition at line 485 of file View.h.

References View::drawPlayPointer(), View::render(), and View::setPaintFont().

Referenced by View::drawSelections().

void View::setPaintFont ( QPainter &  paint)
QSize View::scaledSize ( const QSize &  s,
int  factor 

Definition at line 490 of file View.h.

Referenced by View::paintEvent().

QRect View::scaledRect ( const QRect &  r,
int  factor 

Definition at line 493 of file View.h.

Referenced by View::paintEvent().

sv_samplerate_t View::getModelsSampleRate ( ) const

!! Just go for the first, for now. If we were supporting

!! nah, this wants to always return the sr of the main model!

Definition at line 1500 of file View.cpp.

References View::m_layerStack.

Referenced by drawEditingSelection(), View::drawSelections(), and paintEvent().

bool View::areLayersScrollable ( ) const

Definition at line 1630 of file View.cpp.

References View::m_layerStack.

View::LayerList View::getScrollableBackLayers ( bool  testChanged,
bool &  changed 
) const
View::LayerList View::getNonScrollableFrontLayers ( bool  testChanged,
bool &  changed 
) const

Definition at line 1676 of file View.cpp.

References View::m_lastNonScrollableBackLayers, and View::m_layerStack.

Referenced by View::paintEvent().

Layer * View::getScaleProvidingLayerForUnit ( QString  unit) const
ZoomLevel View::getZoomConstraintLevel ( ZoomLevel  level,
ZoomConstraint::RoundingDirection  dir = ZoomConstraint::RoundNearest 
) const
int View::countZoomLevels ( ) const

Definition at line 1738 of file View.cpp.

References View::getZoomConstraintLevel().

Referenced by updateHeadsUpDisplay().

int View::getZoomLevelIndex ( ZoomLevel  level) const

Definition at line 1782 of file View.cpp.

References View::getZoomConstraintLevel().

Referenced by updateHeadsUpDisplay().

ZoomLevel View::getZoomLevelByIndex ( int  ix) const

Definition at line 1757 of file View.cpp.

References View::getZoomConstraintLevel().

Referenced by horizontalThumbwheelMoved().

bool View::areLayerColoursSignificant ( ) const

Definition at line 1859 of file View.cpp.

References Layer::ColourHasMeaningfulValue, and View::m_layerStack.

Referenced by View::drawSelections().

bool View::hasTopLayerTimeXAxis ( ) const
void View::checkAlignmentProgress ( ModelId  modelId)
bool View::waitForLayersToBeReady ( )

Definition at line 3006 of file View.cpp.

References View::m_layerStack.

Referenced by View::render(), and View::renderToNewImage().

int View::getProgressBarWidth ( ) const
int View::effectiveDevicePixelRatio ( ) const

Definition at line 741 of file View.cpp.

Referenced by View::paintEvent(), and View::setPaintFont().

static int LayerGeometryProvider::getNextId ( )

Definition at line 48 of file LayerGeometryProvider.h.

Member Data Documentation

bool Pane::m_identifyFeatures
QPoint Pane::m_identifyPoint
bool Pane::m_clickedInRange
bool Pane::m_shiftPressed
bool Pane::m_ctrlPressed

Definition at line 177 of file Pane.h.

Referenced by dragExtendSelection(), mouseDoubleClickEvent(), and mousePressEvent().

bool Pane::m_altPressed

Definition at line 178 of file Pane.h.

Referenced by dragTopLayer(), mouseDoubleClickEvent(), and mousePressEvent().

bool Pane::m_navigating

Definition at line 180 of file Pane.h.

Referenced by mouseMoveEvent(), mousePressEvent(), mouseReleaseEvent(), and paintEvent().

bool Pane::m_resizing

Definition at line 181 of file Pane.h.

Referenced by dragExtendSelection(), and mousePressEvent().

bool Pane::m_editing

Definition at line 182 of file Pane.h.

Referenced by mouseMoveEvent(), mousePressEvent(), and mouseReleaseEvent().

bool Pane::m_releasing

Definition at line 183 of file Pane.h.

Referenced by mouseMoveEvent(), mousePressEvent(), and mouseReleaseEvent().

sv_frame_t Pane::m_dragCentreFrame

Definition at line 184 of file Pane.h.

Referenced by dragTopLayer(), mouseDoubleClickEvent(), and mousePressEvent().

double Pane::m_dragStartMinValue

Definition at line 185 of file Pane.h.

Referenced by dragTopLayer(), mouseDoubleClickEvent(), and mousePressEvent().

bool Pane::m_centreLineVisible

Definition at line 186 of file Pane.h.

Referenced by getCentreLineVisible(), paintEvent(), setCentreLineVisible(), and toXml().

sv_frame_t Pane::m_selectionStartFrame

Definition at line 187 of file Pane.h.

Referenced by dragExtendSelection(), and mousePressEvent().

Selection Pane::m_editingSelection
int Pane::m_editingSelectionEdge
int Pane::m_pendingWheelAngle

Definition at line 192 of file Pane.h.

Referenced by wheelEvent().

DragMode Pane::m_dragMode

Definition at line 200 of file Pane.h.

Referenced by dragTopLayer(), mouseDoubleClickEvent(), mouseMoveEvent(), and mousePressEvent().

QWidget* Pane::m_headsUpDisplay

Definition at line 210 of file Pane.h.

Referenced by updateHeadsUpDisplay().

Thumbwheel* Pane::m_hthumb
NotifyingPushButton* Pane::m_reset

Definition at line 214 of file Pane.h.

Referenced by mouseEnteredWidget(), and updateHeadsUpDisplay().

QMenu* Pane::m_lastVerticalPannerContextMenu

Definition at line 215 of file Pane.h.

Referenced by verticalPannerContextMenuRequested(), and ~Pane().

bool Pane::m_mouseInWidget

Definition at line 217 of file Pane.h.

Referenced by enterEvent(), leaveEvent(), and paintEvent().

bool Pane::m_playbackFrameMoveScheduled
sv_frame_t Pane::m_playbackFrameMoveTo

Definition at line 220 of file Pane.h.

Referenced by playbackScheduleTimerElapsed(), and schedulePlaybackFrameMove().

QCursor * Pane::m_measureCursor1 = nullptr

!! ugh

!! for HUD – pull out into a separate class

Definition at line 222 of file Pane.h.

Referenced by mouseReleaseEvent(), and toolModeChanged().

QCursor * Pane::m_measureCursor2 = nullptr

Definition at line 223 of file Pane.h.

Referenced by mouseMoveEvent(), and toolModeChanged().

int View::m_id

Definition at line 481 of file View.h.

Referenced by View::getId().

bool View::m_followPlayIsDetached

Definition at line 545 of file View.h.

Referenced by View::movePlayPointer().

sv_frame_t View::m_playPointerFrame
bool View::m_lightBackground

Definition at line 547 of file View.h.

bool View::m_showProgress

Definition at line 548 of file View.h.

Referenced by View::checkAlignmentProgress(), and View::checkProgress().

QPixmap* View::m_cache

Definition at line 550 of file View.h.

Referenced by View::paintEvent(), and View::~View().

QPixmap* View::m_buffer

Definition at line 551 of file View.h.

Referenced by View::paintEvent(), and View::~View().

sv_frame_t View::m_cacheCentreFrame

Definition at line 553 of file View.h.

Referenced by View::paintEvent().

ZoomLevel View::m_cacheZoomLevel

Definition at line 554 of file View.h.

Referenced by View::paintEvent().

bool View::m_selectionCached

Definition at line 555 of file View.h.

Referenced by View::selectionChanged().

bool View::m_deleting

Definition at line 557 of file View.h.

Referenced by View::removeLayer(), and View::~View().

LayerList View::m_fixedOrderLayers
bool View::m_haveSelectedLayer

Definition at line 561 of file View.h.

Referenced by View::getSelectedLayer(), and View::propertyContainerSelected().

bool View::m_useAligningProxy

Definition at line 563 of file View.h.

Referenced by View::paintEvent(), and View::setUseAligningProxy().

QString View::m_lastError

Definition at line 565 of file View.h.

Referenced by View::checkProgress().

LayerList View::m_lastScrollableBackLayers

Definition at line 568 of file View.h.

Referenced by View::getScrollableBackLayers().

LayerList View::m_lastNonScrollableBackLayers

Definition at line 569 of file View.h.

Referenced by View::getNonScrollableFrontLayers().

AlignmentProgressBarRec View::m_alignmentProgressBar

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: