Go to the documentation of this file.
void getAligningAndReferenceModels(ModelId &aligning, ModelId &reference) const
Definition: View.cpp:1550
virtual QString getPropertyValueLabel(const PropertyName &, int value) const
Definition: View.cpp:145
virtual QString getPropertyContainerName() const
Definition: View.h:306
Definition: View.h:595
virtual const PropertyContainer * getPropertyContainer(int i) const
Definition: View.cpp:183
void propertyContainerNameChanged(PropertyContainer *pc)
virtual QImage * renderToNewImage()
Render the view contents to a new QImage (which may be wider than the visible View).
Definition: View.cpp:3151
virtual void modelChangedWithin(ModelId, sv_frame_t startFrame, sv_frame_t endFrame)
Definition: View.cpp:1137
int getXForViewX(int viewx) const override
Return the closest pixel x-coordinate corresponding to a given view x-coordinate. ...
Definition: View.h:127
void propertyContainerSelected(PropertyContainer *pc)
Definition: View.h:580
QString getPropertyLabel(const PropertyName &n) const override
Definition: View.h:604
LayerList getNonScrollableFrontLayers(bool testChanged, bool &changed) const
Definition: View.cpp:1676
void propertyContainerRemoved(PropertyContainer *pc)
bool getVisibleExtentsForUnit(QString unit, double &min, double &max, bool &log) const override
Return the visible vertical extents for the given unit, if any.
Definition: View.cpp:197
ZoomLevel getZoomConstraintLevel(ZoomLevel level, ZoomConstraint::RoundingDirection dir=ZoomConstraint::RoundNearest) const
Definition: View.cpp:1708
double getFrequencyForY(double y, double minFreq, double maxFreq, bool logarithmic) const override
Return the closest frequency to the given pixel y-coordinate, if the frequency range is as specified...
Definition: View.cpp:700
virtual int getLayerCount() const
Return the number of layers, regardless of whether visible or dormant, i.e.
Definition: View.h:197
int getViewXForX(int x) const override
Return the closest view x-coordinate corresponding to a given pixel x-coordinate. ...
Definition: View.h:134
sv_frame_t getCentreFrame() const override
Return the centre frame of the visible widget.
Definition: View.h:93
int getPropertyRangeAndValue(const PropertyName &n, int *min, int *max, int *deflt) const override
Definition: View.h:610
bool shouldShowFeatureLabels() const
Definition: ViewManager.h:243
void propertyContainerPropertyChanged(PropertyContainer *pc)
PropertyType getPropertyType(const PropertyName &n) const override
Definition: View.h:607
virtual void layerParameterRangesChanged()
Definition: View.cpp:1229
virtual int getPropertyRangeAndValue(const PropertyName &, int *min, int *max, int *deflt) const
Definition: View.cpp:122
virtual Layer * getTopLayer()
Return the "top" layer in the view, whether visible or dormant.
Definition: View.h:258
void propertyContainerAdded(PropertyContainer *pc)
Interface for classes that provide geometry information (such as size, start frame, and a large number of other properties) about the disposition of a layer.
Definition: LayerGeometryProvider.h:45
virtual QSize getRenderedImageSize()
Calculate and return the size of image that will be generated by renderToNewImage().
Definition: View.cpp:3183
bool shouldIlluminateLocalFeatures(const Layer *, QPoint &) const override
Definition: View.h:282
void centreFrameChanged(sv_frame_t frame, bool globalScroll, PlaybackFollowMode followMode)
virtual QImage * renderPartToNewImage(sv_frame_t f0, sv_frame_t f1)
Render the view contents between the given frame extents to a new QImage (which may be wider than the...
Definition: View.cpp:3164
sv_frame_t getFrameForX(int x) const override
Return the closest frame to the given pixel x-coordinate.
Definition: View.cpp:600
virtual bool render(QPainter &paint, int x0, sv_frame_t f0, sv_frame_t f1)
Definition: View.cpp:3078
virtual PropertyContainer::PropertyType getPropertyType(const PropertyName &) const
Definition: View.cpp:113
void setStartFrame(sv_frame_t)
Set the widget pan based on the given first visible frame.
Definition: View.cpp:457
virtual void viewZoomLevelChanged(View *, ZoomLevel, bool)
Definition: View.cpp:1412
Definition: View.h:571
void propertyChanged(PropertyContainer::PropertyName)
Layer * getScaleProvidingLayerForUnit(QString unit) const
Definition: View.cpp:246
void cancelButtonPressed(Layer *)
int getTextLabelYCoord(const Layer *layer, QPainter &) const override
Return a y-coordinate at which text labels for individual items in a layer may be drawn...
Definition: View.cpp:367
void setProperty(const PropertyName &n, int value) override
Definition: View.h:625
QString getPropertyContainerIconName() const override
Definition: View.h:620
LayerList getScrollableBackLayers(bool testChanged, bool &changed) const
Definition: View.cpp:1640
virtual bool renderToSvgFile(QString filename)
Render the view contents to a new SVG file.
Definition: View.cpp:3201
QRect getPaintRect() const override
To be called from a layer, to obtain the extent of the surface that the layer is currently painting t...
Definition: View.cpp:2219
virtual bool shouldIlluminateLocalSelection(QPoint &, bool &, bool &) const
Definition: View.h:285
virtual Layer * getFixedOrderLayer(int n)
Return the nth layer, counted in the order they were added.
Definition: View.h:217
void setUseAligningProxy(bool uap)
!!??? poor name, probably poor api, consider this
Definition: View.h:404
virtual Layer * getLayer(int n)
Return the nth layer, counted in stacking order.
Definition: View.h:205
void contextHelpChanged(const QString &)
void toXml(QTextStream &stream, QString indent="", QString extraAttributes="") const override
Definition: View.cpp:3230
virtual void progressCheckStalledTimerElapsed()
Definition: View.cpp:2146
virtual int getPropertyContainerCount() const
Definition: View.cpp:177
QString getPropertyContainerName() const override
Definition: View.h:617
virtual PropertyContainer::PropertyList getProperties() const
Definition: View.cpp:94
void propertyContainerPropertyRangeChanged(PropertyContainer *pc)
virtual void setPlaybackFollow(PlaybackFollowMode m)
Definition: View.cpp:1097
virtual void modelAlignmentCompletionChanged(ModelId)
Definition: View.cpp:1193
virtual QString getPropertyLabel(const PropertyName &) const
Definition: View.cpp:104
View is the base class of widgets that display one or more overlaid views of data against a horizonta...
Definition: View.h:55
virtual void viewManagerPlaybackFrameChanged(sv_frame_t)
Definition: View.cpp:1269
The ViewManager manages properties that may need to be synchronised between separate Views...
Definition: ViewManager.h:78
sv_frame_t getStartFrame() const override
Retrieve the first visible sample frame on the widget.
Definition: View.cpp:445
virtual Layer * getSelectedLayer()
Return the layer most recently selected by the user.
Definition: View.cpp:986
QString getPropertyValueLabel(const PropertyName &n, int value) const override
Definition: View.h:614
bool getVisibleExtentsForAnyUnit(double &min, double &max, bool &logarithmic, QString &unit) const
Return some visible vertical extents and unit.
Definition: View.cpp:323
virtual void scroll(bool right, bool lots, bool doEmit=true)
Scroll left or right by a smallish or largish amount.
Definition: View.cpp:1899
sv_frame_t getEndFrame() const override
Retrieve the last visible sample frame on the widget.
Definition: View.cpp:451
PropertyList getProperties() const override
Definition: View.h:603
double getYForFrequency(double frequency, double minFreq, double maxFreq, bool logarithmic) const override
Return the pixel y-coordinate corresponding to a given frequency, if the frequency range is as specif...
Definition: View.cpp:666
virtual void viewCentreFrameChanged(View *, sv_frame_t)
Definition: View.cpp:1263
void layerModelChanged()
void drawMeasurementRect(QPainter &p, const Layer *, QRect rect, bool focus) const override
Definition: View.cpp:2767
virtual Layer * getInteractionLayer()
Return the layer currently active for tool interaction.
Definition: View.cpp:960
void zoomLevelChanged(ZoomLevel level, bool locked)
virtual QString getPropertyContainerIconName() const =0
virtual void layerMeasurementRectsChanged()
Definition: View.cpp:1236
virtual void globalCentreFrameChanged(sv_frame_t)
Definition: View.cpp:1250
virtual bool renderPartToSvgFile(QString filename, sv_frame_t f0, sv_frame_t f1)
Render the view contents between the given frame extents to a new SVG file.
Definition: View.cpp:3210
int getXForFrame(sv_frame_t frame) const override
Return the pixel x-coordinate corresponding to a given sample frame.
Definition: View.cpp:527
virtual QSize getRenderedPartImageSize(sv_frame_t f0, sv_frame_t f1)
Calculate and return the size of image that will be generated by renderPartToNewImage(f0, f1).
Definition: View.cpp:3192
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