libavfilter Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for libavfilter:

Directories | |
directory | libmpcodecs |
directory | x86 |
Files | |
file | af_aconvert.c [code] |
sample format and channel layout conversion audio filter | |
file | af_afade.c [code] |
fade audio filter | |
file | af_aformat.c [code] |
format audio filter | |
file | af_amerge.c [code] |
Audio merging filter. | |
file | af_amix.c [code] |
Audio Mix Filter. | |
file | af_anull.c [code] |
null audio filter | |
file | af_apad.c [code] |
audio pad filter. | |
file | af_aphaser.c [code] |
phaser audio filter | |
file | af_aresample.c [code] |
resampling audio filter | |
file | af_asetnsamples.c [code] |
Filter that changes number of samples on single output operation. | |
file | af_ashowinfo.c [code] |
filter for showing textual audio frame information | |
file | af_astreamsync.c [code] |
Stream (de)synchronization filter. | |
file | af_asyncts.c [code] |
file | af_atempo.c [code] |
tempo scaling audio filter – an implementation of WSOLA algorithm | |
file | af_biquads.c [code] |
file | af_channelmap.c [code] |
audio channel mapping filter | |
file | af_channelsplit.c [code] |
Channel split filter. | |
file | af_earwax.c [code] |
Stereo Widening Effect. | |
file | af_join.c [code] |
Audio join filter. | |
file | af_pan.c [code] |
Audio panning filter (channels mixing) Original code written by Anders Johansson for MPlayer, reimplemented for FFmpeg. | |
file | af_resample.c [code] |
sample format and channel layout conversion audio filter | |
file | af_silencedetect.c [code] |
Audio silence detector. | |
file | af_volume.c [code] |
audio volume filter | |
file | af_volume.h [code] |
audio volume filter | |
file | af_volumedetect.c [code] |
file | all_channel_layouts.inc [code] |
file | allfilters.c [code] |
file | asink_anullsink.c [code] |
file | asrc_abuffer.h [code] |
memory buffer source for audio | |
file | asrc_aevalsrc.c [code] |
eval audio source | |
file | asrc_anullsrc.c [code] |
null audio source | |
file | asrc_flite.c [code] |
flite voice synth source | |
file | asrc_sine.c [code] |
file | audio.c [code] |
file | audio.h [code] |
file | avcodec.c [code] |
libavcodec/libavfilter gluing utilities | |
file | libavfilter/avcodec.h [code] |
libavcodec/libavfilter gluing utilities | |
file | avf_concat.c [code] |
concat audio-video filter | |
file | avf_showspectrum.c [code] |
audio to spectrum (video) transmedia filter, based on ffplay rdft showmode (by Michael Niedermayer) and lavfi/avf_showwaves (by Stefano Sabatini). | |
file | avf_showwaves.c [code] |
audio to video multimedia filter | |
file | avfilter.c [code] |
file | avfilter.h [code] |
external API header | |
file | avfiltergraph.c [code] |
file | avfiltergraph.h [code] |
file | bbox.c [code] |
file | bbox.h [code] |
file | libavfilter/buffer.c [code] |
file | bufferqueue.h [code] |
file | buffersink.c [code] |
buffer sink | |
file | buffersink.h [code] |
memory buffer sink API for audio and video | |
file | buffersrc.c [code] |
memory buffer source filter | |
file | buffersrc.h [code] |
Memory buffer source API. | |
file | deshake.h [code] |
file | deshake_kernel.h [code] |
file | deshake_opencl.c [code] |
transform input video | |
file | deshake_opencl.h [code] |
file | drawutils.c [code] |
file | drawutils.h [code] |
misc drawing utilities | |
file | f_ebur128.c [code] |
EBU R.128 implementation. | |
file | f_perms.c [code] |
file | f_select.c [code] |
filter for selecting which frame passes in the filterchain | |
file | f_sendcmd.c [code] |
send commands filter | |
file | f_setpts.c [code] |
video presentation timestamp (PTS) modification filter | |
file | f_settb.c [code] |
Set timebase for the output link. | |
file | libavfilter/fifo.c [code] |
FIFO buffering filter. | |
file | filtfmts.c [code] |
file | formats.c [code] |
file | formats.h [code] |
file | gradfun.h [code] |
file | graphdump.c [code] |
file | graphparser.c [code] |
file | libavfilter/internal.h [code] |
internal API functions | |
file | lavfutils.c [code] |
file | lavfutils.h [code] |
Miscellaneous utilities which make use of the libavformat library. | |
file | lswsutils.c [code] |
file | lswsutils.h [code] |
Miscellaneous utilities which make use of the libswscale library. | |
file | opencl_allkernels.c [code] |
file | opencl_allkernels.h [code] |
file | split.c [code] |
audio and video splitter | |
file | src_movie.c [code] |
movie video source | |
file | transform.c [code] |
transform input video | |
file | transform.h [code] |
transform input video | |
file | libavfilter/version.h [code] |
Libavfilter version macros. | |
file | vf_alphaextract.c [code] |
simple channel-swapping filter to get at the alpha component | |
file | vf_alphamerge.c [code] |
copy an alpha component from another video's luma | |
file | vf_aspect.c [code] |
aspect ratio modification video filters | |
file | vf_bbox.c [code] |
bounding box detection filter | |
file | vf_blackdetect.c [code] |
Video black detector, loosely based on blackframe with extended syntax and features. | |
file | vf_blackframe.c [code] |
Search for black frames to detect scene transitions. | |
file | vf_blend.c [code] |
file | vf_boxblur.c [code] |
Apply a boxblur filter to the input video. | |
file | vf_colorbalance.c [code] |
file | vf_colorchannelmixer.c [code] |
file | vf_colormatrix.c [code] |
ColorMatrix 2.0 is based on the original ColorMatrix filter by Wilbert Dijkhof. | |
file | vf_copy.c [code] |
copy video filter | |
file | vf_crop.c [code] |
video crop filter | |
file | vf_cropdetect.c [code] |
border detection filter Ported from MPlayer libmpcodecs/vf_cropdetect.c. | |
file | vf_curves.c [code] |
file | vf_decimate.c [code] |
file | vf_delogo.c [code] |
A very simple tv station logo remover Ported from MPlayer libmpcodecs/vf_delogo.c. | |
file | vf_deshake.c [code] |
fast deshake / depan video filter | |
file | vf_drawbox.c [code] |
Box drawing filter. | |
file | vf_drawtext.c [code] |
drawtext filter, based on the original vhook/drawtext.c filter by Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri | |
file | vf_edgedetect.c [code] |
Edge detection filter. | |
file | vf_fade.c [code] |
video fade filter based heavily on vf_negate.c by Bobby Bingham | |
file | vf_field.c [code] |
field filter, based on libmpcodecs/vf_field.c by Rich Felker | |
file | vf_fieldmatch.c [code] |
Fieldmatching filter, ported from VFM filter (VapouSsynth) by Clément. | |
file | vf_fieldorder.c [code] |
video field order filter, heavily influenced by vf_pad.c | |
file | vf_format.c [code] |
format and noformat video filters | |
file | vf_fps.c [code] |
a filter enforcing given constant framerate | |
file | vf_framestep.c [code] |
file | vf_frei0r.c [code] |
frei0r wrapper | |
file | vf_geq.c [code] |
Generic equation change filter Originally written by Michael Niedermayer for the MPlayer project, and ported by Clément Bœsch for FFmpeg. | |
file | vf_gradfun.c [code] |
gradfun debanding filter, ported from MPlayer libmpcodecs/vf_gradfun.c | |
file | vf_hflip.c [code] |
horizontal flip filter | |
file | vf_histeq.c [code] |
Histogram equalization filter, based on the VirtualDub filter by Donald A. | |
file | vf_histogram.c [code] |
file | vf_hqdn3d.c [code] |
high quality 3d video denoiser, ported from MPlayer libmpcodecs/vf_hqdn3d.c. | |
file | vf_hqdn3d.h [code] |
file | vf_hue.c [code] |
Apply a hue/saturation filter to the input video Ported from MPlayer libmpcodecs/vf_hue.c. | |
file | vf_idet.c [code] |
file | vf_il.c [code] |
(de)interleave fields filter | |
file | vf_interlace.c [code] |
progressive to interlaced content filter, inspired by heavy debugging of tinterlace filter | |
file | vf_kerndeint.c [code] |
Kernel Deinterlacer Ported from MPlayer libmpcodecs/vf_kerndeint.c. | |
file | vf_libopencv.c [code] |
libopencv wrapper functions | |
file | vf_lut.c [code] |
Compute a look-up table for binding the input value to the output value, and apply it to input video. | |
file | vf_mp.c [code] |
file | vf_mpdecimate.c [code] |
file | vf_noise.c [code] |
noise generator | |
file | vf_null.c [code] |
null video filter | |
file | vf_overlay.c [code] |
overlay one video on top of another | |
file | vf_pad.c [code] |
video padding filter | |
file | vf_pixdesctest.c [code] |
pixdesc test filter | |
file | vf_pp.c [code] |
libpostproc filter, ported from MPlayer. | |
file | vf_removelogo.c [code] |
Advanced blur-based logo removing filter. | |
file | vf_scale.c [code] |
scale video filter | |
file | vf_separatefields.c [code] |
file | vf_setfield.c [code] |
set field order | |
file | vf_showinfo.c [code] |
filter for showing textual video frame information | |
file | vf_smartblur.c [code] |
Apply a smartblur filter to the input video Ported from MPlayer libmpcodecs/vf_smartblur.c by Michael Niedermayer. | |
file | vf_stereo3d.c [code] |
file | vf_subtitles.c [code] |
Libass subtitles burning filter. | |
file | vf_super2xsai.c [code] |
Super 2xSaI video filter Ported from MPlayer libmpcodecs/vf_2xsai.c. | |
file | vf_swapuv.c [code] |
swap UV filter | |
file | vf_telecine.c [code] |
file | vf_thumbnail.c [code] |
Potential thumbnail lookup filter to reduce the risk of an inappropriate selection (such as a black frame) we could get with an absolute seek. | |
file | vf_tile.c [code] |
tile video filter | |
file | vf_tinterlace.c [code] |
temporal field interlace filter, ported from MPlayer/libmpcodecs | |
file | vf_transpose.c [code] |
transposition filter Based on MPlayer libmpcodecs/vf_rotate.c. | |
file | vf_unsharp.c [code] |
blur / sharpen filter, ported to FFmpeg from MPlayer libmpcodecs/unsharp.c. | |
file | vf_vflip.c [code] |
video vertical flip filter | |
file | vf_yadif.c [code] |
file | video.c [code] |
file | video.h [code] |
file | vsink_nullsink.c [code] |
file | vsrc_cellauto.c [code] |
cellular automaton video source, based on Stephen Wolfram "experimentus crucis" | |
file | vsrc_life.c [code] |
life video source, based on John Conways' Life Game | |
file | vsrc_mandelbrot.c [code] |
Mandelbrot fraktal renderer. | |
file | vsrc_mptestsrc.c [code] |
MP test source, ported from MPlayer libmpcodecs/vf_test.c. | |
file | vsrc_testsrc.c [code] |
Misc test sources. | |
file | yadif.h [code] |
Generated on Tue Mar 25 2025 06:54:41 for FFmpeg by