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Toggle_check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
873Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionFeatureNewNormal"Revert to original" for pitch track2014-02-23 12:03 PM
866Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionFeatureNewNormalextend horizontal lines for pitch scale across pane?2014-02-11 10:31 AM
856Vamp Test PluginFeatureNewNormalAre timestamps allowed to go backwards? Test this2014-02-10 06:11 PM
855Vamp Plugin TesterFeatureNewNormalAdd test: If output bin count is given, check that features match it2014-01-30 10:28 AM
853pYIN — pitch and note tracking in monophonic audioBugNewNormalmodularise pyin steps in the PYIN.cpp Vamp pluginMatthias Mauch2014-01-23 04:55 PM
842pYIN — pitch and note tracking in monophonic audioFeatureNewNormalmake pYIN branch for interactive editing and add some interactive editingMatthias Mauch2014-01-31 09:47 AM
841Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionBugNewNormalnote release gets confused when pitch sonification is toggled2014-01-23 01:04 PM
840Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionBugNewNormalNote split adaptation broken2014-03-25 01:21 PM
836Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionBugNewNormalvertical scale guide lines not rendered properly in shadow waveform2014-01-09 04:51 PM
834pYIN — pitch and note tracking in monophonic audioBugNewNormalProblems for the SonicVisualiser Plugin Yintony.2014-01-13 12:03 PM
833SoundSoftware Code SiteBugNewNormalkurtjx has two users, failed to merge publicationsChris Cannam2013-12-16 09:48 AM
829pYIN — pitch and note tracking in monophonic audioBugNewHighpYIN explodes when presented with a longish file2014-01-18 04:27 PM
824Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionBugNewNormalRDF export of notes does not work2013-12-05 01:08 PM
820Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionFeatureNewHighimprove editing interaction2013-12-05 12:01 PM
819Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionBugNewHighimprove import/export2014-05-21 04:59 PM
817Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionBugNewNormalcursor in edit mode does not suggest available actions2013-12-05 11:23 AM
816Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionFeatureNewNormalmerging notes2013-12-05 11:21 AM
815Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionFeatureNewNormalsonification dropdown menu (piano/organ/click)2013-12-05 11:20 AM
809Sonic VisualiserBugNewHighproblems representing output from cqvampChris Cannam2013-12-13 03:23 PM
806RR RepositoryFeatureNewNormalImplement linked data functionalities2013-11-15 02:33 PM
805RR RepositoryFeatureNewNormalInclude rating system for reproducibility2013-11-15 02:32 PM
804RR RepositoryFeatureNewNormalemail authors when something is added using their paper2013-11-15 02:29 PM
803Sonic AnnotatorBugNewNormaltemp files apparently not deleted — problem during batch processing2013-11-15 12:41 PM
802RR RepositoryBugNewNormalRelated software is shown under "Experiments related" title2013-12-13 11:21 AM
800RR RepositoryBugNewNormal"name" field is tiny tiny2013-12-13 11:08 AM

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