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Toggle_check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
957Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionFeatureNewNormalextend pitch track export by note affiliation2014-05-21 03:29 PM
946Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionFeatureNewNormalDelete pitches in time-frequency region2014-05-04 10:18 PM
930Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionFeatureNewNormalAbility to copy-paste pitch curves2014-04-22 06:25 PM
928Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionBugNewNormalAudio "blips" when pitch curve sonification is off2014-04-10 08:55 PM
927Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionFeatureNewLowAdd preferences for Audio I/O2014-04-10 08:52 PM
925Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionBugNewNormalBounding box returned pitches are outside the range of drawn box2014-04-10 07:05 PM
924Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionFeatureNewNormalBetter bounding box pitch estimation interaction2014-04-09 12:14 AM
923Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionBugNewHighTony build 0.5 crashes on re-load of .ton file2014-04-10 08:57 PM
921Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionFeatureNewNormalDiscussion on current pitch estimationsMatthias Mauch2014-04-02 06:31 PM
917Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionFeatureNewNormalproduce Tony videosMatthias Mauch2014-05-21 02:45 PM
916QM Vamp PluginsFeatureNewHigh"Onsets with loudness" pluginChris Cannam2014-04-01 12:21 PM
915Sonic VisualiserBugNewNormalCannot import MIDI at a specific start timeChris Cannam2014-04-01 12:18 PM
914pYIN — pitch and note tracking in monophonic audioBugResolvedNormalBuffer overrun in YinUtil::yinProbMatthias Mauch2014-04-01 12:45 PM
909SoundSoftware Code SiteBugResolvedHighwrong subject on "publication added" emailChris Cannam2014-04-30 05:43 PM
908Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionFeatureNewNormalShortcut Keys for Import/Export Pitch track2014-06-11 09:29 AM
907Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionFeatureNewNormalpyin overwrites pitches from imported pitch track if pitch track imported before pyin is done computing2014-03-26 03:41 PM
904Sonic VisualiserFeatureNewNormalChoose layer type correctly for outputs without fixed bin count2014-03-20 03:05 PM
903Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionFeatureNewNormalintegrate and test Constant-Q spectrogramChris Cannam2014-03-12 10:20 AM
902Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionBugNewHighcrash when cancelling selection during playback (on Windows)Chris Cannam2014-06-16 05:13 PM
900Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionBugNewNormalpitch track csv output inconsistent2014-03-10 04:19 PM
898Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionFeatureNewNormalwindow size adjustment?2014-03-07 05:16 PM
897Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionBugNewNormaldisplay doesn't extend to highest extracted frequencies2014-03-11 09:44 AM
887Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionFeatureNewNormalAllow user to set overall pitch range.Matthias Mauch2014-03-06 12:46 AM
883Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionFeatureNewNormalaudio normalisation2014-03-04 01:44 PM
878Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionFeatureNewNormalannotation specification for annotators (and pyin tweaking)Rachel Bittner2014-02-28 11:30 PM

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