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Toggle_check # Project Tracker Status Priority Subject Assignee Updated
1078APE Perceptual EvaluationBugResolvedNormalFix error: Allow for using same username twice Brecht De Man2014-11-30 10:17 PM
1077APE Perceptual EvaluationBugResolvedNormalBy default relative paths in config filesBrecht De Man2014-11-17 06:16 PM
1076APE Perceptual EvaluationBugNewNormalMake setup.m fileBrecht De Man2014-11-06 05:10 PM
1075APE Perceptual EvaluationBugNewNormalGUI labels and font sizesBrecht De Man2014-11-06 05:09 PM
1074APE Perceptual EvaluationBugNewNormal(Cross-platform) compatibility with different MATLAB versionsBrecht De Man2014-11-06 05:07 PM
1062SoundSoftware Code SiteBugNewNormalDelete author not working in publication list2014-11-02 12:11 AM
1045SoundSoftware Code SiteBugNewNormalMajor download miscounting (or something else very weird)Chris Cannam2015-06-30 10:27 AM
1032Silvet Note TranscriptionBugNewNormalDraft mode could cut down number of (e.g.) piano templates in instrument pack2014-07-16 06:14 PM
1031Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionFeatureNewNormalefficiency of FlexiNoteLayer?2014-07-15 07:29 PM
1029Silvet Note TranscriptionFeatureNewNormalFilter pitch activation matrix inside EM update2014-08-07 08:25 AM
1028Silvet Note TranscriptionFeatureResolvedNormalSome sort of normalisation or level compression needed2014-07-23 07:18 PM
1021Sonic VisualiserBugNewUrgentcrash when running Fan Chirp F0gramChris Cannam2014-06-25 01:21 PM
1018Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionBugNewNormalCore dump: during deletion of a segment (note and pitch track)2014-06-24 11:08 AM
1017Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionBugNewNormalNormalisation has negative effect if there is e.g. a loud click in fileMatthias Mauch2014-06-20 10:02 AM
1012Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionFeatureNewNormalCan't add annotations after end of audio2014-06-18 05:02 PM
1011Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionBugNewNormalexport dialogs suggest many export formats, when we support only csv (?)2014-06-18 05:27 PM
1010Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionFeatureNewNormalwrite small (100-150 word) intro to Tony for releaseMatthias Mauch2014-06-18 04:12 PM
988pYIN — pitch and note tracking in monophonic audioFeatureResolvedNormalReview Tony branch and merge back to default?Matthias Mauch2015-04-02 11:49 AM
978Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionFeatureNewNormalForm Note From Selection behaviour unintuitive?2014-06-12 07:14 PM
977Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionBugNewNormalvery minor valgrind problem2014-06-12 06:38 PM
971Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionBugNewNormalPlayhead (pointer/cursor) behaviour is unhelpfulChris Cannam2014-06-17 09:50 PM
967Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionFeatureNewNormalbetter note handles2014-06-12 07:07 PM
966Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionFeatureIn ProgressUrgentfull-length vertical line during note onset/offset edit2014-06-11 10:06 PM
962Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionFeatureNewNormalnote visualisations also in waveform2014-05-28 02:53 PM
960Tony: a tool for melody transcriptionFeatureIn ProgressNormaltext-editor-like note selectionMatthias Mauch2014-06-16 09:54 AM

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