Bug #1018

Core dump: during deletion of a segment (note and pitch track)

Added by Simon Dixon almost 11 years ago. Updated almost 11 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:2014-06-20
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Target version:-


This time I was using Tony when it crashed. I had selected a bunch of notes (no more than 5 sec) and pressed ctrl-bksp to delete them. My guess: the asynchronous recalculation had the rug pulled from under its feet when its notes were deleted.

Here's the last few lines of stderr / stdout:

Adding model Sparse Time-Value to playsource
AudioGenerator::makeSynthFor(0x7fc37c399bc0): created synth

Adding model Sparse Time-Value to playsource
AudioGenerator::makeSynthFor(0x7fc37c39a0d0): created synth
MainWindow::moveByOneNote startframe: 0
MainWindow::moveByOneNote endframe: 0
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<std::domain_error> >'
what(): Error in function boost::math::pdf(const normal_distribution<d>&, d): Random variate x is -nan, but must be finite!
Aborted (core dumped)

Also I can't find a core file. Shouldn't it appear in the directory from which tony was called?


#1 Updated by Simon Dixon almost 11 years ago

Another crash, this time with more debug info on the console:

ActivityLog: Import audio file "/home/simon/intonation/2013-controlled-study/current/erg1129072013/recordings/erg1129072013-10-55-03-semitone-up-click.mp3"
PlayParameterRepository:addPlayable playable = 0x2901f68

Adding model Wave File to playsource
Not looping, inRange 0 == rangeStarts.size()-1, playing_t 27.244353741R >= m_rangeStarts[inRange] 0.000000000R + m_rangeDurations[inRange] 0.742131519R -- stopping
A dense time-value model (such as an audio file) has been loaded
ActivityLog: Set main model to erg1129072013-10-55-03-semitone-up-click.mp3
MainWindow::analyseNewMainModel: main model is 0x2901f50
(document is 0xca1c720, it says main model is 0x2901f50)
Pane::Pane(0x9459a90) returning
ActivityLog: Zoom to 256 sample(s) per pixel
PaneStack::showOrHidePaneAccessories: count 1
Pane::Pane(0x953ec60) returning
ActivityLog: Zoom to 256 sample(s) per pixel (duplicate)
PaneStack::showOrHidePaneAccessories: count 2
ActivityLog: Add Ruler Layer
Analyser::newFileLoaded: about to check visualisations etc
ActivityLog: Add Spectrogram Layer
Not looping, inRange 0 == rangeStarts.size()-1, playing_t 27.244353741R >= m_rangeStarts[inRange] 0.000000000R + m_rangeDurations[inRange] 0.742131519R -- stopping
ActivityLog: Add Waveform Layer
setting parameters for vague mode
setting parameters for no lowamp suppression
PlayParameterRepository:addPlayable playable = 0x94ba728
PlayParameterRepository:addPlayable: Adding play parameters for 0x94ba728
Connected play parameters 0x36cf130 for playable 0x94ba728 to this 0x21d25c0
flexi = 1
PlayParameterRepository:addPlayable playable = 0x25bef88
PlayParameterRepository:addPlayable: Adding play parameters for 0x25bef88
Connected play parameters 0x36cc680 for playable 0x25bef88 to this 0x21d25c0
FeatureExtractionModelTransformer::run: Waiting for input model to be ready...

Adding model Sparse Time-Value to playsource
AudioGenerator::makeSynthFor(0x94ba710): created synth
Not looping, inRange 0 == rangeStarts.size()-1, playing_t 27.244353741R >= m_rangeStarts[inRange] 0.000000000R + m_rangeDurations[inRange] 0.742131519R -- stopping

Adding model FlexiNote to playsource
AudioGenerator::makeClipMixerFor(0x25bef70): sample id = elecpiano
AudioGenerator::makeClipMixerFor(0x25bef70): loaded clip elecpiano
Not looping, inRange 0 == rangeStarts.size()-1, playing_t 27.244353741R >= m_rangeStarts[inRange] 0.000000000R + m_rangeDurations[inRange] 0.742131519R -- stopping
ActivityLog: Add Smoothed Pitch Track Layer
ActivityLog: Add Notes Layer
Not looping, inRange 0 == rangeStarts.size()-1, playing_t 27.244353741R >= m_rangeStarts[inRange] 0.000000000R + m_rangeDurations[inRange] 0.742131519R -- stopping
Not looping, inRange 0 == rangeStarts.size()-1, playing_t 27.244353741R >= m_rangeStarts[inRange] 0.000000000R + m_rangeDurations[inRange] 0.742131519R -- stopping
Not looping, inRange 0 == rangeStarts.size()-1, playing_t 27.244353741R >= m_rangeStarts[inRange] 0.000000000R + m_rangeDurations[inRange] 0.742131519R -- stopping
Not looping, inRange 0 == rangeStarts.size()-1, playing_t 27.244353741R >= m_rangeStarts[inRange] 0.000000000R + m_rangeDurations[inRange] 0.742131519R -- stopping
FeatureExtractionModelTransformer::run: Waiting for input model to be ready...
FeatureExtractionModelTransformer::run: Waiting for input model to be ready...
Mono Note Stuff
MainWindow::moveByOneNote startframe: 0
MainWindow::moveByOneNote endframe: 0
MainWindow::moveByOneNote startframe: 0
MainWindow::moveByOneNote endframe: 4095
MainWindow::moveByOneNote startframe: 4095
MainWindow::moveByOneNote endframe: 0
MainWindow::moveByOneNote startframe: 0
MainWindow::moveByOneNote endframe: 4095
MainWindow::moveByOneNote startframe: 4095
MainWindow::moveByOneNote endframe: 0
MainWindow::moveByOneNote startframe: 0
ActivityLog: Select Region
MainWindow::selectionChangedByUser: have selection
Analyser::reAnalyseSelection: start -0.023219954R end 0.069659863R original selection start 0 end 4095 duration 0.092879817R
PluginRDFDescription: WARNING: No RDF description available for plugin ID "vamp:pyin:localcandidatepyin"
PlayParameterRepository:addPlayable playable = 0xca20a98
PlayParameterRepository:addPlayable: Adding play parameters for 0xca20a98
Connected play parameters 0x28d0380 for playable 0xca20a98 to this 0x21d25c0

Adding model Sparse Time-Value to playsource
AudioGenerator::makeSynthFor(0xca20a80): created synth
AAAAAAAAA! MainWindow::moveByOneNote endframe: 4095
-nan 464.211
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 445.455
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 370.588
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 358.537
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 347.244
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 336.641
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 317.266
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 308.392
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 300
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 292.053
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 284.516
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 257.895
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 252
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 246.369
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 240.984
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 235.829
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 230.89
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 226.154
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 221.608
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 217.241
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 213.043
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 209.005
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 205.116
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 201.37
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 199.548
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 197.758
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 194.273
MainWindow::moveByOneNote startframe: 4095
ActivityLog: Select Region (duplicate)
MainWindow::selectionChangedByUser: have selection
Analyser::reAnalyseSelection: start -0.023219954R end 0.145124716R original selection start 0 end 7424 duration 0.168344670R
PluginRDFDescription: WARNING: No RDF description available for plugin ID "vamp:pyin:localcandidatepyin"
PlayParameterRepository:addPlayable playable = 0x94fccd8
PlayParameterRepository:addPlayable: Adding play parameters for 0x94fccd8
Connected play parameters 0x9433db0 for playable 0x94fccd8 to this 0x21d25c0

Adding model Sparse Time-Value to playsource
AudioGenerator::makeSynthFor(0x94fccc0): created synth
MainWindow::moveByOneNote endframe: 7424
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 464.211
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 445.455
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 370.588
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 358.537
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 347.244
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 336.641
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 317.266
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 308.392
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 300
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 292.053
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 284.516
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 257.895
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 252
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 246.369
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 240.984
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 235.829
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 230.89
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 226.154
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 221.608
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 217.241
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 213.043
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 209.005
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 205.116
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 201.37
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 199.548
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 197.758
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 194.273
MainWindow::moveByOneNote startframe: 7424
ActivityLog: Select Region (duplicate)
MainWindow::selectionChangedByUser: have selection
Analyser::reAnalyseSelection: start -0.023219954R end 0.446984126R original selection start 0 end 20735 duration 0.470204080R
PluginRDFDescription: WARNING: No RDF description available for plugin ID "vamp:pyin:localcandidatepyin"
PlayParameterRepository:addPlayable playable = 0x94c5698
PlayParameterRepository:addPlayable: Adding play parameters for 0x94c5698
Connected play parameters 0x94d4b30 for playable 0x94c5698 to this 0x21d25c0

Adding model Sparse Time-Value to playsource
AudioGenerator::makeSynthFor(0x94c5680): created synth
MainWindow::moveByOneNote endframe: 20735
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 464.211
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 445.455
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 370.588
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 358.537
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 347.244
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 336.641
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 317.266
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 308.392
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 300
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 292.053
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 284.516
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 257.895
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 252
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 246.369
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 240.984
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 235.829
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 230.89
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 226.154
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 221.608
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 217.241
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 213.043
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 209.005
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 205.116
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 201.37
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 199.548
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 197.758
AAAAAAAAA! -nan 194.273
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<boost::exception_detail::error_info_injector<std::domain_error> >'
terminate called recursively
terminate called recursively
Aborted (core dumped)

#2 Updated by Simon Dixon almost 11 years ago


With cursor at t=0, load the file mentioned above (erg*-10-55-03*.mp3) and press Ctrl-Shift-Right
Above-mentioned core dump occurs.

#3 Updated by Simon Dixon almost 11 years ago

(gdb) where
#0 0x00007ffff2318c39 in raise () from /lib64/libc.so.6
#1 0x00007ffff231a348 in abort () from /lib64/libc.so.6
#2 0x00007ffff2c1ff85 in _gnu_cxx::_verbose_terminate_handler() ()
from /lib64/libstdc++.so.6
#3 0x00007ffff2c1dee6 in ?? () from /lib64/libstdc++.so.6
#4 0x00007ffff2c1df13 in std::terminate() () from /lib64/libstdc++.so.6
#5 0x00007ffff2c1e13f in __cxa_throw () from /lib64/libstdc++.so.6
#6 0x00007fffb90b7433 in void boost::throw_exception<std::domain_error>(std::domain_error const&) () from pyin/pyin.so
#7 0x00007fffb90bd457 in void boost::math::policies::detail::raise_error<std::domain_error, double>(char const*, char const*, double const&) ()
from pyin/pyin.so
#8 0x00007fffb90b3175 in LocalCandidatePYIN::getRemainingFeatures() ()
from pyin/pyin.so
#9 0x00007fffb90cdaa5 in _VampPlugin::Vamp::PluginAdapterBase::Impl::getRemainingFeatures(_VampPlugin::Vamp::Plugin*) () from pyin/pyin.so
#10 0x00007ffff69e8bd0 in _VampHost::Vamp::PluginHostAdapter::getRemainingFeatures() () from /lib64/libvamp-hostsdk.so.3
#11 0x00007ffff6a0b551 in _VampHost::Vamp::HostExt::PluginWrapper::getRemainingFeatures() () from /lib64/libvamp-hostsdk.so.3
#12 0x000000000065f4cc in FeatureExtractionModelTransformer::run() ()
#13 0x00007ffff33eb124 in ?? ()
from /usr/lib64/qt5/5.3/gcc_64/lib/libQt5Core.so.5
---Type <return> to continue, or q <return> to quit---
#14 0x00007ffff3138f33 in start_thread () from /lib64/libpthread.so.0
#15 0x00007ffff23d7ded in clone () from /lib64/libc.so.6

#4 Updated by Simon Dixon almost 11 years ago

Another crash, this time a seg fault when I was editing or perhaps trying to save:

Console output:
Adding model Sparse Time-Value to playsource
AudioGenerator::makeSynthFor(0x7f0fed3b0590): created synth

Adding model Sparse Time-Value to playsource
AudioGenerator::makeSynthFor(0x7f0fed575a00): created synth
ActivityLog: Re-Analyse Selection
MainWindow::moveByOneNote startframe: 1223680
MainWindow::moveByOneNote endframe: 1223680
ActivityLog: Undo Re-Analyse Selection
MainWindow::moveByOneNote startframe: 1197055
MainWindow::moveByOneNote endframe: 1195776
MainWindow::moveByOneNote startframe: 1195776
MainWindow::moveByOneNote endframe: 1170431
MainWindow::moveByOneNote startframe: 1170431
MainWindow::moveByOneNote endframe: 1169408
MainWindow::moveByOneNote startframe: 1169408
MainWindow::moveByOneNote endframe: 1143807
MainWindow::moveByOneNote startframe: 1197055
MainWindow::moveByOneNote endframe: 1195776
MainWindow::moveByOneNote startframe: 1195776
MainWindow::moveByOneNote endframe: 1170431
MainWindow::moveByOneNote startframe: 1170431
MainWindow::moveByOneNote endframe: 1169408
MainWindow::moveByOneNote startframe: 1169408
MainWindow::moveByOneNote endframe: 1143807
MainWindow::moveByOneNote startframe: 1143807
MainWindow::moveByOneNote endframe: 1142784
MainWindow::moveByOneNote startframe: 1142784
MainWindow::moveByOneNote endframe: 1116671
MainWindow::moveByOneNote startframe: 1116671
MainWindow::moveByOneNote endframe: 1116161
MainWindow::moveByOneNote startframe: 1116161
MainWindow::moveByOneNote endframe: 1090047
MainWindow::moveByOneNote startframe: 1090047
MainWindow::moveByOneNote endframe: 1116161
MainWindow::moveByOneNote startframe: 1116161
MainWindow::moveByOneNote endframe: 1116671
MainWindow::moveByOneNote startframe: 1116671
MainWindow::moveByOneNote endframe: 1142784
MainWindow::moveByOneNote startframe: 1142784
MainWindow::moveByOneNote endframe: 1143807
MainWindow::moveByOneNote startframe: 1143807
MainWindow::moveByOneNote endframe: 1169408
MainWindow::moveByOneNote startframe: 1169408
MainWindow::moveByOneNote endframe: 1170431
MainWindow::moveByOneNote startframe: 1170431
MainWindow::moveByOneNote endframe: 1195776
MainWindow::moveByOneNote startframe: 1195776
MainWindow::moveByOneNote endframe: 1197055
MainWindow::moveByOneNote startframe: 1197055
MainWindow::moveByOneNote endframe: 1223680
MainWindow::moveByOneNote startframe: 1223680
MainWindow::moveByOneNote endframe: 1223680
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

... but I can't find the core file.

#5 Updated by Chris Cannam almost 11 years ago

The earlier crashes look like the plugin is crashing rather than the host, but I'm not sure about that last one.

Re. core files: the process will say "core dumped" even if core files are actually disabled. There is a system limit for the maximum size of a core file, and on most Unixes these days it defaults to 0 to avoid taking up huge amounts of disc space for unwanted core files.

To see what your limit is:

$ ulimit -c

To set the limit you can either give a numeric argument for the max size, or say

$ ulimit -c unlimited

The limit is shell-local so you would have to change it in the current shell before running Tony (or in ~/.bashrc or whatever).

Also available in: Atom PDF