Feature #2

Quickly-visible project status information

Added by Chris Cannam over 14 years ago. Updated about 14 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:2011-01-25
Priority:HighDue date:
Assignee:Chris Cannam% Done:


Target version:-


Projects are likely to have various possible statuses:

  • Usable, not really usable yet, just a sketch
  • Library, application, MATLAB script...
  • Something being developed "here", something we're mirroring and building, something abandoned elsewhere...
  • Something related to a particular publication

Also, relationships between projects (X depends on Y).

If there is a standard vocabulary for this, we should probably use that (there may be several "standard" vocabularies).


1. We may need to manage a very large number of projects (thousands) some of which may be very small
2. We are supposed to have more awareness of our domain than most code repositories do -- so that we can provide meaningful relationships between projects, or indexing etc that is actually useful to academic researchers


Feature #69: Project list should identify projects that are not hosted...New

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