Feature #904

Choose layer type correctly for outputs without fixed bin count

Added by Chris Cannam almost 11 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:2014-03-20
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Target version:-


Outputs with multiple bins that don't have a fixed bin count usually want to go into a colour 3d plot layer which has as many bins as the maximum number in any of the returned features.

(Sometimes, though, such outputs are better off in a set of curve layers -- as in Tony.)

Unfortunately, we don't know in advance which of the above would be better, and we also don't know for sure whether an output with no fixed bin count will ultimately prove to have only one bin (so probably best as a curve) or more (perhaps better as a grid).

This could be influenced by the plugin RDF, but we can probably already do better than we do -- at the moment I think such outputs go into a grid layer but with only one bin in it!

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