Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * H.26L/H.264/AVC/JVT/14496-10/... motion vector predicion
3  * Copyright (c) 2003 Michael Niedermayer <michaelni@gmx.at>
4  *
5  * This file is part of FFmpeg.
6  *
7  * FFmpeg is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
8  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
9  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
10  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
11  *
12  * FFmpeg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
13  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
15  * Lesser General Public License for more details.
16  *
17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
18  * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software
19  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
20  */
22 /**
23  * @file
24  * H.264 / AVC / MPEG4 part10 motion vector predicion.
25  * @author Michael Niedermayer <michaelni@gmx.at>
26  */
28 #ifndef AVCODEC_H264_MVPRED_H
29 #define AVCODEC_H264_MVPRED_H
31 #include "internal.h"
32 #include "avcodec.h"
33 #include "h264.h"
34 #include "libavutil/avassert.h"
37 static av_always_inline int fetch_diagonal_mv(H264Context *h, const int16_t **C,
38  int i, int list, int part_width)
39 {
40  const int topright_ref = h->ref_cache[list][i - 8 + part_width];
42  /* there is no consistent mapping of mvs to neighboring locations that will
43  * make mbaff happy, so we can't move all this logic to fill_caches */
44  if (FRAME_MBAFF(h)) {
45 #define SET_DIAG_MV(MV_OP, REF_OP, XY, Y4) \
46  const int xy = XY, y4 = Y4; \
47  const int mb_type = mb_types[xy + (y4 >> 2) * h->mb_stride]; \
48  if (!USES_LIST(mb_type, list)) \
49  return LIST_NOT_USED; \
50  mv = h->cur_pic_ptr->motion_val[list][h->mb2b_xy[xy] + 3 + y4 * h->b_stride]; \
51  h->mv_cache[list][scan8[0] - 2][0] = mv[0]; \
52  h->mv_cache[list][scan8[0] - 2][1] = mv[1] MV_OP; \
53  return h->cur_pic_ptr->ref_index[list][4 * xy + 1 + (y4 & ~1)] REF_OP;
55  if (topright_ref == PART_NOT_AVAILABLE
56  && i >= scan8[0] + 8 && (i & 7) == 4
57  && h->ref_cache[list][scan8[0] - 1] != PART_NOT_AVAILABLE) {
58  const uint32_t *mb_types = h->cur_pic_ptr->mb_type;
59  const int16_t *mv;
60  AV_ZERO32(h->mv_cache[list][scan8[0] - 2]);
61  *C = h->mv_cache[list][scan8[0] - 2];
63  if (!MB_FIELD(h) && IS_INTERLACED(h->left_type[0])) {
64  SET_DIAG_MV(* 2, >> 1, h->left_mb_xy[0] + h->mb_stride,
65  (h->mb_y & 1) * 2 + (i >> 5));
66  }
67  if (MB_FIELD(h) && !IS_INTERLACED(h->left_type[0])) {
68  // left shift will turn LIST_NOT_USED into PART_NOT_AVAILABLE, but that's OK.
69  SET_DIAG_MV(/ 2, << 1, h->left_mb_xy[i >= 36], ((i >> 2)) & 3);
70  }
71  }
72 #undef SET_DIAG_MV
73  }
75  if (topright_ref != PART_NOT_AVAILABLE) {
76  *C = h->mv_cache[list][i - 8 + part_width];
77  return topright_ref;
78  } else {
79  tprintf(h->avctx, "topright MV not available\n");
81  *C = h->mv_cache[list][i - 8 - 1];
82  return h->ref_cache[list][i - 8 - 1];
83  }
84 }
86 /**
87  * Get the predicted MV.
88  * @param n the block index
89  * @param part_width the width of the partition (4, 8,16) -> (1, 2, 4)
90  * @param mx the x component of the predicted motion vector
91  * @param my the y component of the predicted motion vector
92  */
93 static av_always_inline void pred_motion(H264Context *const h, int n,
94  int part_width, int list, int ref,
95  int *const mx, int *const my)
96 {
97  const int index8 = scan8[n];
98  const int top_ref = h->ref_cache[list][index8 - 8];
99  const int left_ref = h->ref_cache[list][index8 - 1];
100  const int16_t *const A = h->mv_cache[list][index8 - 1];
101  const int16_t *const B = h->mv_cache[list][index8 - 8];
102  const int16_t *C;
103  int diagonal_ref, match_count;
105  av_assert2(part_width == 1 || part_width == 2 || part_width == 4);
107 /* mv_cache
108  * B . . A T T T T
109  * U . . L . . , .
110  * U . . L . . . .
111  * U . . L . . , .
112  * . . . L . . . .
113  */
115  diagonal_ref = fetch_diagonal_mv(h, &C, index8, list, part_width);
116  match_count = (diagonal_ref == ref) + (top_ref == ref) + (left_ref == ref);
117  tprintf(h->avctx, "pred_motion match_count=%d\n", match_count);
118  if (match_count > 1) { //most common
119  *mx = mid_pred(A[0], B[0], C[0]);
120  *my = mid_pred(A[1], B[1], C[1]);
121  } else if (match_count == 1) {
122  if (left_ref == ref) {
123  *mx = A[0];
124  *my = A[1];
125  } else if (top_ref == ref) {
126  *mx = B[0];
127  *my = B[1];
128  } else {
129  *mx = C[0];
130  *my = C[1];
131  }
132  } else {
133  if (top_ref == PART_NOT_AVAILABLE &&
134  diagonal_ref == PART_NOT_AVAILABLE &&
135  left_ref != PART_NOT_AVAILABLE) {
136  *mx = A[0];
137  *my = A[1];
138  } else {
139  *mx = mid_pred(A[0], B[0], C[0]);
140  *my = mid_pred(A[1], B[1], C[1]);
141  }
142  }
144  tprintf(h->avctx,
145  "pred_motion (%2d %2d %2d) (%2d %2d %2d) (%2d %2d %2d) -> (%2d %2d %2d) at %2d %2d %d list %d\n",
146  top_ref, B[0], B[1], diagonal_ref, C[0], C[1], left_ref,
147  A[0], A[1], ref, *mx, *my, h->mb_x, h->mb_y, n, list);
148 }
150 /**
151  * Get the directionally predicted 16x8 MV.
152  * @param n the block index
153  * @param mx the x component of the predicted motion vector
154  * @param my the y component of the predicted motion vector
155  */
157  int n, int list, int ref,
158  int *const mx, int *const my)
159 {
160  if (n == 0) {
161  const int top_ref = h->ref_cache[list][scan8[0] - 8];
162  const int16_t *const B = h->mv_cache[list][scan8[0] - 8];
164  tprintf(h->avctx, "pred_16x8: (%2d %2d %2d) at %2d %2d %d list %d\n",
165  top_ref, B[0], B[1], h->mb_x, h->mb_y, n, list);
167  if (top_ref == ref) {
168  *mx = B[0];
169  *my = B[1];
170  return;
171  }
172  } else {
173  const int left_ref = h->ref_cache[list][scan8[8] - 1];
174  const int16_t *const A = h->mv_cache[list][scan8[8] - 1];
176  tprintf(h->avctx, "pred_16x8: (%2d %2d %2d) at %2d %2d %d list %d\n",
177  left_ref, A[0], A[1], h->mb_x, h->mb_y, n, list);
179  if (left_ref == ref) {
180  *mx = A[0];
181  *my = A[1];
182  return;
183  }
184  }
186  //RARE
187  pred_motion(h, n, 4, list, ref, mx, my);
188 }
190 /**
191  * Get the directionally predicted 8x16 MV.
192  * @param n the block index
193  * @param mx the x component of the predicted motion vector
194  * @param my the y component of the predicted motion vector
195  */
197  int n, int list, int ref,
198  int *const mx, int *const my)
199 {
200  if (n == 0) {
201  const int left_ref = h->ref_cache[list][scan8[0] - 1];
202  const int16_t *const A = h->mv_cache[list][scan8[0] - 1];
204  tprintf(h->avctx, "pred_8x16: (%2d %2d %2d) at %2d %2d %d list %d\n",
205  left_ref, A[0], A[1], h->mb_x, h->mb_y, n, list);
207  if (left_ref == ref) {
208  *mx = A[0];
209  *my = A[1];
210  return;
211  }
212  } else {
213  const int16_t *C;
214  int diagonal_ref;
216  diagonal_ref = fetch_diagonal_mv(h, &C, scan8[4], list, 2);
218  tprintf(h->avctx, "pred_8x16: (%2d %2d %2d) at %2d %2d %d list %d\n",
219  diagonal_ref, C[0], C[1], h->mb_x, h->mb_y, n, list);
221  if (diagonal_ref == ref) {
222  *mx = C[0];
223  *my = C[1];
224  return;
225  }
226  }
228  //RARE
229  pred_motion(h, n, 2, list, ref, mx, my);
230 }
232 #define FIX_MV_MBAFF(type, refn, mvn, idx) \
233  if (FRAME_MBAFF(h)) { \
234  if (MB_FIELD(h)) { \
235  if (!IS_INTERLACED(type)) { \
236  refn <<= 1; \
237  AV_COPY32(mvbuf[idx], mvn); \
238  mvbuf[idx][1] /= 2; \
239  mvn = mvbuf[idx]; \
240  } \
241  } else { \
242  if (IS_INTERLACED(type)) { \
243  refn >>= 1; \
244  AV_COPY32(mvbuf[idx], mvn); \
245  mvbuf[idx][1] <<= 1; \
246  mvn = mvbuf[idx]; \
247  } \
248  } \
249  }
252 {
253  DECLARE_ALIGNED(4, static const int16_t, zeromv)[2] = { 0 };
254  DECLARE_ALIGNED(4, int16_t, mvbuf)[3][2];
255  int8_t *ref = h->cur_pic.ref_index[0];
256  int16_t(*mv)[2] = h->cur_pic.motion_val[0];
257  int top_ref, left_ref, diagonal_ref, match_count, mx, my;
258  const int16_t *A, *B, *C;
259  int b_stride = h->b_stride;
261  fill_rectangle(&h->ref_cache[0][scan8[0]], 4, 4, 8, 0, 1);
263  /* To avoid doing an entire fill_decode_caches, we inline the relevant
264  * parts here.
265  * FIXME: this is a partial duplicate of the logic in fill_decode_caches,
266  * but it's faster this way. Is there a way to avoid this duplication?
267  */
268  if (USES_LIST(h->left_type[LTOP], 0)) {
269  left_ref = ref[4 * h->left_mb_xy[LTOP] + 1 + (h->left_block[0] & ~1)];
270  A = mv[h->mb2b_xy[h->left_mb_xy[LTOP]] + 3 + b_stride * h->left_block[0]];
271  FIX_MV_MBAFF(h->left_type[LTOP], left_ref, A, 0);
272  if (!(left_ref | AV_RN32A(A)))
273  goto zeromv;
274  } else if (h->left_type[LTOP]) {
275  left_ref = LIST_NOT_USED;
276  A = zeromv;
277  } else {
278  goto zeromv;
279  }
281  if (USES_LIST(h->top_type, 0)) {
282  top_ref = ref[4 * h->top_mb_xy + 2];
283  B = mv[h->mb2b_xy[h->top_mb_xy] + 3 * b_stride];
284  FIX_MV_MBAFF(h->top_type, top_ref, B, 1);
285  if (!(top_ref | AV_RN32A(B)))
286  goto zeromv;
287  } else if (h->top_type) {
288  top_ref = LIST_NOT_USED;
289  B = zeromv;
290  } else {
291  goto zeromv;
292  }
294  tprintf(h->avctx, "pred_pskip: (%d) (%d) at %2d %2d\n",
295  top_ref, left_ref, h->mb_x, h->mb_y);
297  if (USES_LIST(h->topright_type, 0)) {
298  diagonal_ref = ref[4 * h->topright_mb_xy + 2];
299  C = mv[h->mb2b_xy[h->topright_mb_xy] + 3 * b_stride];
300  FIX_MV_MBAFF(h->topright_type, diagonal_ref, C, 2);
301  } else if (h->topright_type) {
302  diagonal_ref = LIST_NOT_USED;
303  C = zeromv;
304  } else {
305  if (USES_LIST(h->topleft_type, 0)) {
306  diagonal_ref = ref[4 * h->topleft_mb_xy + 1 +
307  (h->topleft_partition & 2)];
308  C = mv[h->mb2b_xy[h->topleft_mb_xy] + 3 + b_stride +
309  (h->topleft_partition & 2 * b_stride)];
310  FIX_MV_MBAFF(h->topleft_type, diagonal_ref, C, 2);
311  } else if (h->topleft_type) {
312  diagonal_ref = LIST_NOT_USED;
313  C = zeromv;
314  } else {
315  diagonal_ref = PART_NOT_AVAILABLE;
316  C = zeromv;
317  }
318  }
320  match_count = !diagonal_ref + !top_ref + !left_ref;
321  tprintf(h->avctx, "pred_pskip_motion match_count=%d\n", match_count);
322  if (match_count > 1) {
323  mx = mid_pred(A[0], B[0], C[0]);
324  my = mid_pred(A[1], B[1], C[1]);
325  } else if (match_count == 1) {
326  if (!left_ref) {
327  mx = A[0];
328  my = A[1];
329  } else if (!top_ref) {
330  mx = B[0];
331  my = B[1];
332  } else {
333  mx = C[0];
334  my = C[1];
335  }
336  } else {
337  mx = mid_pred(A[0], B[0], C[0]);
338  my = mid_pred(A[1], B[1], C[1]);
339  }
341  fill_rectangle(h->mv_cache[0][scan8[0]], 4, 4, 8, pack16to32(mx, my), 4);
342  return;
344 zeromv:
345  fill_rectangle(h->mv_cache[0][scan8[0]], 4, 4, 8, 0, 4);
346  return;
347 }
349 static void fill_decode_neighbors(H264Context *h, int mb_type)
350 {
351  const int mb_xy = h->mb_xy;
352  int topleft_xy, top_xy, topright_xy, left_xy[LEFT_MBS];
353  static const uint8_t left_block_options[4][32] = {
354  { 0, 1, 2, 3, 7, 10, 8, 11, 3 + 0 * 4, 3 + 1 * 4, 3 + 2 * 4, 3 + 3 * 4, 1 + 4 * 4, 1 + 8 * 4, 1 + 5 * 4, 1 + 9 * 4 },
355  { 2, 2, 3, 3, 8, 11, 8, 11, 3 + 2 * 4, 3 + 2 * 4, 3 + 3 * 4, 3 + 3 * 4, 1 + 5 * 4, 1 + 9 * 4, 1 + 5 * 4, 1 + 9 * 4 },
356  { 0, 0, 1, 1, 7, 10, 7, 10, 3 + 0 * 4, 3 + 0 * 4, 3 + 1 * 4, 3 + 1 * 4, 1 + 4 * 4, 1 + 8 * 4, 1 + 4 * 4, 1 + 8 * 4 },
357  { 0, 2, 0, 2, 7, 10, 7, 10, 3 + 0 * 4, 3 + 2 * 4, 3 + 0 * 4, 3 + 2 * 4, 1 + 4 * 4, 1 + 8 * 4, 1 + 4 * 4, 1 + 8 * 4 }
358  };
360  h->topleft_partition = -1;
362  top_xy = mb_xy - (h->mb_stride << MB_FIELD(h));
364  /* Wow, what a mess, why didn't they simplify the interlacing & intra
365  * stuff, I can't imagine that these complex rules are worth it. */
367  topleft_xy = top_xy - 1;
368  topright_xy = top_xy + 1;
369  left_xy[LBOT] = left_xy[LTOP] = mb_xy - 1;
370  h->left_block = left_block_options[0];
371  if (FRAME_MBAFF(h)) {
372  const int left_mb_field_flag = IS_INTERLACED(h->cur_pic.mb_type[mb_xy - 1]);
373  const int curr_mb_field_flag = IS_INTERLACED(mb_type);
374  if (h->mb_y & 1) {
375  if (left_mb_field_flag != curr_mb_field_flag) {
376  left_xy[LBOT] = left_xy[LTOP] = mb_xy - h->mb_stride - 1;
377  if (curr_mb_field_flag) {
378  left_xy[LBOT] += h->mb_stride;
379  h->left_block = left_block_options[3];
380  } else {
381  topleft_xy += h->mb_stride;
382  /* take top left mv from the middle of the mb, as opposed
383  * to all other modes which use the bottom right partition */
384  h->topleft_partition = 0;
385  h->left_block = left_block_options[1];
386  }
387  }
388  } else {
389  if (curr_mb_field_flag) {
390  topleft_xy += h->mb_stride & (((h->cur_pic.mb_type[top_xy - 1] >> 7) & 1) - 1);
391  topright_xy += h->mb_stride & (((h->cur_pic.mb_type[top_xy + 1] >> 7) & 1) - 1);
392  top_xy += h->mb_stride & (((h->cur_pic.mb_type[top_xy] >> 7) & 1) - 1);
393  }
394  if (left_mb_field_flag != curr_mb_field_flag) {
395  if (curr_mb_field_flag) {
396  left_xy[LBOT] += h->mb_stride;
397  h->left_block = left_block_options[3];
398  } else {
399  h->left_block = left_block_options[2];
400  }
401  }
402  }
403  }
405  h->topleft_mb_xy = topleft_xy;
406  h->top_mb_xy = top_xy;
407  h->topright_mb_xy = topright_xy;
408  h->left_mb_xy[LTOP] = left_xy[LTOP];
409  h->left_mb_xy[LBOT] = left_xy[LBOT];
410  //FIXME do we need all in the context?
412  h->topleft_type = h->cur_pic.mb_type[topleft_xy];
413  h->top_type = h->cur_pic.mb_type[top_xy];
414  h->topright_type = h->cur_pic.mb_type[topright_xy];
415  h->left_type[LTOP] = h->cur_pic.mb_type[left_xy[LTOP]];
416  h->left_type[LBOT] = h->cur_pic.mb_type[left_xy[LBOT]];
418  if (FMO) {
419  if (h->slice_table[topleft_xy] != h->slice_num)
420  h->topleft_type = 0;
421  if (h->slice_table[top_xy] != h->slice_num)
422  h->top_type = 0;
423  if (h->slice_table[left_xy[LTOP]] != h->slice_num)
424  h->left_type[LTOP] = h->left_type[LBOT] = 0;
425  } else {
426  if (h->slice_table[topleft_xy] != h->slice_num) {
427  h->topleft_type = 0;
428  if (h->slice_table[top_xy] != h->slice_num)
429  h->top_type = 0;
430  if (h->slice_table[left_xy[LTOP]] != h->slice_num)
431  h->left_type[LTOP] = h->left_type[LBOT] = 0;
432  }
433  }
434  if (h->slice_table[topright_xy] != h->slice_num)
435  h->topright_type = 0;
436 }
438 static void fill_decode_caches(H264Context *h, int mb_type)
439 {
440  int topleft_xy, top_xy, topright_xy, left_xy[LEFT_MBS];
441  int topleft_type, top_type, topright_type, left_type[LEFT_MBS];
442  const uint8_t *left_block = h->left_block;
443  int i;
444  uint8_t *nnz;
445  uint8_t *nnz_cache;
447  topleft_xy = h->topleft_mb_xy;
448  top_xy = h->top_mb_xy;
449  topright_xy = h->topright_mb_xy;
450  left_xy[LTOP] = h->left_mb_xy[LTOP];
451  left_xy[LBOT] = h->left_mb_xy[LBOT];
452  topleft_type = h->topleft_type;
453  top_type = h->top_type;
454  topright_type = h->topright_type;
455  left_type[LTOP] = h->left_type[LTOP];
456  left_type[LBOT] = h->left_type[LBOT];
458  if (!IS_SKIP(mb_type)) {
459  if (IS_INTRA(mb_type)) {
460  int type_mask = h->pps.constrained_intra_pred ? IS_INTRA(-1) : -1;
463  h->left_samples_available = 0xFFFF;
464  h->topright_samples_available = 0xEEEA;
466  if (!(top_type & type_mask)) {
467  h->topleft_samples_available = 0xB3FF;
468  h->top_samples_available = 0x33FF;
469  h->topright_samples_available = 0x26EA;
470  }
471  if (IS_INTERLACED(mb_type) != IS_INTERLACED(left_type[LTOP])) {
472  if (IS_INTERLACED(mb_type)) {
473  if (!(left_type[LTOP] & type_mask)) {
474  h->topleft_samples_available &= 0xDFFF;
475  h->left_samples_available &= 0x5FFF;
476  }
477  if (!(left_type[LBOT] & type_mask)) {
478  h->topleft_samples_available &= 0xFF5F;
479  h->left_samples_available &= 0xFF5F;
480  }
481  } else {
482  int left_typei = h->cur_pic.mb_type[left_xy[LTOP] + h->mb_stride];
484  av_assert2(left_xy[LTOP] == left_xy[LBOT]);
485  if (!((left_typei & type_mask) && (left_type[LTOP] & type_mask))) {
486  h->topleft_samples_available &= 0xDF5F;
487  h->left_samples_available &= 0x5F5F;
488  }
489  }
490  } else {
491  if (!(left_type[LTOP] & type_mask)) {
492  h->topleft_samples_available &= 0xDF5F;
493  h->left_samples_available &= 0x5F5F;
494  }
495  }
497  if (!(topleft_type & type_mask))
498  h->topleft_samples_available &= 0x7FFF;
500  if (!(topright_type & type_mask))
501  h->topright_samples_available &= 0xFBFF;
503  if (IS_INTRA4x4(mb_type)) {
504  if (IS_INTRA4x4(top_type)) {
505  AV_COPY32(h->intra4x4_pred_mode_cache + 4 + 8 * 0, h->intra4x4_pred_mode + h->mb2br_xy[top_xy]);
506  } else {
507  h->intra4x4_pred_mode_cache[4 + 8 * 0] =
508  h->intra4x4_pred_mode_cache[5 + 8 * 0] =
509  h->intra4x4_pred_mode_cache[6 + 8 * 0] =
510  h->intra4x4_pred_mode_cache[7 + 8 * 0] = 2 - 3 * !(top_type & type_mask);
511  }
512  for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
513  if (IS_INTRA4x4(left_type[LEFT(i)])) {
514  int8_t *mode = h->intra4x4_pred_mode + h->mb2br_xy[left_xy[LEFT(i)]];
515  h->intra4x4_pred_mode_cache[3 + 8 * 1 + 2 * 8 * i] = mode[6 - left_block[0 + 2 * i]];
516  h->intra4x4_pred_mode_cache[3 + 8 * 2 + 2 * 8 * i] = mode[6 - left_block[1 + 2 * i]];
517  } else {
518  h->intra4x4_pred_mode_cache[3 + 8 * 1 + 2 * 8 * i] =
519  h->intra4x4_pred_mode_cache[3 + 8 * 2 + 2 * 8 * i] = 2 - 3 * !(left_type[LEFT(i)] & type_mask);
520  }
521  }
522  }
523  }
525  /*
526  * 0 . T T. T T T T
527  * 1 L . .L . . . .
528  * 2 L . .L . . . .
529  * 3 . T TL . . . .
530  * 4 L . .L . . . .
531  * 5 L . .. . . . .
532  */
533  /* FIXME: constraint_intra_pred & partitioning & nnz
534  * (let us hope this is just a typo in the spec) */
535  nnz_cache = h->non_zero_count_cache;
536  if (top_type) {
537  nnz = h->non_zero_count[top_xy];
538  AV_COPY32(&nnz_cache[4 + 8 * 0], &nnz[4 * 3]);
539  if (!h->chroma_y_shift) {
540  AV_COPY32(&nnz_cache[4 + 8 * 5], &nnz[4 * 7]);
541  AV_COPY32(&nnz_cache[4 + 8 * 10], &nnz[4 * 11]);
542  } else {
543  AV_COPY32(&nnz_cache[4 + 8 * 5], &nnz[4 * 5]);
544  AV_COPY32(&nnz_cache[4 + 8 * 10], &nnz[4 * 9]);
545  }
546  } else {
547  uint32_t top_empty = CABAC(h) && !IS_INTRA(mb_type) ? 0 : 0x40404040;
548  AV_WN32A(&nnz_cache[4 + 8 * 0], top_empty);
549  AV_WN32A(&nnz_cache[4 + 8 * 5], top_empty);
550  AV_WN32A(&nnz_cache[4 + 8 * 10], top_empty);
551  }
553  for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
554  if (left_type[LEFT(i)]) {
555  nnz = h->non_zero_count[left_xy[LEFT(i)]];
556  nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 1 + 2 * 8 * i] = nnz[left_block[8 + 0 + 2 * i]];
557  nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 2 + 2 * 8 * i] = nnz[left_block[8 + 1 + 2 * i]];
558  if (CHROMA444(h)) {
559  nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 6 + 2 * 8 * i] = nnz[left_block[8 + 0 + 2 * i] + 4 * 4];
560  nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 7 + 2 * 8 * i] = nnz[left_block[8 + 1 + 2 * i] + 4 * 4];
561  nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 11 + 2 * 8 * i] = nnz[left_block[8 + 0 + 2 * i] + 8 * 4];
562  nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 12 + 2 * 8 * i] = nnz[left_block[8 + 1 + 2 * i] + 8 * 4];
563  } else if (CHROMA422(h)) {
564  nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 6 + 2 * 8 * i] = nnz[left_block[8 + 0 + 2 * i] - 2 + 4 * 4];
565  nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 7 + 2 * 8 * i] = nnz[left_block[8 + 1 + 2 * i] - 2 + 4 * 4];
566  nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 11 + 2 * 8 * i] = nnz[left_block[8 + 0 + 2 * i] - 2 + 8 * 4];
567  nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 12 + 2 * 8 * i] = nnz[left_block[8 + 1 + 2 * i] - 2 + 8 * 4];
568  } else {
569  nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 6 + 8 * i] = nnz[left_block[8 + 4 + 2 * i]];
570  nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 11 + 8 * i] = nnz[left_block[8 + 5 + 2 * i]];
571  }
572  } else {
573  nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 1 + 2 * 8 * i] =
574  nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 2 + 2 * 8 * i] =
575  nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 6 + 2 * 8 * i] =
576  nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 7 + 2 * 8 * i] =
577  nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 11 + 2 * 8 * i] =
578  nnz_cache[3 + 8 * 12 + 2 * 8 * i] = CABAC(h) && !IS_INTRA(mb_type) ? 0 : 64;
579  }
580  }
582  if (CABAC(h)) {
583  // top_cbp
584  if (top_type)
585  h->top_cbp = h->cbp_table[top_xy];
586  else
587  h->top_cbp = IS_INTRA(mb_type) ? 0x7CF : 0x00F;
588  // left_cbp
589  if (left_type[LTOP]) {
590  h->left_cbp = (h->cbp_table[left_xy[LTOP]] & 0x7F0) |
591  ((h->cbp_table[left_xy[LTOP]] >> (left_block[0] & (~1))) & 2) |
592  (((h->cbp_table[left_xy[LBOT]] >> (left_block[2] & (~1))) & 2) << 2);
593  } else {
594  h->left_cbp = IS_INTRA(mb_type) ? 0x7CF : 0x00F;
595  }
596  }
597  }
599  if (IS_INTER(mb_type) || (IS_DIRECT(mb_type) && h->direct_spatial_mv_pred)) {
600  int list;
601  int b_stride = h->b_stride;
602  for (list = 0; list < h->list_count; list++) {
603  int8_t *ref_cache = &h->ref_cache[list][scan8[0]];
604  int8_t *ref = h->cur_pic.ref_index[list];
605  int16_t(*mv_cache)[2] = &h->mv_cache[list][scan8[0]];
606  int16_t(*mv)[2] = h->cur_pic.motion_val[list];
607  if (!USES_LIST(mb_type, list))
608  continue;
609  av_assert2(!(IS_DIRECT(mb_type) && !h->direct_spatial_mv_pred));
611  if (USES_LIST(top_type, list)) {
612  const int b_xy = h->mb2b_xy[top_xy] + 3 * b_stride;
613  AV_COPY128(mv_cache[0 - 1 * 8], mv[b_xy + 0]);
614  ref_cache[0 - 1 * 8] =
615  ref_cache[1 - 1 * 8] = ref[4 * top_xy + 2];
616  ref_cache[2 - 1 * 8] =
617  ref_cache[3 - 1 * 8] = ref[4 * top_xy + 3];
618  } else {
619  AV_ZERO128(mv_cache[0 - 1 * 8]);
620  AV_WN32A(&ref_cache[0 - 1 * 8],
621  ((top_type ? LIST_NOT_USED : PART_NOT_AVAILABLE) & 0xFF) * 0x01010101u);
622  }
624  if (mb_type & (MB_TYPE_16x8 | MB_TYPE_8x8)) {
625  for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
626  int cache_idx = -1 + i * 2 * 8;
627  if (USES_LIST(left_type[LEFT(i)], list)) {
628  const int b_xy = h->mb2b_xy[left_xy[LEFT(i)]] + 3;
629  const int b8_xy = 4 * left_xy[LEFT(i)] + 1;
630  AV_COPY32(mv_cache[cache_idx],
631  mv[b_xy + b_stride * left_block[0 + i * 2]]);
632  AV_COPY32(mv_cache[cache_idx + 8],
633  mv[b_xy + b_stride * left_block[1 + i * 2]]);
634  ref_cache[cache_idx] = ref[b8_xy + (left_block[0 + i * 2] & ~1)];
635  ref_cache[cache_idx + 8] = ref[b8_xy + (left_block[1 + i * 2] & ~1)];
636  } else {
637  AV_ZERO32(mv_cache[cache_idx]);
638  AV_ZERO32(mv_cache[cache_idx + 8]);
639  ref_cache[cache_idx] =
640  ref_cache[cache_idx + 8] = (left_type[LEFT(i)]) ? LIST_NOT_USED
642  }
643  }
644  } else {
645  if (USES_LIST(left_type[LTOP], list)) {
646  const int b_xy = h->mb2b_xy[left_xy[LTOP]] + 3;
647  const int b8_xy = 4 * left_xy[LTOP] + 1;
648  AV_COPY32(mv_cache[-1], mv[b_xy + b_stride * left_block[0]]);
649  ref_cache[-1] = ref[b8_xy + (left_block[0] & ~1)];
650  } else {
651  AV_ZERO32(mv_cache[-1]);
652  ref_cache[-1] = left_type[LTOP] ? LIST_NOT_USED
654  }
655  }
657  if (USES_LIST(topright_type, list)) {
658  const int b_xy = h->mb2b_xy[topright_xy] + 3 * b_stride;
659  AV_COPY32(mv_cache[4 - 1 * 8], mv[b_xy]);
660  ref_cache[4 - 1 * 8] = ref[4 * topright_xy + 2];
661  } else {
662  AV_ZERO32(mv_cache[4 - 1 * 8]);
663  ref_cache[4 - 1 * 8] = topright_type ? LIST_NOT_USED
665  }
666  if(ref_cache[2 - 1*8] < 0 || ref_cache[4 - 1*8] < 0){
667  if (USES_LIST(topleft_type, list)) {
668  const int b_xy = h->mb2b_xy[topleft_xy] + 3 + b_stride +
669  (h->topleft_partition & 2 * b_stride);
670  const int b8_xy = 4 * topleft_xy + 1 + (h->topleft_partition & 2);
671  AV_COPY32(mv_cache[-1 - 1 * 8], mv[b_xy]);
672  ref_cache[-1 - 1 * 8] = ref[b8_xy];
673  } else {
674  AV_ZERO32(mv_cache[-1 - 1 * 8]);
675  ref_cache[-1 - 1 * 8] = topleft_type ? LIST_NOT_USED
677  }
678  }
680  if ((mb_type & (MB_TYPE_SKIP | MB_TYPE_DIRECT2)) && !FRAME_MBAFF(h))
681  continue;
683  if (!(mb_type & (MB_TYPE_SKIP | MB_TYPE_DIRECT2))) {
684  uint8_t(*mvd_cache)[2] = &h->mvd_cache[list][scan8[0]];
685  uint8_t(*mvd)[2] = h->mvd_table[list];
686  ref_cache[2 + 8 * 0] =
687  ref_cache[2 + 8 * 2] = PART_NOT_AVAILABLE;
688  AV_ZERO32(mv_cache[2 + 8 * 0]);
689  AV_ZERO32(mv_cache[2 + 8 * 2]);
691  if (CABAC(h)) {
692  if (USES_LIST(top_type, list)) {
693  const int b_xy = h->mb2br_xy[top_xy];
694  AV_COPY64(mvd_cache[0 - 1 * 8], mvd[b_xy + 0]);
695  } else {
696  AV_ZERO64(mvd_cache[0 - 1 * 8]);
697  }
698  if (USES_LIST(left_type[LTOP], list)) {
699  const int b_xy = h->mb2br_xy[left_xy[LTOP]] + 6;
700  AV_COPY16(mvd_cache[-1 + 0 * 8], mvd[b_xy - left_block[0]]);
701  AV_COPY16(mvd_cache[-1 + 1 * 8], mvd[b_xy - left_block[1]]);
702  } else {
703  AV_ZERO16(mvd_cache[-1 + 0 * 8]);
704  AV_ZERO16(mvd_cache[-1 + 1 * 8]);
705  }
706  if (USES_LIST(left_type[LBOT], list)) {
707  const int b_xy = h->mb2br_xy[left_xy[LBOT]] + 6;
708  AV_COPY16(mvd_cache[-1 + 2 * 8], mvd[b_xy - left_block[2]]);
709  AV_COPY16(mvd_cache[-1 + 3 * 8], mvd[b_xy - left_block[3]]);
710  } else {
711  AV_ZERO16(mvd_cache[-1 + 2 * 8]);
712  AV_ZERO16(mvd_cache[-1 + 3 * 8]);
713  }
714  AV_ZERO16(mvd_cache[2 + 8 * 0]);
715  AV_ZERO16(mvd_cache[2 + 8 * 2]);
716  if (h->slice_type_nos == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_B) {
717  uint8_t *direct_cache = &h->direct_cache[scan8[0]];
718  uint8_t *direct_table = h->direct_table;
719  fill_rectangle(direct_cache, 4, 4, 8, MB_TYPE_16x16 >> 1, 1);
721  if (IS_DIRECT(top_type)) {
722  AV_WN32A(&direct_cache[-1 * 8],
723  0x01010101u * (MB_TYPE_DIRECT2 >> 1));
724  } else if (IS_8X8(top_type)) {
725  int b8_xy = 4 * top_xy;
726  direct_cache[0 - 1 * 8] = direct_table[b8_xy + 2];
727  direct_cache[2 - 1 * 8] = direct_table[b8_xy + 3];
728  } else {
729  AV_WN32A(&direct_cache[-1 * 8],
730  0x01010101 * (MB_TYPE_16x16 >> 1));
731  }
733  if (IS_DIRECT(left_type[LTOP]))
734  direct_cache[-1 + 0 * 8] = MB_TYPE_DIRECT2 >> 1;
735  else if (IS_8X8(left_type[LTOP]))
736  direct_cache[-1 + 0 * 8] = direct_table[4 * left_xy[LTOP] + 1 + (left_block[0] & ~1)];
737  else
738  direct_cache[-1 + 0 * 8] = MB_TYPE_16x16 >> 1;
740  if (IS_DIRECT(left_type[LBOT]))
741  direct_cache[-1 + 2 * 8] = MB_TYPE_DIRECT2 >> 1;
742  else if (IS_8X8(left_type[LBOT]))
743  direct_cache[-1 + 2 * 8] = direct_table[4 * left_xy[LBOT] + 1 + (left_block[2] & ~1)];
744  else
745  direct_cache[-1 + 2 * 8] = MB_TYPE_16x16 >> 1;
746  }
747  }
748  }
750 #define MAP_MVS \
751  MAP_F2F(scan8[0] - 1 - 1 * 8, topleft_type) \
752  MAP_F2F(scan8[0] + 0 - 1 * 8, top_type) \
753  MAP_F2F(scan8[0] + 1 - 1 * 8, top_type) \
754  MAP_F2F(scan8[0] + 2 - 1 * 8, top_type) \
755  MAP_F2F(scan8[0] + 3 - 1 * 8, top_type) \
756  MAP_F2F(scan8[0] + 4 - 1 * 8, topright_type) \
757  MAP_F2F(scan8[0] - 1 + 0 * 8, left_type[LTOP]) \
758  MAP_F2F(scan8[0] - 1 + 1 * 8, left_type[LTOP]) \
759  MAP_F2F(scan8[0] - 1 + 2 * 8, left_type[LBOT]) \
760  MAP_F2F(scan8[0] - 1 + 3 * 8, left_type[LBOT])
762  if (FRAME_MBAFF(h)) {
763  if (MB_FIELD(h)) {
765 #define MAP_F2F(idx, mb_type) \
766  if (!IS_INTERLACED(mb_type) && h->ref_cache[list][idx] >= 0) { \
767  h->ref_cache[list][idx] <<= 1; \
768  h->mv_cache[list][idx][1] /= 2; \
769  h->mvd_cache[list][idx][1] >>= 1; \
770  }
772  MAP_MVS
773  } else {
775 #undef MAP_F2F
776 #define MAP_F2F(idx, mb_type) \
777  if (IS_INTERLACED(mb_type) && h->ref_cache[list][idx] >= 0) { \
778  h->ref_cache[list][idx] >>= 1; \
779  h->mv_cache[list][idx][1] <<= 1; \
780  h->mvd_cache[list][idx][1] <<= 1; \
781  }
783  MAP_MVS
784 #undef MAP_F2F
785  }
786  }
787  }
788  }
790  h->neighbor_transform_size = !!IS_8x8DCT(top_type) + !!IS_8x8DCT(left_type[LTOP]);
791 }
793 /**
794  * decodes a P_SKIP or B_SKIP macroblock
795  */
797 {
798  const int mb_xy = h->mb_xy;
799  int mb_type = 0;
801  memset(h->non_zero_count[mb_xy], 0, 48);
803  if (MB_FIELD(h))
804  mb_type |= MB_TYPE_INTERLACED;
806  if (h->slice_type_nos == AV_PICTURE_TYPE_B) {
807  // just for fill_caches. pred_direct_motion will set the real mb_type
809  if (h->direct_spatial_mv_pred) {
810  fill_decode_neighbors(h, mb_type);
811  fill_decode_caches(h, mb_type); //FIXME check what is needed and what not ...
812  }
813  ff_h264_pred_direct_motion(h, &mb_type);
814  mb_type |= MB_TYPE_SKIP;
815  } else {
818  fill_decode_neighbors(h, mb_type);
820  }
822  write_back_motion(h, mb_type);
823  h->cur_pic.mb_type[mb_xy] = mb_type;
824  h->cur_pic.qscale_table[mb_xy] = h->qscale;
825  h->slice_table[mb_xy] = h->slice_num;
826  h->prev_mb_skipped = 1;
827 }
829 #endif /* AVCODEC_H264_MVPRED_H */
#define MB_TYPE_SKIP
int8_t * ref_index[2]
Definition: mpegvideo.h:114
unsigned int top_samples_available
Definition: h264.h:320
unsigned int topleft_samples_available
Definition: h264.h:319
#define IS_SKIP(a)
Definition: mpegvideo.h:140
FIXME Range Coding of cr are ref
Definition: snow.txt:367
int topleft_type
Definition: h264.h:308
#define C
#define CHROMA444(h)
Definition: h264.h:92
#define LEFT_MBS
Definition: h264.h:68
static av_always_inline int fetch_diagonal_mv(H264Context *h, const int16_t **C, int i, int list, int part_width)
Definition: h264_mvpred.h:37
#define B
Definition: dsputil.c:2025
#define FIX_MV_MBAFF(type, refn, mvn, idx)
Definition: h264_mvpred.h:232
int left_type[LEFT_MBS]
Definition: h264.h:311
uint16_t * cbp_table
Definition: h264.h:434
int topleft_partition
Definition: h264.h:314
int mb_y
Definition: h264.h:461
#define FMO
Definition: h264.h:55
#define DECLARE_ALIGNED(n, t, v)
Definition: mem.h:59
#define MB_TYPE_P0L0
Definition: h264.h:260
#define IS_INTRA4x4(a)
Definition: mpegvideo.h:135
static av_always_inline void write_back_motion(H264Context *h, int mb_type)
Definition: h264.h:941
static void fill_decode_caches(H264Context *h, int mb_type)
Definition: h264_mvpred.h:438
Filter the word “frame” indicates either a video frame or a group of audio as stored in an AVFilterBuffer structure Format for each input and each output the list of supported formats For video that means pixel format For audio that means channel sample they are references to shared objects When the negotiation mechanism computes the intersection of the formats supported at each end of a all references to both lists are replaced with a reference to the intersection And when a single format is eventually chosen for a link amongst the remaining list
#define AV_WN32A(p, v)
Definition: intreadwrite.h:530
int slice_type_nos
S free slice type (SI/SP are remapped to I/P)
Definition: h264.h:375
#define AV_COPY32(d, s)
Definition: intreadwrite.h:578
static av_always_inline uint32_t pack16to32(int a, int b)
Definition: h264.h:828
#define USES_LIST(a, list)
does this mb use listX, note does not work if subMBs
Definition: mpegvideo.h:156
#define AV_RN32A(p)
Definition: intreadwrite.h:518
#define IS_8x8DCT(a)
Definition: h264.h:99
#define IS_INTER(a)
Definition: mpegvideo.h:139
#define av_assert2(cond)
assert() equivalent, that does lie in speed critical code.
Definition: avassert.h:63
Definition: f_perms.c:27
#define SET_DIAG_MV(MV_OP, REF_OP, XY, Y4)
int mb_xy
Definition: h264.h:468
int mb_x
Definition: h264.h:461
int left_mb_xy[LEFT_MBS]
Definition: h264.h:306
int top_mb_xy
Definition: h264.h:304
int chroma_y_shift
Definition: h264.h:284
static void av_unused decode_mb_skip(H264Context *h)
decodes a P_SKIP or B_SKIP macroblock
Definition: h264_mvpred.h:796
static void fill_rectangle(SDL_Surface *screen, int x, int y, int w, int h, int color, int update)
Definition: ffplay.c:489
int topright_type
Definition: h264.h:310
#define AV_COPY64(d, s)
Definition: intreadwrite.h:582
#define A(x)
#define IS_INTERLACED(a)
Definition: mpegvideo.h:142
uint8_t direct_cache[5 *8]
Definition: h264.h:444
#define MB_TYPE_P1L0
#define MAP_MVS
H.264 / AVC / MPEG4 part10 codec.
int top_cbp
Definition: h264.h:436
int constrained_intra_pred
Definition: h264.h:226
const uint8_t * left_block
Definition: h264.h:313
#define MB_FIELD(h)
Definition: h264.h:65
PPS pps
current pps
Definition: h264.h:365
uint8_t(*[2] mvd_table)[2]
Definition: h264.h:441
static av_always_inline void pred_8x16_motion(H264Context *const h, int n, int list, int ref, int *const mx, int *const my)
Get the directionally predicted 8x16 MV.
Definition: h264_mvpred.h:196
int direct_spatial_mv_pred
Definition: h264.h:397
simple assert() macros that are a bit more flexible than ISO C assert().
#define CABAC(h)
Definition: h264.h:87
#define IS_INTRA(a)
Definition: mpegvideo.h:138
external API header
static const uint8_t scan8[16 *3+3]
Definition: h264.h:812
static av_always_inline void pred_motion(H264Context *const h, int n, int part_width, int list, int ref, int *const mx, int *const my)
Get the predicted MV.
Definition: h264_mvpred.h:93
uint8_t * direct_table
Definition: h264.h:443
void ff_h264_pred_direct_motion(H264Context *const h, int *mb_type)
Definition: h264_direct.c:623
unsigned int left_samples_available
Definition: h264.h:322
#define IS_8X8(a)
Definition: mpegvideo.h:148
#define AV_COPY16(d, s)
Definition: intreadwrite.h:574
uint32_t * mb2br_xy
Definition: h264.h:353
uint16_t * slice_table
slice_table_base + 2*mb_stride + 1
Definition: h264.h:373
int16_t(*[2] motion_val)[2]
Definition: mpegvideo.h:105
#define MB_TYPE_L0L1
int8_t intra4x4_pred_mode_cache[5 *8]
Definition: h264.h:316
unsigned int topright_samples_available
Definition: h264.h:321
int left_cbp
Definition: h264.h:437
int top_type
Definition: h264.h:309
Definition: h264.h:339
unsigned int list_count
Definition: h264.h:409
int topright_mb_xy
Definition: h264.h:305
Picture cur_pic
Definition: h264.h:274
static const int8_t mv[256][2]
int mb_stride
Definition: h264.h:466
AVCodecContext * avctx
Definition: h264.h:261
int topleft_mb_xy
Definition: h264.h:303
#define LTOP
Definition: h264.h:69
static void fill_decode_neighbors(H264Context *h, int mb_type)
Definition: h264_mvpred.h:349
int prev_mb_skipped
Definition: h264.h:296
#define CHROMA422(h)
Definition: h264.h:91
synthesis window for stochastic i
#define MB_TYPE_16x16
#define mid_pred
Definition: mathops.h:94
#define LBOT
Definition: h264.h:70
#define AV_ZERO128(d)
Definition: intreadwrite.h:614
int8_t * qscale_table
Definition: mpegvideo.h:102
#define AV_ZERO64(d)
Definition: intreadwrite.h:610
int qscale
Definition: h264.h:286
#define tprintf(p,...)
Definition: get_bits.h:628
common internal api header.
#define AV_COPY128(d, s)
Definition: intreadwrite.h:586
#define MB_TYPE_8x8
Bi-dir predicted.
Definition: avutil.h:218
#define MB_TYPE_16x8
static av_always_inline void pred_pskip_motion(H264Context *const h)
Definition: h264_mvpred.h:251
#define AV_ZERO16(d)
Definition: intreadwrite.h:602
static av_always_inline void pred_16x8_motion(H264Context *const h, int n, int list, int ref, int *const mx, int *const my)
Get the directionally predicted 16x8 MV.
Definition: h264_mvpred.h:156
Picture * cur_pic_ptr
Definition: h264.h:273
#define FRAME_MBAFF(h)
Definition: h264.h:66
#define IS_DIRECT(a)
Definition: mpegvideo.h:143
#define AV_ZERO32(d)
Definition: intreadwrite.h:606
uint32_t * mb2b_xy
Definition: h264.h:352
uint32_t * mb_type
Definition: mpegvideo.h:108
#define av_always_inline
Definition: attributes.h:41
int8_t * intra4x4_pred_mode
Definition: h264.h:317
#define LEFT
Definition: cdgraphics.c:163
Definition: h264.h:338
uint8_t(* non_zero_count)[48]
Definition: h264.h:331
int slice_num
Definition: h264.h:372
int b_stride
Definition: h264.h:354
#define av_unused
Definition: attributes.h:114
int neighbor_transform_size
number of neighbors (top and/or left) that used 8x8 dct
Definition: h264.h:344