A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ 


Abs - Class in samer.functions
AbsXFConvergence - Class in samer.maths.opt
Add - Class in samer.functions
AlignedGaussian - Class in samer.models
Differential scaler: scales and offsets each element of a vector independently aiming to match a given prior model.
AnonymousTask - Class in samer.tools
ArrayImageSource - Class in samer.tools
ArrayVImageSource - Class in samer.tools
Atanh - Class in samer.functions
AudioSink.Util - Class in samer.audio
AudioSource.Util - Class in samer.audio
Axes - Class in samer.j3d
AudioSink - Interface in samer.audio
General interface for objects that accept a stream of samples.
AudioSource - Interface in samer.audio
General interface for objects that can supply an audio stream.
a - Variable in class samer.models.MatrixTrainer
A - Variable in class samer.models.MatrixTrainer
active - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.Constraints
alpha - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.State
alpha - Variable in class samer.tools.ScatterPlot
alphas - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.ZeroCrossingSparsity
Abs() - Constructor for class samer.functions.Abs
AbsXFConvergence() - Constructor for class samer.maths.opt.AbsXFConvergence
Add(double) - Constructor for class samer.functions.Add
AlignedGaussian(int) - Constructor for class samer.models.AlignedGaussian
AlignedGaussian(Vec) - Constructor for class samer.models.AlignedGaussian
AnonymousTask() - Constructor for class samer.tools.AnonymousTask
ArrayCopy(Object, int, Object, int, int) - Constructor for class samer.maths.Ops.ArrayCopy
ArrayImageSource(double[]) - Constructor for class samer.tools.ArrayImageSource
ArrayImageSource(double[], boolean) - Constructor for class samer.tools.ArrayImageSource
ArrayImageSource(double[], int, int) - Constructor for class samer.tools.ArrayImageSource
ArrayVImageSource(double[]) - Constructor for class samer.tools.ArrayVImageSource
Atanh() - Constructor for class samer.functions.Atanh
Axes() - Constructor for class samer.j3d.Axes
abs(double, double) - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter.Pen
accumulate() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.OffsetTrainer
accumulate() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.ScaleTrainer
accumulate() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.Trainer
accumulate() - Method in class samer.models.GeneralisedExponential.Trainer
accumulate() - Method in class samer.models.ICA.ON2Trainer
accumulate() - Method in class samer.models.ICA.ON3Trainer
accumulate() - Method in class samer.models.ICAWithScaler.ScalerTrainer
accumulate() - Method in class samer.models.MatrixTrainer
accumulate() - Method in class samer.models.Mixture.Trainer
accumulate() - Method in interface samer.models.Model.Trainer
collect statistics for parameter update
accumulate() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler.OffsetTrainer
accumulate() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler.ScaleTrainer
accumulate() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler.Trainer
accumulate() - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA.ON2Trainer
accumulate() - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA.ON3Trainer
accumulate(double) - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.OffsetTrainer
accumulate(double) - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.ScaleTrainer
accumulate(double) - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.Trainer
accumulate(double) - Method in class samer.models.GeneralisedExponential.Trainer
accumulate(double) - Method in class samer.models.ICA.NewtonTrainer
accumulate(double) - Method in class samer.models.ICA.ON2DecayWhenActive
accumulate(double) - Method in class samer.models.ICA.ON2Trainer
accumulate(double) - Method in class samer.models.ICA.ON3Trainer
accumulate(double) - Method in class samer.models.ICAWithScaler.ScalerTrainer
accumulate(double) - Method in class samer.models.MatrixTrainer
accumulate(double) - Method in class samer.models.Mixture.Trainer
accumulate(double) - Method in interface samer.models.Model.Trainer
weighted accumulate
accumulate(double) - Method in class samer.models.Scaler.OffsetTrainer
accumulate(double) - Method in class samer.models.Scaler.ScaleTrainer
accumulate(double) - Method in class samer.models.Scaler.Trainer
accumulate(double) - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA.ON2Trainer
accumulate(double) - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA.ON3Trainer
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class samer.applet.WindowApplet
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class samer.maths.MatrixPanel
activate() - Method in class samer.j3d.Root
activate() - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter.Pen
activate(int) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.Constraints
activate the i'th dimension Presupposes that it is not already inactive
activateAll() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.Constraints
activeCount() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.Constraints
add(double[], double) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
add scalar in place y: x[i]+=y for all i
add(double[], double[]) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
add in place y: x[i]+=y[i] for all i
add(double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
add two arrays: x[i]=y[i]+z[i] for all i
add(double[], Generator) - Method in class samer.maths.Mathx
increment each element of a by a value extracted from g
add(double, double) - Method in class samer.mds.MDS.SamerStress
add(double, double) - Method in interface samer.mds.MDS.Stress
accumulate stress due to a link and return dStress/dcurrent
add(double, double[], double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.mds.NewMDS.Laplacian
add stress due to link from x to y.
add(double, double[], double[], double[]) - Method in interface samer.mds.NewMDS.Stress
accumulate stress due to a link given end points, return gradient in g, return true if gradient is usable, false of gradient is bad (eg singularity)
add(int, double[], double[]) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
add(Generator) - Method in class samer.maths.Matrix
add(Matrix, Generator) - Static method in class samer.units.Matrices
add(vec2) - Method in class samer.tools.vec2
add(vec2, vec2) - Static method in class samer.tools.vec2
add(Viewable) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.MinimiserBase
addConsumer(ImageConsumer) - Method in class samer.tools.ImageSourceBase
addElement(int, int, double) - Method in class samer.maths.SparseMatrix
add a new element to list.
addKeyNavigator(Group, TransformGroup) - Static method in class samer.j3d.Util
addObserver(Observer) - Method in class samer.maths.Matrix
addOuterProduct(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.SparseMatrix
addRotator(int, TransformGroup) - Static method in class samer.j3d.Util
addSaver() - Method in class samer.maths.VVector
addTask(Task) - Method in class samer.tools.CompoundTask
addTaskAfter(Task, Task) - Method in class samer.tools.CompoundTask
addWindowListener(WindowListener) - Method in class samer.applet.WindowApplet
allocate(int) - Method in class samer.maths.SparseMatrix
allocate space for E elements and remove all elements
alpha(double, Appearance) - Static method in class samer.j3d.Util
ambientLight() - Static method in class samer.j3d.Util
antisymmetrise() - Method in class samer.maths.Matrix
Antisymmetrise in place.
append(StringBuffer) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.State
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.Abs
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.Add
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.Atanh
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.BiLaplacian
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.BiLaplacianBlend
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.CauchyInfomax
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.CompoundFunction
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.Exp
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.ExponentialSquashing
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.HalfSquare
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.Hamming
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.Hanning
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.HybridFunction
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.Log
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.LogAbs
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.LogCauchy
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.LogCosh
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.LogGenCosh
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.LogGenExp
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.LogGenExp2
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.Negate
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.Power
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.Quadratic
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.RaleighLogPrior
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.Reciprocal
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.Scale
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.ScaledFunction
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.Sgn
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.SparseExponential
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.Sqrt
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.Square
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.Step
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.Tanh
apply(double) - Method in class samer.functions.ThresholdLog
apply(double) - Method in class samer.maths.Constant
apply(double) - Method in class samer.maths.Function
apply(double) - Method in class samer.maths.Identity
apply(double) - Method in class samer.maths.Linear
apply(double) - Method in class samer.maths.Neg
apply(double) - Method in class samer.maths.Zero
apply(double) - Method in class samer.silk.SilkFunction
apply(double[]) - Method in class samer.functions.Abs
apply(double[]) - Method in class samer.functions.Add
apply(double[]) - Method in class samer.functions.CauchyInfomax
apply(double[]) - Method in class samer.functions.Exp
apply(double[]) - Method in class samer.functions.HalfSquare
apply(double[]) - Method in class samer.functions.Log
apply(double[]) - Method in class samer.functions.LogAbs
apply(double[]) - Method in class samer.functions.LogisticHyperplane
apply(double[]) - Method in class samer.functions.Power
apply(double[]) - Method in class samer.functions.Reciprocal
apply(double[]) - Method in class samer.functions.Scale
apply(double[]) - Method in class samer.functions.ScaledFunction
apply(double[]) - Method in class samer.functions.Sqrt
apply(double[]) - Method in class samer.functions.Square
apply(double[]) - Method in class samer.functions.WinnerTakeAll
apply(double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.Function
apply function in place, to each element of inout
apply(double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.FunctionOfVector
apply(double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.Identity
apply(double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.Linear
apply(double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.Neg
apply(double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.VectorFunctionOfVector
apply(double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.Zero
apply(double[]) - Method in class samer.units.Histogram.Equaliser
apply(double[]) - Method in class samer.units.SumFnVec
apply(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.functions.Abs
apply(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.functions.Add
apply(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.functions.CauchyInfomax
apply(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.functions.Exp
apply(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.functions.HalfSquare
apply(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.functions.Log
apply(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.functions.LogAbs
apply(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.functions.Power
apply(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.functions.Reciprocal
apply(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.functions.Scale
apply(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.functions.ScaledFunction
apply(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.functions.Sqrt
apply(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.functions.Square
apply(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.functions.WinnerTakeAll
apply(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.Function
apply function to each element of in, placing result in out
apply(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.Identity
apply(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.Linear
apply(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.MatrixTimesVector
apply(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.MatrixTransposeTimesVector
apply(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.Neg
apply(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.VectorFunctionOfVector
apply(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.Zero
apply(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.units.Histogram.Equaliser
apply(Object[]) - Method in class samer.silk.JavaProcedure
apply(Pair) - Method in class samer.silk.JavaProcedure
apply(Function) - Method in class samer.maths.Matrix
apply(Function, Matrix) - Static method in class samer.maths.Ops
apply(Function, Matrix, Matrix) - Static method in class samer.maths.Ops
apply(Function, Vec) - Static method in class samer.maths.Ops
apply(Vec, Function, Vec) - Static method in class samer.maths.Ops
apply(VectorFunctionOfVector, VVector) - Static method in class samer.maths.Ops
apply(VVector, VectorFunctionOfVector, VVector) - Static method in class samer.maths.Ops
apply(SchemePair) - Method in class samer.silk.JavaProcedure
argmax(double[]) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
return index of supremum of elements in x
array() - Method in class samer.maths.Probe
array() - Method in class samer.maths.RowColumn
array() - Method in interface samer.maths.Vec
array() - Method in class samer.maths.Vec.ForArray
array() - Method in class samer.maths.VVector
assign(double, double) - Method in class samer.tools.vec2
assign(Jama.Matrix) - Method in class samer.maths.Matrix
Set to given matrix (need to make sure both matrices are the same size)
assign(vec2) - Method in class samer.tools.vec2
atanh(double) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
attach() - Method in class samer.maths.LineTrace
attach() - Method in class samer.maths.MatrixPlotter
attach() - Method in class samer.maths.VectorPlotter
attach() - Method in class samer.mds.MatrixPointViewer2
attach() - Method in class samer.tools.ImageViewer
attachView(View) - Method in class samer.j3d.ViewGroup
autoscale() - Method in class samer.maths.FunctionPlotter
available() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource
Returns number of bytes available in current file
available() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource2
Returns number of bytes available in current file
available() - Method in class samer.audio.MultiFileAudioStream
Returns number of bytes available in current file
available() - Method in class samer.audio.StreamSource
Returns number of bytes available in current file


BaseRandom - Class in samer.maths.random
BatchedTrainer - Class in samer.models
Manages a Model.Trainer to do batched learning.
BiLaplacian - Class in samer.functions
Sparsified Laplacian, v1 Log prior for an laplacian distribution with an extra mass at zero, eg a mixture of a laplacian with another much narrower laplacian.
BiLaplacianBlend - Class in samer.functions
Log prior for an laplacian distribution with an extra mass at zero, eg a mixture of a laplacian with another much narrower laplacian.
Binary - Class in samer.maths.random
BinaryVec - Class in samer.maths.random
BipolarUniform - Class in samer.maths.random
BoundedHyperbolic - Class in samer.maths.random
BoundedUniform - Class in samer.maths.random
Brownian - Class in samer.maths.random
ButtonsApplet - Class in samer.applet
b - Variable in class samer.models.MatrixTrainer
beta - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.MinimiserBase
bitrev - Variable in class samer.units.FFT
BOTH - Static variable in class samer.tools.Plotter
BaseRandom() - Constructor for class samer.maths.random.BaseRandom
BatchedTrainer(Model.Trainer) - Constructor for class samer.models.BatchedTrainer
BatchedTrainer(Model.Trainer, int) - Constructor for class samer.models.BatchedTrainer
BiLaplacian() - Constructor for class samer.functions.BiLaplacian
BiLaplacianBlend() - Constructor for class samer.functions.BiLaplacianBlend
Binary() - Constructor for class samer.maths.random.Binary
Binary(double) - Constructor for class samer.maths.random.Binary
BinaryVec(int, double) - Constructor for class samer.maths.random.BinaryVec
BinaryVec(VVector) - Constructor for class samer.maths.random.BinaryVec
BipolarUniform() - Constructor for class samer.maths.random.BipolarUniform
BoundedHyperbolic() - Constructor for class samer.maths.random.BoundedHyperbolic
BoundedHyperbolic(double, double) - Constructor for class samer.maths.random.BoundedHyperbolic
BoundedUniform() - Constructor for class samer.maths.random.BoundedUniform
BoundedUniform(double, double) - Constructor for class samer.maths.random.BoundedUniform
Brownian() - Constructor for class samer.maths.random.Brownian
ButtonsApplet() - Constructor for class samer.applet.ButtonsApplet
background(double, double, double) - Static method in class samer.j3d.Util
basisMatrix() - Method in class samer.models.NoisyICA
basisMatrix() - Method in class samer.models.VarianceICA
between(double, double, double) - Static method in class samer.maths.opt.Util
blob() - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter.Pen
draws the current blob image at the current point
brevcopy(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.units.FFT
build(MinimiserBase) - Method in interface samer.maths.opt.Constraints.Factory
byteToDouble(byte[], double[], int, int) - Static method in class samer.audio.AudioSource.Util
byteToFloat(byte[], float[], int, int) - Static method in class samer.audio.AudioSource.Util


Cauchy - Class in samer.maths.random
CauchyInfomax - Class in samer.functions
cauchy distribution score function
Clicker - Class in samer.units
This is a mouse event handler that interprets mouse clicks to edit a matrix.
ClippedDivide - Class in samer.maths
ColorRamp - Class in samer.tools
Objects of these class could be used directly, but main purpose is to help construct an IndexColorModel for an image
ComplexVector - Class in samer.maths
CompoundFunction - Class in samer.functions
CompoundTask - Class in samer.tools
This is a task that consists of a list of sub tasks.
CompoundTask.Iterator - Class in samer.tools
ConjGrad - Class in samer.maths.opt
ConsoleApplet - Class in samer.applet
Constant - Class in samer.maths
ConstrainedConjGrad - Class in samer.maths.opt
ConstrainedGillMurray - Class in samer.maths.opt
ConstrainedMinimiser - Class in samer.maths.opt
Constrained minimiser.
Constraints - Class in samer.maths.opt
CorrelationTask - Class in samer.mds
Transfer correlation matrix to MDS distances.
Covariance - Class in samer.models
Collect covariance statistics assuming input is zero mean.
CovarianceTask - Class in samer.mds
Transfer covariance matrix to MDS distances Assumes that elements are not normalised to unit variance
CubicLineSearch - Class in samer.maths.opt
Condition - Interface in samer.maths.opt
Constraints.Factory - Interface in samer.maths.opt
cc - Variable in class samer.midi.MidiSynth
chans - Variable in class samer.midi.MidiSynth
clipped - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.ZeroCrossingSparsity
CLOSED - Static variable in class samer.maths.FunctionPlotter
CLOSED - Static variable in class samer.maths.VectorPlotter
ColorModelCodec - Static variable in class samer.tools.ImageViewer
count - Variable in class samer.models.MatrixTrainer
crossings - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.ZeroCrossingSparsity
cx - Variable in class samer.tools.ImageViewer
cy - Variable in class samer.tools.ImageViewer
Cauchy() - Constructor for class samer.maths.random.Cauchy
CauchyInfomax() - Constructor for class samer.functions.CauchyInfomax
Clicker(Component, int, int) - Constructor for class samer.units.Clicker
ClippedDivide(VVector, VVector) - Constructor for class samer.maths.ClippedDivide
ColorRamp(int) - Constructor for class samer.tools.ColorRamp
ComplexVector(int) - Constructor for class samer.maths.ComplexVector
CompoundFunction(Function, Function) - Constructor for class samer.functions.CompoundFunction
CompoundTask() - Constructor for class samer.tools.CompoundTask
CompoundTask(Task) - Constructor for class samer.tools.CompoundTask
ConjGrad(State) - Constructor for class samer.maths.opt.ConjGrad
ConsoleApplet() - Constructor for class samer.applet.ConsoleApplet
Constant() - Constructor for class samer.maths.Constant
Constant(double) - Constructor for class samer.maths.Constant
ConstrainedConjGrad(State, Constraints) - Constructor for class samer.maths.opt.ConstrainedConjGrad
ConstrainedGillMurray(State, Constraints) - Constructor for class samer.maths.opt.ConstrainedGillMurray
ConstrainedMinimiser(Vec, Functionx, Class) - Constructor for class samer.maths.opt.ConstrainedMinimiser
ConstrainedMinimiser(Vec, Functionx, Constraints.Factory) - Constructor for class samer.maths.opt.ConstrainedMinimiser
expected stack top: Vec, Functionx, Class
Constraints(State) - Constructor for class samer.maths.opt.Constraints
CorrelationTask(MDSBase, Matrix) - Constructor for class samer.mds.CorrelationTask
link each object to all the others using distances in matrix, returns a task that can be used to refresh distances from original matrix
Covariance(VVector) - Constructor for class samer.models.Covariance
CovarianceTask(MDSBase, Matrix) - Constructor for class samer.mds.CovarianceTask
link each object to all the others using distances in matrix, returns a task that can be used to refresh distances from original matrix
CubicLineSearch(State) - Constructor for class samer.maths.opt.CubicLineSearch
calcTask() - Method in class samer.units.FFTVector
calculate() - Method in class samer.units.FFT
changed() - Method in class samer.maths.Matrix
changed() - Method in class samer.maths.SparseMatrix
changed(Object) - Method in class samer.maths.Matrix
checkpoint() - Method in class samer.tools.RThread
This method blocks if the thread has been paused and throws an InterruptedException if the thread has been killed.
clear() - Method in class samer.models.JointHistogramBase
clear() - Method in class samer.units.Histogram
clear() - Method in class samer.units.JointHistogram
clear(Graphics) - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter
clear(Graphics) - Method in class samer.tools.Trace
clearLinks(double[]) - Method in class samer.mds.MDSBase
link each object to all the others , returns distance array
clip(double, double, double) - Static method in class samer.maths.opt.Util
clipInt(double) - Method in class samer.maths.FunctionMap
clipped() - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter.Pen
returns true if the last primary current point was clipped
clipStep(double) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.Positivity
Take a step but make sure none of the coordinates becomes negative.
close() - Method in interface samer.audio.AudioSink
close() - Method in interface samer.audio.AudioSource
close() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSink
close() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource
Closes current input stream
close() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource2
Closes current input stream
close() - Method in class samer.audio.MultiFileAudioStream
Closes current input stream
close() - Method in class samer.audio.StreamSource
Closes current input stream
close() - Method in class samer.audio.VLine
Close the line
close() - Method in class samer.midi.MidiSynth
closeImpl() - Method in class samer.audio.LineSink
closeImpl() - Method in class samer.audio.LineSource
coefficients() - Method in class samer.units.SpectralFIR
color(Color3f, Appearance) - Static method in class samer.j3d.Util
color(Light, Color3f) - Static method in class samer.j3d.Util
completer(String, int) - Method in class samer.silk.SilkCompleter
compute() - Method in class samer.models.AlignedGaussian
compute() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler
compute() - Method in class samer.models.GeneralisedExponential
compute() - Method in class samer.models.ICA
compute() - Method in class samer.models.ICAWithScaler
compute() - Method in class samer.models.IIDPrior
compute() - Method in class samer.models.Mixture
compute() - Method in interface samer.models.Model
contract is that getEnergy and getGradient must return correct values for current x after infer and compute has been called, but not necessarily before.
compute() - Method in class samer.models.NoisyICA
compute() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler
compute() - Method in class samer.models.SmoothGeneralisedExponential
compute() - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA
compute() - Method in class samer.models.VarianceICA
computeHg(double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.ConstrainedGillMurray
computeHg(double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.GillMurray
connect(Socket) - Static method in class samer.silk.Terminal
connect(Socket, Procedure) - Static method in class samer.silk.Terminal
container() - Method in class samer.applet.WindowApplet
copy(double[]) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
return copy a in new array
copy(double[], double[]) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
copy a to b: b[i]=a[i]
copy(Datum) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.Datum
copyFrom(double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.VVector
copyFrom(double[][]) - Method in class samer.maths.Matrix
copyTo(double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.VVector
cosh(double) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
createButtonsFor(Agent) - Method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell
createCanvas() - Method in class samer.j3d.ViewBase
createLabel(String) - Method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell
createNumberViewer(String, int, NumberSink) - Method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell
createViewerPanel(Viewer) - Method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell
createWindow(Canvas3D, String) - Method in class samer.j3d.ViewBase
cubic() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.State
estimated step to minimum using cubic interpolation of current state
cubici(double, double, double, double, double) - Static method in class samer.maths.opt.Util


Datum - Class in samer.maths.opt
Difference - Class in samer.maths
DiffScaler - Class in samer.models
Differential scaler: scales and offsets each element of a vector independently aiming to match a given prior model.
DiffScaler.OffsetTrainer - Class in samer.models
DiffScaler.ScaleTrainer - Class in samer.models
DiffScaler.TensionedTrainer - Class in samer.models
DiffScaler.Trainer - Class in samer.models
DistanceTask - Class in samer.mds
Transfer distances directly from a distance matrix to an MDS object's distance vector.
DoubleToStream - Class in samer.units
Write sequence of doubles to a stream in binary format.
DoubleWriter - Class in samer.units
Write sequence of doubles to a stream as text
dx - Variable in class samer.tools.Trace
Difference(Generator, Generator) - Constructor for class samer.maths.Difference
DifferentialTrainer() - Constructor for class samer.models.ICAWithScaler.DifferentialTrainer
DiffScaler(int) - Constructor for class samer.models.DiffScaler
DiffScaler(Vec) - Constructor for class samer.models.DiffScaler
DiffScaler(Vec, Model) - Constructor for class samer.models.DiffScaler
DistanceTask(MDSBase, Matrix) - Constructor for class samer.mds.DistanceTask
link each object to all the others using distances in matrix, returns a task that can be used to refresh distances from original matrix
DoubleToStream(DoubleModel, OutputStream) - Constructor for class samer.units.DoubleToStream
DoubleWriter(DoubleModel, OutputStream) - Constructor for class samer.units.DoubleWriter
DoubleWriter(DoubleModel, OutputStream, boolean) - Constructor for class samer.units.DoubleWriter
d(double[], double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.mds.Euclidean
d(double[], double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.mds.Manhatten
d(double[], double[], double[]) - Method in interface samer.mds.MDS.Metric
return distance between x and y, put y-x in r
d(double[], double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.mds.Minkowski
data(double) - Method in class samer.models.MOGModel
data(double, double) - Method in class samer.models.JointHistogramBase
deactivateAll() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.Constraints
deleteObserver(Observer) - Method in class samer.maths.Matrix
deregisterAgent(Agent) - Method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell
deregisterButtons(Container) - Method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell
deregisterViewable(Viewable) - Method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell
deregisterWindow(Shell.Window, String) - Static method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell
deregulate() - Method in class samer.tools.RThread
derivative() - Method in class samer.functions.Abs
derivative() - Method in class samer.functions.Add
derivative() - Method in class samer.functions.BiLaplacian
derivative() - Method in class samer.functions.BiLaplacianBlend
derivative() - Method in class samer.functions.CompoundFunction
derivative() - Method in class samer.functions.Exp
derivative() - Method in class samer.functions.HalfSquare
derivative() - Method in class samer.functions.HybridFunction
derivative() - Method in class samer.functions.LogCauchy
derivative() - Method in class samer.functions.LogCosh
derivative() - Method in class samer.functions.LogGenCosh
derivative() - Method in class samer.functions.LogGenExp
derivative() - Method in class samer.functions.LogGenExp2
derivative() - Method in class samer.functions.Power
derivative() - Method in class samer.functions.Quadratic
derivative() - Method in class samer.functions.RaleighLogPrior
derivative() - Method in class samer.functions.Scale
derivative() - Method in class samer.functions.ScaledFunction
derivative() - Method in class samer.functions.SparseExponential
derivative() - Method in class samer.functions.Sqrt
derivative() - Method in class samer.functions.Square
derivative() - Method in class samer.functions.Tanh
derivative() - Method in class samer.maths.Constant
derivative() - Method in class samer.maths.Function
derivative() - Method in class samer.maths.FunctionOfVector
derivative() - Method in class samer.maths.Identity
derivative() - Method in class samer.maths.Linear
derivative() - Method in class samer.maths.Neg
destroy() - Method in class samer.applet.ButtonsApplet
destroy() - Method in class samer.applet.ConsoleApplet
destroy() - Method in class samer.applet.JApplet
destroy() - Method in class samer.applet.WindowApplet
detach() - Method in class samer.maths.FunctionPlotter
detach() - Method in class samer.maths.LineTrace
detach() - Method in class samer.maths.MatEditor
detach() - Method in class samer.maths.MatrixPlotter
detach() - Method in class samer.maths.VectorPlotter
detach() - Method in class samer.mds.MatrixPointViewer2
detach() - Method in class samer.tools.ImageViewer
detach() - Method in class samer.tools.SignalTrace
diffFlush() - Method in class samer.models.ICAWithScaler.DifferentialTrainer
digamma(double) - Static method in class samer.models.GeneralisedExponential
directionalLight(double, double, double) - Static method in class samer.j3d.Util
directory(File, String) - Static method in class samer.audio.FileSource2
Set playlist to all WAV files in given directory
directory(File, String) - Method in class samer.audio.MultiFileAudioStream
Set playlist to all WAV files in given directory
disable() - Method in class samer.tools.SwitchTask
dispose() - Method in class samer.applet.Sierpinski
dispose() - Method in class samer.applet.WindowApplet
dispose() - Method in interface samer.audio.AudioSink
dispose() - Method in interface samer.audio.AudioSource
dispose() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSink
dispose() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource
dispose() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource2
dispose() - Method in class samer.audio.LineSink
dispose() - Method in class samer.audio.LineSink.Writer
dispose() - Method in class samer.audio.LineSource.Reader
dispose() - Method in class samer.audio.StreamSource
dispose() - Method in class samer.audio.VLine
dispose() - Method in class samer.functions.CompoundFunction
dispose() - Method in class samer.functions.ExponentialSquashing
dispose() - Method in class samer.functions.HybridFunction
dispose() - Method in class samer.functions.LogGenExp
dispose() - Method in class samer.functions.LogGenExp2
dispose() - Method in class samer.functions.Scale
dispose() - Method in class samer.functions.ScaledFunction
dispose() - Method in class samer.functions.ThresholdLog
dispose() - Method in class samer.j3d.ImmediateRenderer
dispose() - Method in class samer.j3d.MonoView
dispose() - Method in class samer.j3d.StereoView
dispose() - Method in class samer.j3d.ViewBase
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.Constant
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.Difference
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.Function
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.FunctionOfGenerator
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.FunctionOfVector
dispose() - Method in interface samer.maths.Generator
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.Matrix
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.MatrixTimesVector
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.MatrixTransposeTimesVector
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.Datum
dispose() - Method in interface samer.maths.opt.Functionx
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.GillMurray
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.MinimiserBase
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.State
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.SubspaceFunctionx
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.Product
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.random.BaseRandom
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.random.Binary
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.random.BinaryVec
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.random.BoundedHyperbolic
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.random.BoundedUniform
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.random.Gaussian
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.random.GeneralisedExponential
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.random.GeneralisedLaplacian
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.random.Mixture
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.random.MixtureVec
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.random.PowerLaw
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.random.SparseMixture
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.random.Ternary
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.RowColumn
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.SparseMatrix
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.Sum
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.VectorFunctionOfVector
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.VFunction
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.VGenerator
dispose() - Method in class samer.maths.Zero
dispose() - Method in class samer.mds.MatrixPointViewer2
dispose() - Method in class samer.mds.MDSBase
dispose() - Method in class samer.mds.ProximityFilter
dispose() - Method in class samer.midi.MidiRecorder
dispose() - Method in class samer.midi.MidiSynth
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.AlignedGaussian
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.BatchedTrainer
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.Covariance
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.OffsetTrainer
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.ScaleTrainer
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.TensionedTrainer
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.Trainer
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.GaussianStats
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.GaussianStatsOnline
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.GeneralisedExponential
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.GeneralisedExponential.Trainer
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.ICA
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.ICA.NewtonTrainer
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.ICA.ON2Trainer
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.ICA.ON3Trainer
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.ICAWithScaler
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.ICAWithScaler.ScalerTrainer
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.IIDPrior
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.JointHistogramBase
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.MatrixTrainer
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.Mixture
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.Mixture.Trainer
dispose() - Method in interface samer.models.Model
dispose() - Method in interface samer.models.Model.Trainer
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.NoisyICA
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler.OffsetTrainer
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler.ScaleTrainer
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler.Trainer
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.SmoothGeneralisedExponential
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA.ON2Trainer
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA.ON3Trainer
dispose() - Method in class samer.models.VarianceICA
dispose() - Method in class samer.silk.SilkTask
dispose() - Method in class samer.tools.AnonymousTask
dispose() - Method in class samer.tools.CompoundTask
dispose() - Method in class samer.tools.NamedTask
dispose() - Method in class samer.tools.NullTask
dispose() - Method in class samer.tools.RateSchedule
dispose() - Method in class samer.tools.RThread
dispose() - Method in class samer.tools.ScatterPlot
dispose() - Method in class samer.tools.SubrateTask
dispose() - Method in class samer.tools.SwitchTask
dispose() - Method in interface samer.tools.Task
dispose() - Method in class samer.tools.Trace
dispose() - Method in class samer.units.DoubleToStream
dispose() - Method in class samer.units.DoubleWriter
dispose() - Method in class samer.units.EnergyOperator
dispose() - Method in class samer.units.FFTVector
dispose() - Method in interface samer.units.Filter
dispose() - Method in class samer.units.FilteredGenerator
dispose() - Method in class samer.units.FilterVector
dispose() - Method in class samer.units.FIRFilter
dispose() - Method in class samer.units.Histogram
dispose() - Method in class samer.units.Histogram.Equaliser
dispose() - Method in class samer.units.IIRFilter
dispose() - Method in class samer.units.JointHistogram
dispose() - Method in class samer.units.LineIn
dispose() - Method in class samer.units.LineOut
dispose() - Method in class samer.units.MousePosition
dispose() - Method in class samer.units.NoisyLinearSource
dispose() - Method in class samer.units.OnsetMap
dispose() - Method in class samer.units.Oscillator
dispose() - Method in class samer.units.OverlapAndAdd
dispose() - Method in class samer.units.RescaledIFT
dispose() - Method in class samer.units.SpectralFIR
dispose() - Method in class samer.units.Stacker
dispose() - Method in class samer.units.Stacker2
dispose() - Method in class samer.units.StreamToDouble
dispose() - Method in class samer.units.StreamToVec
dispose() - Method in class samer.units.VecToStream
dispose() - Method in class samer.units.VecWriter
dispose() - Method in class samer.units.Wavetable
div(double) - Method in class samer.tools.vec2
div(double[], double[]) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
elementwise divide in place: x[i] /=y[i]
div(double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
elementwise divide: x[i]=y[i]/z[i]
div(vec2, double) - Static method in class samer.tools.vec2
done() - Method in class samer.mds.MDS.SamerStress
done() - Method in interface samer.mds.MDS.Stress
return normalised stress and reset for next time
done() - Method in class samer.mds.NewMDS.Laplacian
finish accumulating stress terms: reset accumulators for next iteration and return normalised stress (ie per link)
done() - Method in interface samer.mds.NewMDS.Stress
return normalised stress and reset for next time
dot(double[], double[]) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
return dot product of a and b: sum_i a[i]*b[i]
dot(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.Constraints
sparse vector dot product
dot(vec2, vec2) - Static method in class samer.tools.vec2
doubleArray(int) - Method in class samer.maths.Mathx
doubletoByte(double[], byte[], int, int, double) - Static method in class samer.audio.AudioSink.Util
doubleToShort(double[], byte[], int, int, double) - Static method in class samer.audio.AudioSink.Util
draw(Graphics, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface samer.tools.Renderer
draw(Graphics, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class samer.tools.Renderer.Fill
draw(Graphics, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class samer.tools.Renderer.Fill3D
draw(Graphics, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class samer.tools.Renderer.Line
draw(Graphics, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class samer.tools.Renderer.Steps
drawAxes(Graphics) - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter
not really for public use
drawAxis(Graphics) - Method in class samer.tools.Trace
dummyFrame() - Static method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell


EnergyOperator - Class in samer.units
Euclidean - Class in samer.mds
Euclidean metric
Exp - Class in samer.functions
Exponential - Class in samer.maths.random
ExponentialSquashing - Class in samer.functions
Zero for t<0, linear near 0, exponentially tending to 1
EnergyOperator() - Constructor for class samer.units.EnergyOperator
Equaliser() - Constructor for class samer.units.Histogram.Equaliser
Euclidean() - Constructor for class samer.mds.Euclidean
Exp() - Constructor for class samer.functions.Exp
Exponential() - Constructor for class samer.maths.random.Exponential
ExponentialSquashing() - Constructor for class samer.functions.ExponentialSquashing
elapsedTime() - Method in class samer.tools.RThread
ellipse() - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter.Pen
enable() - Method in class samer.tools.SwitchTask
equals(Observable) - Method in class samer.maths.Matrix
error() - Method in class samer.models.NoisyICA
error() - Method in class samer.models.VarianceICA
eval2() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.Constraints
evaluate function and gradient at P2
eval2() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.State
evaluate at P2
evaluate() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.State
evaluate at P1
evaluate(double[], double[]) - Method in interface samer.maths.opt.Functionx
set argument to x, return value and put gradient in dx
evaluate(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.SubspaceFunctionx
set argument to x, return value and put gradient in dx
evaluate(Datum) - Method in interface samer.maths.opt.Functionx
get value and gradient for supplied point
evaluate(Datum) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.SubspaceFunctionx
get value and gradient for supplied point
execute(String, Environment) - Method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell
execute(String, Environment) - Method in class samer.applet.Sierpinski
execute(String, Environment) - Method in class samer.audio.FileSink
execute(String, Environment) - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource
execute(String, Environment) - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource2
execute(String, Environment) - Method in class samer.audio.LineSink
execute(String, Environment) - Method in class samer.audio.VLine
execute(String, Environment) - Method in class samer.j3d.MorphPoints
execute(String, Environment) - Method in class samer.j3d.ViewBase
execute(String, Environment) - Method in class samer.maths.FunctionPlotter
execute(String, Environment) - Method in class samer.maths.MatEditor
execute(String, Environment) - Method in class samer.maths.MatrixAgent
execute(String, Environment) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.ConstrainedMinimiser
execute(String, Environment) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.MinimiserBase
execute(String, Environment) - Method in class samer.maths.RowColumn
execute(String, Environment) - Method in class samer.maths.VectorPlotter
execute(String, Environment) - Method in class samer.maths.VectorTrace
execute(String, Environment) - Method in class samer.maths.VFunction
execute(String, Environment) - Method in class samer.maths.VGenerator
execute(String, Environment) - Method in class samer.maths.VVector
execute(String, Environment) - Method in class samer.mds.MatrixPointViewer2
execute(String, Environment) - Method in class samer.midi.MidiRecorderBase
execute(String, Environment) - Method in class samer.midi.MidiSynth
execute(String, Environment) - Method in class samer.models.ICA
execute(String, Environment) - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA
execute(String, Environment) - Method in class samer.tools.ImageTraceBase
execute(String, Environment) - Method in class samer.tools.ImageViewer
execute(String, Environment) - Method in class samer.tools.RThread
execute(String, Environment) - Method in class samer.tools.SignalTrace
execute(String, Environment) - Method in class samer.tools.Trace
execute(String, Environment) - Method in class samer.units.Histogram
execute(String, Environment) - Method in class samer.units.JointHistogram
exit() - Method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell
expose() - Static method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell
expose() - Method in class samer.applet.WindowApplet
exposeCommands(Agent) - Method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell
exposeMaps() - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter
exposeViewables() - Method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell
extrapolate() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.CubicLineSearch


FFT - Class in samer.units
Fast Fourier Transform
FFTVector - Class in samer.units
Manages a fourier transform from a given Vec into another vector.
FileSink - Class in samer.audio
An AudioSink that writes to a wav file.
FileSource - Class in samer.audio
An AudioSource that read from multiple audio files.
FileSource2 - Class in samer.audio
An AudioSource that read from multiple audio files.
FilteredGenerator - Class in samer.units
FilterVector - Class in samer.units
FIRFilter - Class in samer.units
Function - Class in samer.maths
Defines a real-valued function of a single real variable.
FunctionMap - Class in samer.maths
This class maps a given interval of real numbers to the interval [0,1], returning either the real number, or converting it to an integer between 0 and a given value (defaults to 256).
FunctionOfGenerator - Class in samer.maths
FunctionOfVector - Class in samer.maths
Defines a real-valued function of a vector
FunctionPlotter - Class in samer.maths
Filter - Interface in samer.units
Functionx - Interface in samer.maths.opt
This is a function interface that is designed to allow efficient implementations of minimisation algorithms by recognising the fact that the function and its gradient may be repeatedly evaluated at the same point in different parts of the code - hence we can save ourselves some computation.
f - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.Datum
factor - Variable in class samer.midi.MidiSynth
fade - Variable in class samer.tools.ScatterPlot
FILL - Static variable in class samer.maths.FunctionPlotter
FILL - Static variable in class samer.maths.VectorPlotter
FILL - Static variable in interface samer.tools.Renderer
FILL3D - Static variable in class samer.maths.FunctionPlotter
FILL3D - Static variable in class samer.maths.VectorPlotter
FILL3D - Static variable in interface samer.tools.Renderer
flange - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.MinimiserBase
FLIPPED - Static variable in class samer.maths.RowColumn
func - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.State
FFT(int) - Constructor for class samer.units.FFT
FFTVector(int) - Constructor for class samer.units.FFTVector
FFTVector(Vec) - Constructor for class samer.units.FFTVector
FileSink(String, AudioFormat) - Constructor for class samer.audio.FileSink
FileSink(AudioFormat) - Constructor for class samer.audio.FileSink
FileSource() - Constructor for class samer.audio.FileSource
Construct a FileSource initialised with current file and loop initialised from the current Environment.
FileSource2(AudioFormat, List<File>) - Constructor for class samer.audio.FileSource2
Construct a FileSource2.
Fill() - Constructor for class samer.tools.Renderer.Fill
Fill3D() - Constructor for class samer.tools.Renderer.Fill3D
FilteredGenerator(Generator, Filter) - Constructor for class samer.units.FilteredGenerator
FilterVector(Vec) - Constructor for class samer.units.FilterVector
FIRFilter(double[]) - Constructor for class samer.units.FIRFilter
FIRFilter(int) - Constructor for class samer.units.FIRFilter
ForArray(double[]) - Constructor for class samer.maths.Vec.ForArray
ForArray(int) - Constructor for class samer.maths.Vec.ForArray
Function() - Constructor for class samer.maths.Function
FunctionMap(int, Function) - Constructor for class samer.maths.FunctionMap
FunctionOfGenerator(Function, Generator) - Constructor for class samer.maths.FunctionOfGenerator
FunctionOfVector() - Constructor for class samer.maths.FunctionOfVector
FunctionPlotter(VFunction) - Constructor for class samer.maths.FunctionPlotter
factory() - Static method in class samer.maths.opt.ZeroCrossingSparsity
fade() - Method in class samer.tools.ScatterPlot
fill3DRect(boolean) - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter.Pen
fillEllipse() - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter.Pen
fillRect() - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter.Pen
filter(double) - Method in class samer.units.EnergyOperator
filter(double) - Method in interface samer.units.Filter
filter(double) - Method in class samer.units.FIRFilter
FIR filter using array of filter coefficients
filter(double) - Method in class samer.units.IIRFilter
FIR filter using array of filter coefficients
finalize() - Method in class samer.applet.JApplet
find(int, int[], int) - Static method in class samer.maths.opt.Util
flat(Appearance) - Static method in class samer.j3d.Util
flat(Color3f, Appearance) - Static method in class samer.j3d.Util
floatToByte(float[], byte[], int, int, float) - Static method in class samer.audio.AudioSink.Util
floatToShort(float[], byte[], int, int, float) - Static method in class samer.audio.AudioSink.Util
flush() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.OffsetTrainer
flush() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.ScaleTrainer
flush() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.TensionedTrainer
flush() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.Trainer
flush() - Method in class samer.models.GeneralisedExponential.Trainer
flush() - Method in class samer.models.ICA.NewtonTrainer
flush() - Method in class samer.models.ICA.ON2DecayWhenActive
flush() - Method in class samer.models.ICA.ON2Trainer
flush() - Method in class samer.models.ICA.ON3Trainer
flush() - Method in class samer.models.ICAWithScaler.DifferentialTrainer
flush() - Method in class samer.models.ICAWithScaler.ScalerTrainer
flush() - Method in class samer.models.MatrixTrainer
flush() - Method in class samer.models.Mixture.Trainer
flush() - Method in interface samer.models.Model.Trainer
use collected stats to update parameters and reset
flush() - Method in class samer.models.MOGModel
flush() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler.OffsetTrainer
flush() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler.ScaleTrainer
flush() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler.Trainer
flush() - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA.ON2Trainer
flush() - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA.ON3Trainer
flush() - Method in class samer.units.SignalWindow
flushTask() - Method in class samer.models.MOGModel
flushTask() - Method in class samer.models.MOGVector
flushTask() - Method in class samer.units.SignalWindow
focusGained(FocusEvent) - Method in class samer.maths.MatrixPanel
focusLost(FocusEvent) - Method in class samer.maths.MatrixPanel
fold() - Method in class samer.models.ICAWithScaler
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.Abs
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.Add
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.Atanh
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.BiLaplacian
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.BiLaplacianBlend
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.CauchyInfomax
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.CompoundFunction
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.Exp
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.ExponentialSquashing
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.HalfSquare
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.Hamming
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.Hanning
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.HybridFunction
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.Log
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.LogAbs
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.LogCauchy
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.LogCosh
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.LogGenCosh
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.LogGenExp
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.LogGenExp2
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.Negate
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.Power
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.Quadratic
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.RaleighLogPrior
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.Reciprocal
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.Scale
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.ScaledFunction
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.Sgn
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.SparseExponential
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.Sqrt
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.Square
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.Step
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.Tanh
format(String) - Method in class samer.functions.ThresholdLog
format(String) - Method in class samer.maths.Constant
format(String) - Method in class samer.maths.Function
format(String) - Method in class samer.maths.Identity
format(String) - Method in class samer.maths.Linear
format(String) - Method in class samer.maths.Neg
format(String) - Method in class samer.maths.Zero
format(String) - Method in class samer.silk.SilkFunction
fourierBasis(Matrix) - Static method in class samer.units.Matrices
fps() - Method in class samer.tools.RThread
functionx() - Method in class samer.models.AlignedGaussian
functionx() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler
functionx() - Method in class samer.models.GeneralisedExponential
functionx() - Method in class samer.models.ICA
functionx() - Method in class samer.models.ICAWithScaler
functionx() - Method in class samer.models.IIDPrior
functionx() - Method in class samer.models.Mixture
functionx() - Method in interface samer.models.Model
This presents a more functional interface to the model so that it can be driven by an optimiser.
functionx() - Method in class samer.models.NoisyICA
functionx() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler
functionx() - Method in class samer.models.SmoothGeneralisedExponential
functionx() - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA
functionx() - Method in class samer.models.VarianceICA
fuzzyIdentity(Matrix) - Static method in class samer.units.Matrices
fuzzyIdentity(Matrix, double) - Static method in class samer.units.Matrices


Gamma - Class in samer.functions
Implementation of the real (incomplete) Gamma function.
Gaussian - Class in samer.maths.random
GaussianStats - Class in samer.models
Collect statistics about a vector: accumulates sums and sums of products, then computes mean and covariance.
GaussianStatsOnline - Class in samer.models
Similar to GaussianStats: Collect statistics about a vector: accumulates sums and sums of products, then computes mean and covariance.
GConvergence - Class in samer.maths.opt
GeneralisedExponential - Class in samer.maths.random
GeneralisedExponential - Class in samer.models
GeneralisedExponential.Trainer - Class in samer.models
GeneralisedLaplacian - Class in samer.maths.random
GenerateDouble - Class in samer.units
GenerateVector - Class in samer.units
GeometricFilter - Class in samer.mds
GillMurray - Class in samer.maths.opt
Generator - Interface in samer.maths
This defines an object that generates a sequence of numbers.
g - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.Datum
g1 - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.MinimiserBase
g2 - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.MinimiserBase
gconv - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.MinimiserBase
GREEN - Static variable in class samer.tools.ImageSourceBase
GREY - Static variable in class samer.tools.ImageSourceBase
Gaussian() - Constructor for class samer.maths.random.Gaussian
Gaussian(double, double) - Constructor for class samer.maths.random.Gaussian
GaussianStats(VVector) - Constructor for class samer.models.GaussianStats
GaussianStatsOnline(VVector) - Constructor for class samer.models.GaussianStatsOnline
GConvergence() - Constructor for class samer.maths.opt.GConvergence
GeneralisedExponential() - Constructor for class samer.maths.random.GeneralisedExponential
GeneralisedExponential(int) - Constructor for class samer.models.GeneralisedExponential
GeneralisedExponential(Vec) - Constructor for class samer.models.GeneralisedExponential
GeneralisedLaplacian() - Constructor for class samer.maths.random.GeneralisedLaplacian
GenerateDouble(DoubleModel, Generator) - Constructor for class samer.units.GenerateDouble
GenerateVector(VVector, Generator) - Constructor for class samer.units.GenerateVector
GeometricFilter(Matrix, Vec, FunctionOfVector) - Constructor for class samer.mds.GeometricFilter
GillMurray(State) - Constructor for class samer.maths.opt.GillMurray
gamma(double) - Static method in class samer.functions.Gamma
Retunrs the gamma function at z.
gamma(double, double) - Static method in class samer.functions.Gamma
Returns the incomplete gamma function at a, x.
gamma(double, double, double) - Static method in class samer.functions.Gamma
Returns the incomplete gamma function at a, x.
get() - Method in class samer.functions.Add
get() - Method in class samer.functions.ExponentialSquashing
get() - Method in class samer.functions.HybridFunction
DoubleModel implementation: get crossover point
get() - Method in class samer.functions.LogGenCosh
get() - Method in class samer.functions.LogGenExp
get() - Method in class samer.functions.LogGenExp2
get() - Method in class samer.functions.Power
get() - Method in class samer.functions.Scale
get() - Method in class samer.functions.ScaledFunction
get() - Method in class samer.functions.ThresholdLog
get() - Method in class samer.maths.Parameter
get() - Method in class samer.mds.MDS.SamerStress
get() - Method in interface samer.mds.MDS.Stress
return last value returned by done()
get() - Method in class samer.mds.NewMDS.Laplacian
return last stress value
get() - Method in interface samer.mds.NewMDS.Stress
return last value returned by done()
get() - Method in class samer.models.MatrixTrainer
get(int, int) - Method in interface samer.maths.Mat
get(int, int) - Method in class samer.maths.RowColumn
get(int, int) - Method in class samer.maths.Vec.ForArray
getAgent() - Method in class samer.maths.Matrix
getAlpha() - Method in class samer.models.SmoothGeneralisedExponential
getAlphaModel() - Method in class samer.functions.LogGenExp
getAlphaModel() - Method in class samer.functions.LogGenExp2
getAlphas() - Method in class samer.models.GeneralisedExponential
getAltTrainer() - Method in class samer.models.ICA
getAltTrainer() - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA
getBasisMatrix() - Method in class samer.models.ICA
getBatch() - Method in class samer.models.BatchedTrainer
getBinMatrix() - Method in class samer.models.JointHistogramBase
getBinMatrix() - Method in class samer.units.Histogram
getBinMatrix() - Method in class samer.units.JointHistogram
getBinMatrix() - Method in class samer.units.OnsetMap
getBorder() - Method in class samer.applet.JApplet
getBounds() - Static method in class samer.j3d.Util
getChannels() - Method in interface samer.audio.AudioSource
getChannels() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource
getChannels() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource2
getChannels() - Method in class samer.audio.LineSource
getChannels() - Method in class samer.audio.StreamSource
getColor(int) - Method in class samer.tools.ColorRamp
getColorArray() - Method in class samer.tools.ColorRamp
getColorModel() - Method in class samer.tools.ColorRamp
getColumn(int) - Method in class samer.maths.Matrix
getCommands(Agent.Registry) - Method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell
getCommands(Agent.Registry) - Method in class samer.applet.Sierpinski
getCommands(Agent.Registry) - Method in class samer.audio.FileSink
getCommands(Agent.Registry) - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource
getCommands(Agent.Registry) - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource2
getCommands(Agent.Registry) - Method in class samer.audio.VLine
getCommands(Agent.Registry) - Method in class samer.j3d.MorphPoints
getCommands(Agent.Registry) - Method in class samer.j3d.ViewBase
getCommands(Agent.Registry) - Method in class samer.maths.MatEditor
getCommands(Agent.Registry) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.ConstrainedMinimiser
getCommands(Agent.Registry) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.MinimiserBase
getCommands(Agent.Registry) - Method in class samer.maths.RowColumn
getCommands(Agent.Registry) - Method in class samer.maths.VFunction
getCommands(Agent.Registry) - Method in class samer.midi.MidiRecorderBase
getCommands(Agent.Registry) - Method in class samer.midi.MidiSynth
getCommands(Agent.Registry) - Method in class samer.tools.ImageTraceBase
getCommands(Agent.Registry) - Method in class samer.tools.RThread
getCommands(Registry) - Method in class samer.audio.LineSink
Commands are :"set scale".
getCommands(Registry) - Method in class samer.maths.FunctionPlotter
getCommands(Registry) - Method in class samer.maths.MatrixAgent
getCommands(Registry) - Method in class samer.maths.VectorPlotter
getCommands(Registry) - Method in class samer.maths.VectorTrace
getCommands(Registry) - Method in class samer.maths.VGenerator
getCommands(Registry) - Method in class samer.maths.VVector
getCommands(Registry) - Method in class samer.mds.MatrixPointViewer2
getCommands(Registry) - Method in class samer.models.ICA
getCommands(Registry) - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA
getCommands(Registry) - Method in class samer.tools.ImageViewer
getCommands(Registry) - Method in class samer.tools.SignalTrace
getCommands(Registry) - Method in class samer.tools.Trace
getCommands(Registry) - Method in class samer.units.Histogram
getCommands(Registry) - Method in class samer.units.JointHistogram
getCorrelation(Matrix) - Method in class samer.models.Covariance
getCorrelation(Matrix) - Method in class samer.models.GaussianStats
getCovariance(Matrix) - Method in class samer.models.GaussianStats
getDecayWhenActiveTrainer() - Method in class samer.models.ICA
getDiagonal(Jama.Matrix) - Static method in class samer.maths.Matrix
getDialog(String) - Method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell
getDiffTrainer() - Method in class samer.models.ICAWithScaler
getDistances() - Method in class samer.mds.CorrelationTask
getDistances() - Method in class samer.mds.CovarianceTask
getDistances() - Method in class samer.mds.DistanceTask
getDomainMax() - Method in class samer.maths.FunctionMap
getDomainMin() - Method in class samer.maths.FunctionMap
getEnergy() - Method in class samer.models.AlignedGaussian
getEnergy() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler
getEnergy() - Method in class samer.models.GeneralisedExponential
getEnergy() - Method in class samer.models.ICA
getEnergy() - Method in class samer.models.IIDPrior
getEnergy() - Method in class samer.models.Mixture
getEnergy() - Method in interface samer.models.Model
return E = -log p(x)
getEnergy() - Method in class samer.models.NoisyICA
getEnergy() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler
getEnergy() - Method in class samer.models.SmoothGeneralisedExponential
getEnergy() - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA
getEnergy() - Method in class samer.models.VarianceICA
getEnergySignal() - Method in class samer.models.GeneralisedExponential
getEnergySignal() - Method in class samer.models.IIDPrior
getEnergySignal() - Method in class samer.models.SmoothGeneralisedExponential
getEnergyVector() - Method in class samer.models.GeneralisedExponential
getEnergyVector() - Method in class samer.models.IIDPrior
getEnergyVector() - Method in class samer.models.SmoothGeneralisedExponential
getEpsModel() - Method in class samer.functions.LogGenExp
getEqualiser() - Method in class samer.units.Histogram
getFactor() - Method in class samer.tools.SubrateTask
getFile() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource
Returns current file
getFile() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource2
Returns current file
getFnPower(Function, VVector) - Method in class samer.units.FFTVector
getFormat() - Method in class samer.audio.LineSource
getFormat() - Method in class samer.audio.MultiFileAudioStream
getFormat() - Method in class samer.audio.StreamSource
getFrequencyModel() - Method in class samer.units.Oscillator
getFunction() - Method in class samer.maths.VFunction
getGenerator() - Method in class samer.maths.VGenerator
getGMatrix() - Method in class samer.models.ICA.ON3Trainer
this is so you can manipulate the matrix before flushing
getGMatrix() - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA.ON3Trainer
this is so you can manipulate the matrix before flushing
getGradient() - Method in class samer.models.AlignedGaussian
getGradient() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler
getGradient() - Method in class samer.models.GeneralisedExponential
getGradient() - Method in class samer.models.ICA
getGradient() - Method in class samer.models.IIDPrior
getGradient() - Method in class samer.models.Mixture
getGradient() - Method in interface samer.models.Model
return dE/dx
getGradient() - Method in class samer.models.NoisyICA
getGradient() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler
getGradient() - Method in class samer.models.SmoothGeneralisedExponential
getGradient() - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA
getGradient() - Method in class samer.models.VarianceICA
getHeight() - Method in class samer.tools.ImageSourceBase
getHints() - Method in class samer.maths.IteratorImageSource
getHints() - Method in class samer.maths.MatrixImageSource
getHints() - Method in class samer.maths.MatrixImageSourceF
getHints() - Method in class samer.maths.MatrixTImageSource
getHints() - Method in class samer.maths.MatrixTImageSourceF
getHints() - Method in class samer.tools.ArrayImageSource
getHints() - Method in class samer.tools.ArrayVImageSource
getHints() - Method in class samer.tools.ImageSourceBase
getInsets() - Method in class samer.applet.JApplet
getJump() - Method in class samer.functions.BiLaplacian
getJump() - Method in class samer.functions.BiLaplacianBlend
getLikelihoodSignal() - Method in class samer.models.JointHistogramBase
getLikelihoodSignal() - Method in class samer.units.Histogram
getLikelihoodSignal() - Method in class samer.units.JointHistogram
getLikelihoodVector() - Method in class samer.units.Histogram
getLine() - Method in class samer.audio.LineSink
getLine() - Method in class samer.audio.LineSource
getLinearFT(VVector) - Method in class samer.units.FFTVector
getLinearScale() - Method in class samer.functions.LogGenExp2
getLinkArray() - Method in class samer.mds.MDSBase
getMap() - Method in class samer.tools.ImageSourceBase
getMap() - Method in class samer.tools.ImageViewer
getMap() - Method in class samer.tools.Trace
getMatrix(Matrix) - Method in class samer.maths.SparseMatrix
getMaxiter() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.MinimiserBase
getMean(double[]) - Method in class samer.models.GaussianStats
getMean(VVector) - Method in class samer.models.GaussianStats
getMixingMatrix() - Method in class samer.units.NoisyLinearSource
getNode() - Method in class samer.maths.Matrix
getNode() - Method in class samer.tools.NamedTask
getNoiseModel() - Method in class samer.models.NoisyICA
getNormal() - Method in class samer.functions.LogisticHyperplane
getOffset() - Method in class samer.functions.LogisticHyperplane
getOffset() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler
getOffsetRate() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.OffsetTrainer
getOffsetRate() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.Trainer
getOffsetRate() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler.Trainer
getOffsetTrainer() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler
getOffsetTrainer() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler
getOutputModel() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler
getOutputModel() - Method in class samer.models.ICA
getOutputModel() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler
getOutputModel() - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA
getPDF() - Method in class samer.models.MOGModel
getPDF() - Method in class samer.models.MOGVector
getPen() - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter
return a new Pen for this Plotter
getPen(Graphics) - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter
getPlaylist() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource
getPlaylist() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource2
getPlaylist() - Method in class samer.audio.MultiFileAudioStream
getPostFlush() - Method in class samer.models.BatchedTrainer
getPower(VVector) - Method in class samer.units.FFTVector
getPreferredSize() - Method in class samer.maths.FunctionPlotter
getPreferredSize() - Method in class samer.maths.VectorPlotter
getPreferredSize() - Method in class samer.tools.ImageTrace
getPreferredSize() - Method in class samer.tools.ImageViewer
getPreferredSize() - Method in class samer.tools.ImageVTrace
getPreferredSize() - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter
getPreferredSize() - Method in class samer.tools.Trace
getPreFlush() - Method in class samer.models.BatchedTrainer
getPrintWriter() - Method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell
getProperty(String) - Method in class samer.applet.JApplet
getQuadraticScale() - Method in class samer.functions.LogGenExp2
getRate() - Method in interface samer.audio.AudioSource
getRate() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource
getRate() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource2
getRate() - Method in class samer.audio.LineSource
getRate() - Method in class samer.audio.StreamSource
getRate() - Method in class samer.models.GeneralisedExponential.Trainer
getRate() - Method in class samer.models.MatrixTrainer
getReleasableDimensions() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.Constraints
getReleasableDimensions() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.ZeroCrossingSparsity
getReleasedDimension() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.Constraints
getReleasedDimension() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.Positivity
getReleasedDimension() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.ZeroCrossingSparsity
getRow(int) - Method in class samer.maths.Matrix
getScale() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSink
getScale() - Method in class samer.audio.LineSink
Returns the object used to store the scale factor for conversion from doubles/floats to shorts/bytes.
getScale() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler
getScaleRate() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.ScaleTrainer
getScaleRate() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.Trainer
getScaleRate() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler.Trainer
getScaleTrainer() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler
getScaleTrainer() - Method in class samer.models.ICAWithScaler
getScaleTrainer() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler
getSink() - Method in class samer.units.LineOut
getSize() - Method in class samer.maths.random.BinaryVec
getSize() - Method in class samer.models.AlignedGaussian
getSize() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler
getSize() - Method in class samer.models.GeneralisedExponential
getSize() - Method in class samer.models.ICA
getSize() - Method in class samer.models.IIDPrior
getSize() - Method in class samer.models.Mixture
getSize() - Method in interface samer.models.Model
return size of vector this model expects
getSize() - Method in class samer.models.NoisyICA
getSize() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler
getSize() - Method in class samer.models.SmoothGeneralisedExponential
getSize() - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA
getSize() - Method in class samer.models.VarianceICA
getSize() - Method in class samer.tools.ColorRamp
getSource() - Method in class samer.units.LineIn
getSourceModel() - Method in class samer.models.NoisyICA
getSourceModel() - Method in class samer.models.VarianceICA
getStep() - Method in class samer.units.LineIn
getStreamFormat() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource
The actual format of the stream in.
getStretchRate() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.ScaleTrainer
getTargetFormat() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource
The requested audio format.
getTargetFormat() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource2
The requested audio format.
getTask() - Method in class samer.tools.RThread
getTask() - Method in class samer.tools.SubrateTask
getTask() - Method in class samer.units.DoubleToStream
getTask() - Method in class samer.units.DoubleWriter
getTask() - Method in class samer.units.VecToStream
getTension() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.TensionedTrainer
getTensionedTrainer() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler
getTrainer() - Method in class samer.models.BatchedTrainer
getTrainer() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler
getTrainer() - Method in class samer.models.GeneralisedExponential
getTrainer() - Method in class samer.models.ICA
getTrainer() - Method in class samer.models.Mixture
getTrainer() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler
getTrainer() - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA
getVec() - Method in class samer.maths.RowColumn
getVec() - Method in class samer.maths.VVector
getVelocity() - Method in class samer.units.OnsetMap
getVelocitySignal() - Method in class samer.units.OnsetMap
getViewables() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.MinimiserBase
getViewer() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSink
getViewer() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource
getViewer() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource2
getViewer() - Method in class samer.audio.VLine
getViewer() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.MinimiserBase
getViewer() - Method in class samer.maths.VFunction
getViewer() - Method in class samer.maths.VGenerator
getViewer() - Method in class samer.maths.VVector
getViewer() - Method in class samer.midi.MidiSynth
getViewer() - Method in class samer.tools.RThread
getViewer() - Method in class samer.units.Histogram
getViewer() - Method in class samer.units.JointHistogram
getViewer() - Method in class samer.units.OnsetMap
getViewerFor(Matrix) - Static method in class samer.maths.MatrixImage
getViewerFor(Viewable) - Method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell
getVMap() - Method in class samer.tools.ImageViewer
getVMap() - Method in class samer.units.JointHistogram
getWeightMatrix() - Method in class samer.models.ICA
getWeightMatrix() - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA
getWidth() - Method in class samer.tools.ImageSourceBase
getWindow(String) - Method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell
getX() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.SubspaceFunctionx
gradient(int, Color, double, int, Color, double) - Method in class samer.tools.ColorRamp
gradient(int, Color, int, Color) - Method in class samer.tools.ColorRamp
gradient(Color, double, Color, double) - Method in class samer.tools.ColorRamp
gradient(Color, Color) - Method in class samer.tools.ColorRamp
gradientTo(int, Color) - Method in class samer.tools.ColorRamp


HalfSquare - Class in samer.functions
Hamming - Class in samer.functions
Hanning - Class in samer.functions
Histogram - Class in samer.units
This actually builds several histograms in parallel: one for each element of a Vec or double array.
Histogram.Equaliser - Class in samer.units
This is a function which uses a cumulative probability function derived from the histogram to compute a transformation that results in a uniformly distributed variable.
HybridFunction - Class in samer.functions
Piecewise function made of two other functions, f and g.
h - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.State
H - Variable in class samer.units.FFT
height - Variable in class samer.tools.ImageSourceBase
hessin - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.GillMurray
HalfSquare() - Constructor for class samer.functions.HalfSquare
Hamming() - Constructor for class samer.functions.Hamming
Hanning() - Constructor for class samer.functions.Hanning
Histogram(Vec, int) - Constructor for class samer.units.Histogram
HybridFunction(Function, Function) - Constructor for class samer.functions.HybridFunction
HybridFunction(Function, Function, double) - Constructor for class samer.functions.HybridFunction
hasNext() - Method in class samer.tools.CompoundTask.Iterator
height() - Method in interface samer.maths.Mat
height() - Method in class samer.maths.Matrix
height() - Method in class samer.maths.RowColumn
height() - Method in class samer.maths.Vec.ForArray
highPass() - Method in class samer.units.FilterVector


ICA - Class in samer.models
ICA.NewtonTrainer - Class in samer.models
ICA.ON2DecayWhenActive - Class in samer.models
ICA.ON2Trainer - Class in samer.models
This trainer uses an O(N^2) run step and an O(N^2) flush.
ICA.ON3Trainer - Class in samer.models
This trainer saves on an O(N^2) step during accumulation, at the expense of an O(N^3) flush.
ICAScalerSync - Class in samer.models
This is a task which subsumes a post-scaling into an ICA weight matrix
ICAWithScaler - Class in samer.models
ICAWithScaler.DifferentialTrainer - Class in samer.models
ICAWithScaler.ScalerTrainer - Class in samer.models
This one trains ONLY the scaler part, not the ICA part, so is a lot faster than using the differential trainer with a zero learning rate.
Identity - Class in samer.maths
IIDPrior - Class in samer.models
Non adaptive model of vector in which each component is independent of the others and all are identically distributed according to a given prior
IIRFilter - Class in samer.units
ImageSourceBase - Class in samer.tools
Base class for image producers.
ImageTrace - Class in samer.tools
ImageTraceBase - Class in samer.tools
ImageViewer - Class in samer.tools
A base class for displaying images of real values.
ImageVTrace - Class in samer.tools
Things to add: UI for LinearMap used in MatrixImageSource vertical and horizontal scaling: cell size, vertical stretch vertical sweep version? cooperate with MatrixImageSource for efficiency: vertical strips rather than scan lines
ImmediateRenderer - Class in samer.j3d
IntArrayEditor - Class in samer.maths
IteratorImageSource - Class in samer.maths
This is an image source that gets its values from a Vec (vector) via its Vec.Iterator - ie, it does not need access to an array of value
ih - Variable in class samer.tools.ImageViewer
imag - Variable in class samer.maths.ComplexVector
imag - Variable in class samer.units.FFT
img - Variable in class samer.tools.ImageViewer
inactive - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.Constraints
ip - Variable in class samer.tools.ImageViewer
iters - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.MinimiserBase
iw - Variable in class samer.tools.ImageViewer
ICA(int) - Constructor for class samer.models.ICA
ICA(Node, int) - Constructor for class samer.models.ICA
ICA(Vec) - Constructor for class samer.models.ICA
ICAScalerSync(ICA, DiffScaler) - Constructor for class samer.models.ICAScalerSync
ICAWithScaler(int) - Constructor for class samer.models.ICAWithScaler
ICAWithScaler(Vec) - Constructor for class samer.models.ICAWithScaler
Identity() - Constructor for class samer.maths.Identity
IIDPrior(int) - Constructor for class samer.models.IIDPrior
IIDPrior(int, Function) - Constructor for class samer.models.IIDPrior
IIDPrior(Vec) - Constructor for class samer.models.IIDPrior
IIDPrior(Vec, Function) - Constructor for class samer.models.IIDPrior
IIRFilter(double[]) - Constructor for class samer.units.IIRFilter
IIRFilter(int) - Constructor for class samer.units.IIRFilter
ImageSourceBase() - Constructor for class samer.tools.ImageSourceBase
ImageTrace(ImageSourceBase, Observable) - Constructor for class samer.tools.ImageTrace
ImageViewer(ImageSourceBase, Observable) - Constructor for class samer.tools.ImageViewer
ImageVTrace(ImageSourceBase, Observable) - Constructor for class samer.tools.ImageVTrace
ImmediateRenderer(Canvas3D) - Constructor for class samer.j3d.ImmediateRenderer
IntArrayEditor(int[]) - Constructor for class samer.maths.IntArrayEditor
Iterator() - Constructor for class samer.tools.CompoundTask.Iterator
IteratorCopy(Vec, Vec, int) - Constructor for class samer.maths.Ops.IteratorCopy
IteratorImageSource(Vec) - Constructor for class samer.maths.IteratorImageSource
IteratorImageSource(Vec, int, int) - Constructor for class samer.maths.IteratorImageSource
icaUpdate(SparseMatrix, double, double) - Method in class samer.maths.SparseMatrix
identity() - Method in class samer.maths.Matrix
Set to identity matrix
identity() - Method in class samer.maths.SparseMatrix
identity(Jama.Matrix) - Static method in class samer.maths.Matrix
imag() - Method in class samer.units.FFTVector
inactivate(int) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.Constraints
Inactivate the i'th dimension Presupposes that it is not already inactive
index(double[]) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
set each element using a function of its index
indexFr(double[]) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
infer() - Method in class samer.models.AlignedGaussian
infer() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler
infer() - Method in class samer.models.GeneralisedExponential
infer() - Method in class samer.models.ICA
infer() - Method in class samer.models.ICAWithScaler
infer() - Method in class samer.models.IIDPrior
infer() - Method in class samer.models.Mixture
infer() - Method in interface samer.models.Model
should infer values latent variables
infer() - Method in class samer.models.NoisyICA
infer() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler
infer() - Method in class samer.models.SmoothGeneralisedExponential
infer() - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA
infer() - Method in class samer.models.VarianceICA
init() - Method in class samer.applet.ButtonsApplet
init() - Method in class samer.applet.ConsoleApplet
init() - Method in class samer.applet.JApplet
init() - Method in class samer.applet.WindowApplet
init() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.ConjGrad
init() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.ConstrainedConjGrad
init() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.GillMurray
init1(Matrix, int) - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA
x is an N-dim vector.
init2(Matrix) - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA
This version only builds disjoint butterfly pairs, ie only 2N edges per layer Need a version that builds bigger local modules.
initialise() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.Constraints
initialise() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.Positivity
constrain all dimensions which are currently set to zero.
initialise() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.ZeroCrossingSparsity
constrain all dimensions which are currently set to zero.
initialise(Applet) - Static method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell
initialize() - Method in class samer.j3d.MorphPoints.MorphBehavior
initialStep() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.State
input() - Method in class samer.units.LineOut
input() - Method in class samer.units.OverlapAndAdd
input(double[]) - Method in class samer.units.FFT
input(Vec.Iterator) - Method in class samer.units.FFT
interpolate() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.CubicLineSearch
interrupt() - Method in class samer.tools.RThread
inverse() - Method in class samer.functions.Add
inverse() - Method in class samer.functions.Atanh
inverse() - Method in class samer.functions.CompoundFunction
inverse() - Method in class samer.functions.Exp
inverse() - Method in class samer.functions.HalfSquare
inverse() - Method in class samer.functions.Log
inverse() - Method in class samer.functions.LogAbs
inverse() - Method in class samer.functions.Power
inverse() - Method in class samer.functions.Reciprocal
inverse() - Method in class samer.functions.Scale
inverse() - Method in class samer.functions.ScaledFunction
inverse() - Method in class samer.functions.Sqrt
inverse() - Method in class samer.functions.Square
inverse() - Method in class samer.functions.Tanh
inverse() - Method in class samer.maths.Function
inverse() - Method in class samer.maths.Identity
inverse() - Method in class samer.maths.Linear
inverse() - Method in class samer.maths.Neg
inverse(double) - Method in class samer.maths.FunctionMap
inverseFromInt(int) - Method in class samer.maths.FunctionMap
invert() - Method in class samer.units.FFT
isConsumer(ImageConsumer) - Method in class samer.tools.ImageSourceBase
isOnset() - Method in class samer.units.OnsetMap
isOpen() - Method in interface samer.audio.AudioSink
isOpen() - Method in interface samer.audio.AudioSource
isOpen() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSink
isOpen() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource
isOpen() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource2
isOpen() - Method in class samer.audio.LineSink
isOpen() - Method in class samer.audio.LineSource
isOpen() - Method in class samer.audio.MultiFileAudioStream
isOpen() - Method in class samer.audio.StreamSource
isSatisfied(double[], Constraints) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.GConvergence
isSatisfied(double[], State) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.GConvergence
isSatisfied(State) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.AbsXFConvergence
isSatisfied(State) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.XFConvergence
iterations() - Method in class samer.tools.RThread
iterator() - Method in class samer.maths.Probe
iterator() - Method in class samer.maths.Vec.ForArray
iterator() - Method in interface samer.maths.Vec
iterator() - Method in class samer.maths.VVector
iterator() - Method in class samer.tools.CompoundTask


JApplet - Class in samer.applet
Base class for applets that work with the JAppletShell framework.
JAppletShell - Class in samer.applet
This is a Shell that uses Applets to form a GUI.
JavaProcedure - Class in samer.silk
JointHistogram - Class in samer.units
Builds up a 2D joint histogram of 2 elements of a vector.
JointHistogramBase - Class in samer.models
j0 - Variable in class samer.tools.Trace
JApplet() - Constructor for class samer.applet.JApplet
JAppletShell() - Constructor for class samer.applet.JAppletShell
JavaProcedure() - Constructor for class samer.silk.JavaProcedure
JointHistogram(Vec, int) - Constructor for class samer.units.JointHistogram
JointHistogram(Vec, int, int, int) - Constructor for class samer.units.JointHistogram
JointHistogramBase() - Constructor for class samer.models.JointHistogramBase
join() - Method in class samer.tools.RThread


Kill() - Constructor for exception samer.tools.RThread.Kill
kill() - Method in class samer.tools.RThread
Important: this method BLOCKS until the thread co-operatively terminates, either naturally or by not handling the InterruptedException that will be thrown by the checkpoint() method the next time it is called.


Laplacian - Class in samer.maths.random
Latch - Class in samer.units
Temporally smoothed thresholding latch
Linear - Class in samer.maths
LineIn - Class in samer.units
Manages sliding window audio input.
LineOut - Class in samer.units
A class which takes real valued samples from a VVector, converts them to 16 bit integer samples, and writes them to an audio device.
LineSink - Class in samer.audio
An AudioSink that sends samples to a Java Sound SourceDataLine.
LineSink.Writer - Class in samer.audio
LineSource - Class in samer.audio
An AudioSource that reads from the sound card in real time.
LineSource.Reader - Class in samer.audio
LineTrace - Class in samer.maths
This viewer outputs all the elements of a row or column to a trace (graph of value against time step).
Log - Class in samer.functions
LogAbs - Class in samer.functions
LogCauchy - Class in samer.functions
LogCosh - Class in samer.functions
Actually 2 log cosh: - log prior of sech^2 disribution like abs but with rounded bottom Amount of rounding is adjustable
LogGenCosh - Class in samer.functions
Actually NEGATIVE log cosh: like abs but with rounded bottom Amount of rounding is adjustable
LogGenExp - Class in samer.functions
Generalised exponential log prior Blending to quadratic at zero
LogGenExp2 - Class in samer.functions
This version has a quadratic phase, a linear phase, and finally, a power law phase.
LogisiticInfomax - Class in samer.functions
Logistic - Class in samer.maths.random
LogisticHyperplane - Class in samer.functions
L - Variable in class samer.j3d.Root
length - Variable in class samer.maths.ComplexVector
LINE - Static variable in class samer.maths.FunctionPlotter
LINE - Static variable in class samer.maths.VectorPlotter
LINE - Static variable in interface samer.tools.Renderer
ls - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.MinimiserBase
lsiters - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.MinimiserBase
lstest - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.MinimiserBase
Laplacian() - Constructor for class samer.maths.random.Laplacian
Laplacian(int) - Constructor for class samer.mds.NewMDS.Laplacian
Latch(VVector) - Constructor for class samer.units.Latch
Line() - Constructor for class samer.tools.Renderer.Line
Linear() - Constructor for class samer.maths.Linear
Linear(double, double) - Constructor for class samer.maths.Linear
LineIn(AudioSource, int, int) - Constructor for class samer.units.LineIn
LineOut(Vec, AudioSink) - Constructor for class samer.units.LineOut
LineSink(SourceDataLine, AudioFormat) - Constructor for class samer.audio.LineSink
Create LineSink reading from given TargetDataLine
LineSource(TargetDataLine, AudioFormat) - Constructor for class samer.audio.LineSource
Create LineSource reading from given TargetDataLine
LineTrace(Observable, Vec) - Constructor for class samer.maths.LineTrace
Log() - Constructor for class samer.functions.Log
LogAbs() - Constructor for class samer.functions.LogAbs
LogCauchy() - Constructor for class samer.functions.LogCauchy
LogCosh() - Constructor for class samer.functions.LogCosh
LogGenCosh() - Constructor for class samer.functions.LogGenCosh
LogGenCosh(double) - Constructor for class samer.functions.LogGenCosh
LogGenExp(double, double) - Constructor for class samer.functions.LogGenExp
LogGenExp2() - Constructor for class samer.functions.LogGenExp2
LogisiticInfomax() - Constructor for class samer.functions.LogisiticInfomax
Logistic() - Constructor for class samer.maths.random.Logistic
LogisticHyperplane(double[], double) - Constructor for class samer.functions.LogisticHyperplane
LogisticHyperplane(int) - Constructor for class samer.functions.LogisticHyperplane
learnDecayWhenActive() - Method in class samer.models.NoisyICA
learnDecayWhenActive() - Method in class samer.models.VarianceICA
learnHebbian() - Method in class samer.models.NoisyICA
learnHebbian() - Method in class samer.models.VarianceICA
learnLewickiSejnowski() - Method in class samer.models.NoisyICA
learnLewickiSejnowski() - Method in class samer.models.VarianceICA
learnTask() - Method in class samer.models.MOGVector
line() - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter.Pen
lineInfo(AudioFormat) - Static method in class samer.audio.LineSink
lineInfo(AudioFormat) - Static method in class samer.audio.LineSource
lineInfo(AudioFormat, int) - Static method in class samer.audio.LineSink
lineInfo(AudioFormat, int) - Static method in class samer.audio.LineSource
lineSearch(Condition, CubicLineSearch, double) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.Constraints
lineSearch(Condition, CubicLineSearch, double) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.Positivity
lineSearch(Condition, CubicLineSearch, double) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.ZeroCrossingSparsity
lineto() - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter.Pen
lineto(double, double) - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter.Pen
listIterator(int) - Method in class samer.silk.SchemeList
load(InputStream) - Method in class samer.maths.Matrix
load(InputStream) - Method in class samer.maths.VVector
load(InputStream) - Method in class samer.midi.MidiSynth
loadargs(URL) - Method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell
log(double[]) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
log in place
logdet() - Method in class samer.maths.Matrix
return log(abs(det(this))) (must be square matrix)
logOfGamma(double) - Static method in class samer.functions.Gamma
Retunrs the logarithm of the gamma function at z.
lookFrom(Point3d, Vector3d) - Method in class samer.j3d.ViewGroup
lowPass() - Method in class samer.units.FilterVector


Manhatten - Class in samer.mds
city block or manhatten metricc
MatEditor - Class in samer.maths
This is a mouse event handler that interprets mouse clicks to edit a matrix.
Mathx - Class in samer.maths
A Class full of static functions, mainly for manipulating double arrays.
Matrices - Class in samer.units
Some special matrix factories
Matrix - Class in samer.maths
Represents a bundling of a Jama.Matrix with Viewable bits.
MatrixAgent - Class in samer.maths
Provides a load of useful commands for dealing with a matrix.
MatrixImage - Class in samer.maths
MatrixImageSource - Class in samer.maths
This matrix image source sends pixels a scan line at a time TODO: flip horizontally or vertically flip diagonally replaceable map (ie nonlinear map)
MatrixImageSourceF - Class in samer.maths
This one sends pixels in vertical strips: better for column vectors or very narrow matrices
MatrixPanel - Class in samer.maths
A text based matrix editor
MatrixPlotter - Class in samer.maths
A Vector plotter that gets its data from a matrix row or column
MatrixPointArray - Class in samer.j3d
MatrixPointArrayAlpha - Class in samer.j3d
MatrixPointArrayRef - Class in samer.j3d
MatrixPoints4D - Class in samer.j3d
MatrixPointViewer2 - Class in samer.mds
MatrixTImageSource - Class in samer.maths
This matrix image source sends pixels a scan line at a time TODO: flip horizontally or vertically flip diagonally replaceable map (ie nonlinear map)
MatrixTImageSourceF - Class in samer.maths
This one sends pixels in vertical strips: better for column vectors or very narrow matrices
MatrixTimesVector - Class in samer.maths
MatrixTrainer - Class in samer.models
Handles batched delta updates to a matrix.
MatrixTransposeTimesVector - Class in samer.maths
MDS - Class in samer.mds
This is an alternative version of MDS that uses less memory.
MDS.SamerStress - Class in samer.mds
MDSBase - Class in samer.mds
MDS base class.
MidiRecorder - Class in samer.midi
Attempts to do some temporal smoothing on the imput vector.
MidiRecorderBase - Class in samer.midi
MidiSynth - Class in samer.midi
A class which generates midi events from the values of an input vector.
MidiWithAftertouch - Class in samer.midi
When element crosses threshold upwards: note on When element drops below threshold: note off While element remains above threshold adjust velocity
MinimiserBase - Class in samer.maths.opt
This is a base class for running multidimensional optimisation It requires the following objects to exist in object space (they are used by the State base class default constructor) Functionx "functionx": the function to be minimised VVector "vector": the vector to work with ConstrainedMinimiser also requires "constraintClass" to exist.
Minkowski - Class in samer.mds
Minkowski metric
Mixture - Class in samer.maths.random
Mixture - Class in samer.models
Mixture.Trainer - Class in samer.models
MixtureVec - Class in samer.maths.random
MOGModel - Class in samer.models
MOGVector - Class in samer.models
MonoView - Class in samer.j3d
MorphPoints - Class in samer.j3d
MorphPoints.MorphBehavior - Class in samer.j3d
MousePosition - Class in samer.units
MultiFileAudioStream - Class in samer.audio
Mat - Interface in samer.maths
This is an interface for an element-wise addressable matrix.
MDS.Metric - Interface in samer.mds
MDS.Stress - Interface in samer.mds
Model - Interface in samer.models
Model.Trainer - Interface in samer.models
This represents a training algorithm for a Model Trainer is responsible for counting calls to accumulate() between flushes
m - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.Constraints
m - Variable in class samer.models.MatrixTrainer
map - Variable in class samer.tools.ImageSourceBase
map - Variable in class samer.tools.ImageViewer
map - Variable in class samer.tools.Trace
marksz - Variable in class samer.tools.ScatterPlot
model - Variable in class samer.tools.ImageSourceBase
Manhatten() - Constructor for class samer.mds.Manhatten
MatEditor(Mat, Component, Observable, Viewer) - Constructor for class samer.maths.MatEditor
Mathx() - Constructor for class samer.maths.Mathx
Matrices() - Constructor for class samer.units.Matrices
Matrix(double[][]) - Constructor for class samer.maths.Matrix
Matrix(int, int) - Constructor for class samer.maths.Matrix
Matrix(String, int, int) - Constructor for class samer.maths.Matrix
Matrix(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class samer.maths.Matrix
MatrixAgent(Matrix) - Constructor for class samer.maths.MatrixAgent
MatrixImage(Matrix) - Constructor for class samer.maths.MatrixImage
MatrixImageSource(Matrix) - Constructor for class samer.maths.MatrixImageSource
MatrixImageSource(Matrix, boolean) - Constructor for class samer.maths.MatrixImageSource
MatrixImageSourceF(Matrix) - Constructor for class samer.maths.MatrixImageSourceF
MatrixPanel(Matrix) - Constructor for class samer.maths.MatrixPanel
MatrixPanel(Matrix, boolean) - Constructor for class samer.maths.MatrixPanel
MatrixPlotter(Matrix) - Constructor for class samer.maths.MatrixPlotter
MatrixPointArray(Matrix, VVector) - Constructor for class samer.j3d.MatrixPointArray
MatrixPointArrayAlpha(Matrix, VVector) - Constructor for class samer.j3d.MatrixPointArrayAlpha
MatrixPointArrayRef(Matrix, VVector) - Constructor for class samer.j3d.MatrixPointArrayRef
MatrixPoints4D(Matrix, VVector) - Constructor for class samer.j3d.MatrixPoints4D
MatrixPointViewer2(Matrix, Vec) - Constructor for class samer.mds.MatrixPointViewer2
MatrixTImageSource(Matrix) - Constructor for class samer.maths.MatrixTImageSource
MatrixTImageSource(Matrix, boolean) - Constructor for class samer.maths.MatrixTImageSource
MatrixTImageSourceF(Matrix) - Constructor for class samer.maths.MatrixTImageSourceF
MatrixTimesVector(double[], Matrix) - Constructor for class samer.maths.MatrixTimesVector
MatrixTimesVector(double[], Matrix, double[]) - Constructor for class samer.maths.MatrixTimesVector
MatrixTimesVector(Matrix) - Constructor for class samer.maths.MatrixTimesVector
MatrixTimesVector(Vec, Matrix, Vec) - Constructor for class samer.maths.MatrixTimesVector
MatrixTrainer(double[], Matrix, double[]) - Constructor for class samer.models.MatrixTrainer
MatrixTrainer(Vec, Matrix, Vec) - Constructor for class samer.models.MatrixTrainer
MatrixTransposeTimesVector(double[], Matrix, double[]) - Constructor for class samer.maths.MatrixTransposeTimesVector
MatrixTransposeTimesVector(Matrix) - Constructor for class samer.maths.MatrixTransposeTimesVector
MatrixTransposeTimesVector(Vec, Matrix, Vec) - Constructor for class samer.maths.MatrixTransposeTimesVector
MDS(Matrix) - Constructor for class samer.mds.MDS
MDSBase(Matrix) - Constructor for class samer.mds.MDSBase
MidiRecorder(Vec) - Constructor for class samer.midi.MidiRecorder
MidiRecorderBase() - Constructor for class samer.midi.MidiRecorderBase
MidiSynth(VVector) - Constructor for class samer.midi.MidiSynth
MidiWithAftertouch(VVector) - Constructor for class samer.midi.MidiWithAftertouch
MinimiserBase(Vec, Functionx) - Constructor for class samer.maths.opt.MinimiserBase
Minkowski(double) - Constructor for class samer.mds.Minkowski
Mixture(int, int) - Constructor for class samer.models.Mixture
Mixture(Generator, Generator) - Constructor for class samer.maths.random.Mixture
Mixture(Vec, int) - Constructor for class samer.models.Mixture
MixtureVec(Generator, Generator, BinaryVec) - Constructor for class samer.maths.random.MixtureVec
MOGModel(Generator, int) - Constructor for class samer.models.MOGModel
MOGVector(Vec, int) - Constructor for class samer.models.MOGVector
MonoView() - Constructor for class samer.j3d.MonoView
MorphBehavior() - Constructor for class samer.j3d.MorphPoints.MorphBehavior
MorphPoints(Root, Matrix, Matrix, VVector) - Constructor for class samer.j3d.MorphPoints
MousePosition(Component) - Constructor for class samer.units.MousePosition
MultiFileAudioStream(AudioFormat, List<File>) - Constructor for class samer.audio.MultiFileAudioStream
Construct a FileSource initialised with current file and loop initialised from the current Environment.
map(double) - Method in class samer.maths.FunctionMap
mapVelocity(double) - Method in class samer.midi.MidiRecorder
mapVelocity(double) - Method in class samer.midi.MidiSynth
marker() - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter.Pen
mat() - Method in class samer.maths.Probe
mat() - Method in class samer.maths.RowColumn
mat() - Method in class samer.maths.Vec.ForArray
mat() - Method in interface samer.maths.Vec
mat() - Method in class samer.maths.VVector
material(Color3f, Color3f, int, Appearance) - Static method in class samer.j3d.Util
max(double[]) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
return maximum element of x
maxabs(double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.Constraints
sparse max(abs(x))
maxabs(double[]) - Static method in class samer.maths.opt.Util
mediumToDouble(byte[], double[], int, int) - Static method in class samer.audio.AudioSource.Util
min(double[]) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
return minimum element of x
more() - Method in interface samer.maths.Vec.InputIterator
more() - Method in interface samer.maths.Vec.Iterator
more() - Method in class samer.tools.CompoundTask.Iterator
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class samer.maths.VectorEditor
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class samer.units.MousePosition
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class samer.maths.MatEditor
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class samer.maths.VectorEditor
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class samer.units.Clicker
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class samer.units.MousePosition
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class samer.maths.VectorEditor
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class samer.units.MousePosition
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class samer.maths.VectorEditor
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class samer.units.MousePosition
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class samer.maths.MatEditor
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class samer.maths.VectorEditor
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class samer.units.Clicker
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class samer.units.MousePosition
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class samer.maths.MatEditor
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class samer.maths.VectorEditor
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class samer.units.Clicker
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class samer.units.MousePosition
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class samer.maths.MatEditor
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class samer.maths.VectorEditor
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class samer.units.MousePosition
mouseRotate(TransformGroup) - Static method in class samer.j3d.Util
mouseTranslate(TransformGroup) - Static method in class samer.j3d.Util
mouseZoom(TransformGroup) - Static method in class samer.j3d.Util
move() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.State
move P1 to where P2 is now
move() - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter.Pen
moveto(double, double) - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter.Pen
mul(double) - Method in class samer.tools.vec2
mul(double[], double) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
multiply by scalar in place: x[i] *=k
mul(double[], double) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.Constraints
sparse vector time scalar
mul(double[], double[]) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
elementwise multiply in place: x[i] *=y[i]
mul(double[], double[][], double[]) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
matrix multiplication: y[i] = sum_j A[i][j] x[j]
mul(double[], double[][], double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.Constraints
sparse matrix mutiplication
mul(double[], double[], double) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
scalar multiply x[i] = k*y[i]
mul(double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
elementwise multiply x[i] =y[i]*z[i]
mul(double, vec2) - Static method in class samer.tools.vec2
mul(int, double[], double) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
mul(vec2, double) - Static method in class samer.tools.vec2
muladd(int, double[], double[], double) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx


NamedTask - Class in samer.tools
A Task that has a Node.
Neg - Class in samer.maths
Negate - Class in samer.functions
NewMDS - Class in samer.mds
This is a version that does not use a separete metric and stress function: the stress function is defined directly in terms of the displacement vectors between objects.
NewMDS.Laplacian - Class in samer.mds
NoisyICA - Class in samer.models
NoisyLinearSource - Class in samer.units
A class for generating random vectors according to a particular generative model.
NormalisedGaussian - Class in samer.maths.random
NullTask - Class in samer.tools
NewMDS.Stress - Interface in samer.mds
n - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.Constraints
n - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.State
n - Variable in class samer.midi.MidiSynth
n - Variable in class samer.models.MatrixTrainer
N - Variable in class samer.units.FFT
name - Variable in class samer.applet.JApplet
NEITHER - Static variable in class samer.tools.Plotter
for passing to setAxes(int)
nnums - Variable in class samer.midi.MidiSynth
node - Variable in class samer.tools.NamedTask
noise - Variable in class samer.units.NoisyLinearSource
normh - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.State
numcrossings - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.ZeroCrossingSparsity
NamedTask() - Constructor for class samer.tools.NamedTask
NamedTask(String, Node) - Constructor for class samer.tools.NamedTask
NamedTask(Node) - Constructor for class samer.tools.NamedTask
Neg() - Constructor for class samer.maths.Neg
Negate() - Constructor for class samer.functions.Negate
NewMDS(Matrix) - Constructor for class samer.mds.NewMDS
NewtonTrainer(Function) - Constructor for class samer.models.ICA.NewtonTrainer
NoisyICA(int, int) - Constructor for class samer.models.NoisyICA
NoisyICA(Node, int, int) - Constructor for class samer.models.NoisyICA
NoisyICA(Vec, int) - Constructor for class samer.models.NoisyICA
NoisyLinearSource(int, int) - Constructor for class samer.units.NoisyLinearSource
NormalisedGaussian() - Constructor for class samer.maths.random.NormalisedGaussian
NullTask() - Constructor for class samer.tools.NullTask
neg() - Method in class samer.tools.vec2
negate(double[]) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
negate in place
negate(double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.Constraints
sparse vector negation in place
negate(double[], double[]) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
negate to y: x[i]=y[i] for all i
negate(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.Constraints
sparse vector negation in place
newMatrix(Matrix) - Method in class samer.maths.MatrixImageSource
newMatrix(Matrix) - Method in class samer.maths.MatrixImageSourceF
newMatrix(Matrix) - Method in class samer.maths.MatrixTImageSource
newMatrix(Matrix) - Method in class samer.maths.MatrixTImageSourceF
next() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource
Move to head of next file in playlist
next() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource2
Move to head of next file in playlist
next() - Method in class samer.audio.MultiFileAudioStream
Move to head of next file in playlist
next() - Method in class samer.maths.Constant
next() - Method in class samer.maths.Difference
next() - Method in class samer.maths.FunctionOfGenerator
next() - Method in interface samer.maths.Generator
next() - Method in class samer.maths.Product
next() - Method in class samer.maths.random.Binary
next() - Method in class samer.maths.random.BinaryVec
next() - Method in class samer.maths.random.BipolarUniform
next() - Method in class samer.maths.random.BoundedHyperbolic
next() - Method in class samer.maths.random.BoundedUniform
next() - Method in class samer.maths.random.Brownian
next() - Method in class samer.maths.random.Cauchy
next() - Method in class samer.maths.random.Exponential
next() - Method in class samer.maths.random.Gaussian
next() - Method in class samer.maths.random.GeneralisedExponential
next() - Method in class samer.maths.random.GeneralisedLaplacian
next() - Method in class samer.maths.random.Laplacian
next() - Method in class samer.maths.random.Logistic
next() - Method in class samer.maths.random.Mixture
next() - Method in class samer.maths.random.MixtureVec
next() - Method in class samer.maths.random.NormalisedGaussian
next() - Method in class samer.maths.random.PowerLaw
next() - Method in class samer.maths.random.Raleigh
next() - Method in class samer.maths.random.RectifiedCauchy
next() - Method in class samer.maths.random.RectifiedGaussian
next() - Method in class samer.maths.random.RectifiedLogistic
next() - Method in class samer.maths.random.SparseMixture
next() - Method in class samer.maths.random.Ternary
next() - Method in class samer.maths.random.Uniform
next() - Method in class samer.maths.Sum
next() - Method in interface samer.maths.Vec.Iterator
next() - Method in class samer.maths.VGenerator
next() - Method in class samer.maths.Zero
next() - Method in class samer.tools.CompoundTask.Iterator
next() - Method in class samer.tools.ImageTrace
next() - Method in class samer.tools.ImageTraceBase
next() - Method in class samer.tools.ImageVTrace
next() - Method in class samer.units.FilteredGenerator
next() - Method in class samer.units.Oscillator
next() - Method in class samer.units.Wavetable
next(double) - Method in class samer.maths.LineTrace
next(double) - Method in interface samer.maths.Vec.InputIterator
next(double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.Constant
next(double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.Difference
next(double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.FunctionOfGenerator
next(double[]) - Method in interface samer.maths.Generator
next(double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.Product
next(double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.random.BaseRandom
next(double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.random.Binary
next(double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.random.BinaryVec
next(double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.random.BipolarUniform
next(double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.random.BoundedUniform
next(double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.random.Gaussian
next(double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.random.GeneralisedExponential
next(double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.random.MixtureVec
next(double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.random.NormalisedGaussian
next(double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.random.RectifiedGaussian
next(double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.random.Uniform
next(double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.Sum
next(double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.VGenerator
next(double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.Zero
next(double[]) - Method in class samer.units.FilteredGenerator
next(double[]) - Method in class samer.units.Oscillator
next(double[]) - Method in class samer.units.Wavetable
nextStep() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.State
estimate initial step for line search after turn
norm() - Method in class samer.tools.vec2
norm2(double[]) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
return 2-norm of a: sum_i a[i]*a[i]
norm2(int, double[]) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
normalise() - Method in class samer.models.JointHistogramBase
normalise() - Method in class samer.tools.vec2
normalise() - Method in class samer.units.Histogram
normalise() - Method in class samer.units.JointHistogram
norms(double[]) - Method in class samer.models.NoisyICA
get basis vector norms into given array
noteOff(int, int) - Method in class samer.midi.MidiRecorderBase
noteOn(int, int, int) - Method in class samer.midi.MidiRecorderBase
given 120 bpm: (120 bpm) / (60 seconds per minute) = 2 beats per second 2 / 1000 beats per millisecond (2 * resolution) ticks per second (2 * resolution)/1000 ticks per millisecond, or (resolution / 500) ticks per millisecond ticks = milliseconds * resolution / 500
notifyObservers(Object) - Method in class samer.maths.RowColumn


OnsetMap - Class in samer.units
Ops - Class in samer.maths
An agent which allows the creation of vectors and matrices, and can also arrange for them to be multiplied as part of the current task list
Ops.ArrayCopy - Class in samer.maths
Ops.IteratorCopy - Class in samer.maths
Oscillator - Class in samer.units
OverlapAndAdd - Class in samer.units
Overlap and add input vectors into a buffer.
obs - Variable in class samer.tools.ImageViewer
offset - Variable in class samer.midi.MidiSynth
ondestroy - Variable in class samer.applet.JApplet
OffsetTrainer() - Constructor for class samer.models.DiffScaler.OffsetTrainer
OffsetTrainer() - Constructor for class samer.models.Scaler.OffsetTrainer
ON2DecayWhenActive() - Constructor for class samer.models.ICA.ON2DecayWhenActive
ON2Trainer() - Constructor for class samer.models.ICA.ON2Trainer
ON2Trainer() - Constructor for class samer.models.SparseICA.ON2Trainer
ON3Trainer() - Constructor for class samer.models.ICA.ON3Trainer
ON3Trainer() - Constructor for class samer.models.SparseICA.ON3Trainer
OnsetMap(Vec) - Constructor for class samer.units.OnsetMap
Ops() - Constructor for class samer.maths.Ops
Oscillator(double) - Constructor for class samer.units.Oscillator
OverlapAndAdd(VVector, int) - Constructor for class samer.units.OverlapAndAdd
Create overlap and add buffer for input vector with given hop size
observable() - Method in class samer.maths.Matrix
offsetPolygon() - Static method in class samer.j3d.Util
offsets() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler
onDestroy() - Method in class samer.applet.JApplet
oneshot() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.OffsetTrainer
oneshot() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.ScaleTrainer
oneshot() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.Trainer
oneshot() - Method in class samer.models.GeneralisedExponential.Trainer
oneshot() - Method in class samer.models.ICA.ON2Trainer
oneshot() - Method in class samer.models.ICA.ON3Trainer
oneshot() - Method in class samer.models.ICAWithScaler.ScalerTrainer
oneshot() - Method in class samer.models.MatrixTrainer
oneshot() - Method in class samer.models.Mixture.Trainer
oneshot() - Method in interface samer.models.Model.Trainer
Must be equivalent to reset(); accumulate(); flush(); but can be optimised for non-batched training
oneshot() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler.OffsetTrainer
oneshot() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler.ScaleTrainer
oneshot() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler.Trainer
oneshot() - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA.ON2Trainer
oneshot() - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA.ON3Trainer
onFinish(Task) - Method in class samer.tools.RThread
onStart() - Method in class samer.applet.JApplet
open() - Method in interface samer.audio.AudioSink
open() - Method in interface samer.audio.AudioSource
open() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSink
open() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource
Opens the playlist starting with the first file.
open() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource2
Opens the playlist starting with the first file.
open() - Method in class samer.audio.MultiFileAudioStream
Opens the playlist starting with the first file.
open() - Method in class samer.audio.StreamSource
Opens the playlist starting with the first file.
open() - Method in class samer.audio.VLine
Open the line using its default format
open() - Method in class samer.midi.MidiSynth
open(File) - Method in class samer.audio.FileSink
openImpl() - Method in class samer.audio.LineSink
Open the line using either the current format or the line's default format if none has been set.
openImpl() - Method in class samer.audio.LineSource
Open using default format
outerProduct(double, double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.models.MatrixTrainer
output() - Method in class samer.maths.ClippedDivide
output() - Method in class samer.models.AlignedGaussian
output() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler
output() - Method in class samer.models.ICA
output() - Method in class samer.models.NoisyICA
output() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler
output() - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA
output() - Method in class samer.models.VarianceICA
output() - Method in class samer.units.GenerateDouble
output() - Method in class samer.units.GenerateVector
output() - Method in class samer.units.Latch
output() - Method in class samer.units.LineIn
output() - Method in class samer.units.NoisyLinearSource
output() - Method in class samer.units.OverlapAndAdd
output() - Method in class samer.units.RescaledIFT
output() - Method in class samer.units.SignalWindow
output() - Method in class samer.units.Stacker
output() - Method in class samer.units.Stacker2
output() - Method in class samer.units.Trigger
output() - Method in class samer.units.VecToDouble
outputPower(double[]) - Method in class samer.units.FFT


Parameter - Class in samer.maths
PatchArray - Class in samer.j3d
PatchArrayAlpha - Class in samer.j3d
Patches - Class in samer.j3d
PatchesAlpha - Class in samer.j3d
Plotter - Class in samer.tools
A Plotter object is a Canvas with its own Graphics (ie a GCanvas) which has two LinearMaps to map a portion of 2d space to the window.
Plotter.Pen - Class in samer.tools
This class provides a state based plotting environment (slightly inspired by Postscripts crazy reverse polish).
Points3D - Class in samer.j3d
Points3DAlpha - Class in samer.j3d
Points3DRef - Class in samer.j3d
Points4D - Class in samer.j3d
PolynomialLineSearch - Class in samer.maths.opt
Line search from Numerical Recipes in C, pretty much as supplied.
Positivity - Class in samer.maths.opt
Cubic line search with positivity constraints dimensions become inactive when they go to zero and the gradient > GEPS
Power - Class in samer.functions
PowerLaw - Class in samer.maths.random
Probe - Class in samer.maths
Product - Class in samer.maths
ProximityFilter - Class in samer.mds
Compute component-wise filter coefficients using a a distance/proximity matrix.
p0 - Variable in class samer.tools.Plotter.Pen
p1 - Variable in class samer.tools.Plotter.Pen
P1 - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.State
P2 - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.State
pedal - Variable in class samer.midi.MidiSynth
Parameter() - Constructor for class samer.maths.Parameter
PatchArray(Matrix, VVector) - Constructor for class samer.j3d.PatchArray
PatchArrayAlpha(Matrix, VVector) - Constructor for class samer.j3d.PatchArrayAlpha
Patches(Matrix, VVector) - Constructor for class samer.j3d.Patches
PatchesAlpha(Matrix, VVector) - Constructor for class samer.j3d.PatchesAlpha
Pen(Graphics) - Constructor for class samer.tools.Plotter.Pen
A program can have several Pens, each with different colours, but the underlying Graphics has a single current Color.
Plotter() - Constructor for class samer.tools.Plotter
Default constructor makes Plotter with both axes drawn, in grey.
Points3D(Matrix, VVector) - Constructor for class samer.j3d.Points3D
Points3DAlpha(Matrix, VVector) - Constructor for class samer.j3d.Points3DAlpha
Points3DRef(Matrix, VVector) - Constructor for class samer.j3d.Points3DRef
Points4D(Matrix, VVector) - Constructor for class samer.j3d.Points4D
PolynomialLineSearch(State) - Constructor for class samer.maths.opt.PolynomialLineSearch
Positivity(MinimiserBase) - Constructor for class samer.maths.opt.Positivity
Power(double) - Constructor for class samer.functions.Power
PowerLaw() - Constructor for class samer.maths.random.PowerLaw
Probe(Vec) - Constructor for class samer.maths.Probe
Product(Generator, Generator) - Constructor for class samer.maths.Product
ProximityFilter(Matrix, VVector, VFunction) - Constructor for class samer.mds.ProximityFilter
paint(Graphics) - Method in class samer.applet.JApplet
paint(Graphics) - Method in class samer.maths.FunctionPlotter
paint(Graphics) - Method in class samer.maths.VectorPlotter
paint(Graphics) - Method in class samer.mds.MatrixPointViewer2
paint(Graphics) - Method in class samer.tools.ImageTraceBase
paint(Graphics) - Method in class samer.tools.ImageViewer
paint(Graphics) - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter
paint(Graphics) - Method in class samer.tools.ScatterPlot
paint(Graphics) - Method in class samer.tools.Trace
patches() - Static method in class samer.j3d.Util
pause() - Method in class samer.tools.RThread
period() - Method in class samer.units.Wavetable
perIteration() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.MinimiserBase
perOptimisation(int) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.MinimiserBase
pingBasis(Matrix) - Static method in class samer.units.Matrices
pingBasis(Matrix, double) - Static method in class samer.units.Matrices
pixel() - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter.Pen
pixel drawn as 1x1 filled rectangle
plot(double, double) - Method in class samer.tools.ScatterPlot
plusEquals(VVector, VVector) - Static method in class samer.maths.Ops
pointLight(double, double, double) - Static method in class samer.j3d.Util
points() - Static method in class samer.j3d.Util
posterior() - Method in class samer.models.Mixture
posterior() - Method in class samer.models.NoisyICA
posterior() - Method in class samer.models.VarianceICA
prev() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource
Move to head of previous file in playlist
prev() - Method in class samer.audio.MultiFileAudioStream
Move to head of previous file in playlist
print(PrintWriter) - Method in class samer.maths.VVector
print(String) - Method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell
prior() - Method in class samer.models.Mixture
processStimulus(Enumeration) - Method in class samer.j3d.MorphPoints.MorphBehavior
prod(double[]) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
return product of elements in x
projectDown(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.SubspaceFunctionx
projectUp(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.SubspaceFunctionx
put(Class, Class) - Method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell


Quadratic - Class in samer.functions
Quadratic(double, double, double) - Constructor for class samer.functions.Quadratic


Raleigh - Class in samer.maths.random
RaleighLogPrior - Class in samer.functions
Density is linear near zero, rising to a peak, decaying with a Gaussian tail.
RateSchedule - Class in samer.tools
Reciprocal - Class in samer.functions
RectifiedCauchy - Class in samer.maths.random
RectifiedGaussian - Class in samer.maths.random
RectifiedLogistic - Class in samer.maths.random
Renderer.Fill - Class in samer.tools
Renderer.Fill3D - Class in samer.tools
Renderer.Line - Class in samer.tools
Renderer.Steps - Class in samer.tools
RescaledIFT - Class in samer.units
Inverts a given FFT using an alternative magnitude spectrum
Root - Class in samer.j3d
RowColumn - Class in samer.maths
Looks like a vector externally, but reads data from a row or column of a matrix.
RThread - Class in samer.tools
frame rate regulator
RThread.Kill - Exception in samer.tools
Renderer - Interface in samer.tools
rate - Variable in class samer.models.MatrixTrainer
ratep - Variable in class samer.models.MatrixTrainer
real - Variable in class samer.maths.ComplexVector
real - Variable in class samer.units.FFT
rnd - Variable in class samer.maths.random.BaseRandom
Raleigh() - Constructor for class samer.maths.random.Raleigh
RaleighLogPrior() - Constructor for class samer.functions.RaleighLogPrior
RateSchedule(VDouble) - Constructor for class samer.tools.RateSchedule
Reader(int) - Constructor for class samer.audio.LineSource.Reader
Reciprocal() - Constructor for class samer.functions.Reciprocal
RectifiedCauchy() - Constructor for class samer.maths.random.RectifiedCauchy
RectifiedGaussian() - Constructor for class samer.maths.random.RectifiedGaussian
RectifiedLogistic() - Constructor for class samer.maths.random.RectifiedLogistic
RescaledIFT(FFT, Vec) - Constructor for class samer.units.RescaledIFT
Root() - Constructor for class samer.j3d.Root
RowColumn(Node, Matrix) - Constructor for class samer.maths.RowColumn
RowColumn(Matrix) - Constructor for class samer.maths.RowColumn
RThread() - Constructor for class samer.tools.RThread
RThread(Task) - Constructor for class samer.tools.RThread
read(byte[], int, int) - Method in class samer.audio.MultiFileAudioStream
Returns a Task which copies samples as doubles into the given buffer between the given positions.
read(Reader) - Method in class samer.maths.Matrix
read(Reader) - Method in class samer.maths.VVector
Reads a line of numbers from the reader and stores in the Vec
read(Reader) - Method in class samer.midi.MidiSynth
reader(double[], int, int) - Method in interface samer.audio.AudioSource
return a task which reads samples into the given buffer The idea is that the audio source can choose the right kind of reader depending on the format of the audio stream, and then handle the conversion to doubles automatically
reader(double[], int, int) - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource
Returns a Task which copies samples as doubles into the given buffer between the given positions.
reader(double[], int, int) - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource2
Returns a Task which copies samples as doubles into the given buffer between the given positions.
reader(double[], int, int) - Method in class samer.audio.LineSource
reader(double[], int, int) - Method in class samer.audio.StreamSource
Returns a Task which copies samples as doubles into the given buffer between the given positions.
reader(float[], int, int) - Method in interface samer.audio.AudioSource
reader(float[], int, int) - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource
Returns a Task which copies samples as floats into the given buffer between the given positions.
reader(float[], int, int) - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource2
Returns a Task which copies samples as floats into the given buffer between the given positions.
reader(float[], int, int) - Method in class samer.audio.LineSource
reader(float[], int, int) - Method in class samer.audio.StreamSource
Returns a Task which copies samples as floats into the given buffer between the given positions.
readInto(ByteBuffer, int, int) - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource
readInto(ByteBuffer, int, int) - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource2
readwrite(TransformGroup) - Static method in class samer.j3d.Util
real() - Method in class samer.units.FFTVector
realized() - Method in class samer.applet.Sierpinski
realized() - Method in class samer.maths.FunctionPlotter
realized() - Method in class samer.maths.LineTrace
realized() - Method in class samer.maths.VectorPlotter
realized() - Method in class samer.maths.VectorTrace
reconstruction() - Method in class samer.models.NoisyICA
rect() - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter.Pen
rectify() - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter.Pen
this swaps xs and ys to make sure rectangles work
registerAgent(Agent) - Method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell
registerButtons(Container) - Method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell
registerViewable(Viewable) - Method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell
registerWindow(Shell.Window, String) - Static method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell
regulate() - Method in class samer.tools.RThread
rel(double, double) - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter.Pen
release(Datum) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.Constraints
release(Datum) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.Positivity
This finds the constrained dimension with the largest positive gradient, and if of that gradient is bigger than 1, then releases that dimension so that it can take part in the optimization
release(Datum) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.ZeroCrossingSparsity
This finds the constrained dimension with the largest gradient, and if that absolute value of that gradient is bigger than 1, then releases that dimension so that it can take part in the optimization
releaseConsoleContainer(Container) - Method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell
remove() - Method in class samer.tools.CompoundTask.Iterator
removeConsumer(ImageConsumer) - Method in class samer.tools.ImageSourceBase
removeTask(Task) - Method in class samer.tools.CompoundTask
reopen() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource
Reopen current file, so that next read will be from head of file.
REPL(Socket) - Static method in class samer.silk.Terminal
report() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.Constraints
report() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.ZeroCrossingSparsity
requestTopDownLeftRightResend(ImageConsumer) - Method in class samer.tools.ImageSourceBase
reset() - Method in class samer.maths.random.Brownian
reset() - Method in class samer.models.AlignedGaussian
reset() - Method in class samer.models.Covariance
reset() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.OffsetTrainer
reset() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler
reset() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.ScaleTrainer
reset() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.Trainer
reset() - Method in class samer.models.GaussianStats
reset() - Method in class samer.models.GaussianStatsOnline
reset() - Method in class samer.models.GeneralisedExponential.Trainer
reset() - Method in class samer.models.ICA.NewtonTrainer
reset() - Method in class samer.models.ICA.ON2Trainer
reset() - Method in class samer.models.ICA.ON3Trainer
reset() - Method in class samer.models.ICAWithScaler.DifferentialTrainer
reset() - Method in class samer.models.ICAWithScaler.ScalerTrainer
reset() - Method in class samer.models.MatrixTrainer
reset() - Method in class samer.models.Mixture.Trainer
reset() - Method in interface samer.models.Model.Trainer
reset accumulators without updating parameters
reset() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler.OffsetTrainer
reset() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler
reset() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler.ScaleTrainer
reset() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler.Trainer
reset() - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA.ON2Trainer
reset() - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA.ON3Trainer
reset() - Method in class samer.tools.RThread
reset() - Method in class samer.units.FIRFilter
reset() - Method in class samer.units.IIRFilter
reset() - Method in class samer.units.Oscillator
reset(double) - Method in class samer.models.AlignedGaussian
reset(double) - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler
resetDimension(int) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.ConstrainedGillMurray
resetHessian() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.GillMurray
rewind() - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource
Go back to start of playlist.
rewind() - Method in class samer.audio.MultiFileAudioStream
Go back to start of playlist.
rotate() - Method in class samer.mds.MatrixPointViewer2
run() - Method in class samer.applet.Sierpinski
run() - Method in class samer.audio.LineSink.Writer
run() - Method in class samer.audio.LineSource.Reader
run() - Method in class samer.j3d.ImmediateRenderer
run() - Method in class samer.j3d.ViewBase
run() - Method in class samer.maths.ClippedDivide
run() - Method in class samer.maths.MatrixTimesVector
run() - Method in class samer.maths.MatrixTransposeTimesVector
run() - Method in class samer.maths.Ops.ArrayCopy
run() - Method in class samer.maths.Ops.IteratorCopy
run() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.ConstrainedMinimiser
run() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.UnconstrainedConjGrad
run() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.UnconstrainedMinimiser
run() - Method in class samer.maths.VectorPlusEqualsVector
run() - Method in class samer.maths.VectorTimesEqualsScalar
run() - Method in class samer.maths.VectorTrace
run() - Method in class samer.mds.CorrelationTask
run() - Method in class samer.mds.CovarianceTask
run() - Method in class samer.mds.DistanceTask
run() - Method in class samer.mds.GeometricFilter
run() - Method in class samer.mds.MatrixPointViewer2
run() - Method in class samer.mds.MDS
run() - Method in class samer.mds.MDSBase
run() - Method in class samer.mds.NewMDS
run() - Method in class samer.mds.ProximityFilter
run() - Method in class samer.midi.MidiRecorder
run() - Method in class samer.midi.MidiSynth
run() - Method in class samer.midi.MidiWithAftertouch
run() - Method in class samer.models.AlignedGaussian
run() - Method in class samer.models.BatchedTrainer
run() - Method in class samer.models.Covariance
run() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.OffsetTrainer
run() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler
run() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.ScaleTrainer
run() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.Trainer
run() - Method in class samer.models.GaussianStats
run() - Method in class samer.models.GaussianStatsOnline
run() - Method in class samer.models.GeneralisedExponential
run() - Method in class samer.models.GeneralisedExponential.Trainer
run() - Method in class samer.models.ICA.ON3Trainer
run() - Method in class samer.models.ICA
run() - Method in class samer.models.ICAScalerSync
run() - Method in class samer.models.ICAWithScaler.ScalerTrainer
run() - Method in class samer.models.IIDPrior
run() - Method in class samer.models.JointHistogramBase
run() - Method in class samer.models.Mixture
run() - Method in class samer.models.MOGModel
run() - Method in class samer.models.MOGVector
run() - Method in class samer.models.NoisyICA
run() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler.OffsetTrainer
run() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler
run() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler.ScaleTrainer
run() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler.Trainer
run() - Method in class samer.models.SignalHistogram
run() - Method in class samer.models.SmoothGeneralisedExponential
run() - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA.ON3Trainer
run() - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA
run() - Method in class samer.models.VarianceICA
run() - Method in class samer.silk.SilkTask
run() - Method in class samer.tools.CompoundTask
run() - Method in class samer.tools.NullTask
run() - Method in class samer.tools.RateSchedule
run() - Method in class samer.tools.RThread
run() - Method in interface samer.tools.SafeTask
run() - Method in class samer.tools.SignalTrace
run() - Method in class samer.tools.SubrateTask
run() - Method in class samer.tools.SwitchTask
run() - Method in interface samer.tools.Task
run() - Method in class samer.tools.Trace
moves the trace along one time step, by preparing space for the next bit of plotting.
run() - Method in class samer.units.DoubleToStream
run() - Method in class samer.units.DoubleWriter
run() - Method in class samer.units.FFTVector
run() - Method in class samer.units.FilterVector
run() - Method in class samer.units.GenerateDouble
run() - Method in class samer.units.GenerateVector
run() - Method in class samer.units.Histogram
run() - Method in class samer.units.JointHistogram
run() - Method in class samer.units.Latch
run() - Method in class samer.units.LineIn
run() - Method in class samer.units.LineOut
run() - Method in class samer.units.NoisyLinearSource
run() - Method in class samer.units.OnsetMap
run() - Method in class samer.units.OverlapAndAdd
run() - Method in class samer.units.RescaledIFT
run() - Method in class samer.units.SignalWindow
run() - Method in class samer.units.SpectralFIR
run() - Method in class samer.units.Stacker
run() - Method in class samer.units.Stacker2
run() - Method in class samer.units.StreamToDouble
run() - Method in class samer.units.StreamToVec
run() - Method in class samer.units.SumFnVec
run() - Method in class samer.units.Trigger
run() - Method in class samer.units.VecToDouble
run() - Method in class samer.units.VecToStream
run() - Method in class samer.units.VecWriter
run(Condition) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.CubicLineSearch
run(Condition) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.PolynomialLineSearch
This assumes that the initial step has already been taken
runscript(URL) - Method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell


samer.applet - package samer.applet
samer.audio - package samer.audio
samer.functions - package samer.functions
samer.j3d - package samer.j3d
samer.maths - package samer.maths
samer.maths.opt - package samer.maths.opt
samer.maths.random - package samer.maths.random
samer.mds - package samer.mds
samer.midi - package samer.midi
samer.models - package samer.models
samer.silk - package samer.silk
samer.tools - package samer.tools
samer.units - package samer.units
Scale - Class in samer.functions
ScaledFunction - Class in samer.functions
Scaler - Class in samer.models
Automatic gain control for a given input vector.
Scaler.OffsetTrainer - Class in samer.models
This trains only the offset, not the scale
Scaler.ScaleTrainer - Class in samer.models
Scaler.Trainer - Class in samer.models
ScatterPlot - Class in samer.tools
Builds up a 2D joint histogram of 2 elements of a vector.
SchemeList - Class in samer.silk
Sgn - Class in samer.functions
Sierpinski - Class in samer.applet
SignalHistogram - Class in samer.models
SignalTrace - Class in samer.tools
SignalWindow - Class in samer.units
SilkCompleter - Class in samer.silk
SilkFunction - Class in samer.silk
SilkObserver - Class in samer.silk
SilkTask - Class in samer.silk
SmoothGeneralisedExponential - Class in samer.models
Non-adaptive generalised exponential factorial prior: the pointy bit of the usual GeneralisedExponential has been smoothed out by blending with a quadratic.
SparseExponential - Class in samer.functions
Single-sided (ie positive only) version of SparseLaplacian.
SparseICA - Class in samer.models
SparseICA.ON2Trainer - Class in samer.models
This trainer uses an O(N^2) run step and an O(N^2) flush.
SparseICA.ON3Trainer - Class in samer.models
This trainer saves on an O(N^2) step during accumulation, at the expense of an O(N^3) flush.
SparseMatrix - Class in samer.maths
SparseMixture - Class in samer.maths.random
SpectralFIR - Class in samer.units
Sqrt - Class in samer.functions
Square - Class in samer.functions
Stacker - Class in samer.units
Stacker2 - Class in samer.units
State - Class in samer.maths.opt
Step - Class in samer.functions
StereoView - Class in samer.j3d
StreamSource - Class in samer.audio
An AudioSource that read from an input stream.
StreamToDouble - Class in samer.units
StreamToVec - Class in samer.units
SubrateTask - Class in samer.tools
This is a task that runs a single child task every N iterations, that is, at some integer sub-multiple of the main loop rate
SubspaceFunctionx - Class in samer.maths.opt
This is a function interface that is designed to allow efficient implementations of minimisation algorithms by recognising the fact that the function and its gradient may be repeatedly evaluated at the same point in different parts of the code - hence we can save ourselves some computation.
Sum - Class in samer.maths
SumFnVec - Class in samer.units
SwitchTask - Class in samer.tools
This is a task that runs a single child task every N iterations, that is, at some integer sub-multiple of the main loop rate
SafeTask - Interface in samer.tools
An interface meant to represent processing that needs to be done repeatedly in a loop.
s - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.Datum
S - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.Constraints
sig1 - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.MinimiserBase
sig2 - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.MinimiserBase
sig3 - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.MinimiserBase
src - Variable in class samer.units.NoisyLinearSource
states - Variable in class samer.midi.MidiWithAftertouch
STEP - Static variable in class samer.maths.FunctionPlotter
STEP - Static variable in class samer.maths.VectorPlotter
steplength - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.MinimiserBase
STEPS - Static variable in class samer.maths.FunctionPlotter
STEPS - Static variable in class samer.maths.VectorPlotter
STEPS - Static variable in interface samer.tools.Renderer
SWITCHED - Static variable in class samer.maths.RowColumn
SamerStress() - Constructor for class samer.mds.MDS.SamerStress
Scale(double) - Constructor for class samer.functions.Scale
ScaledFunction(Function, double) - Constructor for class samer.functions.ScaledFunction
Scaler(int) - Constructor for class samer.models.Scaler
Scaler(Vec) - Constructor for class samer.models.Scaler
Scaler(Vec, Model) - Constructor for class samer.models.Scaler
ScalerTrainer() - Constructor for class samer.models.ICAWithScaler.ScalerTrainer
ScaleTrainer() - Constructor for class samer.models.DiffScaler.ScaleTrainer
ScaleTrainer() - Constructor for class samer.models.Scaler.ScaleTrainer
ScatterPlot() - Constructor for class samer.tools.ScatterPlot
SchemeList(SchemePair) - Constructor for class samer.silk.SchemeList
Sgn() - Constructor for class samer.functions.Sgn
Sierpinski() - Constructor for class samer.applet.Sierpinski
SignalHistogram(Generator, int) - Constructor for class samer.models.SignalHistogram
SignalTrace(VDouble) - Constructor for class samer.tools.SignalTrace
SignalWindow(Generator, int) - Constructor for class samer.units.SignalWindow
SignalWindow(Generator, int, int) - Constructor for class samer.units.SignalWindow
SilkCompleter() - Constructor for class samer.silk.SilkCompleter
SilkFunction(Procedure) - Constructor for class samer.silk.SilkFunction
SilkObserver(Procedure) - Constructor for class samer.silk.SilkObserver
SilkTask(Procedure) - Constructor for class samer.silk.SilkTask
SmoothGeneralisedExponential(int) - Constructor for class samer.models.SmoothGeneralisedExponential
SmoothGeneralisedExponential(Vec) - Constructor for class samer.models.SmoothGeneralisedExponential
SparseExponential() - Constructor for class samer.functions.SparseExponential
SparseICA(int) - Constructor for class samer.models.SparseICA
SparseICA(Vec) - Constructor for class samer.models.SparseICA
SparseMatrix(String) - Constructor for class samer.maths.SparseMatrix
SparseMatrix(String, SparseMatrix) - Constructor for class samer.maths.SparseMatrix
SparseMixture(Generator) - Constructor for class samer.maths.random.SparseMixture
SpectralFIR(int, VVector) - Constructor for class samer.units.SpectralFIR
Sqrt() - Constructor for class samer.functions.Sqrt
Square() - Constructor for class samer.functions.Square
Stacker(Vec, Task, int, int) - Constructor for class samer.units.Stacker
Stacker(Vec, Task, int, int, int) - Constructor for class samer.units.Stacker
Stacker2(Vec, int) - Constructor for class samer.units.Stacker2
Stacker2(Vec, int, int) - Constructor for class samer.units.Stacker2
State(Vec, Functionx) - Constructor for class samer.maths.opt.State
x must have an accessible array
Step() - Constructor for class samer.functions.Step
Steps() - Constructor for class samer.tools.Renderer.Steps
StereoView() - Constructor for class samer.j3d.StereoView
StreamSource(File) - Constructor for class samer.audio.StreamSource
StreamSource(InputStream) - Constructor for class samer.audio.StreamSource
StreamSource(URL) - Constructor for class samer.audio.StreamSource
StreamSource(AudioInputStream) - Constructor for class samer.audio.StreamSource
Construct a StreamSource initialised with current file and loop initialised from the current Environment.
StreamToDouble(DoubleModel, InputStream) - Constructor for class samer.units.StreamToDouble
StreamToVec(VVector, InputStream) - Constructor for class samer.units.StreamToVec
SubrateTask() - Constructor for class samer.tools.SubrateTask
SubrateTask(int) - Constructor for class samer.tools.SubrateTask
SubrateTask(int, Task) - Constructor for class samer.tools.SubrateTask
SubspaceFunctionx(Functionx, int, int) - Constructor for class samer.maths.opt.SubspaceFunctionx
Sum(Generator, Generator) - Constructor for class samer.maths.Sum
SumFnVec(Function, VVector, DoubleModel) - Constructor for class samer.units.SumFnVec
SwitchTask(boolean, Task) - Constructor for class samer.tools.SwitchTask
SwitchTask(Task) - Constructor for class samer.tools.SwitchTask
save(OutputStream) - Method in class samer.maths.Matrix
save(OutputStream) - Method in class samer.maths.VVector
save(OutputStream) - Method in class samer.midi.MidiSynth
saveargs(URL) - Method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell
saveMidiFile(File) - Method in class samer.midi.MidiRecorderBase
scale() - Method in class samer.maths.FunctionPlotter
scale() - Method in class samer.maths.MatrixImage
scale() - Method in class samer.maths.VectorPlotter
scale() - Method in class samer.tools.ImageViewer
sendPixels() - Method in class samer.tools.ImageSourceBase
sendPixels(ImageConsumer) - Method in class samer.maths.IteratorImageSource
sendPixels(ImageConsumer) - Method in class samer.maths.MatrixImageSource
sendPixels(ImageConsumer) - Method in class samer.maths.MatrixImageSourceF
sendPixels(ImageConsumer) - Method in class samer.maths.MatrixTImageSource
sendPixels(ImageConsumer) - Method in class samer.maths.MatrixTImageSourceF
sendPixels(ImageConsumer) - Method in class samer.tools.ArrayImageSource
sendPixels(ImageConsumer) - Method in class samer.tools.ArrayVImageSource
sendPixels(ImageConsumer) - Method in class samer.tools.ImageSourceBase
set(double) - Method in class samer.functions.Add
set(double) - Method in class samer.functions.ExponentialSquashing
set(double) - Method in class samer.functions.HybridFunction
DoubleModel implementation: set crossover point
set(double) - Method in class samer.functions.LogGenCosh
set(double) - Method in class samer.functions.LogGenExp
set(double) - Method in class samer.functions.LogGenExp2
set(double) - Method in class samer.functions.Power
set(double) - Method in class samer.functions.Scale
set(double) - Method in class samer.functions.ScaledFunction
set(double) - Method in class samer.functions.ThresholdLog
set(double) - Method in class samer.maths.Parameter
set(double) - Method in class samer.models.MatrixTrainer
set(double[], Generator) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
set each elements of a by extracting successive values from g
set(int, int, double) - Method in interface samer.maths.Mat
set(int, int, double) - Method in class samer.maths.RowColumn
set(int, int, double) - Method in class samer.maths.Vec.ForArray
set(int, Color) - Method in class samer.tools.ColorRamp
set(int, Color, double) - Method in class samer.tools.ColorRamp
set(Generator) - Method in class samer.maths.Matrix
set(Matrix, Generator) - Static method in class samer.units.Matrices
set(Plotter.Pen) - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter.Pen
copies position of given pen to primary current point
setAll(double[], double) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
set all to given value
setAppearance(Appearance) - Method in class samer.j3d.ImmediateRenderer
setAxes(int) - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter
use one of NONE, XAXIS, YAXIS or BOTH
setAxesColor(Color) - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter
setAxis(boolean) - Method in class samer.tools.Trace
setAxisColor(Color) - Method in class samer.tools.Trace
setBackground(Background) - Method in class samer.j3d.ImmediateRenderer
setBatch(int) - Method in class samer.models.BatchedTrainer
setBlobColor(Color) - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter.Pen
sets the blob image to be pixel of a given colour
setBlobImage(Image) - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter.Pen
sets blob image to given image
setBlobImage(Image, int, int) - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter.Pen
sets blob image with given hotspot
setBorder(Border.Interface) - Method in class samer.applet.JApplet
setBounds(Bounds) - Static method in class samer.j3d.Util
setBuffering(boolean) - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource
setBufferSize(int) - Method in class samer.audio.LineSink
setBufferSize(int) - Method in class samer.audio.LineSource
setCellSize(int, int) - Method in class samer.tools.ImageTraceBase
setCellSize(int, int) - Method in class samer.tools.ImageViewer
setColor(Color) - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter.Pen
setColorModel(IndexColorModel) - Method in class samer.tools.ImageSourceBase
setColorModel(IndexColorModel) - Method in class samer.tools.ImageViewer
setColumn(int) - Method in class samer.maths.RowColumn
setConsoleContainer(Container) - Method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell
setCount(double) - Method in class samer.tools.RateSchedule
setDimensionality(int) - Method in class samer.mds.MDSBase
optimises only first E columns of P E must be less than width of original P
setDirectory(File, String) - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource
Set playlist to all WAV files in given directory
setDomain(double, double) - Method in class samer.maths.FunctionMap
setEps(double) - Method in class samer.models.SmoothGeneralisedExponential
setExponent(double) - Method in class samer.functions.BiLaplacianBlend
setExponent(double) - Method in class samer.functions.SparseExponential
setFactor(int) - Method in class samer.tools.SubrateTask
setFormat(AudioFormat) - Method in class samer.audio.FileSink
setFrequency(double) - Method in class samer.units.Oscillator
setFTolerance(double) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.AbsXFConvergence
setFTolerance(double) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.XFConvergence
setFunction(Function) - Method in class samer.functions.LogisticHyperplane
setFunction(Function) - Method in class samer.maths.FunctionMap
setFunction(Function) - Method in class samer.maths.VFunction
setGenerator(Generator) - Method in class samer.maths.VGenerator
setGenerator(Generator) - Method in class samer.units.GenerateDouble
setGenerator(Generator) - Method in class samer.units.GenerateVector
setGeometry(Geometry) - Method in class samer.j3d.ImmediateRenderer
setGThreshold(double) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.ZeroCrossingSparsity
setGTolerance(double) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.GConvergence
setHessian(Jama.Matrix) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.ConstrainedMinimiser
setHop(int) - Method in class samer.units.OverlapAndAdd
setIndex(int) - Method in class samer.units.VecToDouble
setInferenceTask(Task) - Method in class samer.models.NoisyICA
setInferenceTask(Task) - Method in class samer.models.VarianceICA
setInitialHessian(Jama.Matrix) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.GillMurray
setInput(Vec) - Method in class samer.models.AlignedGaussian
setInput(Vec) - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler
setInput(Vec) - Method in class samer.models.GeneralisedExponential
setInput(Vec) - Method in class samer.models.ICA
setInput(Vec) - Method in class samer.models.IIDPrior
setInput(Vec) - Method in class samer.models.Mixture
setInput(Vec) - Method in interface samer.models.Model
model should begin observing this vector
setInput(Vec) - Method in class samer.models.NoisyICA
setInput(Vec) - Method in class samer.models.Scaler
setInput(Vec) - Method in class samer.models.SmoothGeneralisedExponential
setInput(Vec) - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA
setInput(Vec) - Method in class samer.models.VarianceICA
setInput(Vec) - Method in class samer.units.FFTVector
setInput(Vec) - Method in class samer.units.LineOut
setInputs(DoubleModel, DoubleModel) - Method in class samer.models.JointHistogramBase
setLink(int, int, int) - Method in class samer.mds.MDSBase
the kth link joint objects i and j
setLogPrior(Function) - Method in class samer.models.IIDPrior
setLoop(boolean) - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource
If true then loop playlist, otherwise, an Exception will be thrown when the end of the playlist is reached.
setMap(int, int) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.SubspaceFunctionx
means ith coor in little space maps to jth coor in big space
setMap(IMap) - Method in class samer.tools.ImageSourceBase
setMap(IMap) - Method in class samer.tools.ImageViewer
setMaps(IMap, IMap) - Method in class samer.models.JointHistogramBase
setMarkerSize(int) - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter.Pen
setMetric(MDS.Metric) - Method in class samer.mds.MDS
setModel(int, Model) - Method in class samer.models.Mixture
setNoiseModel(Model) - Method in class samer.models.NoisyICA
setNormal(double[]) - Method in class samer.functions.LogisticHyperplane
setNum(int) - Method in class samer.maths.RowColumn
setOffset(double) - Method in class samer.functions.LogisticHyperplane
setOutputModel(Model) - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler
setOutputModel(Model) - Method in class samer.models.ICA
setOutputModel(Model) - Method in class samer.models.Scaler
setOutputModel(Model) - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA
setParameter(double) - Method in class samer.maths.Parameter
setPlaylist(List<File>) - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource
setPostFlush(Task) - Method in class samer.models.BatchedTrainer
setPreFlush(Task) - Method in class samer.models.BatchedTrainer
setPriority(double) - Method in class samer.tools.RThread
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class samer.applet.JApplet
setRate(double) - Method in class samer.tools.RThread
setRatio(double) - Method in class samer.tools.RateSchedule
setRow(int) - Method in class samer.maths.RowColumn
setSafeguardFactor(double) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.CubicLineSearch
setScroll(boolean) - Method in class samer.tools.ImageTraceBase
setScroll(boolean) - Method in class samer.tools.Trace
setScrollStep(int) - Method in class samer.tools.ImageTraceBase
setSink(AudioSink) - Method in class samer.units.LineOut
setSlope() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.State
evaluate slope at P1 using gradient at P1
setSlope2(double) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.State
set slope at P2, assert new slope is negative
setSource(AudioSource) - Method in class samer.units.LineIn
setSourceModel(Model) - Method in class samer.models.NoisyICA
setSourceModel(Model) - Method in class samer.models.VarianceICA
setStep(int) - Method in class samer.tools.Trace
setStep(int) - Method in class samer.units.LineIn
setStrength(double) - Method in class samer.functions.BiLaplacian
setStrength(double) - Method in class samer.functions.BiLaplacianBlend
setStrength(double) - Method in class samer.functions.SparseExponential
setStretch(boolean) - Method in class samer.tools.ImageTraceBase
setTarget(Vec) - Method in class samer.maths.Probe
setTargetFormat(AudioFormat) - Method in class samer.audio.FileSource
setTargetFormat(AudioFormat) - Method in class samer.audio.StreamSource
Returns current file
setTask(Task) - Method in class samer.tools.RThread
setTask(Task) - Method in class samer.tools.SubrateTask
setTrainer(int, Model.Trainer) - Method in class samer.models.Mixture.Trainer
setup() - Method in class samer.applet.JApplet
setVec(Vec) - Method in class samer.maths.VectorPlotter
setWidth(double) - Method in class samer.functions.BiLaplacian
setWindow(int, int) - Method in class samer.units.LineOut
setWindow(Function) - Method in class samer.units.FFT
setWindow(Function) - Method in class samer.units.OverlapAndAdd
Sets windowing array to samples from the given function.
setXReceiver(VInteger) - Method in class samer.units.Clicker
setXTolerance(double) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.AbsXFConvergence
setXTolerance(double) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.XFConvergence
setYReceiver(VInteger) - Method in class samer.units.Clicker
shadedwireframe() - Static method in class samer.j3d.Util
shortToDouble(byte[], double[], int, int) - Static method in class samer.audio.AudioSource.Util
shortToDoubleMixDown(byte[], double[], int, int, int) - Static method in class samer.audio.AudioSource.Util
shortToFloat(byte[], float[], int, int) - Static method in class samer.audio.AudioSource.Util
shortToFloatMixDown(byte[], float[], int, int, int) - Static method in class samer.audio.AudioSource.Util
silence() - Method in class samer.midi.MidiSynth
sinh(double) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
size() - Method in class samer.maths.Probe
size() - Method in class samer.maths.Vec.ForArray
size() - Method in interface samer.maths.Vec
size() - Method in class samer.maths.VVector
size() - Method in class samer.silk.SchemeList
size() - Method in class samer.units.FFT
sized() - Method in class samer.applet.Sierpinski
sized() - Method in class samer.mds.MatrixPointViewer2
sized() - Method in class samer.tools.Plotter
sized() - Method in class samer.tools.ScatterPlot
sized() - Method in class samer.tools.Trace
start() - Method in class samer.applet.JApplet
start() - Method in class samer.applet.WindowApplet
start() - Method in class samer.audio.VLine
start() - Method in class samer.tools.RThread
start(int) - Method in class samer.tools.RThread
starting() - Method in class samer.applet.Sierpinski
starting() - Method in class samer.audio.LineSink.Writer
starting() - Method in class samer.audio.LineSource.Reader
starting() - Method in class samer.j3d.ImmediateRenderer
starting() - Method in class samer.j3d.ViewBase
starting() - Method in class samer.maths.MatrixTimesVector
starting() - Method in class samer.maths.MatrixTransposeTimesVector
starting() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.MinimiserBase
starting() - Method in class samer.mds.MatrixPointViewer2
starting() - Method in class samer.mds.MDSBase
starting() - Method in class samer.midi.MidiRecorder
starting() - Method in class samer.midi.MidiSynth
starting() - Method in class samer.models.AlignedGaussian
starting() - Method in class samer.models.BatchedTrainer
starting() - Method in class samer.models.Covariance
starting() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.OffsetTrainer
starting() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.ScaleTrainer
starting() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler
starting() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.Trainer
starting() - Method in class samer.models.GaussianStats
starting() - Method in class samer.models.GeneralisedExponential.Trainer
starting() - Method in class samer.models.ICA.ON3Trainer
starting() - Method in class samer.models.ICA
starting() - Method in class samer.models.ICAWithScaler.ScalerTrainer
starting() - Method in class samer.models.MOGModel
starting() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler.OffsetTrainer
starting() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler.ScaleTrainer
starting() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler
starting() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler.Trainer
starting() - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA.ON3Trainer
starting() - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA
starting() - Method in class samer.silk.SilkTask
starting() - Method in class samer.tools.AnonymousTask
starting() - Method in class samer.tools.CompoundTask
starting() - Method in class samer.tools.NullTask
starting() - Method in class samer.tools.SubrateTask
starting() - Method in class samer.tools.SwitchTask
starting() - Method in interface samer.tools.Task
starting() - Method in class samer.tools.Trace
starting() - Method in class samer.units.FFTVector
starting() - Method in class samer.units.FilterVector
starting() - Method in class samer.units.Histogram
starting() - Method in class samer.units.JointHistogram
starting() - Method in class samer.units.LineIn
starting() - Method in class samer.units.LineOut
starting() - Method in class samer.units.OnsetMap
starting() - Method in class samer.units.RescaledIFT
starting() - Method in class samer.units.SignalWindow
starting() - Method in class samer.units.SpectralFIR
starting() - Method in class samer.units.Stacker
starting() - Method in class samer.units.SumFnVec
startProduction(ImageConsumer) - Method in class samer.tools.ImageSourceBase
status(String) - Method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell
steepest() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.ConstrainedGillMurray
steepest() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.GillMurray
step(double) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.Constraints
take a step of lambda*h, set alpha, but don't evaluate function at new point
step(double) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.State
take step of length lambda from P1 in direction of h, evaluate and store in P2
stop() - Method in class samer.applet.JApplet
stop() - Method in class samer.audio.VLine
stopping() - Method in class samer.applet.Sierpinski
stopping() - Method in class samer.audio.LineSink.Writer
stopping() - Method in class samer.audio.LineSource.Reader
stopping() - Method in class samer.j3d.ImmediateRenderer
stopping() - Method in class samer.j3d.ViewBase
stopping() - Method in class samer.maths.MatrixTimesVector
stopping() - Method in class samer.maths.MatrixTransposeTimesVector
stopping() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.MinimiserBase
stopping() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.UnconstrainedConjGrad
stopping() - Method in class samer.mds.MatrixPointViewer2
stopping() - Method in class samer.mds.MDSBase
stopping() - Method in class samer.midi.MidiRecorder
stopping() - Method in class samer.midi.MidiSynth
stopping() - Method in class samer.models.AlignedGaussian
stopping() - Method in class samer.models.BatchedTrainer
stopping() - Method in class samer.models.Covariance
stopping() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler
stopping() - Method in class samer.models.GaussianStats
stopping() - Method in class samer.models.ICA
stopping() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler
stopping() - Method in class samer.models.SparseICA
stopping() - Method in class samer.silk.SilkTask
stopping() - Method in class samer.tools.AnonymousTask
stopping() - Method in class samer.tools.CompoundTask
stopping() - Method in class samer.tools.NullTask
stopping() - Method in class samer.tools.SubrateTask
stopping() - Method in class samer.tools.SwitchTask
stopping() - Method in interface samer.tools.Task
stopping() - Method in class samer.tools.Trace
stopping() - Method in class samer.units.DoubleToStream
stopping() - Method in class samer.units.DoubleWriter
stopping() - Method in class samer.units.FFTVector
stopping() - Method in class samer.units.FilterVector
stopping() - Method in class samer.units.Histogram
stopping() - Method in class samer.units.JointHistogram
stopping() - Method in class samer.units.LineIn
stopping() - Method in class samer.units.LineOut
stopping() - Method in class samer.units.OnsetMap
stopping() - Method in class samer.units.RescaledIFT
stopping() - Method in class samer.units.SpectralFIR
stopping() - Method in class samer.units.Stacker
stopping() - Method in class samer.units.SumFnVec
stopping() - Method in class samer.units.VecToStream
stopping() - Method in class samer.units.VecWriter
sub(double[], double) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
subtract scalar in place y: x[i]-=y for all i
sub(double[], double[]) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
subtract in place y: x[i]-=y[i] for all i
sub(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.Constraints
sparse vector subtraction in place
sub(double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
subtract: x[i]=y[i]-z[i] for all i
sub(double[], double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.Constraints
sparse vector subtraction
sub(int, double[], double[]) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
sub(int, double[], double[], double[]) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
sub(vec2) - Method in class samer.tools.vec2
sub(vec2, vec2) - Static method in class samer.tools.vec2
sum(double[]) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
return sum of elements in x
symmetrise() - Method in class samer.maths.Matrix
Symmetrise in place preserving trace.


Tanh - Class in samer.functions
Terminal - Class in samer.silk
Terminal to acces a remote JVM.
Ternary - Class in samer.maths.random
ThresholdLog - Class in samer.functions
Log with lower cut-off, then constant
Trace - Class in samer.tools
Displays values of a single real variable as a trace: value vs time.
Trigger - Class in samer.units
Generates a 1 for each element that rises above threshold, and a -1 for when it drops back below.
Task - Interface in samer.tools
An interface meant to represent processing that needs to be done repeatedly in a loop.
T - Variable in class samer.midi.MidiRecorderBase
T - Variable in class samer.models.MatrixTrainer
Tanh() - Constructor for class samer.functions.Tanh
TensionedTrainer() - Constructor for class samer.models.DiffScaler.TensionedTrainer
Terminal() - Constructor for class samer.silk.Terminal
Ternary() - Constructor for class samer.maths.random.Ternary
ThresholdLog() - Constructor for class samer.functions.ThresholdLog
Trace() - Constructor for class samer.tools.Trace
Trainer() - Constructor for class samer.models.DiffScaler.Trainer
Trainer() - Constructor for class samer.models.GeneralisedExponential.Trainer
Trainer() - Constructor for class samer.models.Mixture.Trainer
Trainer() - Constructor for class samer.models.Scaler.Trainer
Trigger(VVector, double) - Constructor for class samer.units.Trigger
table(double[], Function) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
set each element using a function of its index
tanh(double) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
test() - Method in interface samer.maths.opt.Condition
tick() - Method in class samer.midi.MidiRecorderBase
times(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.SparseMatrix
times(VVector, Matrix, VVector) - Static method in class samer.maths.Ops
timesEquals(VVector, VVector) - Static method in class samer.maths.Ops
tock() - Method in class samer.tools.RThread
toInt(double) - Method in class samer.maths.FunctionMap
toString() - Method in class samer.audio.VLine
toString() - Method in class samer.maths.Constant
toString() - Method in class samer.maths.Difference
toString() - Method in class samer.maths.FunctionOfGenerator
toString() - Method in class samer.maths.Matrix
toString() - Method in class samer.maths.MatrixAgent
toString() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.State
toString() - Method in class samer.maths.Product
toString() - Method in class samer.maths.random.Binary
toString() - Method in class samer.maths.random.BipolarUniform
toString() - Method in class samer.maths.random.BoundedUniform
toString() - Method in class samer.maths.random.Exponential
toString() - Method in class samer.maths.random.Gaussian
toString() - Method in class samer.maths.random.Laplacian
toString() - Method in class samer.maths.random.Mixture
toString() - Method in class samer.maths.random.NormalisedGaussian
toString() - Method in class samer.maths.random.SparseMixture
toString() - Method in class samer.maths.random.Uniform
toString() - Method in class samer.maths.Sum
toString() - Method in class samer.maths.Zero
toString() - Method in class samer.models.AlignedGaussian
toString() - Method in class samer.models.BatchedTrainer
toString() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.OffsetTrainer
toString() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.ScaleTrainer
toString() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.TensionedTrainer
toString() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler
toString() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler.Trainer
toString() - Method in class samer.models.GeneralisedExponential
toString() - Method in class samer.models.GeneralisedExponential.Trainer
toString() - Method in class samer.models.ICA.ON2DecayWhenActive
toString() - Method in class samer.models.ICA.ON2Trainer
toString() - Method in class samer.models.ICA.ON3Trainer
toString() - Method in class samer.models.IIDPrior
toString() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler.OffsetTrainer
toString() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler.ScaleTrainer
toString() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler
toString() - Method in class samer.models.Scaler.Trainer
toString() - Method in class samer.silk.SilkTask
toString() - Method in class samer.tools.CompoundTask
toString() - Method in class samer.tools.NamedTask
toString() - Method in class samer.tools.SubrateTask
toString() - Method in class samer.tools.SwitchTask
toString() - Method in class samer.units.FFTVector
toString() - Method in class samer.units.FilteredGenerator
toString() - Method in class samer.units.LineIn
toString() - Method in class samer.units.Oscillator
toString() - Method in class samer.units.Wavetable
trace(String) - Method in class samer.applet.JAppletShell
transfer(Vec, int, Vec, int, int) - Static method in class samer.maths.Ops
transfer(Vec, Vec) - Static method in class samer.maths.Ops
transfer(Vec, Vec, int[]) - Static method in class samer.maths.Ops
transposeTimes(double[], double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.SparseMatrix
triggerTask(Task, Observable) - Static method in class samer.maths.Ops
causes a task to run whenever an observable changes


UnconstrainedConjGrad - Class in samer.maths.opt
unconstrained minimiser for smooth functions: - ConjugateGradient - OR Quasi-newton (using GillMurray updates) - Safeguarded cubic interpolation line search using gradients
UnconstrainedMinimiser - Class in samer.maths.opt
unconstrained minimiser for smooth functions: - ConjugateGradient - OR Quasi-newton (using GillMurray uydates) - Safeguarded cubic interpolation line search using gradients
Uniform - Class in samer.maths.random
Util - Class in samer.j3d
Util - Class in samer.maths.opt
U - Variable in class samer.j3d.Root
UnconstrainedConjGrad(Vec, Functionx) - Constructor for class samer.maths.opt.UnconstrainedConjGrad
UnconstrainedMinimiser(Vec, Functionx) - Constructor for class samer.maths.opt.UnconstrainedMinimiser
expects to find Vec at top of stack, Functionx just below.
Uniform() - Constructor for class samer.maths.random.Uniform
Util() - Constructor for class samer.audio.AudioSink.Util
Util() - Constructor for class samer.audio.AudioSource.Util
Util() - Constructor for class samer.j3d.Util
Util() - Constructor for class samer.maths.opt.Util
unpause() - Method in class samer.tools.RThread
unzero(double, double) - Static method in class samer.maths.opt.Util
update() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.ConjGrad
update() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.ConstrainedConjGrad
update() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.ConstrainedGillMurray
update() - Method in class samer.maths.opt.GillMurray
update() - Method in class samer.units.Histogram.Equaliser
update(Graphics) - Method in class samer.maths.VectorPlotter
update(Graphics) - Method in class samer.tools.ImageTraceBase
update(Graphics) - Method in class samer.tools.ImageViewer
update(Graphics) - Method in class samer.tools.ScatterPlot
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.j3d.MatrixPointArray
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.j3d.MatrixPointArrayAlpha
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.j3d.MatrixPointArrayRef
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.j3d.MatrixPoints4D
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.j3d.PatchArray
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.j3d.PatchArrayAlpha
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.j3d.Patches
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.j3d.PatchesAlpha
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.j3d.Points3D
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.j3d.Points3DAlpha
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.j3d.Points3DRef
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.j3d.Points4D
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.maths.FunctionPlotter
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.maths.IntArrayEditor
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.maths.LineTrace
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.maths.MatrixPanel
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.maths.random.BoundedHyperbolic
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.maths.random.BoundedUniform
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.maths.random.PowerLaw
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.maths.RowColumn
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.maths.VectorPlotter
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.mds.MatrixPointViewer2
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.mds.ProximityFilter
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.models.SmoothGeneralisedExponential
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.silk.SilkObserver
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.silk.SilkTask
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.tools.ImageTraceBase
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.tools.ImageViewer
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.tools.ScatterPlot
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.tools.SignalTrace
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.tools.Trace
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.units.JointHistogram
update(Observable, Object) - Method in class samer.units.OnsetMap
update(Viewable) - Static method in class samer.maths.Ops
updateActivities() - Method in class samer.j3d.MatrixPointArray
updateActivities() - Method in class samer.j3d.MatrixPointArrayAlpha
updateActivities() - Method in class samer.j3d.MatrixPoints4D
updateActivities() - Method in class samer.j3d.PatchArray
updateActivities() - Method in class samer.j3d.PatchArrayAlpha
updateActivities() - Method in class samer.j3d.Patches
updateActivities() - Method in class samer.j3d.PatchesAlpha
updateActivities() - Method in class samer.j3d.Points3D
updateActivities() - Method in class samer.j3d.Points3DAlpha
updateActivities() - Method in class samer.j3d.Points4D
updatePoints() - Method in class samer.j3d.MatrixPointArray
updatePoints() - Method in class samer.j3d.MatrixPointArrayAlpha
updatePoints() - Method in class samer.j3d.MatrixPoints4D
updatePoints() - Method in class samer.j3d.PatchArray
updatePoints() - Method in class samer.j3d.PatchArrayAlpha
updatePoints() - Method in class samer.j3d.Patches
updatePoints() - Method in class samer.j3d.PatchesAlpha
updatePoints() - Method in class samer.j3d.Points3D
updatePoints() - Method in class samer.j3d.Points3DAlpha
updatePoints() - Method in class samer.j3d.Points4D
uvCheck(double, double, double) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.GillMurray


VarianceICA - Class in samer.models
Vec.ForArray - Class in samer.maths
An implementation of Vec that uses an array to store the values.
vec2 - Class in samer.tools
VecToDouble - Class in samer.units
VectorEditor - Class in samer.maths
VectorFunctionOfVector - Class in samer.maths
Defines a real-valued function of a vector
VectorPlotter - Class in samer.maths
A Viewer that draws a variety of graphs from data in a vector
VectorPlusEqualsVector - Class in samer.maths
VectorTimesEqualsScalar - Class in samer.maths
VectorTrace - Class in samer.maths
A Viewer that draws multiple traces: one for each element of a vector
VecToStream - Class in samer.units
Write sequence of vectors to stream in binary format.
VecWriter - Class in samer.units
VFunction - Class in samer.maths
A Viewable for a Function - provides a UI for getting a plot of the function and for looking at its derivative (would like to be able to switch the Function too)
VGenerator - Class in samer.maths
A Viewable random number generator.
ViewBase - Class in samer.j3d
ViewGroup - Class in samer.j3d
VLine - Class in samer.audio
A Viewable for exposing a Javasound DataLine object.
VVector - Class in samer.maths
A Viewable Vec.
Vec - Interface in samer.maths
Interface for a vector that can be access via either an iterator (read only), or a double array (read/write) or via a Mat interface.
Vec.InputIterator - Interface in samer.maths
Vec.Iterator - Interface in samer.maths
access vector by iterator
vh - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.MinimiserBase
vmaxiter - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.MinimiserBase
VarianceICA(Node, int, int) - Constructor for class samer.models.VarianceICA
vec2() - Constructor for class samer.tools.vec2
vec2(double, double) - Constructor for class samer.tools.vec2
vec2(vec2) - Constructor for class samer.tools.vec2
VecToDouble(Vec, int, DoubleModel) - Constructor for class samer.units.VecToDouble
VectorEditor(Observable, Vec) - Constructor for class samer.maths.VectorEditor
VectorFunctionOfVector() - Constructor for class samer.maths.VectorFunctionOfVector
VectorPlotter(Observable) - Constructor for class samer.maths.VectorPlotter
VectorPlotter(Observable, Vec) - Constructor for class samer.maths.VectorPlotter
VectorPlusEqualsVector(double[], double[]) - Constructor for class samer.maths.VectorPlusEqualsVector
VectorPlusEqualsVector(Vec, Vec) - Constructor for class samer.maths.VectorPlusEqualsVector
VectorTimesEqualsScalar(Vec, double) - Constructor for class samer.maths.VectorTimesEqualsScalar
VectorTrace(Vec) - Constructor for class samer.maths.VectorTrace
VecToStream(Vec, OutputStream) - Constructor for class samer.units.VecToStream
VecWriter(Vec, Writer) - Constructor for class samer.units.VecWriter
VFunction(String) - Constructor for class samer.maths.VFunction
VFunction(String, Function) - Constructor for class samer.maths.VFunction
VGenerator(String) - Constructor for class samer.maths.VGenerator
VGenerator(String, Generator) - Constructor for class samer.maths.VGenerator
ViewBase() - Constructor for class samer.j3d.ViewBase
ViewGroup() - Constructor for class samer.j3d.ViewGroup
VLine(String) - Constructor for class samer.audio.VLine
VVector() - Constructor for class samer.maths.VVector
VVector(String, int) - Constructor for class samer.maths.VVector
VVector(Node, double[]) - Constructor for class samer.maths.VVector
VVector(Node, int) - Constructor for class samer.maths.VVector
VVector(Node, Vec) - Constructor for class samer.maths.VVector
viewable() - Method in class samer.maths.Matrix


Wavetable - Class in samer.units
Periodic generator: generates periodic signal from a wave table
WindowApplet - Class in samer.applet
WinnerTakeAll - Class in samer.functions
This is NOT and element-wise nonlinearity, but rather a function of an entire vector.
W - Variable in class samer.units.FFT
width - Variable in class samer.tools.ImageSourceBase
Wavetable(Vec) - Constructor for class samer.units.Wavetable
Wavetable(Vec, int, int) - Constructor for class samer.units.Wavetable
WindowApplet() - Constructor for class samer.applet.WindowApplet
WinnerTakeAll() - Constructor for class samer.functions.WinnerTakeAll
Writer(int) - Constructor for class samer.audio.LineSink.Writer
weights() - Method in class samer.models.AlignedGaussian
weights() - Method in class samer.models.DiffScaler
width() - Method in interface samer.maths.Mat
width() - Method in class samer.maths.Matrix
width() - Method in class samer.maths.RowColumn
width() - Method in class samer.maths.Vec.ForArray
windowActivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class samer.j3d.ViewBase
windowClosed(WindowEvent) - Method in class samer.j3d.ViewBase
windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class samer.j3d.ViewBase
windowDeactivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class samer.j3d.ViewBase
windowDeiconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class samer.j3d.ViewBase
windowIconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class samer.j3d.ViewBase
windowOpened(WindowEvent) - Method in class samer.j3d.ViewBase
wireframe() - Static method in class samer.j3d.Util
writable(TransformGroup) - Static method in class samer.j3d.Util
writable(ViewPlatform) - Static method in class samer.j3d.Util
write(int) - Method in class samer.audio.LineSink.Writer
write(Writer) - Method in class samer.maths.Matrix
write(Writer) - Method in class samer.maths.VVector
Write the given Vec to a PrintWriter as one line of text, consisting of space delimited numbers.
write(Writer) - Method in class samer.midi.MidiSynth
writer(double[], int, int) - Method in interface samer.audio.AudioSink
Return a task which takes samples from the given buffer The idea is that the audio sink can choose the right kind of writer depending on the format of the audio stream, and then handle any conversions automatically.
writer(double[], int, int) - Method in class samer.audio.FileSink
writer(double[], int, int) - Method in class samer.audio.LineSink
writer(float[], int, int) - Method in interface samer.audio.AudioSink
writer(float[], int, int) - Method in class samer.audio.FileSink
writer(float[], int, int) - Method in class samer.audio.LineSink


XFConvergence - Class in samer.maths.opt
x - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.Datum
x - Variable in class samer.midi.MidiSynth
x - Variable in class samer.tools.vec2
x1 - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.MinimiserBase
x1 - Variable in class samer.tools.Trace
x2 - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.MinimiserBase
x2 - Variable in class samer.tools.Trace
XAXIS - Static variable in class samer.tools.Plotter
xfconv - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.MinimiserBase
xmap - Variable in class samer.tools.Plotter
XTOL - Variable in class samer.maths.opt.MinimiserBase
XFConvergence() - Constructor for class samer.maths.opt.XFConvergence


y - Variable in class samer.tools.vec2
YAXIS - Static variable in class samer.tools.Plotter
ymap - Variable in class samer.tools.Plotter


Zero - Class in samer.maths
ZeroCrossingSparsity - Class in samer.maths.opt
Constraints and line minimisations for functions with gradient discontinuity at co-ordinate zeros (hyperplanes).
zeros - Variable in class samer.units.FFT
Zero() - Constructor for class samer.maths.Zero
ZeroCrossingSparsity(MinimiserBase) - Constructor for class samer.maths.opt.ZeroCrossingSparsity
zero() - Method in class samer.maths.Matrix
Set to zero matrix
zero() - Method in class samer.maths.SparseMatrix
zero(double[]) - Static method in class samer.maths.Mathx
set to zeros
zeroInactive(double[]) - Method in class samer.maths.opt.Constraints


_A - Variable in class samer.models.MatrixTrainer
_T - Variable in class samer.models.MatrixTrainer
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _