Class Positivity

  • public class Positivity
    extends Constraints
    Cubic line search with positivity constraints dimensions become inactive when they go to zero and the gradient > GEPS
    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • initialise

        public void initialise()
        constrain all dimensions which are currently set to zero.
        Specified by:
        initialise in class Constraints
      • release

        public boolean release(Datum P)
        This finds the constrained dimension with the largest positive gradient, and if of that gradient is bigger than 1, then releases that dimension so that it can take part in the optimization
        release in class Constraints
      • clipStep

        public boolean clipStep(double beta)
        Take a step but make sure none of the coordinates becomes negative. This function returns true if any dimensions were inactivated - implying that we should finish the line search. The alternative is that even the clipped step was too long and we need to interpolate some more.