Class Constraints

  • java.lang.Object
    • samer.maths.opt.Constraints
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class and Description
      static interface  Constraints.Factory 
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field and Description
      int[] active 
      int[] inactive 
      int m 
      int n 
      State S 
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor and Description
      Constraints(State s) 
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      void activate(int i)
      activate the i'th dimension Presupposes that it is not already inactive
      void activateAll() 
      int activeCount() 
      void deactivateAll() 
      double dot(double[] a, double[] b)
      sparse vector dot product
      void eval2()
      evaluate function and gradient at P2
      int getReleasableDimensions() 
      int getReleasedDimension() 
      void inactivate(int i)
      Inactivate the i'th dimension Presupposes that it is not already inactive
      abstract void initialise() 
      abstract void lineSearch(Condition c, CubicLineSearch ls, double step) 
      double maxabs(double[] x)
      sparse max(abs(x))
      void mul(double[] a, double b)
      sparse vector time scalar
      void mul(double[] y, double[][] A, double[] x)
      sparse matrix mutiplication
      void negate(double[] x)
      sparse vector negation in place
      void negate(double[] x, double[] y)
      sparse vector negation in place
      boolean release(Datum P) 
      void report() 
      void step(double lambda)
      take a step of lambda*h, set alpha, but don't evaluate function at new point
      void sub(double[] a, double[] b)
      sparse vector subtraction in place
      void sub(double[] out, double[] a, double[] b)
      sparse vector subtraction
      void zeroInactive(double[] z) 
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • active

        public int[] active
      • inactive

        public int[] inactive
      • m

        public int m
      • n

        public int n
    • Constructor Detail

      • Constraints

        public Constraints(State s)
    • Method Detail

      • activeCount

        public final int activeCount()
      • report

        public void report()
      • activateAll

        public void activateAll()
      • deactivateAll

        public void deactivateAll()
      • zeroInactive

        public void zeroInactive(double[] z)
      • inactivate

        public final void inactivate(int i)
        Inactivate the i'th dimension Presupposes that it is not already inactive
      • activate

        public final void activate(int i)
        activate the i'th dimension Presupposes that it is not already inactive
      • step

        public void step(double lambda)
        take a step of lambda*h, set alpha, but don't evaluate function at new point
      • eval2

        public void eval2()
        evaluate function and gradient at P2
      • mul

        public final void mul(double[] y,
                              double[][] A,
                              double[] x)
        sparse matrix mutiplication
      • dot

        public final double dot(double[] a,
                                double[] b)
        sparse vector dot product
      • mul

        public final void mul(double[] a,
                              double b)
        sparse vector time scalar
      • sub

        public final void sub(double[] out,
                              double[] a,
                              double[] b)
        sparse vector subtraction
      • sub

        public final void sub(double[] a,
                              double[] b)
        sparse vector subtraction in place
      • negate

        public final void negate(double[] x)
        sparse vector negation in place
      • negate

        public final void negate(double[] x,
                                 double[] y)
        sparse vector negation in place
      • maxabs

        public final double maxabs(double[] x)
        sparse max(abs(x))
      • release

        public boolean release(Datum P)
      • getReleasedDimension

        public int getReleasedDimension()
      • getReleasableDimensions

        public int getReleasableDimensions()
      • initialise

        public abstract void initialise()