Package samer.units
Interface Summary Interface Description Filter -
Class Summary Class Description Clicker This is a mouse event handler that interprets mouse clicks to edit a matrix.DoubleToStream Write sequence of doubles to a stream in binary format.DoubleWriter Write sequence of doubles to a stream as textEnergyOperator FFT Fast Fourier TransformFFTVector Manages a fourier transform from a given Vec into another vector.FilteredGenerator FilterVector FIRFilter GenerateDouble GenerateVector Histogram This actually builds several histograms in parallel: one for each element of a Vec or double array.IIRFilter JointHistogram Builds up a 2D joint histogram of 2 elements of a vector.Latch Temporally smoothed thresholding latchLineIn Manages sliding window audio input.LineOut A class which takes real valued samples from a VVector, converts them to 16 bit integer samples, and writes them to an audio device.Matrices Some special matrix factoriesMousePosition NoisyLinearSource A class for generating random vectors according to a particular generative model.OnsetMap Oscillator OverlapAndAdd Overlap and add input vectors into a buffer.RescaledIFT Inverts a given FFT using an alternative magnitude spectrumSignalWindow SpectralFIR Stacker Stacker2 StreamToDouble StreamToVec SumFnVec Trigger Generates a 1 for each element that rises above threshold, and a -1 for when it drops back below.VecToDouble VecToStream Write sequence of vectors to stream in binary format.VecWriter Wavetable Periodic generator: generates periodic signal from a wave table