Package samer.maths

Class SparseMatrix

  • java.lang.Object
    • samer.maths.SparseMatrix

  • public class SparseMatrix
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • SparseMatrix

        public SparseMatrix(java.lang.String name)
      • SparseMatrix

        public SparseMatrix(java.lang.String name,
                            SparseMatrix mask)
    • Method Detail

      • allocate

        public void allocate(int E)
        allocate space for E elements and remove all elements
      • addElement

        public void addElement(int i,
                               int j,
                               double x)
        add a new element to list. (Must be room for it)
      • times

        public void times(double[] out,
                          double[] in)
      • transposeTimes

        public void transposeTimes(double[] out,
                                   double[] in)
      • zero

        public void zero()
      • addOuterProduct

        public void addOuterProduct(double[] a,
                                    double[] b)
      • icaUpdate

        public void icaUpdate(SparseMatrix GW,
                              double eta,
                              double batch)
      • identity

        public void identity()
      • getMatrix

        public void getMatrix(Matrix A)
      • changed

        public void changed()
      • dispose

        public void dispose()