Package samer.models

Interface Model

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Interface and Description
      static interface  Model.Trainer
      This represents a training algorithm for a Model Trainer is responsible for counting calls to accumulate() between flushes
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      void compute()
      contract is that getEnergy and getGradient must return correct values for current x after infer and compute has been called, but not necessarily before.
      void dispose() 
      Functionx functionx()
      This presents a more functional interface to the model so that it can be driven by an optimiser.
      double getEnergy()
      return E = -log p(x)
      double[] getGradient()
      return dE/dx
      int getSize()
      return size of vector this model expects
      void infer()
      should infer values latent variables
      void setInput(Vec x)
      model should begin observing this vector
    • Method Detail

      • getSize

        int getSize()
        return size of vector this model expects
      • setInput

        void setInput(Vec x)
        model should begin observing this vector
      • infer

        void infer()
        should infer values latent variables
      • compute

        void compute()
        contract is that getEnergy and getGradient must return correct values for current x after infer and compute has been called, but not necessarily before. This is to give model an opportunity to cache values of energy and gradient to avoid repeated computations.
      • getEnergy

        double getEnergy()
        return E = -log p(x)
      • getGradient

        double[] getGradient()
        return dE/dx
      • dispose

        void dispose()
      • functionx

        Functionx functionx()
        This presents a more functional interface to the model so that it can be driven by an optimiser. See classes Functionx and MinimiserBase in package samer.maths.opt.