Interface SequenceMapping

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    BeadsAutomationMapping, BeadsPeakLevelMapping, BeadsSequenceMapping, HapticTrigger

    public interface SequenceMapping
    A mapping of a sequence into some form of representation, e.g. visual, audio, audio-visual etc. The methods of this interface represent different ways a sequence can be rendered and need not be all implemented in classes implementing this interface.
    • Method Detail

      • renderValue

        void renderValue(Sequence.Value val)
        renders a single value of the sequence
        val -
      • renderCurve

        void renderCurve(Sequence m,
                         float startTime)
        Renders the whole curve, from start to end
        m -
        startTime - the time in millisecond the curve rendering has to start from, if -1 will immediately stop the rendering.
      • renderCurveAt

        void renderCurveAt(Sequence sequence,
                           float time,
                           float duration)
        Render a curve at precise time If sound is used for rendering, the sound lasts duration milliseconds and then fades out. If INF is passed as duration the sound will go on forever. Successive calls with INF as duration will have the effect of changing the sound in order to represent the curve at the new time passed as argument. Successive calls with duration different from DURATION_INF will carry on the sound for duration millisecond (and therefore setting duration to 0 will stop the sound).
        sequence - the sequence to render
        time - the time at which the sequence has to be rendered
        duration - the duration of sound in millisecond. If (@code DURATION_INF) is used the sound will go on forever until it's stopped. To stop the sound use duration = -1;