
This package contains classes that abstract DAW entities, such as automations and sequences of wave peak points, into more general interfaces that can be reused in other context.

See: Description

  • Interface Summary 
    Interface Description
    A sequence of values arranged over time.
    A mapping of a sequence into some form of representation, e.g.
  • Class Summary 
    Class Description
    Utilities for math operations
    Calculates values at any time in a sequence by interpolating the sequence values.
    Scales a float from one range of values to another.
    Range<T extends java.lang.Number & java.lang.Comparable<T>>
    Immutable class containing two comparable number which represent the start and the end of a range.
    An event in a sequence.
  • Enum Summary 
    Enum Description
    Type of events in a sequence

Package Description

This package contains classes that abstract DAW entities, such as automations and sequences of wave peak points, into more general interfaces that can be reused in other context. Possibly also unrelated to DAW. Automation lines for example, are just sequences of connected values (automation points) scattered in time and the values can only be within a certain range. This is common to many graphs in other domains that display ranged values over time. So the idea behind this package is to provide software support to design pattern reusability over different domains. A sonification or a haptic display strategy that works in one domain can be easily reused in another domain just by implementing a bunch of interfaces. So in this program, the audio-haptic display is done in terms of the abstract interfaces of this package rather than in terms of the DAW specific Java classes, like Automation or AutomationValue. Obviously these implements such interfaces.