public abstract class BeadsSequenceMapping
extends java.lang.Object
implements SequenceMapping
An abstract implementation of sequence mapping.
It takes care of the interface implementation using the beads library.
Subclasses just need to implement the abstract protected methods to
render the sequence with their own sound.
Render a curve at precise time
If sound is used for rendering, the sound lasts duration milliseconds and then fades out.
If INF is passed as duration the sound will go on forever. Successive calls with INF as duration
will have the effect of changing the sound in order to represent the curve at the new time passed as argument.
Successive calls with duration different from DURATION_INF will carry on the sound for duration
millisecond (and therefore setting duration to 0 will stop the sound).
time - the time at which the sequence has to be rendered
duration - the duration of sound in millisecond. If (@code DURATION_INF) is used the sound
will go on forever until it's stopped. To stop the sound use duration = -1;