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Polina Proutskova, 2021-06-01 07:35 PM

1 140 Polina Proutskova
h1. Singing Voice and Artificial Intelligence academic forum
2 1 Chris Cannam
3 2 Chris Cannam
* See the help button above, or "this page":, for how to format things - it isn't Markdown I'm afraid, but it is fairly simple all the same
4 6 Chris Cannam
* Use the History link at top-right (and then follow one of the Annotate links) to see who has edited which line
5 7 Chris Cannam
* Click the Watch link at top-right to request email notifications when the page is edited
6 2 Chris Cannam
7 8 Polina Proutskova
This project is public. Please be cautious about including "private sharing links" and the like in wiki pages.
8 4 Chris Cannam
9 19 Polina Proutskova
h3. Please contribute to these!
10 98 Polina Proutskova
"topics suggestions":
11 19 Polina Proutskova
[[papers to discuss]]
12 19 Polina Proutskova
13 94 Polina Proutskova
our "youTube channel":
14 75 Polina Proutskova
15 125 Polina Proutskova
During lockdown the meetings take place on Zoom at 3 pm BST (London), 4 pm W.Europe (Paris, Berlin), 7:30 pm IST (Mumbai), 11 pm Japan, 10 am EDT  (New York), 7 am PDT (San Francisco)
16 108 Polina Proutskova
"Google calendar": (shows meetings in your timezone)
17 88 Polina Proutskova
Contact: proutskova at gmail dot com
18 19 Polina Proutskova
19 103 Polina Proutskova
20 137 Polina Proutskova
h2. 27/07
21 137 Polina Proutskova
* John McBride on information-theoretic modelling of discreteness in music perception
22 137 Polina Proutskova
23 137 Polina Proutskova
24 128 Polina Proutskova
h2. 20/07
25 1 Chris Cannam
* Devansh Zurale
26 1 Chris Cannam
** source-filter models and deep learning models for voice synthesis
27 123 Polina Proutskova
** Hindustani singing voice
28 128 Polina Proutskova
29 128 Polina Proutskova
30 138 Polina Proutskova
h2. 29/06
31 138 Polina Proutskova
* Yuto Ozaki: [[Agreement among human and automated transcriptions of global songs]]
32 139 Polina Proutskova
* Discussion: roadmap to automatic transcription of cross-cultural vocal recordings
33 138 Polina Proutskova
34 138 Polina Proutskova
35 141 Polina Proutskova
h2. 15/06
36 141 Polina Proutskova
* ICASSP papers
37 141 Polina Proutskova
38 141 Polina Proutskova
39 128 Polina Proutskova
h2. 25/05
40 143 Polina Proutskova
* "DadaBots": : [[Neural Synthesis - Eliminating Humans from Music]] 
41 144 Polina Proutskova
** with special guest "Reeps One":
42 144 Polina Proutskova
43 123 Polina Proutskova
44 123 Polina Proutskova
45 123 Polina Proutskova
h2. 20/04
46 127 Polina Proutskova
* Vincent Koops: [[AI Song Contest - Lessons on how to create in collaboration with AI]]
47 129 Polina Proutskova
48 123 Polina Proutskova
49 123 Polina Proutskova
50 106 Polina Proutskova
h2. 26/01/2021
51 121 Polina Proutskova
* Prof. "Frank Scherbaum": : [["From Musical Acoustics of the Earth to Computational Ethnomusicology of Traditional Georgian Vocal Music"]]
52 115 Polina Proutskova
53 115 Polina Proutskova
54 115 Polina Proutskova
h2. 19/01/2021
55 115 Polina Proutskova
* Polina Proutskova and Olga Velichkina
56 117 Polina Proutskova
[[Open questions on tonality perception and construction in non-Western vocal music]]
57 116 Polina Proutskova
58 119 Polina Proutskova
What makes singing so difficult for automatic analysis
59 122 Polina Proutskova
60 104 Polina Proutskova
61 104 Polina Proutskova
62 107 Polina Proutskova
h2. 24/11
63 112 Polina Proutskova
* Matan Gover 
64 113 Polina Proutskova
** [[Score-informed source separation of choral music]], "video":
65 114 Polina Proutskova
** on [[VoctroLabs current work]], "video":
66 107 Polina Proutskova
67 107 Polina Proutskova
68 104 Polina Proutskova
h2. 17/11
69 111 Polina Proutskova
* Emir Demirel: 
70 111 Polina Proutskova
** [[Computational Pronunciation Analysis and Modeling of Sung Utterances]]
71 111 Polina Proutskova
** [[Low Resource audio-to-lyrics alignment from polyphonic music recordings]]
72 104 Polina Proutskova
73 1 Chris Cannam
74 83 Polina Proutskova
75 100 Polina Proutskova
h2. 27/10
76 110 Polina Proutskova
* Helene Cuesta and Sebastian Rosenzweig: [["Polyphonic Singing Datasets for MIR Research"]], "video":
77 100 Polina Proutskova
78 100 Polina Proutskova
79 109 Polina Proutskova
h2. 20/10
80 109 Polina Proutskova
* ISMIR reports
81 109 Polina Proutskova
* Brendan O'Connor: ""An Exploratory Study of Perceptual Spaces of the Singing Voice”
82 109 Polina Proutskova
83 109 Polina Proutskova
84 91 Polina Proutskova
h2. 29/09
85 105 Polina Proutskova
* Bernd Brabec de Mori & Victor A. Stoichițӑ: *"Postures of listening and vocal agencies"* [[abstract and bios]], "video":
86 100 Polina Proutskova
87 100 Polina Proutskova
88 100 Polina Proutskova
h2. 22/09
89 101 Polina Proutskova
* Pritish Chandna: [[""Deep Learning Applied to SATB Choirs"]]
90 101 Polina Proutskova
* Kilian Schulze-Foster: [["Text-Informed Singing Voice Separation and Phoneme Level Lyrics Alignment"]]
91 91 Polina Proutskova
92 84 Polina Proutskova
93 95 Polina Proutskova
h2. 18/08 
94 96 Polina Proutskova
* Courtney Reed: Singer's auditory imagery with altered auditory feedback [[abstract]]
95 95 Polina Proutskova
96 80 Polina Proutskova
h2. 07/07
97 93 Polina Proutskova
* Prof. "Johan Sundberg": : Physiological and acoustical aspects of phonation types - "video":
98 80 Polina Proutskova
99 80 Polina Proutskova
100 76 Polina Proutskova
h2. 30/06
101 76 Polina Proutskova
* Prof. "David Howard": : "Pitch in singing is not all one might think it is."
102 1 Chris Cannam
103 65 Polina Proutskova
h2. 19/05
104 79 Polina Proutskova
* Emir Demirel on [[prosody and pronunciation in singing]]
105 65 Polina Proutskova
106 65 Polina Proutskova
107 65 Polina Proutskova
108 1 Chris Cannam
h2. 17/03
109 71 Polina Proutskova
110 72 Polina Proutskova
on Skype:
111 65 Polina Proutskova
112 65 Polina Proutskova
113 65 Polina Proutskova
h2. 11/02
114 63 Polina Proutskova
* Singing voice generation: [["A Neural Parametric Singing Synthesizer Modeling Timbre and Expression from Natural Songs"]]
115 1 Chris Cannam
116 65 Polina Proutskova
117 63 Polina Proutskova
h2. 21/01/2020
118 65 Polina Proutskova
* [[Singing voice generation]]
119 63 Polina Proutskova
120 48 Polina Proutskova
h2. 10/12 
121 51 Polina Proutskova
*4 pm GC114*
122 56 Polina Proutskova
* [[Universality and diversity in human song]] - discussing the Science paper from the Natural History of Song project
123 57 Polina Proutskova
124 51 Polina Proutskova
*5 pm : SCR bar*
125 60 Polina Proutskova
* _*[[Christmas Big Sing!]]*_
126 62 Polina Proutskova
* join us to sing Christmas songs from different cultures. Bring songs from your country and teach us
127 47 Polina Proutskova
128 44 Polina Proutskova
h2. 29/10 : Laws 3.06
129 46 Polina Proutskova
* Expressivity in singing: paper [[suggestions]]
130 43 Polina Proutskova
131 43 Polina Proutskova
h2. 22/10 : Laws 3.06
132 46 Polina Proutskova
* Prof. Simon Dixon: "Measuring and Modelling Intonation and Temperament"
133 1 Chris Cannam
134 43 Polina Proutskova
h2. 15/10 : Laws 3.06
135 46 Polina Proutskova
* Vocal physiology 
136 1 Chris Cannam
137 43 Polina Proutskova
h2. 01/10  NB different time slot! *2- 3 pm* : Laws 3.08C
138 41 Polina Proutskova
* Wenming Gui on his research into singing voice detection and deep learning
139 41 Polina Proutskova
140 37 Polina Proutskova
h2. 17/09            : Laws 3.08D
141 40 Polina Proutskova
* [[Charis Saitis]] on his research on timbre and its applications to singing voice
142 37 Polina Proutskova
143 36 Polina Proutskova
h2. 10/09            : ArtsOne 1.25
144 39 Polina Proutskova
* "Polina on PEVoC 2019":
145 34 Polina Proutskova
146 33 Polina Proutskova
h2. 23/07
147 32 Polina Proutskova
* [[VocalSet with Courtney and Emir]]
148 24 Brendan O'Connor
149 23 Polina Proutskova
h2. 16/07            : Bancroft: 1.03
150 31 Polina Proutskova
* Emir reports from UK Speech Conference
151 30 Polina Proutskova
* Emir introduces [[DAMP Intonation dataset]]
152 30 Polina Proutskova
* Polina: [[report from FMA]]
153 1 Chris Cannam
154 21 Polina Proutskova
h2. 02/07            : Eng402 Daphne Oram room
155 25 Brendan O'Connor
Small group, short topics
156 26 Brendan O'Connor
* [[Synthetic Voice Datasets]]
157 27 Brendan O'Connor
* [[Research on Vocal Tract transformations]]
158 29 Brendan O'Connor
* Informal discussion on vocal differences between cultures and classes
159 21 Polina Proutskova
160 1 Chris Cannam
h2. 18/06            : GC604         
161 1 Chris Cannam
* [[Chris 10 min presentation]]
162 22 Polina Proutskova
* Emir presenting his [[poster for UK Speech Conference]]
163 2 Chris Cannam
164 13 Polina Proutskova
h2. 11/06             : GC604         
165 13 Polina Proutskova
* 10 min presentations: 
166 18 Polina Proutskova
> * [[Wenming]] 
167 18 Polina Proutskova
> * [[Yukun]]
168 17 Polina Proutskova
* "Datasets":
169 2 Chris Cannam
170 13 Polina Proutskova
h2. 04/06                                 
171 13 Polina Proutskova
* 10 min presentations: 
172 18 Polina Proutskova
> * [[Courtney]]
173 18 Polina Proutskova
> * [[Brendan]] 
174 16 Polina Proutskova
* [[Datasets]]
175 2 Chris Cannam
176 13 Polina Proutskova
h2. 28/05/19      :  ITL
177 13 Polina Proutskova
178 13 Polina Proutskova
* First meeting, 
179 14 Polina Proutskova
* [[introduction]],  
180 15 Polina Proutskova
* [[coordination]]