Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2  * This file is part of MPlayer.
3  *
4  * MPlayer is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7  * (at your option) any later version.
8  *
9  * MPlayer is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * GNU General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
15  * with MPlayer; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
16  * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
17  */
19 #include <stdio.h>
20 #include <stdlib.h>
21 #include <string.h>
22 #include <inttypes.h>
24 #include "config.h"
25 #include "mp_msg.h"
26 #include "cpudetect.h"
28 #include "img_format.h"
29 #include "mp_image.h"
30 #include "vf.h"
32 #include "libvo/video_out.h"
34 static struct vf_priv_s {
35  unsigned char *buf;
37  int contrast;
38 };
40 #if HAVE_MMX
41 static void process_MMX(unsigned char *dest, int dstride, unsigned char *src, int sstride,
42  int w, int h, int brightness, int contrast)
43 {
44  int i;
45  int pel;
46  int dstep = dstride-w;
47  int sstep = sstride-w;
48  short brvec[4];
49  short contvec[4];
51  contrast = ((contrast+100)*256*16)/100;
52  brightness = ((brightness+100)*511)/200-128 - contrast/32;
54  brvec[0] = brvec[1] = brvec[2] = brvec[3] = brightness;
55  contvec[0] = contvec[1] = contvec[2] = contvec[3] = contrast;
57  while (h--) {
58  __asm__ volatile (
59  "movq (%5), %%mm3 \n\t"
60  "movq (%6), %%mm4 \n\t"
61  "pxor %%mm0, %%mm0 \n\t"
62  "movl %4, %%eax\n\t"
64  "1: \n\t"
65  "movq (%0), %%mm1 \n\t"
66  "movq (%0), %%mm2 \n\t"
67  "punpcklbw %%mm0, %%mm1 \n\t"
68  "punpckhbw %%mm0, %%mm2 \n\t"
69  "psllw $4, %%mm1 \n\t"
70  "psllw $4, %%mm2 \n\t"
71  "pmulhw %%mm4, %%mm1 \n\t"
72  "pmulhw %%mm4, %%mm2 \n\t"
73  "paddw %%mm3, %%mm1 \n\t"
74  "paddw %%mm3, %%mm2 \n\t"
75  "packuswb %%mm2, %%mm1 \n\t"
76  "add $8, %0 \n\t"
77  "movq %%mm1, (%1) \n\t"
78  "add $8, %1 \n\t"
79  "decl %%eax \n\t"
80  "jnz 1b \n\t"
81  : "=r" (src), "=r" (dest)
82  : "0" (src), "1" (dest), "r" (w>>3), "r" (brvec), "r" (contvec)
83  : "%eax"
84  );
86  for (i = w&7; i; i--)
87  {
88  pel = ((*src++* contrast)>>12) + brightness;
89  if(pel&768) pel = (-pel)>>31;
90  *dest++ = pel;
91  }
93  src += sstep;
94  dest += dstep;
95  }
96  __asm__ volatile ( "emms \n\t" ::: "memory" );
97 }
98 #endif
100 static void process_C(unsigned char *dest, int dstride, unsigned char *src, int sstride,
101  int w, int h, int brightness, int contrast)
102 {
103  int i;
104  int pel;
105  int dstep = dstride-w;
106  int sstep = sstride-w;
108  contrast = ((contrast+100)*256*256)/100;
109  brightness = ((brightness+100)*511)/200-128 - contrast/512;
111  while (h--) {
112  for (i = w; i; i--)
113  {
114  pel = ((*src++* contrast)>>16) + brightness;
115  if(pel&768) pel = (-pel)>>31;
116  *dest++ = pel;
117  }
118  src += sstep;
119  dest += dstep;
120  }
121 }
123 static void (*process)(unsigned char *dest, int dstride, unsigned char *src, int sstride,
124  int w, int h, int brightness, int contrast);
126 /* FIXME: add packed yuv version of process */
128 static int put_image(struct vf_instance *vf, mp_image_t *mpi, double pts)
129 {
130  mp_image_t *dmpi;
132  dmpi=ff_vf_get_image(vf->next, mpi->imgfmt,
134  mpi->w, mpi->h);
136  dmpi->stride[0] = mpi->stride[0];
137  dmpi->planes[1] = mpi->planes[1];
138  dmpi->planes[2] = mpi->planes[2];
139  dmpi->stride[1] = mpi->stride[1];
140  dmpi->stride[2] = mpi->stride[2];
142  if (!vf->priv->buf) vf->priv->buf = malloc(mpi->stride[0]*mpi->h);
144  if ((vf->priv->brightness == 0) && (vf->priv->contrast == 0))
145  dmpi->planes[0] = mpi->planes[0];
146  else {
147  dmpi->planes[0] = vf->priv->buf;
148  process(dmpi->planes[0], dmpi->stride[0],
149  mpi->planes[0], mpi->stride[0],
150  mpi->w, mpi->h, vf->priv->brightness,
151  vf->priv->contrast);
152  }
154  return ff_vf_next_put_image(vf,dmpi, pts);
155 }
157 static int control(struct vf_instance *vf, int request, void* data)
158 {
161  switch (request) {
163  eq = data;
164  if (!strcmp(eq->item,"brightness")) {
165  vf->priv->brightness = eq->value;
166  return CONTROL_TRUE;
167  }
168  else if (!strcmp(eq->item,"contrast")) {
169  vf->priv->contrast = eq->value;
170  return CONTROL_TRUE;
171  }
172  break;
174  eq = data;
175  if (!strcmp(eq->item,"brightness")) {
176  eq->value = vf->priv->brightness;
177  return CONTROL_TRUE;
178  }
179  else if (!strcmp(eq->item,"contrast")) {
180  eq->value = vf->priv->contrast;
181  return CONTROL_TRUE;
182  }
183  break;
184  }
185  return ff_vf_next_control(vf, request, data);
186 }
188 static int query_format(struct vf_instance *vf, unsigned int fmt)
189 {
190  switch (fmt) {
191  case IMGFMT_YVU9:
192  case IMGFMT_IF09:
193  case IMGFMT_YV12:
194  case IMGFMT_I420:
195  case IMGFMT_IYUV:
196  case IMGFMT_CLPL:
197  case IMGFMT_Y800:
198  case IMGFMT_Y8:
199  case IMGFMT_NV12:
200  case IMGFMT_NV21:
201  case IMGFMT_444P:
202  case IMGFMT_422P:
203  case IMGFMT_411P:
204  return ff_vf_next_query_format(vf, fmt);
205  }
206  return 0;
207 }
209 static void uninit(struct vf_instance *vf)
210 {
211  free(vf->priv->buf);
212  free(vf->priv);
213 }
215 static int vf_open(vf_instance_t *vf, char *args)
216 {
217  vf->control=control;
219  vf->put_image=put_image;
220  vf->uninit=uninit;
222  vf->priv = malloc(sizeof(struct vf_priv_s));
223  memset(vf->priv, 0, sizeof(struct vf_priv_s));
224  if (args) sscanf(args, "%d:%d", &vf->priv->brightness, &vf->priv->contrast);
226  process = process_C;
227 #if HAVE_MMX
228  if(ff_gCpuCaps.hasMMX) process = process_MMX;
229 #endif
231  return 1;
232 }
235  "soft video equalizer",
236  "eq",
237  "Richard Felker",
238  "",
239  vf_open,
240 };
int brightness
Definition: vf_eq.c:36
unsigned int imgfmt
Definition: mp_image.h:130
unsigned char * buf
Definition: vf_eq.c:35
static void process_C(unsigned char *dest, int dstride, unsigned char *src, int sstride, int w, int h, int brightness, int contrast)
Definition: vf_eq.c:100
static int put_image(struct vf_instance *vf, mp_image_t *mpi, double pts)
Definition: vf_eq.c:128
const char * fmt
Definition: avisynth_c.h:669
int(* control)(struct vf_instance *vf, int request, void *data)
Definition: vf.h:62
mp_image_t * ff_vf_get_image(vf_instance_t *vf, unsigned int outfmt, int mp_imgtype, int mp_imgflag, int w, int h)
Definition: vf_mp.c:380
#define IMGFMT_NV12
Definition: img_format.h:125
int contrast
Definition: vf_eq.c:37
#define IMGFMT_YVU9
Definition: img_format.h:117
Definition: mp_image.h:100
#define IMGFMT_YV12
Definition: img_format.h:119
Definition: mpc_info.h:37
void(* uninit)(struct vf_instance *vf)
Definition: vf.h:74
#define IMGFMT_Y8
Definition: img_format.h:124
static int query_format(struct vf_instance *vf, unsigned int fmt)
Definition: vf_eq.c:188
output residual component w
int(* put_image)(struct vf_instance *vf, mp_image_t *mpi, double pts)
Definition: vf.h:68
Definition: img_format.h:122
Definition: vf.h:31
unsigned char * planes[MP_MAX_PLANES]
Definition: mp_image.h:133
int stride[MP_MAX_PLANES]
Definition: mp_image.h:134
#define IMGFMT_IF09
Definition: img_format.h:118
static void(* process)(unsigned char *dest, int dstride, unsigned char *src, int sstride, int w, int h, int brightness, int contrast)
Definition: vf_eq.c:123
int(* query_format)(struct vf_instance *vf, unsigned int fmt)
Definition: vf.h:64
Spectrum Plot time data
int ff_vf_next_control(struct vf_instance *vf, int request, void *data)
Definition: vf_mp.c:613
Definition: img_format.h:121
#define IMGFMT_NV21
Definition: img_format.h:126
const char * item
Definition: vf.h:94
uint8_t * src
Definition: vf_fspp.c:98
Definition: mp_image.h:37
static void uninit(struct vf_instance *vf)
Definition: vf_eq.c:209
int hasMMX
Definition: cpudetect.h:33
struct vf_instance * next
Definition: vf.h:84
Definition: start.py:60
const vf_info_t ff_vf_info_eq
Definition: vf_eq.c:234
typedef void(RENAME(mix_any_func_type))
Definition: vf.h:92
synthesis window for stochastic i
#define IMGFMT_Y800
Definition: img_format.h:123
#define IMGFMT_422P
Definition: img_format.h:131
int w
Definition: mp_image.h:132
static int vf_open(vf_instance_t *vf, char *args)
Definition: vf_eq.c:215
int value
Definition: vf.h:95
#define IMGFMT_444P
Definition: img_format.h:130
Definition: vf.h:100
Definition: vf.h:101
int ff_vf_next_put_image(struct vf_instance *vf, mp_image_t *mpi, double pts)
Definition: vf_mp.c:539
CpuCaps ff_gCpuCaps
Definition: vf_mp.c:193
char eq[200]
Definition: vf_qp.c:40
struct vf_priv_s * priv
Definition: vf.h:86
#define IMGFMT_I420
Definition: img_format.h:120
int h
Definition: mp_image.h:132
int ff_vf_next_query_format(struct vf_instance *vf, unsigned int fmt)
Definition: vf_mp.c:371
Definition: vf.h:56
#define IMGFMT_411P
Definition: img_format.h:132
MUSIC TECHNOLOGY GROUP UNIVERSITAT POMPEU FABRA Free Non Commercial Binary License Agreement UNIVERSITAT POMPEU OR INDICATING ACCEPTANCE BY SELECTING THE ACCEPT BUTTON ON ANY DOWNLOAD OR INSTALL YOU ACCEPT THE TERMS OF THE LICENSE SUMMARY TABLE Software MELODIA Melody Extraction vamp plug in Licensor Music Technology Group Universitat Pompeu Plaça de la Spain Permitted purposes Non commercial internal research and validation and educational purposes only All commercial uses in a production either internal or are prohibited by this license and require an additional commercial exploitation license TERMS AND CONDITIONS SOFTWARE Software means the software programs identified herein in binary any other machine readable any updates or error corrections provided by and any user programming guides and other documentation provided to you by UPF under this Agreement LICENSE Subject to the terms and conditions of this UPF grants you a royalty free
static int control(struct vf_instance *vf, int request, void *data)
Definition: vf_eq.c:157