SampleType » History » Version 72

Chris Cannam, 2014-07-13 03:45 PM

1 1 Chris Cannam
h1. Output Sample Type and Sample Rate
2 1 Chris Cannam
3 15 Chris Cannam
4 15 Chris Cannam
5 30 Chris Cannam
h2. Who should read this document
6 29 Chris Cannam
7 30 Chris Cannam
This is a detailed document about the "sample type" and "sample rate" properties of a Vamp plugin's output descriptor.
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 * If you are new to the Vamp plugin API, look at the "Programmer's Guide": first. The section "Sample Types and Timestamps" starting on page 9 introduces this subject.
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 * Many of the requirements for these properties are also described in the inline documentation for the "Plugin":/projects/vamp-plugin-sdk/repository/entry/vamp-sdk/Plugin.h and "PluginBase":/projects/vamp-plugin-sdk/repository/entry/vamp-sdk/PluginBase.h classes.
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13 72 Chris Cannam
 * Jean-Louis Durrieu has written a "really helpful blog post": explaining some of this from the perspective of a plugin implementer.
14 72 Chris Cannam
15 72 Chris Cannam
The original Vamp documentation sources leave some ambiguities, and this document hopes to help clear them up.
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If you are writing a plugin, read the "Rules of Thumb" section (below) after the Programmer's Guide. You probably won't need to read the rest of this document. You should use the "Vamp Plugin Tester":/projects/vamp-plugin-tester to test your plugin.
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If you are writing a host, you should probably read the whole of this as well as the Guide. You should also use the "Vamp Test Plugin":/projects/vamp-test-plugin to test your host's interpretation of the feature structures.
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21 29 Chris Cannam
h2. Rules of Thumb for Plugin Developers
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The quick summary section.
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 * If your output returns things that are always regularly-spaced in time, and there is one such thing returned for every @process@ block, and the calculation is causal so that results are available immediately, and there is no latency added beyond the length of the processing block, then you probably want to use @OneSamplePerStep@ sample type and omit the feature timestamps.
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 * If your output returns things that are regularly-spaced in time but the other limitations above are not true, use @FixedSampleRate@ sample type, set the output sample rate to the (perhaps fractional) number of returned features per second, and use a timestamp for each feature.
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 * If your output returns anything else, use @VariableSampleRate@ sample type, set the output sample rate to zero unless you know better, and use a timestamp for each feature.
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31 29 Chris Cannam
h2. Introduction
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A Vamp plugin receives audio and produces a series of descriptive feature structures.
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The audio input is provided as a series of fixed-length sample blocks, equally spaced in time, provided to successive calls to the plugin's @process@ function. The plugin may return any number of features from each @process@ call, and may also return any number of features from @getRemainingFeatures@ after all the audio has been received.
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Features are each associated with a particular output of the plugin. The plugin declares that each output has certain properties, which constrain the sort of feature data the host can expect to see. (See diagram.)
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A feature may or may not have a timestamp (as well as, optionally, a duration). Whether a timestamp is needed -- and, if it is provided, what it means -- are determined by the @sampleType@ and @sampleRate@ properties of the output on which the feature is returned.
42 7 Chris Cannam
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An output's @sampleType@ property may be either @OneSamplePerStep@, @FixedSampleRate@, or @VariableSampleRate@. Here's what they mean, in order of complexity.
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h2. OneSamplePerStep
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This is the simplest option.
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If an output is declared as having a @sampleType@ of @OneSamplePerStep@, then any features returned from a @process@ call are assumed to match up with the audio block provided to that @process@ call.
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The @sampleRate@ and @hasDuration@ output properties are ignored for outputs of this type.
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h3. Timestamps and durations
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For any features returned through an output declared with @OneSamplePerStep@ type,
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 * The plugin _should not_ set timestamps on the features and _should_ set their @hasTimestamp@ property to @false@;
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 * The plugin _should not_ set durations on the features and _should_ set their @hasDuration@ property to @false@;
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 * The host _must_ ignore any timestamps or durations that the plugin may set on the features;
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 * The host _must_ treat all features returned from a given @process@ call as if they had the same timestamp as it passed to that @process@ call;
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 * The host _must_ treat all features returned from @getRemainingFeatures@ as if they were immediately following the final @process@ block (i.e. with the same time as the next equally-spaced @process@ block would have had if the input had not ended);
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 * The host _must_ treat all features as spanning a duration equal to the spacing between process blocks.
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h3. Handling non-compliant plugins
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66 52 Chris Cannam
There is no required behaviour from plugins for features on @OneSamplePerStep@ outputs. The host always ignores any timing information in these features whether present or not.
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h3. Examples
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71 14 Chris Cannam
@OneSamplePerStep@ is most often used for simple measurements and visualisations, in which some internal calculation is updated on each process call and a new result returned. For example: envelope trackers; power calculations; spectrograms. These outputs are typically visualised using line graphs or colour matrix plots.
72 14 Chris Cannam
73 1 Chris Cannam
@OneSamplePerStep@ is often used for intermediate results calculated during processing of a more sophisticated feature. For example, a beat tracker might have an auxiliary output with @OneSamplePerStep@ type returning its internal onset detection function value.
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h2. VariableSampleRate
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If the @OneSamplePerStep@ output type essentially means that the plugin leaves all time calculations up to the host, @VariableSampleRate@ is the opposite.
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If an output is declared as having a @SampleType@ of @VariableSampleRate@, the features returned through it will have timestamps set by the plugin, and they won't necessarily have any relationship to the process block timestamps provided by the host.
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h3. Timestamps
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83 1 Chris Cannam
For any features returned through an output declared with @VariableSampleRate@ type,
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 * The plugin _must_ set timestamps on these features and _must_ set their @hasTimestamp@ property to @true@;
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 * The host _must_ obtain the features' start times from their timestamps rather than calculating them itself.
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Note that features do not have to go forward in time. A feature's timestamp is permitted to be earlier than its predecessor.
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h3. Durations
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92 1 Chris Cannam
Features returned through @VariableSampleRate@ outputs may optionally have durations.
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If the output's @hasDuration@ property is @true@, then
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 * The plugin _must_ set the @duration@ property of features returned through this output and _must_ set their the @hasDuration@ property to @true@;
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 * The host _must_ use the feature's @duration@ property as the feature duration.
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If the output's @hasDuration@ property is @false@, then
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 * The plugin _should not_ set the @duration@ property of that output's features;
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 * The host _must_ ignore the @hasDuration@ and @duration@ properties of the output's features, and treat them as having "minimal" duration (see below).
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h3. Sample rate and "minimal" duration
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106 28 Chris Cannam
The plugin may optionally set a @sampleRate@ property for each @VariableSampleRate@ output. A @sampleRate@ of zero indicates no value.
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108 28 Chris Cannam
If a @sampleRate@ is set,
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110 28 Chris Cannam
 * The host _must_ use 1/@sampleRate@ seconds as the "minimal" duration assigned to features that have no duration supplied.
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If no @sampleRate@ is set, i.e. if the @sampleRate@ property is zero,
113 1 Chris Cannam
114 1 Chris Cannam
 * The host _must_ use zero as the "minimal" duration used for features with no duration supplied.
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h3. Handling non-compliant plugins
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118 47 Chris Cannam
If a feature returned through a @VariableSampleRate@ output has @hasTimestamp@ set to @false@, the host should ignore that feature entirely rather than attempt to read (or guess) its timestamp.
119 47 Chris Cannam
120 47 Chris Cannam
If a feature's @hasDuration@ value does not match the output's @hasDuration@ value, the host should assign the feature "minimal" duration.
121 47 Chris Cannam
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h3. Examples
123 54 Chris Cannam
124 54 Chris Cannam
@VariableSampleRate@ is most often used for features that primarily return timing information: beat or note onset times, notes, segmentation extents, event labels, etc.
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126 1 Chris Cannam
h2. FixedSampleRate
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This is a more complex case than @OneSamplePerStep@ or @VariableSampleRate@.
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A @OneSamplePerStep@ output never uses individual feature timestamps; a @VariableSampleRate@ output always uses them; a @FixedSampleRate@ output sometimes does.
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h3. Timestamps
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An output with @FixedSampleRate@ type _must_ also have a non-zero @sampleRate@ property.
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Conceptually the @sampleRate@ property defines a set of discrete sample times, spaced at @sampleRate@ points per second, starting at time zero. Every returned feature must start at one of these times, whether the time is calculated and assigned by the plugin (through the timestamp of the feature) or by the host (for features without timestamps).
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For any features returned through an output declared with @FixedSampleRate@ type,
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 * The plugin _may_ set timestamps on these features, and it _must_ set the feature's corresponding @hasTimestamp@ property to @true@ or @false@ depending on whether it has set a timestamp;
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 * Where a feature has a timestamp, the host _must_ take that timestamp, round it to the nearest 1/@sampleRate@ seconds, and use that as the time of the feature;
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 * Where a feature has no timestamp, the host _must_ take the time of the previous feature, add 1/@sampleRate@ seconds to it, and use that as the time of the new feature;
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 * Where the very first feature has no timestamp, the host _must_ take its time as zero.
144 43 Chris Cannam
145 43 Chris Cannam
The "Programmer's Guide": leaves this behaviour incompletely defined, saying "The host may round the timestamp according to the sample rate given in the output descriptor's sampleRate field". Here we are declaring that the host _must_ round the timestamp in this way. Note that the "Vamp Test Plugin":/projects/vamp-test-plugin/wiki assumes this behaviour.
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As with @VariableSampleRate@ outputs, the spec does not forbid features on @FixedSampleRate@ outputs from going backwards in time. A feature is technically allowed to have a timestamp earlier than its predecessor. As a pragmatic matter, though, plugins might be advised not to do this because it doesn't fit very well with users' expectations of what a fixed sample-rate feature looks like, so hosts might well have bugs in how they handle it. If you want to do this, reconsider, or at least use a @VariableSampleRate@ output. (If you're writing a host, though, do consider this case.)
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149 43 Chris Cannam
h3. Durations
150 1 Chris Cannam
151 1 Chris Cannam
Features returned through @FixedSampleRate@ outputs may optionally have durations.
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153 43 Chris Cannam
If the output's @hasDuration@ property is @true@, then
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155 47 Chris Cannam
 * The plugin _must_ set the @duration@ property of features returned through this output and _must_ set their the @hasDuration@ property to @true@;
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 * The host _must_ take the value of the feature's @duration@ property, round it to the nearest 1/@sampleRate@ seconds, and use that as the feature duration.
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If the output's @hasDuration@ property is @false@, then
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 * The plugin _should not_ set the @duration@ property of that output's features;
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 * The host _must_ ignore the @hasDuration@ and @duration@ properties of the output's features, giving the features a duration of zero.
162 1 Chris Cannam
163 1 Chris Cannam
h3. Handling non-compliant plugins
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If a @FixedSampleRate@ output has a zero @sampleRate@, the host should ignore all features from it.
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If a @FixedSampleRate@ feature's @hasDuration@ value does not match its output's @hasDuration@ value, the host should assign the feature a duration of zero.
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h3. Examples
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171 54 Chris Cannam
@FixedSampleRate@ is most often used in cases where @OneSamplePerStep@ won't work because the output can't return the features straight away. This may be because the plugin has some internal block size that differs from the processing block size, or because more than one process block's worth of history is needed to produce an output, or because the plugin works completely "offline" and produces no output at all until @getRemainingFeatures@ is called at the end of input.
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The most likely uses, therefore, are similar to those for @OneSamplePerStep@: block-by-block measurements, columnar visualisations, etc.
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However, @FixedSampleRate@ is also sometimes used in cases where feature timestamps are not equally spaced (i.e. there may be more than one feature per sample time, or there may be gaps) and where @VariableSampleRate@ might be a reasonable alternative, except that the plugin author chooses to reflect explicitly the limited precision of some internal block-resolution processing step.
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So, for example, a beat tracker that was constrained to processing-block resolution might choose to return beat times on a @FixedSampleRate@ output, although @VariableSampleRate@ plus a @sampleRate@ property is probably more usual in the wild.