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Chris Cannam, 2014-02-10 01:06 PM

Output Sample Type and Sample Rate

A Vamp plugin takes audio as input, as a series of process blocks with associated timestamps, and returns a series of "feature" structures. These features are associated with a particular output of the plugin. The plugin declares that each output has certain properties, which constrain the sort of feature data the host can expect to see. (See diagram.)

A feature may or may not have a timestamp. Whether a timestamp is provided -- and, if it is provided, what it means -- are determined by the SampleType and SampleRate properties of the plugin output on which the feature is returned.


A plugin output's SampleType property may be either OneSamplePerStep, FixedSampleRate, or VariableSampleRate. Here's what they mean.


This is the simplest option.

feature-structures-20pc.png 25.3 KB, downloaded 2064 times Chris Cannam, 2014-02-10 12:04 PM