29 #define MUNLOCK(a,b) 1 30 #define MUNLOCK_SAMPLEBLOCK(a) 1 31 #define MUNLOCKALL() 1 34 #define MBARRIER() SystemMemoryBarrier() 36 #define DLOPEN(a,b) LoadLibrary((a).toStdWString().c_str()) 37 #define DLSYM(a,b) GetProcAddress((HINSTANCE)(a),(b)) 38 #define DLCLOSE(a) (!FreeLibrary((HINSTANCE)(a))) 41 #define PLUGIN_GLOB "*.dll" 42 #define PATH_SEPARATOR ';' 57 #define DEFAULT_LADSPA_PATH "%ProgramFiles%\\LADSPA Plugins;%ProgramFiles%\\Audacity\\Plug-Ins" 58 #define DEFAULT_DSSI_PATH "%ProgramFiles%\\DSSI Plugins" 60 #define getpid _getpid 64 typedef SSIZE_T ssize_t;
69 void usleep(
unsigned long usec);
76 int gettimeofday(
struct timeval *p,
void *tz);
79 #define ISNAN std::isnan 80 #define ISINF std::isinf 90 #define MLOCK(a,b) ::mlock((a),(b)) 91 #define MUNLOCK(a,b) (::munlock((a),(b)) ? (::perror("munlock failed"), 0) : 0) 92 #define MUNLOCK_SAMPLEBLOCK(a) do { if (!(a).empty()) { const float &b = *(a).begin(); MUNLOCK(&b, (a).capacity() * sizeof(float)); } } while(0); 97 #define DLOPEN(a,b) dlopen((a).toStdString().c_str(),(b)) 98 #define DLSYM(a,b) dlsym((a),(b)) 99 #define DLCLOSE(a) dlclose((a)) 100 #define DLERROR() dlerror() 103 #define ISNAN std::isnan 104 #define ISINF std::isinf 108 #define PLUGIN_GLOB "*.dylib *.so" 109 #define PATH_SEPARATOR ':' 111 #define DEFAULT_LADSPA_PATH "$HOME/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/LADSPA:/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/LADSPA" 112 #define DEFAULT_DSSI_PATH "$HOME/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/DSSI:/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/DSSI" 114 #define MUNLOCKALL() 1 116 #include <libkern/OSAtomic.h> 117 #define MBARRIER() OSMemoryBarrier() 124 #define MLOCK(a,b) ::mlock((char *)a,b) 125 #define MUNLOCK(a,b) ::munlock((char *)a,b) 129 #define ISNAN(x) ((x)!=(x)) 134 #define PLUGIN_GLOB "*.so" 135 #define PATH_SEPARATOR ':' 137 #define DEFAULT_LADSPA_PATH "$HOME/ladspa:$HOME/.ladspa:/usr/local/lib/ladspa:/usr/lib/ladspa" 138 #define DEFAULT_DSSI_PATH "$HOME/dssi:$HOME/.dssi:/usr/local/lib/dssi:/usr/lib/dssi" 140 #define MUNLOCKALL() ::munlockall() 142 #if (__GNUC__ > 4) || (__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 1) 143 #define MBARRIER() __sync_synchronize() 146 #define MBARRIER() SystemMemoryBarrier() 187 #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 190 extern double mod(
double x,
double y);
191 extern float modf(
float x,
float y);
204 extern bool getEnvUtf8(std::string variable, std::string &value);
210 extern bool putEnvUtf8(std::string variable, std::string value);
ProcessStatus GetProcessStatus(int pid)
void StoreStartupLocale()
double princarg(double a)
void SystemMemoryBarrier()
bool putEnvUtf8(std::string variable, std::string value)
Set the value of the given environment variable.
ssize_t GetDiscSpaceMBAvailable(const char *path)
bool OSReportsDarkThemeActive()
bool getEnvUtf8(std::string variable, std::string &value)
Return the value of the given environment variable by reference.
void GetRealMemoryMBAvailable(ssize_t &available, ssize_t &total)
double mod(double x, double y)
void RestoreStartupLocale()
float modf(float x, float y)
bool OSQueryAccentColour(int *r, int *g, int *b)