WindowsBuild21 » History » Version 8

Version 7 (Chris Cannam, 2013-03-28 03:41 PM) → Version 8/11 (Chris Cannam, 2013-03-28 03:41 PM)

h1. Building SV v2.1 for Windows

It should now be possible to build Sonic Visualiser on Windows using the Qt Creator IDE. A special branch of the SV code is available which includes all the dependency libraries pre-built for your compiling and linking pleasure.

h2. Get the right branch

Start by checking out the @with-dependencies@ branch from Mercurial:

@$ hg clone -b with-dependencies

h2. Use the right build configuration

Open the main project in Qt5 Creator.

Configure for

* a *release build* -- the debug build dependencies are not correctly set at the time of writing
* using *g++/MinGW tools* -- the MSVC compiler is not supported
* and *disable shadow build* -- it will only link if built in-place in the source tree

h2. Then build

Let me know what happens and, if you run into any problems -- send me a fix! happens...