Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- r -
- r : mp_colorkey_t , sbg_script_synth , VObj
- r0 : PredictorState
- r1 : PredictorState
- r_frame_rate : AVStream
- r_val : OMAContext
- ra : ColorChannelMixerContext
- ra_block : ALSBlockData
- ra_distance : ALSSpecificConfig
- ra_flag : ALSSpecificConfig
- ract_vlc : vp56_context
- radius : BoxBlurContext , FilterParam , GradFunContext
- radius_expr : FilterParam
- rand_shift : NoiseContext
- rand_shift_init : NoiseContext
- rand_state : elbg_data
- rand_value : G729Context
- randctx : A64Context , RoqContext
- random_fill_ratio : CellAutoContext , LifeContext
- random_seed : CellAutoContext , g723_1_context , LifeContext , PermsContext
- random_state : AACContext , cook , NellyMoserDecodeContext
- range : APERangecoder , AVOptionRanges , CABACContext , DiracArith , JLSState , lag_rac , ProbRange , RangeCoder , ZmbvEncContext
- range_end : RTSPMessageHeader
- range_hash : lag_rac
- range_mapuv : VC1Context
- range_mapuv_flag : VC1Context
- range_mapy : VC1Context
- range_mapy_flag : VC1Context
- range_start : RTSPMessageHeader
- range_start_offset : RTPDemuxContext
- range_x : VC1Context
- range_y : VC1Context
- rangebits : vorbis_enc_floor
- rangered : VC1Context
- rangeredfrm : VC1Context
- rap_flag : PayloadContext::AUHeaders
- rap_group : MOVStreamContext
- rap_group_count : MOVStreamContext
- raster_end : ScanTable
- rate : AVIStream , AVTimecode , filter_t , J2kPass , MXFTimecodeComponent , NSVStream , ShowWavesContext , SIFFContext , VideoRateAbbr , vorbis_floor::vorbis_floor_u::vorbis_floor0_s , WVContext
- rate_emu : InputFile , OptionsContext
- rates : SmackerContext
- rates_per_mode : QCPContext
- ratio : AResampleContext
- ratio_str : AspectContext
- raw1394 : iec61883_data
- raw1394_poll : iec61883_data
- raw_buffer : ALSDecContext
- raw_codec_id : AVInputFormat
- raw_orient : IntraX8Context
- raw_other : ALSBlockData
- raw_packet_buffer : AVFormatContext , AVParserState
- raw_packet_buffer_end : AVFormatContext
- raw_packet_buffer_remaining_size : AVFormatContext , AVParserState
- raw_packet_size : MpegTSContext
- raw_samples : ALSBlockData , ALSDecContext
- rawimg : VP8EncoderContext
- rb : ColorChannelMixerContext
- rbsp_buffer : H264Context
- rbsp_buffer_size : H264Context
- rc : AlacEncodeContext , APEContext , FlacSubframe
- rc_buffer_aggressivity : AVCodecContext
- rc_buffer_size : AVCodecContext
- rc_context : MpegEncContext
- rc_eq : AVCodecContext
- rc_eq_eval : RateControlContext
- rc_initial_buffer_occupancy : AVCodecContext
- rc_initial_cplx : AVCodecContext
- rc_lookahead : X264Context
- rc_max_available_vbv_use : AVCodecContext
- rc_max_rate : AVCodecContext
- rc_min_rate : AVCodecContext
- rc_min_vbv_overflow_use : AVCodecContext
- rc_override : AVCodecContext
- rc_override_count : AVCodecContext
- rc_overrides : OptionsContext
- rc_qmod_amp : AVCodecContext
- rc_qmod_freq : AVCodecContext
- rc_qsquish : AVCodecContext
- rc_stat : FFV1Context
- rc_stat2 : FFV1Context
- rc_strategy : AVCodecContext
- rct : MJpegDecodeContext
- rd : DSPContext
- rd_scratchpad : MpegEncContext
- rd_total : SVQ1Context
- rdft : DCTContext , ShowSpectrumContext , VideoState , WMAVoiceContext
- rdft_bits : ShowSpectrumContext , VideoState
- rdft_calc : RDFTContext
- rdft_ctx : QDM2Context
- rdft_data : ShowSpectrumContext , VideoState
- rdsp : RV34DecContext
- rdvo_offset : R3DContext
- re : FFTComplex , FFTDComplex , QDM2Complex
- read() : CustomSource , ID3v2EMFunc , MXFMetadataReadTableEntry
- read_buf_index : PayloadContext
- read_buf_size : PayloadContext
- read_buffer : variant
- read_chunk : CDXLDemuxContext
- read_close : AVInputFormat
- read_header : AVInputFormat
- read_in_ptr : MMSContext
- read_only : AudioData
- read_packet : AVInputFormat , AVIOContext
- read_pause : AVInputFormat , AVIOContext
- read_pause_return : VideoState
- read_play : AVInputFormat
- read_probe : AVInputFormat
- read_seek : AVInputFormat , AVIOContext
- read_seek2 : AVInputFormat
- read_state : FFMContext
- read_tid : VideoState
- read_timestamp : AVInputFormat
- readChrPlanar : SwsContext
- readLumPlanar : SwsContext
- readonly : FFStream
- readvid : DXAContext
- real_challenge : RTSPMessageHeader , RTSPState
- real_setup : RTSPState
- real_setup_cache : RTSPState
- real_sprite_warping_points : MpegEncContext
- real_to_complex : ATempoContext
- reallocate : VideoPicture
- realm : HTTPAuthState
- realtime : VideoState
- reason : RTSPMessageHeader
- receive_error : iec61883_data
- received : RTPStatistics
- received_prior : RTPStatistics
- receiveinput() : start.ServerExample
- receiving : iec61883_data
- recent : WmallDecodeCtx
- recode : TM2Codes
- recode1 : DBCtx
- recode2 : DBCtx
- reconfiguration : FilterGraph
- record : AnmDemuxContext
- recording_time : HLSContext , OptionsContext , OutputFile
- recovery_frame : H264Context
- rects : AVSubtitle
- recvbuf : RTSPState
- recvbuf_len : RTSPState
- recvbuf_pos : RTSPState
- recvtime : RTPPacket
- red_offset : rgb_pixfmt_map_entry
- reduced_res_vop : MpegEncContext
- redundant_pic_cnt_present : PPS
- redundant_pic_count : H264Context
- reemit_pat_pmt : MpegTSWrite
- ref : BlockNode , DecimateContext , DeshakeContext , DiracBlock , libAVEnumMediaTypes , libAVEnumPins , libAVFilter , libAVPin , MotionEstContext , QpegContext , sbg_script_synth , vf_priv_s , VP8Context
- ref2_buf : IVI45DecContext
- ref2frm : H264Context
- ref_bap : AC3EncodeContext
- ref_bap_set : AC3EncodeContext
- ref_buf : GSMContext , IVI45DecContext , IVIBandDesc
- ref_coef : CNGContext
- ref_count : ERContext , H264Context , Picture , PPS , VP8Context
- ref_field_type : VC1Context
- ref_flag : AVSContext
- ref_frame : VP56RefDc , VP8Macroblock
- ref_frame_count : SPS
- ref_frames : SnowContext
- ref_index : AVFrame , Picture
- ref_index_buf : Picture
- ref_index_pool : H264Context
- ref_list : H264Context
- ref_mbs : IVITile
- ref_mvs : SnowContext
- ref_poc : Picture
- ref_scores : SnowContext
- refcount : AVBuffer , AVBufferPool , AVFilterChannelLayouts , AVFilterFormats , AVFilterPool , AVS_VideoFrame , AVS_VideoFrameBuffer , DeshakeContext
- refcounted_frames : AVCodecContext
- refdist : VC1Context
- refdist_flag : VC1Context
- reference : AVFrame , MatroskaBlock , Picture
- reference_dts : AVParserStreamState , AVStream
- reference_stream_index : SegmentContext
- reference_stream_specifier : SegmentContext
- reffield : VC1Context
- refl_coef : CNGContext
- reflection_coef : g723_1_context
- refs : AVCodecContext , AVFilterChannelLayouts , AVFilterFormats
- region_id : DVBSubObjectDisplay , DVBSubRegionDisplay
- region_list : DVBSubContext
- region_list_next : DVBSubObjectDisplay
- region_size : GranuleDef
- region_win : x11grab
- register_fn : voice_entry
- reinit : DrawTextContext
- reinit_filters : InputStream , OptionsContext
- rel_threshold : integrator
- release : 7digital-python.lockerEndpoint.LockerItem
- release_date : 7digital-python.lockerEndpoint.LockerRelease
- released_buffers : PerThreadContext
- released_buffers_allocated : PerThreadContext
- reload : DrawTextContext
- remain_packet_size : BinkDemuxContext
- remaining : ADXParseContext , AVIStream , GSMParseContext , PayloadContext
- remaining_audio_size : avs_format
- remaining_bits : VqfContext
- remaining_delay : AudioFrameQueue
- remaining_downloads : 7digital-python.lockerEndpoint.LockerTrack
- remaining_frame_size : avs_format
- remaining_in_dg : UDPContext
- remaining_in_len : MMSContext
- remaining_len : RMDemuxContext
- remaining_samples : AudioFrameQueue
- remaining_size : AACAC3ParseContext , BMPParseContext , PNGParseContext , voc_dec_context
- remap_point : AVAudioResampleContext
- rematrix : SwrContext
- rematrix_custom : SwrContext
- rematrix_volume : SwrContext
- rematrixing_enabled : AC3EncodeContext
- rematrixing_flags : AC3Block
- remove_at_exit : SmoothStreamingContext
- render : AVVDPAUContext
- renderer : AssContext
- reorder_buf : AlsaData
- reorder_buf_size : AlsaData
- reorder_func : AlsaData
- reorder_pb : SVQ1Context
- reordered_input_picture : MpegEncContext
- reordered_opaque : AVCodecContext , AVFrame , OpaqueList , TimeStamp
- reordered_pts : MpegEncContext
- reordering_queue_size : RTSPState
- repeat_field : Mpeg1Context
- repeat_first_field : MpegEncContext
- repeat_pict : AVCodecParserContext , AVFrame
- repeatlast : OverlayContext
- report_id : dxva_context
- req : AStreamSyncContext
- req_fullfilled : AResampleContext , ShowSpectrumContext , ShowWavesContext
- request_access_token() : 7digital-python.lib.oauth7digital.Oauth7digital
- request_channel_layout : AVCodecContext
- request_frame : AVFilterPad
- request_probe : AVStream
- request_sample_fmt : AVCodecContext
- request_samples : AVFilterLink
- request_seq : MMSHContext
- request_token() : 7digital-python.lib.oauth7digital.Oauth7digital
- REQUEST_TOKEN_URL : 7digital-python.lib.oauth7digital.Oauth7digital
- requested_flags : PerThreadContext
- requested_frame : PerThreadContext
- requested_framerate : dshow_ctx
- requested_height : dshow_ctx
- requested_width : dshow_ctx
- res : Band
- res_fasttx : VC1Context
- res_filter_data : G729Context
- res_rtm_flag : VC1Context
- res_sprite : VC1Context
- res_transtab : VC1Context
- res_x8 : VC1Context
- res_y411 : VC1Context
- resample : ASyncContext , AVAudioResampleContext , SwrContext
- resample_channel_layout : InputStream
- resample_channels : AVAudioResampleContext , InputStream
- resample_first : SwrContext
- resample_height : InputStream
- resample_in_constraint : SwrContext
- resample_lavr_opts : AVFilterGraph
- resample_needed : AVAudioResampleContext
- resample_one : ResampleContext
- resample_opts : OptionGroup , OutputStream
- resample_out_buffer : AVAudioResampleContext
- resample_pix_fmt : InputStream
- resample_sample_fmt : InputStream
- resample_sample_rate : InputStream
- resample_width : InputStream
- resampler : SwrContext
- reserved : FLVContext , QCELPFrame , VC1Context
- reserved_count : FrameCode
- reserved_moov_pos : MOVMuxContext
- reserved_moov_size : MOVMuxContext
- reserved_size : mkv_seekhead
- reservoir : LAMEContext
- reset : JLSState , MJpegDecodeContext , SpectralBandReplication
- reset_block_lengths : WMACodecContext
- reset_count : CropDetectContext
- reset_timestamps : SegmentContext
- residual : FlacSubframe , G729Context
- residual_color_transform_flag : SPS
- residue : vorbis_enc_mapping
- residue_count : vorbis_context_s
- residues : vorbis_context_s , vorbis_enc_context
- reslevel : J2kComponent
- resolution : ALSSpecificConfig
- respic : VC1Context
- response() : musixmatch.api.Request
- restart_count : MJpegDecodeContext
- restart_interval : MJpegDecodeContext
- restart_seen : SubStream
- result : PerThreadContext
- result_format : PerThreadContext
- resync_marker : MpegEncContext
- resync_mb_x : H264Context , MpegEncContext
- resync_mb_y : H264Context , MpegEncContext
- ret : InputStream , pthread_t , SingleChannelElement , SliceContext
- rets : ThreadContext
- rets_count : ThreadContext
- return_code : Task
- reuse_sf : WMAProChannelCtx
- reuse_socket : UDPContext
- reverb_delay : ModPlugContext
- reverb_depth : ModPlugContext
- reverted_channels : ALSDecContext
- revtab : FFTContext
- rf64 : WAVMuxContext
- rff : VC1Context
- rg : ColorChannelMixerContext
- rgamma : vf_priv_s
- rgb : MJpegDecodeContext
- rgb_color : ColorEntry
- rgb_pic : MSS12Context
- rgb_planes : LagarithContext
- rgb_stride : LagarithContext , MSS12Context
- rgba : FFDrawColor
- rgba_color : PadContext
- rgba_map : AlphaExtractContext , AlphaMergeContext , AssContext , ColorBalanceContext , ColorChannelMixerContext , FadeContext , HisteqContext , TestSourceContext
- rice : TTAChannel
- rice_history_mult : ALACContext
- rice_initial_history : ALACContext
- rice_limit : ALACContext
- rice_modifier : RiceContext
- riceX : APEContext
- riceY : APEContext
- rid : OMAContext
- riff_end : AVIContext
- riff_id : AVIContext
- riff_start : AVIContext
- right : vo_rect
- ring : ATempoContext , dv1394_data
- rl_chroma_table_index : MpegEncContext
- rl_table_index : MpegEncContext
- rl_vlc : RLTable
- rle : PGSSubPicture
- rle_buf : SANMVideoContext
- rle_buf_size : SANMVideoContext
- rle_buffer_size : PGSSubPicture
- rle_data_len : PGSSubPicture
- rle_output_size : SANMFrameHeader
- rle_remaining_len : PGSSubPicture
- rlecode_table : QtrleEncContext
- rlslms : ALSSpecificConfig
- rltab : dec_2dvlc
- rmctx : PayloadContext
- rmst : PayloadContext
- rnd : MPCContext , Msvideo1EncContext , VC1Context
- rnd_fir_filter_mem : QCELPContext
- rndx : AVFifoBuffer
- roc : SRTPContext
- room_type : AC3EncOptions
- root : BinkAudioContext , FifoContext
- roq_square_array : DPCMContext
- rotate_code : SANMFrameHeader , SANMVideoContext
- round : CropDetectContext , TTAFilter
- round_key : AVAES
- round_keys : AVDES
- rounding : FPSContext
- rounds : AVAES
- route : AMergeContext
- row : Block
- row_left : StereoComponent
- row_right : StereoComponent
- row_size : AVS_VideoFrame , PNGDecContext
- row_sizeUV : AVS_VideoFrame
- row_step : Stereo3DContext
- rows : FlashSV2Context
- rpr : RV34DecContext
- rps : TiffContext , TiffEncoderContext
- rptfrm : VC1Context
- rptr : AVFifoBuffer
- rr : ColorChannelMixerContext
- rtcp_auth : SRTPContext
- rtcp_fd : RTPContext
- rtcp_hd : RTPContext
- rtcp_hmac_size : SRTPContext
- rtcp_index : SRTPContext
- rtcp_key : SRTPContext
- rtcp_salt : SRTPContext
- rtcp_ts_offset : RTPDemuxContext
- rtj : NuvContext
- rtjpg_video : NUVContext
- rtmp : LibRTMPContext
- rtp_auth : SRTPContext
- rtp_callback : AVCodecContext
- rtp_ctx : HTTPContext , MOVIndex
- rtp_fd : RTPContext
- rtp_flags : MOVMuxContext
- rtp_handle : RTSPStream
- rtp_handles : HTTPContext
- rtp_hd : RTPContext , SRTPProtoContext
- rtp_hmac_size : SRTPContext
- rtp_key : SRTPContext
- rtp_mode : MpegEncContext
- rtp_muxer_flags : RTSPState
- rtp_payload_size : AVCodecContext
- rtp_port_max : RTSPState
- rtp_port_min : RTSPState
- rtp_protocol : HTTPContext
- rtp_salt : SRTPContext
- rtsp_c : HTTPContext
- rtsp_flags : RTSPState
- rtsp_hd : RTSPState
- rtsp_hd_out : RTSPState
- rtsp_option : FFStream
- rtsp_streams : RTSPState
- rule : CellAutoContext
- rule_str : CellAutoContext , LifeContext
- run : BandCodingPath , CIDEntry , RICEContext , RL_VLC_ELEM
- run2 : RICEContext
- run_bits : CIDEntry , DNXHDEncContext
- run_buffer : SnowContext
- run_codes : CIDEntry , DNXHDEncContext
- run_in : MXFContext
- run_index : FFV1Context , JLSState
- run_table : WMACodecContext
- run_vlc : DNXHDContext
- runtab : RVMapDesc
- runv_vlc : vp56_context
- rv10_first_dc_coded : MpegEncContext
- rv10_version : MpegEncContext
- rv30 : RV34DecContext
- rv34_idct_add : RV34DSPContext
- rv34_idct_dc_add : RV34DSPContext
- rv34_inv_transform : RV34DSPContext
- rv34_inv_transform_dc : RV34DSPContext
- rv40_loop_filter_strength : RV34DSPContext
- rv40_strong_loop_filter : RV34DSPContext
- rv40_weak_loop_filter : RV34DSPContext
- rv40_weight_pixels_tab : RV34DSPContext
- rv_map : IVIBandDesc
- rvlc : MpegEncContext
- rvmap_sel : IVI45DecContext , IVIBandDesc
- rvmap_tabs : IVI45DecContext
- rw_timeout : HTTPContext , TCPContext , URLContext
- rx : DeshakeContext
- ry : DeshakeContext
Generated on Fri Dec 20 2024 06:56:20 for FFmpeg by 1.8.11