Here is a list of all struct and union fields with links to the structures/unions they belong to:
- l -
- l : sbg_script_synth
- l_stride : AVSContext
- label() : musixmatch.base.Base , musixmatch.base.ItemsCollection
- lag : LongTermPrediction
- lag_in_frames : VP8EncoderContext
- lambda : AACEncContext , DNXHDEncContext , J2kEncoderContext , MpegEncContext , RoqContext , SnowContext
- lambda2 : MpegEncContext , SnowContext
- lambda_table : MpegEncContext
- lamount : UnsharpContext
- lang : MatroskaTag
- language : MatroskaTrack , MOVIndex
- lar : GSMContext
- lar_idx : GSMContext
- last : BinkContext , DBCtx , DecimateContext , DeshakeContext , EVRCContext , FifoContext , IPAddressACL , pullup_context , RLTable , TM2Context , VP8Context
- last2_frame : CmvContext
- last_acb_type : WMAVoiceContext
- last_audio_frame : AVCodecInternal
- last_audio_stream : VideoState
- last_bitoffset : WMACodecContext
- last_bitrate : AMRWBContext
- last_bits : MpegEncContext
- last_bits_used : MPCContext
- last_block_max_depth : SnowContext
- last_block_pos : TwinContext
- last_block_used_bytes : BRSTMDemuxContext
- last_buf : MPADecodeContext
- last_buf_size : MPADecodeContext
- last_byte : Indeo3DecodeContext
- last_bytes_read : RTMPContext
- last_cc : MpegTSFilter
- last_channels : FLVContext
- last_chunk_pos : WtvContext
- last_cmd_time : RTSPState
- last_code : LZWEncodeState
- last_codebook_gain : QCELPContext
- last_dc : DNXHDContext , FourXContext , MDECContext , MJpegDecodeContext , MpegEncContext
- last_delay : GIFContext
- last_deltaset : TrueMotion1Context
- last_diag_mc : Plane
- last_display_rect : VideoState
- last_dts : AVCodecParserContext , AVStream
- last_duration : AVStream , WAVMuxContext
- last_feedback_time : RTPDemuxContext
- last_fft_im : IMCChannel
- last_field : gxf_stream_info
- last_flags : StreamContext
- last_forward_partition : MXFContext
- last_forward_tell : MXFContext
- last_frame : AACContext , AACEncContext , CmvContext , GIFContext , IpvideoContext , MadContext , NellyMoserEncodeContext , RA144Context , RoqContext , TgvContext , ThpDemuxContext , Vp3DecodeContext , XanContext
- last_frame_bits : VqfContext
- last_frame_length : TTAContext
- last_frame_output : SVQ3Context
- last_frame_samples : TAKStreamInfo
- last_frame_size : TTAContext
- last_granule : OGGStreamContext
- last_hcoeff : Plane
- last_htaps : Plane
- last_i_start : VideoState
- last_in_packet_buffer : AVStream
- last_index : ParseContext
- last_indexed_edit_unit : MXFContext
- last_IP_duration : AVStream
- last_IP_pts : AVParserStreamState , AVStream
- last_job_cond : ThreadContext
- last_key_frame : FlashSV2Context , FlashSVContext
- last_key_index : MXFContext
- last_keyframe : BlackFrameContext
- last_kf_pts : OGGStreamContext
- last_lambda_for : MpegEncContext
- last_load_time : HLSContext , variant
- last_max_band : MPCContext
- last_mb_info : MpegEncContext
- last_mb_var_sum : RateControlContext
- last_mc_mb_var_sum : RateControlContext
- last_motion4 : RoqContext
- last_motion8 : RoqContext
- last_mv : MpegEncContext
- last_mv_dir : MpegEncContext
- last_mv_scale : SnowContext
- last_nnz : MJpegDecodeContext
- last_non_b_pict_type : MpegEncContext , RateControlContext
- last_non_b_time : MpegEncContext
- last_octet_count : RTPDemuxContext , RTPMuxContext
- last_packet_sent : HTTPContext
- last_pal_pic : MSS12Context
- last_paused : VideoState
- last_period : AlsaData
- last_pic : ERContext , MSS2Context , SVQ3Context
- last_picref_pts : BlackDetectContext
- last_pict_type : MpegEncContext
- last_picture : CHDContext , FFV1Context , FourXContext , MpegEncContext , SnowContext , SVQ1Context
- last_picture_number : RateControlContext
- last_picture_ptr : MpegEncContext
- last_pitch_val : WMAVoiceContext
- last_pkt : PacketQueue
- last_pkt_pos : AVIContext
- last_pocs : H264Context
- last_pos : AVCodecParserContext , AVSyncPoint , MpegTSContext
- last_predictor_count : AVCodecContext
- last_pts : AVCodecParserContext , InputStream::sub2video , RV34DecContext , StreamContext , WtvContext , XMVVideoPacket
- last_qbias : SnowContext
- last_qlog : SnowContext
- last_qps : Vp3DecodeContext
- last_qscale : DNXHDContext , RateControlContext
- last_qscale_diff : H264Context
- last_qscale_for : RateControlContext
- last_ref_count : H264Context
- last_reply : RTSPState
- last_resync_gb : MpegEncContext
- last_rgb_pic : MSS12Context
- last_row : PNGDecContext
- last_rtcp_ntp_time : RTPDemuxContext , RTPMuxContext
- last_rtcp_reception_time : RTPDemuxContext
- last_rtcp_timestamp : RTPDemuxContext
- last_sample_is_subtitle_end : MOVIndex
- last_sample_rate : FLVContext , SilenceDetectContext
- last_samples : AACContext
- last_scr : MpegMuxContext
- last_sec_num : SectionHeader
- last_sector : CDIOContext
- last_serial : WtvContext
- last_slice_end : HYuvContext , Vp3DecodeContext
- last_slice_type : H264Context
- last_spatial_decomposition_count : SnowContext
- last_spatial_decomposition_type : SnowContext
- last_subscription : RTSPState
- last_subtitle_stream : VideoState
- last_superframe : WMACodecContext
- last_superframe_len : WMACodecContext
- last_syncpoint_pos : NUTContext
- last_time : SAPState
- last_time_base : MpegEncContext
- last_time_m : video_data
- last_timestamp_pos : WtvContext
- last_ts : FLVStreamContext , InputFile
- last_type : BlockTypeContext , IDETContext
- last_valid_bitrate : EVRCContext
- last_valid_pts : WtvContext
- last_vectable : TrueMotion1Context
- last_video_stream : VideoState
- last_vis_time : VideoState
- lastA : APEPredictor
- lastdts : ogg_stream
- lastframe : MPCContext
- lastframelen : MPCContext
- lastInChrBuf : SwsContext
- lastInLumBuf : SwsContext
- lastmarker : DCAParseContext
- lastn : FieldMatchContext
- lastpts : ogg_stream
- lastSample : ROQDPCMContext
- lastscdiff : FieldMatchContext
- latm : AACContext
- lavc_build : MpegEncContext
- layer : ASSDialog
- layout : MovChannelLayoutMap
- layout_map : OutputConfiguration
- layout_map_tags : OutputConfiguration
- layout_tag : MovChannelLayout
- lba : DVDNavParseContext
- lblock : J2kCblk
- lcur : DBCtx
- le : TiffContext
- leading : FilmstripDemuxContext
- left : vo_rect
- left_blk_idx : VC1Context
- left_blk_sh : VC1Context
- left_block : H264Context , vp56_context
- left_border_u : AVSContext
- left_border_v : AVSContext
- left_border_y : AVSContext
- left_cbp : H264Context
- left_mb_xy : H264Context
- left_qp : AVSContext
- left_samples_available : H264Context
- left_type : H264Context
- len : AVIIentry , AVMD5 , Block , Bundle , DVPacket , filter_t , HintSampleQueue , HuffEntry , HYuvContext , ID3v2EncContext , oggvorbis_private , PayloadContext , RL_VLC_ELEM , RTPPacket
- len_prefix : WmallDecodeCtx
- length : C93BlockRecord , concat_data , HuffContext , J2kCblk , KLVPacket , MatroskaLevel , pullup_frame , SubBand , SUNRASTContext , SwsVector , TemporalNoiseShaping , TM2Codes , TwinContext , VivoContext , WtvFile
- length_change : TwinContext
- length_code : IEC61937Context
- length_size : H264BSFContext
- length_table : QtrleEncContext
- lengthinc : J2kCblk
- lengths : HuffContext
- lens : TM2Huff , vorbis_enc_codebook
- lev_code : GainInfo
- level : AVCodecContext , AVSContext , BlockNode , ChannelData , FFTTone , MP4DescrParseContext , RL_VLC_ELEM , SubBand , VC1Context , vf_priv_s , VP8Context , WriterContext , X264Context
- level_add : dec_2dvlc
- level_height : HistogramContext
- level_idc : PayloadContext , SPS
- level_table : WMACodecContext
- level_up : MatroskaDemuxContext
- levels : CoefVLCTable , MatroskaDemuxContext
- levlCoeffBuf : IMCChannel
- lf_delta : VP8Context
- lfe : DCAContext
- lfe_channel : AC3EncodeContext , DCAContext , WmallDecodeCtx
- lfe_data : DCAContext
- lfe_fir : DCADSPContext
- lfe_mix_level : AVAudioResampleContext , SwrContext
- lfe_offset : DCAContext
- lfe_on : AC3EncodeContext , AC3HeaderInfo
- lfe_scale_factor : DCAContext
- lfe_state : DCAContext
- lfg : CellAutoContext , CNGContext , DitherState , FilterParams , LifeContext , PermsContext
- library : AssContext , AviSynthLibrary , DrawTextContext
- life_color : LifeContext
- life_color_str : LifeContext
- limit : CropDetectContext , JLSState
- limit_filesize : OptionsContext , OutputFile
- line : HQDN3DContext , PixdescTestContext , slice_buffer_s
- line_count : HTTPContext , slice_buffer_s
- line_inc : IpvideoContext
- line_no : sbg_parser
- line_noise : NoiseContext
- line_noise_avg : NoiseContext
- line_size : FieldOrderContext
- line_width : slice_buffer_s
- linear : ResampleContext
- linear_interp : AVAudioResampleContext , SwrContext
- linebreaks : TextContext
- linebuf : DWTContext
- linelen : CamStudioContext , DWTContext
- lines_index : GXFStreamContext
- linesize : AVFrame , AVPicture , FramePool , H264Context , IlContext , MJpegDecodeContext , ModPlugContext , MpegEncContext , NoiseContext , SgiState , Stereo3DContext , VP8Context
- link_penalty : FLACHeaderMarker
- linked_track_id : MXFDescriptor
- linklabel : StreamMap
- list : FrameList , HLSContext , SegmentContext , vorbis_enc_floor , vorbis_floor::vorbis_floor_u::vorbis_floor1_s
- list_count : H264Context
- list_counts : H264Context
- list_devices : al_data , dshow_ctx
- list_dither : CACAContext
- list_drivers : CACAContext
- list_elem_size : EbmlSyntax
- list_flags : SegmentContext
- list_format : video_data
- list_options : dshow_ctx
- list_pb : SegmentContext
- list_size : SegmentContext
- list_standard : video_data
- list_type : SegmentContext
- list_voices : FliteContext
- listed_pix_fmt_flags : FormatContext
- listen : RTMPContext , TCPContext
- listen_timeout : RTMPContext , TCPContext
- live : RTMPContext
- ljpeg_buffer : MJpegDecodeContext
- ljpeg_buffer_size : MJpegDecodeContext
- lmax : AVCodecContext
- lmin : AVCodecContext
- lms_prevvalues : WmallDecodeCtx
- lms_updates : WmallDecodeCtx
- lmsize_x : UnsharpContext
- lmsize_y : UnsharpContext
- lo : DecimateContext
- lo_pixel_mask : Super2xSaIContext
- loc_code : GainInfo
- local_addr : UDPContext
- local_palette : GifState
- local_port : UDPContext
- local_tag : MXFLocalTagPair
- local_tags : MXFContext
- local_tags_count : MXFContext
- location : HTTPContext , MMSHContext , RTSPMessageHeader
- lock : pullup_buffer , pullup_frame , sbg_script_tseq
- lock_word : IVI45DecContext
- LOCKER_ENDPOINT_URL : 7digital-python.lib.oauth7digital.Oauth7digital
- log : sbg_parser
- log2_block_count : AT1SUCtx
- log2_blocksize : vorbis_enc_context
- log2_cblk_height : J2kCodingStyle
- log2_cblk_width : J2kCodingStyle
- log2_chroma_h : AVPixFmtDescriptor
- log2_chroma_w : AVPixFmtDescriptor
- log2_count : vf_priv_s
- log2_frame_size : WmallDecodeCtx
- log2_max_frame_num : SPS
- log2_max_poc_lsb : SPS
- log2_numvector_size : COOKSubpacket
- log2_prec_height : J2kCodingStyle , J2kResLevel
- log2_prec_width : J2kCodingStyle , J2kResLevel
- log_ctx : FileLogContext , ImgUtils , OpenclContext , Parser , SwrContext
- log_factor : G722Context::G722Band
- log_level_offset : AVCodecContext , SwrContext
- log_level_offset_offset : AVClass
- log_n_blocks : frame_type_desc
- log_offset : FileLogContext , ImgUtils , OpenclContext , Parser
- logfile : OutputStream
- logfile_prefix : OutputStream
- logical_width : QtrleEncContext
- loglevel : EBUR128Context
- long_arg : MMCO
- long_codes : VLCSet
- long_end : GranuleDef
- long_name : AVCodec , AVCodecDescriptor , AVInputFormat , AVOutputFormat
- long_ref : H264Context , Picture
- long_ref_count : H264Context
- long_term_prediction : ALSSpecificConfig
- longName : PPFilter
- lookahead_count : SmoothStreamingContext
- lookup : vorbis_enc_codebook
- lookup_consumer() : 7digital-python.lib.oauth.OAuthDataStore
- lookup_nonce() : 7digital-python.lib.oauth.OAuthDataStore
- lookup_token() : 7digital-python.lib.oauth.OAuthDataStore
- lookup_type : vorbis_codebook
- loop : FFStream , GIFContext , VideoDemuxData
- loop_count : MovieContext
- loop_filter : MpegEncContext , RV34DecContext
- loop_filter_disable : AVSContext
- loopend : ASTMuxContext
- loopstart : ASTMuxContext
- loro_center_mix_level : AC3EncodeContext , AC3EncOptions
- loro_surround_mix_level : AC3EncodeContext , AC3EncOptions
- lossless : MJpegDecodeContext , SonicContext
- lossless_check_data : SubStream
- lossy : LOCOContext , RICEContext
- loudness : hist_entry
- loudness_range : EBUR128Context
- low : APERangecoder , ArithCoder , CABACContext , DiracArith , EdgeDetectContext , lag_rac , RangeCoder , vorbis_floor1_entry
- low_delay : AVSContext , DiracContext , H264Context , MpegEncContext
- low_latency_sprite : MpegEncContext
- low_nibble : YopDecContext
- low_u8 : EdgeDetectContext
- lowdelay : DiracContext
- lower_transport : RTSPState , RTSPTransportField
- lower_transport_mask : RTSPState
- lowpass : InterlaceContext
- lowqual : LibOpenJPEGContext
- lowres : AVCodecContext
- lp_coef : AMRWBContext
- lpc : AlacEncodeContext , AMRContext , CNGContext , FLACDSPContext
- lpc_apply_welch_window : LPCContext
- lpc_coef : CNGContext , RA144Context
- lpc_coeff : AlacLPCContext
- lpc_coeff_precision : CompressionOptions
- lpc_coefs : WmallDecodeCtx
- lpc_cof : ALSBlockData , ALSDecContext
- lpc_cof_buffer : ALSDecContext
- lpc_cof_reversed_buffer : ALSDecContext
- lpc_compute_autocorr : LPCContext
- lpc_ctx : AlacEncodeContext , FlacEncodeContext , RA144Context
- lpc_encode : FLACDSPContext
- lpc_flag : EVRCAFrame
- lpc_intbits : WmallDecodeCtx
- lpc_mode : TAKDecContext
- lpc_order : AlacLPCContext , WmallDecodeCtx
- lpc_passes : CompressionOptions
- lpc_quant : AlacLPCContext
- lpc_refl_rms : RA144Context
- lpc_scaling : WmallDecodeCtx
- lpc_tables : RA144Context
- lpc_type : CompressionOptions , LPCContext
- lpcm_align : StreamInfo
- lpcm_header : StreamInfo
- lpcqoffset : ShortenContext
- lpf_7_mem : AMRWBContext
- lq : NuvContext
- lquant : RTJpegContext
- lra_high : EBUR128Context
- lra_low : EBUR128Context
- ls : MJpegDecodeContext
- lsb_bypass : SubStream
- lsf : AMRNBFrame , MpegAudioContext
- lsf_avg : AMRContext
- lsf_history : SiprContext
- lsf_q : AMRContext
- lsfq : G729Context
- lsp : AMRContext , EVRCAFrame , G729Context , vorbis_floor::vorbis_floor_u::vorbis_floor0_s
- lsp08 : twinvq_data
- lsp11 : twinvq_data
- lsp16 : twinvq_data
- lsp22_1 : twinvq_data
- lsp22_2 : twinvq_data
- lsp44 : twinvq_data
- lsp_bit0 : ModeTab
- lsp_bit1 : ModeTab
- lsp_bit2 : ModeTab
- lsp_buf : G729Context
- lsp_cos_table : WMACodecContext
- lsp_def_mode : WMAVoiceContext
- lsp_hist : TwinContext
- lsp_history : SiprContext
- lsp_history_16k : SiprContext
- lsp_index : g723_1_context
- lsp_pow_e_table : WMACodecContext
- lsp_pow_m_table1 : WMACodecContext
- lsp_pow_m_table2 : WMACodecContext
- lsp_q_mode : WMAVoiceContext
- lsp_split : ModeTab
- lspcodebook : ModeTab
- lspf : EVRCContext
- lsps : WMAVoiceContext
- lspv : QCELPFrame
- ltc_divisor : DVprofile
- ltgain : PfCoeff
- ltp : AMRWBSubFrame , IndividualChannelStream
- ltp_gain : ALSBlockData , ALSDecContext
- ltp_gain_buffer : ALSDecContext
- ltp_lag : ALSBlockData , ALSDecContext
- ltp_lag_length : ALSDecContext
- ltrt_center_mix_level : AC3EncodeContext , AC3EncOptions
- ltrt_surround_mix_level : AC3EncodeContext , AC3EncOptions
- luma : SmartblurContext , UnsharpContext , vf_priv_s
- luma_bands : IVIPicConfig
- luma_dc_qmul : VP8Context
- luma_dc_quant_i : RV34DecContext
- luma_dc_quant_p : RV34DecContext
- luma_dc_vlc_length : MpegEncContext
- luma_elim_threshold : MpegEncContext
- luma_log2_weight_denom : H264Context
- luma_mv : VC1Context
- luma_mv_base : VC1Context
- luma_param : BoxBlurContext
- luma_qmul : VP8Context
- luma_scale : DNXHDContext
- luma_scan : AVSContext
- luma_swap : IlContext
- luma_vlc : RV34DecContext
- luma_weight : CIDEntry , H264Context
- luma_weight_flag : H264Context
- lumBufIndex : SwsContext
- lumConvertRange : SwsContext
- lumDither8 : SwsContext
- lumH : SwsFilter
- lumi_masking : AVCodecContext
- lumMmxextFilterCode : SwsContext
- lumMmxextFilterCodeSize : SwsContext
- lumMmxFilter : SwsContext
- lumMode : PPMode
- lumPixBuf : SwsContext
- lumscale : VC1Context
- lumscale2 : VC1Context
- lumshift : VC1Context
- lumshift2 : VC1Context
- lumToYV12 : SwsContext
- lumV : SwsFilter
- lumXInc : SwsContext
- lumYInc : SwsContext
- lut : ColorBalanceContext , ColorChannelMixerContext , eq2_param_t
- LUT : HisteqContext
- lut : LutContext , vf_priv_s
- lut16 : eq2_param_t
- lut_clean : eq2_param_t
- lutuv : VC1Context
- lutuv2 : VC1Context
- luty : VC1Context
- luty2 : VC1Context
- lzw : GIFContext , GifState , TiffContext
- lzws : TiffEncoderContext
Generated on Fri Dec 20 2024 06:56:20 for FFmpeg by 1.8.11