Feature #1468

Time-frequency box layer

Added by Chris Cannam almost 9 years ago. Updated almost 9 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:2015-12-01
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Target version:-


Dan Stowell asks, "is there any way in SV to annotate regions that are bounded in time and frequency?"

There isn't, but there is a way to sketch them temporarily (using the measurement tool). Apparently people working on environmental audio routinely annotate audio using time/frequency extents, something which is less common with music presumably because music audio is usually highly harmonic. So for these users it would be jolly nice to be able to draw out rectangles and then blat them into a layer for future use.


#1 Updated by Dan Stowell almost 9 years ago

Yes. I'd really like to promote SV to bioacousticians - not for any selfish reason, just because they often resort to things like Audacity screen-grabs! - but this is the one thing that they always ask about.

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