Feature #1432

during recording: improve waveform representation

Added by Matthias Mauch over 9 years ago. Updated over 9 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:2015-10-09
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Target version:-


I have two suggestions for the waveform representation during recording:

  • choose different zoom level (~10s ?) so that one can see the waveform being built, then page it
  • update waveform representation more frequently

Both these things would provide better visual feedback. At the moment it's quite hard to judge whether the recording is happening at all (especially for colourblind people like myself who miss the that the recording toggle is red. Or is it?


#1 Updated by Chris Cannam over 9 years ago

I'll see what I can do.

[The record toggle button icon actually doesn't change when you toggle it -- it's always red. The button changes, but only in keeping with whatever the system widgets always do with toolbar buttons when you toggle one. I remember from an earlier discussion that OSX (or perhaps Qt's use of OSX widgets) doesn't really make this state change obvious enough -- it's much clearer on other platforms.]

#2 Updated by Chris Cannam over 9 years ago

The one change I've made here is to make the "other" preview waveform (the one in the main pane) also update, along with the spectrogram if that is enabled. That is a small improvement at least.

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