SampleType » History » Version 7
Version 6 (Chris Cannam, 2014-02-10 12:08 PM) → Version 7/72 (Chris Cannam, 2014-02-10 12:09 PM)
h1. Output Sample Type and Sample Rate
A Vamp plugin takes audio as input, as a series of process blocks with associated timestamps, and returns a series of "feature structures". (See diagram.)
Each returned feature might have a timestamp... or it might not. Whether a timestamp is provided -- and, if it is provided, what it means -- are determined by the @SampleType@ "sample type" and @SampleRate@ "sample rate" properties of the plugin output that returns the feature.
h2. Sample Type
A plugin output's @SampleType@ property may be either @OneSamplePerStep@, @FixedSampleRate@, or @VariableSampleRate@.
A Vamp plugin takes audio as input, as a series of process blocks with associated timestamps, and returns a series of "feature structures". (See diagram.)
Each returned feature might have a timestamp... or it might not. Whether a timestamp is provided -- and, if it is provided, what it means -- are determined by the @SampleType@ "sample type" and @SampleRate@ "sample rate" properties of the plugin output that returns the feature.
h2. Sample Type
A plugin output's @SampleType@ property may be either @OneSamplePerStep@, @FixedSampleRate@, or @VariableSampleRate@.