BibliographyOngoingReviewNotes » History » Version 2

Version 1 (Chris Cannam, 2011-06-27 02:26 PM) → Version 2/6 (Chris Cannam, 2011-06-27 02:31 PM)

h1. Bibliography Ongoing Review Notes


* Logged in to test site
* Navigated to project I manage ("Weevilmatic": -- observed no Bibliography link by default
* Switched on bibliography in settings -- observed link appeared
* Navigated to Bibliography
* Used Add Publication
* Entered title, first author name, institution
* Used Add Another Author to add another couple of authors
* Tried Add Me As Author: *AJAX error* @Missing template publications/_authorships_fields.erb@
* Saved changes: success (despite error still visible on page)
* Navigated to Bibliography: publication now listed
* Clicked on publication: details shown correctly
* Clicked on Edit: *404 shown* (for /cannam/publications/1/edit)
* Clicked on View All: *404 shown* (for /cannam/publications)
* Clicked on Destroy: Javascript confirmation shown, I cancelled it (wanted to test something else first)
* Typed some text into the Add Project field at right: project ("Beetroot": successfully found by text search
* Selected project, clicked Add: both projects now shown at right
* Clicked through to the second project
* Noted that the publication is now associated with this project and is displayed as such on the project's front page *even even though the project does not have the Bibliography module enabled* (and consequently has no Bibliography nav link) enabled
* Clicking on the publication in this project displays the publication Show page, page with this project's header
* Clicked on Destroy: Javascript confirmation shown, I confirmed it: *404 shown* (for /cannam/publications/1)


* Adding a publication to a project appears to work, the workflow "feels" roughly right (of course the details will need tidying)
* Associating authors with users (including "me") is not possible yet
* There is no way to view a publication outside a project scope (no overall list of publications)
* Anyone can add a publication to any project, by "adding the project" to the existing publication -- you don't have to be a member of the added project and the project doesn't have to have Bibliography enabled to do this (probably needs some careful thought here)
* Actions associated with publication show page (Edit, Destroy, View All) don't work yet (do we want a link to destroy a publication completely, or only to disassociate it from this project? Or both, in different places? We certainly don't want to make it too easy to destroy a publication that is associated with other people's projects)