Wiki » History » Version 31

Chris Cannam, 2012-08-29 03:12 PM

1 1 Chris Cannam
h1. Wiki
2 1 Chris Cannam
3 1 Chris Cannam
 * [[Abstract]] for website
4 2 Chris Cannam
5 3 Chris Cannam
h2. Topics we need to cover in the tutorial
6 3 Chris Cannam
7 20 Chris Cannam
h3. Short form, e.g. for DAFx 90-min hands-off tutorial
8 3 Chris Cannam
9 7 Chris Cannam
Title: _Pointers to more effective software and data in audio research_
10 7 Chris Cannam
See also: "DAFx2012 Workshop":/projects/soundsoftware-management/wiki/DAFx2012_Workshop in private Management wiki
11 7 Chris Cannam
12 3 Chris Cannam
# Motivation - Reproducible research
13 3 Chris Cannam
# Software practice:
14 8 Chris Cannam
#* General good-practice overview (e.g. substance related to SWC "feedback loops")
15 4 Chris Cannam
#* Version control
16 4 Chris Cannam
#* Unit testing
17 4 Chris Cannam
#* Writing readable code
18 4 Chris Cannam
#* Working with others -- code reviews, pair programming etc
19 5 Chris Cannam
# Data management
20 17 Steve Welburn
#* Why manage data ? Data as first-class research output
21 13 Steve Welburn
#* Documenting data
22 13 Steve Welburn
#* Licensing - why CC0
23 15 Steve Welburn
#* Backing up data - where ? how much ?
24 13 Steve Welburn
#* Archiving data
25 13 Steve Welburn
#* Publishing data
26 14 Steve Welburn
#* Planning data management
27 14 Steve Welburn
#* EPSRC principles
28 11 Chris Cannam
# Software and data licences and copyright
29 1 Chris Cannam
# Open access and open publication
30 18 Steve Welburn
#* Journal policies
31 10 Chris Cannam
# Wrap up: Resources to review after the tutorial, links, handouts, etc
32 6 Chris Cannam
33 19 Chris Cannam
*Timing breakdown*
34 19 Chris Cannam
35 20 Chris Cannam
# Motivation and introduction - Mark P - 15 mins?
36 26 Chris Cannam
# Software - Chris - 30 mins?
37 19 Chris Cannam
#* Intro, best practices and how they hang together
38 19 Chris Cannam
#* Version control
39 19 Chris Cannam
#* Unit testing
40 19 Chris Cannam
#* Readable code + Working with others
41 26 Chris Cannam
# Data management - Steve - 20 mins?
42 19 Chris Cannam
#* Intro, why manage data
43 19 Chris Cannam
#* The practice of it
44 19 Chris Cannam
#* Policy and principles
45 26 Chris Cannam
# Software and data licences and copyright - Chris? or merge with another section? - 10 mins?
46 26 Chris Cannam
# Open access, open publication, wrap up - Mark P - 10 mins?
47 20 Chris Cannam
# Q&A - 5 mins
48 19 Chris Cannam
49 20 Chris Cannam
Total 90 mins
50 19 Chris Cannam
51 21 Chris Cannam
*Materials we already have, that we can draw from*
52 21 Chris Cannam
53 22 Chris Cannam
* *Data*: "Data management presentation from SoundSoftware 2012":/documents/51 (15 mins + questions)
54 22 Chris Cannam
* *Data*: "Wiki material about planning and applying data management":/projects/sodamat/wiki/WP1_2_Online_Training_Material
55 22 Chris Cannam
* *Data*: "Publication policies":/projects/sodamat/wiki/Publishing_research_data
56 25 Chris Cannam
* *Motivation*: "SoundSoftware presentation from SoundSoftware 2012":/documents/40 (15 mins + questions)
57 24 Chris Cannam
* *Software*: "SoundSoftware Topics":, particularly "Why version control?":, "What version control system should I use?":, "Open source software licences explained":, "Unit testing: Why bother?": -- all far more verbose than we can be
58 28 Chris Cannam
* *Software*: "Software Carpentry agile development feedback loops": or "here in Mike's slides": -- about different scales of changes
59 29 Chris Cannam
* *Software*: We have a handout about using our code site, from SSW2012 -- though I can't find it, offhand?
60 21 Chris Cannam
61 6 Chris Cannam
h3. Longer form, e.g. for ISMIR 3-hour hands-on tutorial
62 3 Chris Cannam
63 16 Steve Welburn
If we want to do hand-on data management, do we need a local server ? Do we use the C4DM test repository ? Would any users actually have any data to work with anyway ?
64 16 Steve Welburn
65 12 Chris Cannam
h2. Things we must make
66 1 Chris Cannam
67 11 Chris Cannam
* *Leaflets*, *handouts* etc
68 11 Chris Cannam
** _What is version control?_ and why use it?
69 11 Chris Cannam
** _Unit testing and audio software_
70 11 Chris Cannam
** _Data management and policy_
71 11 Chris Cannam
** _Software licences and copyright_
72 24 Chris Cannam
** _Crib sheet for translating between version control systems_
73 30 Chris Cannam
74 30 Chris Cannam
h2. Our plan of action
75 30 Chris Cannam
76 30 Chris Cannam
* By *Wednesday, September 5th* (SCR, 2pm, or in Mark's office?) we should be able to meet again, with slides having been prepared for the relevant sections by *Chris* and *Steve*
77 30 Chris Cannam
78 31 Chris Cannam
* *Luis* to produce handouts, 100% based on existing material, about: *Version control; why use it?* -- *Software licences and copyright*
79 31 Chris Cannam
80 31 Chris Cannam
* *Chris* to attempt a handout about *Unit testing and audio research* -- but the slides take priority