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Steve Welburn, 2012-08-28 04:42 PM


Topics we need to cover in the tutorial

Short form, e.g. for DAFx 2-hour hands-off tutorial

Title: Pointers to more effective software and data in audio research
See also: DAFx2012 Workshop in private Management wiki

  1. Motivation - Reproducible research
  2. Software practice:
    • General good-practice overview (e.g. substance related to SWC "feedback loops")
    • Version control
    • Unit testing
    • Writing readable code
    • Working with others -- code reviews, pair programming etc
  3. Data management
    • Documenting data
    • Licensing - why CC0
    • Backing up data - where ? how much ?
    • Archiving data
    • Publishing data
    • Planning data management
    • EPSRC principles
  4. Software and data licences and copyright
  5. Open access and open publication
  6. Wrap up: Resources to review after the tutorial, links, handouts, etc

Longer form, e.g. for ISMIR 3-hour hands-on tutorial

If we want to do hand-on data management, do we need a local server ? Do we use the C4DM test repository ? Would any users actually have any data to work with anyway ?

Things we must make

  • Leaflets, handouts etc
    • What is version control? and why use it?
    • Unit testing and audio software
    • Data management and policy
    • Software licences and copyright