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Chris Cannam, 2015-06-26 09:58 AM

Ideas for version 3


These are already included in some branch or in some capacity, though the implementation is not necessarily complete.

Unit conversion utility

See #905.

Handle very long audio files

As requested e.g. here. Around 30 hours at 44100Hz is a good starting point (exceeding 2^32 frames).

Icon and widget overhaul

Scalable icons for high-resolution displays, etc


These are features I am hoping to get into the release, but haven't implemented yet.

Audio recording

Live analysis may have to remain out of scope. But recording a clip (using a popup window to start/stop recording) and then analysing that should be quite feasible. Would be useful for apps such as Tony as well.

Run plugins in a separate process

For reliability, and to allow e.g. Win64 build to run Win32 plugins


These are currently not planned for inclusion...

Sub-sample zoom

Currently SV limits the max zoom level to 1 pixel per sample: you can't zoom in to sub-sample resolutions. Might be nice if you could. (Of course the sub-sample display would need to be accurate, i.e. oversampled.) There are rather a lot of assumptions about integer zoom levels in the code so this would take a bit of care.

Score display

Either or both of: page-by-page PDF rendering along the lines of the Image layer; proper score rendering from a symbolic format.

Collapsible quick-view strips

See #25. Tony's selection strip might give some idea of how this could look.

SV Mini Edition (and Tablet Editions?)

See SV Mini project.

Bundle some plugins

See SF feature request 151. Bundling at least MATCH, VamPy, and the QM plugins would be a great help.

SVG export

Has been requested several times, but see e.g. SF feature request 146.

Integrate IMAF support

The IMAF build is still a separate project and branch; what's the best way to merge it?