Incremental » History » Version 10

Steve Welburn, 2012-07-18 12:10 PM

1 1 Steve Welburn
h1. Incremental
2 1 Steve Welburn
3 8 Steve Welburn
(back to [[WP1_1_Research_Of_Available_Resources]])
4 8 Steve Welburn
5 1 Steve Welburn
6 4 Steve Welburn
7 7 Steve Welburn
bq. This project will build on earlier work by HATII and the DCC to support research data management. It will analyse needs at Glasgow and Cambridge across a number of different disciplines; propose a range of tools or services to address those needs; and develop, adapt and pilot these within each institution. Outputs will then be further adapted and prepared for embedding in local infrastructures and wider dissemination via the Digital Curation Centre, Digital Preservation Coalition, and JISC. The project intends to focus on the provision of softer infrastructure (e.g. templates, training, best practice guidelines, and policy).
8 7 Steve Welburn
9 9 Steve Welburn
Includes multimedia files (audio, video)
10 9 Steve Welburn
11 10 Steve Welburn
Funded by JISC 2010-2011
12 10 Steve Welburn
13 4 Steve Welburn
h2. From Jorum (largely CC-BY-NC-SA)
14 4 Steve Welburn
15 1 Steve Welburn
* Re-use, sharing, and archiving sensitive research data: a practical overview - slideshow ("Jorum":
16 1 Steve Welburn
* How data centres and repositories can help with research data management ("Jorum":
17 1 Steve Welburn
* University of Glasgow: bidding for grant funding workflow ("Jorum":
18 1 Steve Welburn
* University of Cambridge: bidding for funding workflow ("Jorum":
19 1 Steve Welburn
* The university ethics process and how it impacts on making creative work ("Jorum":
20 1 Steve Welburn
* The benefits of sharing research data ("Jorum":
21 1 Steve Welburn
22 2 Steve Welburn
Digital media:
23 2 Steve Welburn
* Managing music data ("Jorum":
24 2 Steve Welburn
* Managing multimedia research data ("Jorum":
25 2 Steve Welburn
* Working with digital media files ("Jorum":
26 2 Steve Welburn
27 2 Steve Welburn
Sensitive data:
28 2 Steve Welburn
* Archiving sensitive research data ("Jorum":
29 2 Steve Welburn
* Managing sensitive data in performing arts - narrated slideshow ("Jorum":
30 2 Steve Welburn
* Re-use, sharing, and archiving sensitive research data: a practical overview - slideshow ("Jorum":
31 2 Steve Welburn
32 2 Steve Welburn
33 2 Steve Welburn
* Intellectual Property Rights and Research Data: Focus on copyright - narrated slideshow ("Jorum":
34 2 Steve Welburn
* Who owns IPR? - flowchart ("Jorum":
35 2 Steve Welburn
* Intellectual property rights (IPR) and the creation and use research materials ("Jorum":
36 2 Steve Welburn
* Intellectual property rights and University of Cambridge: Focus on patents and commercialisation - narrated slideshow ("Jorum":
37 2 Steve Welburn
38 2 Steve Welburn
39 2 Steve Welburn
* How the Freedom of Information Act (FOI) applies to research data ("Joprum":
40 2 Steve Welburn
* FAQ for Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Requests for Research Data - narrated slideshow ("Jorum":
41 2 Steve Welburn
* Using the UK Freedom of Information Act: A practical guide for researchers - narrated slideshow ("Jorum":
42 2 Steve Welburn
* What options do researchers have when asked to release their data by an FOI request? ("Jorum":
43 2 Steve Welburn
44 1 Steve Welburn
45 1 Steve Welburn
* UK research funders' data policies ("Jorum":
46 1 Steve Welburn
* Organising files and folders ("Jorum":
47 1 Steve Welburn
* Adding metadata to Microsoft Office documents ("Jorum":
48 1 Steve Welburn
* Choosing the right digital storage media for you ("Jorum":
49 1 Steve Welburn
* Selecting which data to keep ("Jorum":
50 1 Steve Welburn
* Common Image Formats ("Jorum":
51 1 Steve Welburn
* Selecting which data to keep at University of Glasgow ("Jorum":
52 2 Steve Welburn
* Version control across devices ("Jorum":
53 5 Steve Welburn
54 5 Steve Welburn
h2. Incremental Project
55 5 Steve Welburn
56 6 Steve Welburn
bq. Content produced by the Incremental project is released under Creative Commons licence BY-NC-SA
57 6 Steve Welburn
58 5 Steve Welburn
"Project site at Cambridge":
59 6 Steve Welburn
60 6 Steve Welburn
* Create
61 6 Steve Welburn
* Organise
62 6 Steve Welburn
* Access
63 6 Steve Welburn
* Look After