wave2fft2wave.m File Reference

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overlap indexes sw (ovidx)


 function [y, yh, ys, fr0]
 M = length(w)
analysis window size Ns = 1024
FFT size for synthesis H = 256
hop size for analysis and synthesis soundlength = length(x)
length of input sound array hNs = Ns/2
half synthesis window size hM = (M-1)/2
half analysis window size pin = max(hNs+1,1+hM)
initialize sound pointer to middle of analysis window pend = soundlength-max(hM,hNs)
last sample to start a frame fftbuffer = zeros(N,1)
initialize buffer for FFT y = zeros(soundlength+Ns/2,1)
output sine component w = w/sum(w)
normalize analysis window sw = zeros(Ns,1)
 ow = triang(2*H-1)
overlapping window ovidx = Ns/2+1-H+1:Ns/2+H
 bh = blackmanharris(Ns)

Function Documentation

overlap indexes sw ( ovidx  )

Variable Documentation

synthesis window bh = blackmanharris(Ns)

Definition at line 21 of file wave2fft2wave.m.

last sample to start a frame fftbuffer = zeros(N,1)

Definition at line 14 of file wave2fft2wave.m.

function[y, yh, ys, fr0]
Initial value:
= wave2fft2wave(x,fs,w,N,t,nH,minf0,maxf0,f0et,maxhd,stocf)
function [y] = wave2fft2wave(x,w,N)
%e.g. y = wave2fft2wave(x,hamming(2025),4096)
function f0et
Definition: harmonicmodel.m:1
function maxhd
Definition: harmonicmodel.m:1
function[y, yh, ys, fr0]
Definition: wave2fft2wave.m:1
#define N
Definition: vf_pp7.c:200
Discrete Time axis x
function nH
Definition: harmonicmodel.m:1
FFT buffer for g
Definition: stft_peak.m:17
Definition: genspecsines3.m:6
function maxf0
initialize buffer for FFT y
Definition: wave2fft2wave.m:15
output sine component w
Definition: wave2fft2wave.m:16
function fs
function minf0

Definition at line 1 of file wave2fft2wave.m.

FFT size for synthesis H = 256

Definition at line 8 of file wave2fft2wave.m.

half synthesis window size hM = (M-1)/2

Definition at line 11 of file wave2fft2wave.m.

length of input sound array hNs = Ns/2

Definition at line 10 of file wave2fft2wave.m.

M = length(w)

Definition at line 6 of file wave2fft2wave.m.

analysis window size Ns = 1024

Definition at line 7 of file wave2fft2wave.m.

overlapping window ovidx = Ns/2+1-H+1:Ns/2+H

Definition at line 19 of file wave2fft2wave.m.

ow = triang(2*H-1)

Definition at line 18 of file wave2fft2wave.m.

initialize sound pointer to middle of analysis window pend = soundlength-max(hM,hNs)

Definition at line 13 of file wave2fft2wave.m.

half analysis window size pin = max(hNs+1,1+hM)

Definition at line 12 of file wave2fft2wave.m.

hop size for analysis and synthesis soundlength = length(x)

Definition at line 9 of file wave2fft2wave.m.

normalize analysis window sw = zeros(Ns,1)

Definition at line 17 of file wave2fft2wave.m.

output sine component w = w/sum(w)

Definition at line 16 of file wave2fft2wave.m.

initialize buffer for FFT y = zeros(soundlength+Ns/2,1)

Definition at line 15 of file wave2fft2wave.m.