SC2012BootcampPlan » History » Version 1

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Chris Cannam, 2012-04-24 02:05 PM

Plan for Software Carpentry 2012 Boot Camp on Version Control

Purpose: To explain version control to researchers who have never used it before, or who want to understand it better.

Context: Two hour interactive live workshop, using EasyMercurial and the Mercurial command-line tool.

VersionControl.pptx - PowerPoint introduction (2012-04-26) 59.8 KB, downloaded 161 times Chris Cannam, 2012-04-26 05:18 PM

VersionControlT.pptx - More sensible PowerPoint introduction without quite so many words in it 66.2 KB, downloaded 161 times Chris Cannam, 2012-05-02 02:34 PM

VersionControlT.pptx - More sensible PowerPoint introduction without quite so many words in it (2012-05-14) 71 KB, downloaded 157 times Chris Cannam, 2012-05-14 08:58 AM

VersionControlT-2.pptx - Minor updates for Feb 2013 68.2 KB, downloaded 72 times Chris Cannam, 2013-02-05 04:45 PM

VersionControlT.pdf - PDF version of Feb 2013 666 KB, downloaded 142 times Chris Cannam, 2013-02-05 04:45 PM