Class GUI

  • java.lang.Object
    • java.awt.Component
      • java.awt.Container
        • java.awt.Window
          • java.awt.Frame
            • javax.swing.JFrame

  • public class GUI
    extends javax.swing.JFrame
    The main window of BeatRoot's graphical user interface.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Nested Class Summary

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.awt.Component

        java.awt.Component.AccessibleAWTComponent, java.awt.Component.BaselineResizeBehavior, java.awt.Component.BltBufferStrategy, java.awt.Component.FlipBufferStrategy
      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.awt.Container

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.awt.Frame

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class javax.swing.JFrame

      • Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.awt.Window

        java.awt.Window.AccessibleAWTWindow, java.awt.Window.Type
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field and Description
      static java.lang.String AUDIO_SCALE_FACTOR 
      protected AudioPlayer audioPlayer
      The object which handles sound output
      protected AudioProcessor audioProcessor
      The object which reads and processes audio
      static int BAR
      Constants defining metrical levels (see
      static int BEAT
      Constants defining metrical levels (see
      static java.lang.String BEAT_TRACK 
      protected EventList beats
      The current list of beat times
      protected Chooser chooser
      BeatRoot's file chooser object
      static java.lang.String CLEAR_BEATS 
      static java.lang.String CLEAR_METRICAL_LEVELS 
      static java.lang.String CLICK_VOLUME 
      protected controlPanel
      The panel containing buttons and text fields, situated at the bottom of the window
      static boolean debug
      Flag for enabling printing of debugging information
      static double DEFAULT_CLICK_VOLUME 
      static double DEFAULT_HIGH_THRESHOLD 
      static double DEFAULT_LOW_THRESHOLD
      Default values of preferences
      static double DEFAULT_SCALE_FACTOR 
      protected BeatTrackDisplay displayPanel
      The main data panel, which displays audio and beat data, and is a component of this window
      static java.lang.String EDIT_PERCUSSION 
      static java.lang.String EDIT_PREFERENCES 
      static java.lang.String EXIT 
      static java.lang.String HIGH_THRESHOLD 
      static java.lang.String LENGTH 
      static java.lang.String LEVEL
      Strings displayed in metrical level window
      protected listener
      The object which processes key, button and menu events
      static java.lang.String LOAD_AUDIO
      Strings displayed on menus and buttons
      static java.lang.String LOAD_BEATS 
      static java.lang.String LOW_THRESHOLD
      Strings displayed in preferences window
      static java.lang.String MARK_METRICAL_LEVEL 
      protected javax.swing.JMenuBar menuBar
      BeatRoot's menu bar
      protected Parameters metricalLevels
      Dialog for specifying metrical levels
      static java.lang.String[][] PERCUSSION_STRINGS 
      static int percussionCount
      Constants and default file names for percussion sounds for each metrical levels
      protected Parameters percussionSounds
      Dialog for setting the percussion sounds which are played on beats
      static java.lang.String PHASE 
      static java.lang.String PLAY 
      static java.lang.String PLAY_AUDIO 
      static java.lang.String PLAY_BEATS 
      protected Parameters preferences
      Dialog for setting preferences
      static java.lang.String REDO 
      static java.lang.String SAVE_AUDIO 
      static java.lang.String SAVE_BEATS 
      protected int scrollBarWidth 
      protected javax.swing.JScrollBar scroller
      The scroller for showing or changing the position of the viewport relative to the whole audio file
      protected javax.swing.JPanel scrollPane
      An intermediate level panel containing the displayPanel and scroller
      static int SEG1
      Constants defining metrical levels (see
      static int SEG2
      Constants defining metrical levels (see
      static int SEG3
      Constants defining metrical levels (see
      static int SEG4
      Constants defining metrical levels (see
      static java.lang.String SHOW_BEATS 
      static java.lang.String SHOW_IBIS 
      static java.lang.String SHOW_SPECTRO 
      static java.lang.String SHOW_WAVE 
      static java.lang.String STOP 
      static java.lang.String title
      Name of program - displayed as part of window title
      static int TRACK
      Constants defining metrical levels (see
      static java.lang.String UNDO 
      static java.lang.String version
      Version number of program - displayed as part of window title.
      • Fields inherited from class java.awt.Component

      • Fields inherited from class java.awt.Frame

      • Fields inherited from interface java.awt.image.ImageObserver

      • Fields inherited from class javax.swing.JFrame

        accessibleContext, rootPane, rootPaneCheckingEnabled
      • Fields inherited from interface javax.swing.WindowConstants

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method and Description
      void clearBeatData()
      Clear all beats.
      void clearMetricalLevels()
      Clears any metrical level annotations from the beats
      void editPercussionSounds()
      Opens the percussion sound selection dialog and updates the sound buffers accordingly
      void editPreferences()
      Opens preferences dialog and updates the display accordingly.
      EventList getBeatData()
      Returns the list of beats
      java.lang.String getPercussionSound(int level)
      Returns the file name of a percussion sound for playing at beat times.
      void loadAudioData()
      Loads and processes an audio file chosen with a file open dialog.
      void loadAudioData(java.lang.String fileName)
      Loads and processes a given audio file.
      void loadBeatData()
      Loads beat data from a file chosen by a file open dialog.
      void loadBeatData(java.lang.String fileName)
      Loads beat data from a given file.
      protected javax.swing.JMenu makeBeatTrackMenu()
      Creates the beat tracking menu
      protected javax.swing.JMenu makeEditMenu()
      Creates the edit menu
      protected javax.swing.JMenu makeFileMenu()
      Creates the file menu
      protected javax.swing.JMenuItem makeMenuItem(java.lang.String text, int menuKey, int altKey, boolean isCheckBox)
      Creates a menu item with the given text and key codes.
      protected javax.swing.JMenu makePlayMenu()
      Creates the play menu
      protected javax.swing.JMenu makeViewMenu()
      Creates the view menu
      void markMetricalLevel()
      Opens the metrical levels dialog and annotates the beat data correspondingly
      void saveBeatData()
      Saves beat data to a file chosen by a file save dialog.
      void scroll(double incr)
      Scroll the display by a given amount in seconds.
      void scroll(int dir)
      Scroll the display by a given amount.
      void setAudioData(double[] onsets, double[] envTimes, int[] envMags)
      NOT USED: Sets the data for the amplitude envelope and onsets on the display.
      void setBeatData(EventList b)
      Set the list of beats displayed on this window.
      void setMetricalLevels()
      Initialises the metrical levels dialog
      void setMidiData(double[] onsets, double[] offsets, int[] pitches)
      NOT USED: Sets the data for a MIDI piano-roll display.
      void setMode(int mode, boolean flag)
      Changes the display mode (which elements are displayed on the data panel).
      void setOnsetDetectionParameter(double param1, double param2) 
      void setPercussionSounds()
      Initialises the percussion sound dialog and sound buffers
      void setPreferences()
      Copies default values into preferences dialog.
      void setSpectroData(double[][] data, int len, double tInc, double overlap)
      NOT USED Sets the data for displaying the spectrogram of the audio signal.
      void skipTo(double time)
      Send a request to the audio player to skip to a given time if it is not playing
      • Methods inherited from class java.awt.Component

        action, add, addComponentListener, addFocusListener, addHierarchyBoundsListener, addHierarchyListener, addInputMethodListener, addKeyListener, addMouseListener, addMouseMotionListener, addMouseWheelListener, bounds, checkImage, checkImage, coalesceEvents, contains, contains, createImage, createImage, createVolatileImage, createVolatileImage, disable, disableEvents, dispatchEvent, enable, enable, enableEvents, enableInputMethods, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, getBaseline, getBaselineResizeBehavior, getBounds, getBounds, getColorModel, getComponentListeners, getComponentOrientation, getCursor, getDropTarget, getFocusListeners, getFocusTraversalKeysEnabled, getFont, getFontMetrics, getForeground, getGraphicsConfiguration, getHeight, getHierarchyBoundsListeners, getHierarchyListeners, getIgnoreRepaint, getInputMethodListeners, getInputMethodRequests, getKeyListeners, getLocation, getLocation, getLocationOnScreen, getMouseListeners, getMouseMotionListeners, getMousePosition, getMouseWheelListeners, getName, getParent, getPropertyChangeListeners, getPropertyChangeListeners, getSize, getSize, getTreeLock, getWidth, getX, getY, gotFocus, handleEvent, hasFocus, imageUpdate, inside, isBackgroundSet, isCursorSet, isDisplayable, isDoubleBuffered, isEnabled, isFocusable, isFocusOwner, isFocusTraversable, isFontSet, isForegroundSet, isLightweight, isMaximumSizeSet, isMinimumSizeSet, isPreferredSizeSet, isValid, isVisible, keyDown, keyUp, list, list, list, location, lostFocus, mouseDown, mouseDrag, mouseEnter, mouseExit, mouseMove, mouseUp, move, nextFocus, paintAll, prepareImage, prepareImage, printAll, processComponentEvent, processFocusEvent, processHierarchyBoundsEvent, processHierarchyEvent, processInputMethodEvent, processKeyEvent, processMouseEvent, processMouseMotionEvent, processMouseWheelEvent, removeComponentListener, removeFocusListener, removeHierarchyBoundsListener, removeHierarchyListener, removeInputMethodListener, removeKeyListener, removeMouseListener, removeMouseMotionListener, removeMouseWheelListener, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, repaint, repaint, repaint, requestFocus, requestFocus, requestFocusInWindow, requestFocusInWindow, resize, resize, revalidate, setComponentOrientation, setDropTarget, setEnabled, setFocusable, setFocusTraversalKeysEnabled, setForeground, setIgnoreRepaint, setLocale, setMaximumSize, setName, setPreferredSize, show, size, toString, transferFocus, transferFocusBackward, transferFocusUpCycle
      • Methods inherited from class java.awt.Container

        add, add, add, add, add, addContainerListener, applyComponentOrientation, areFocusTraversalKeysSet, countComponents, deliverEvent, doLayout, findComponentAt, findComponentAt, getAlignmentX, getAlignmentY, getComponent, getComponentAt, getComponentAt, getComponentCount, getComponents, getComponentZOrder, getContainerListeners, getFocusTraversalPolicy, getInsets, getLayout, getMaximumSize, getMinimumSize, getMousePosition, getPreferredSize, insets, invalidate, isAncestorOf, isFocusCycleRoot, isFocusTraversalPolicyProvider, isFocusTraversalPolicySet, layout, list, list, locate, minimumSize, paintComponents, preferredSize, print, printComponents, processContainerEvent, remove, removeAll, removeContainerListener, setComponentZOrder, setFocusTraversalKeys, setFocusTraversalPolicy, setFocusTraversalPolicyProvider, setFont, transferFocusDownCycle, validate, validateTree
      • Methods inherited from class java.awt.Frame

        addNotify, getCursorType, getExtendedState, getFrames, getIconImage, getMaximizedBounds, getMenuBar, getState, getTitle, isResizable, isUndecorated, remove, removeNotify, setBackground, setCursor, setExtendedState, setMaximizedBounds, setMenuBar, setOpacity, setResizable, setShape, setState, setTitle, setUndecorated
      • Methods inherited from class javax.swing.JFrame

        addImpl, createRootPane, frameInit, getAccessibleContext, getContentPane, getDefaultCloseOperation, getGlassPane, getGraphics, getJMenuBar, getLayeredPane, getRootPane, getTransferHandler, isDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated, isRootPaneCheckingEnabled, paramString, processWindowEvent, remove, repaint, setContentPane, setDefaultCloseOperation, setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated, setGlassPane, setIconImage, setJMenuBar, setLayeredPane, setLayout, setRootPane, setRootPaneCheckingEnabled, setTransferHandler, update
      • Methods inherited from interface java.awt.MenuContainer

        getFont, postEvent
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
      • Methods inherited from class java.awt.Window

        addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, addWindowFocusListener, addWindowListener, addWindowStateListener, applyResourceBundle, applyResourceBundle, createBufferStrategy, createBufferStrategy, dispose, getBackground, getBufferStrategy, getFocusableWindowState, getFocusCycleRootAncestor, getFocusOwner, getFocusTraversalKeys, getIconImages, getInputContext, getListeners, getLocale, getModalExclusionType, getMostRecentFocusOwner, getOpacity, getOwnedWindows, getOwner, getOwnerlessWindows, getShape, getToolkit, getType, getWarningString, getWindowFocusListeners, getWindowListeners, getWindows, getWindowStateListeners, hide, isActive, isAlwaysOnTop, isAlwaysOnTopSupported, isAutoRequestFocus, isFocusableWindow, isFocusCycleRoot, isFocused, isLocationByPlatform, isOpaque, isShowing, isValidateRoot, pack, paint, postEvent, processEvent, processWindowFocusEvent, processWindowStateEvent, removeWindowFocusListener, removeWindowListener, removeWindowStateListener, reshape, setAlwaysOnTop, setAutoRequestFocus, setBounds, setBounds, setCursor, setFocusableWindowState, setFocusCycleRoot, setIconImages, setLocation, setLocation, setLocationByPlatform, setLocationRelativeTo, setMinimumSize, setModalExclusionType, setSize, setSize, setType, setVisible, show, toBack, toFront
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String AUDIO_SCALE_FACTOR
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • audioPlayer

        protected AudioPlayer audioPlayer
        The object which handles sound output
      • audioProcessor

        protected AudioProcessor audioProcessor
        The object which reads and processes audio
      • BAR

        public static final int BAR
        Constants defining metrical levels (see
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • BEAT

        public static final int BEAT
        Constants defining metrical levels (see
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • beats

        protected EventList beats
        The current list of beat times
      • chooser

        protected Chooser chooser
        BeatRoot's file chooser object

        public static final java.lang.String CLEAR_METRICAL_LEVELS
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • controlPanel

        protected controlPanel
        The panel containing buttons and text fields, situated at the bottom of the window
      • debug

        public static boolean debug
        Flag for enabling printing of debugging information

        public static double DEFAULT_CLICK_VOLUME

        public static double DEFAULT_HIGH_THRESHOLD

        public static double DEFAULT_LOW_THRESHOLD
        Default values of preferences

        public static double DEFAULT_SCALE_FACTOR
      • displayPanel

        protected BeatTrackDisplay displayPanel
        The main data panel, which displays audio and beat data, and is a component of this window

        public static final java.lang.String EDIT_PREFERENCES
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • LEVEL

        public static final java.lang.String LEVEL
        Strings displayed in metrical level window
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • listener

        protected listener
        The object which processes key, button and menu events
      • LOAD_AUDIO

        public static final java.lang.String LOAD_AUDIO
        Strings displayed on menus and buttons
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String LOW_THRESHOLD
        Strings displayed in preferences window
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final java.lang.String MARK_METRICAL_LEVEL
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • menuBar

        protected javax.swing.JMenuBar menuBar
        BeatRoot's menu bar
      • metricalLevels

        protected Parameters metricalLevels
        Dialog for specifying metrical levels

        public static final java.lang.String[][] PERCUSSION_STRINGS
      • percussionCount

        public static final int percussionCount
        Constants and default file names for percussion sounds for each metrical levels
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • percussionSounds

        protected Parameters percussionSounds
        Dialog for setting the percussion sounds which are played on beats
      • preferences

        protected Parameters preferences
        Dialog for setting preferences
      • scrollBarWidth

        protected int scrollBarWidth
      • scroller

        protected javax.swing.JScrollBar scroller
        The scroller for showing or changing the position of the viewport relative to the whole audio file
      • scrollPane

        protected javax.swing.JPanel scrollPane
        An intermediate level panel containing the displayPanel and scroller
      • SEG1

        public static final int SEG1
        Constants defining metrical levels (see
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • SEG2

        public static final int SEG2
        Constants defining metrical levels (see
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • SEG3

        public static final int SEG3
        Constants defining metrical levels (see
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • SEG4

        public static final int SEG4
        Constants defining metrical levels (see
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • title

        public static final java.lang.String title
        Name of program - displayed as part of window title
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • TRACK

        public static final int TRACK
        Constants defining metrical levels (see
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • version

        public static final java.lang.String version
        Version number of program - displayed as part of window title. DO NOT EDIT: This line is also used in creating the file name of the jar file.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • GUI

        public GUI(AudioPlayer ap,
                   AudioProcessor proc,
                   Chooser ch)
        Constructor: creates the GUI for BeatRoot
        ap - Handle to the audio player object
        proc - Handle to the audio processor object
        ch - Handle to the file chooser object
    • Method Detail

      • makeMenuItem

        protected javax.swing.JMenuItem makeMenuItem(java.lang.String text,
                                                     int menuKey,
                                                     int altKey,
                                                     boolean isCheckBox)
        Creates a menu item with the given text and key codes.
        text - The text that appears on the menu
        menuKey - The key to access the menu item when the menu is open
        altKey - The shortcut key to access the menu item using the ALT key
        isCheckBox - Flag indicating whether the menu item is a binary flag
        The menu item
      • makeFileMenu

        protected javax.swing.JMenu makeFileMenu()
        Creates the file menu
      • makeEditMenu

        protected javax.swing.JMenu makeEditMenu()
        Creates the edit menu
      • makeViewMenu

        protected javax.swing.JMenu makeViewMenu()
        Creates the view menu
      • makePlayMenu

        protected javax.swing.JMenu makePlayMenu()
        Creates the play menu
      • makeBeatTrackMenu

        protected javax.swing.JMenu makeBeatTrackMenu()
        Creates the beat tracking menu
      • loadAudioData

        public void loadAudioData()
        Loads and processes an audio file chosen with a file open dialog.
      • loadAudioData

        public void loadAudioData(java.lang.String fileName)
        Loads and processes a given audio file.
        fileName - The name of the audio file to open
      • loadBeatData

        public void loadBeatData()
        Loads beat data from a file chosen by a file open dialog.
      • loadBeatData

        public void loadBeatData(java.lang.String fileName)
        Loads beat data from a given file.
        fileName - The name of the file to open
      • saveBeatData

        public void saveBeatData()
        Saves beat data to a file chosen by a file save dialog.
      • getBeatData

        public EventList getBeatData()
        Returns the list of beats
      • setAudioData

        public void setAudioData(double[] onsets,
                                 double[] envTimes,
                                 int[] envMags)
        NOT USED: Sets the data for the amplitude envelope and onsets on the display.
        onsets - The list of onset times
        envTimes - The list of times corresponding to envelope values (envMag)
        envMags - The values of the signal magnitude at each of these times
      • setMidiData

        public void setMidiData(double[] onsets,
                                double[] offsets,
                                int[] pitches)
        NOT USED: Sets the data for a MIDI piano-roll display.
        onsets - The onset times of each note
        offsets - The offset times of each note
        pitches - The MIDI pitches of each note
      • setBeatData

        public void setBeatData(EventList b)
        Set the list of beats displayed on this window.
        b - The list of beats
      • clearBeatData

        public void clearBeatData()
        Clear all beats. Note that this action can't be undone.
      • setSpectroData

        public void setSpectroData(double[][] data,
                                   int len,
                                   double tInc,
                                   double overlap)
        NOT USED Sets the data for displaying the spectrogram of the audio signal.
        data - The spectrogram data, indexed by time and frequency
        len - The number of frames of spectrogram data
        tInc - The time between successive frames (hop time)
        overlap - The ratio of hop size to frame size; used for centering the frames in the display
      • setMode

        public void setMode(int mode,
                            boolean flag)
        Changes the display mode (which elements are displayed on the data panel). Constant values (SHOW_BEATS, etc.) are defined in
        mode - A bit string indicating the elements that should be switched on or off
        flag - Indicates whether the elements should be switched on (true) or off (false)
      • skipTo

        public void skipTo(double time)
        Send a request to the audio player to skip to a given time if it is not playing
      • scroll

        public void scroll(int dir)
        Scroll the display by a given amount. Used in dragging a selection beyond the left or right edge of the display.
        dir - The direction and number of units to scroll
      • scroll

        public void scroll(double incr)
        Scroll the display by a given amount in seconds. Used for keyboard input
        incr - amount of shift in seconds (positive to the right, vice versa) inserted by WG, Aug 2009.
      • setPreferences

        public void setPreferences()
        Copies default values into preferences dialog.
      • editPreferences

        public void editPreferences()
        Opens preferences dialog and updates the display accordingly.
      • setMetricalLevels

        public void setMetricalLevels()
        Initialises the metrical levels dialog
      • clearMetricalLevels

        public void clearMetricalLevels()
        Clears any metrical level annotations from the beats
      • markMetricalLevel

        public void markMetricalLevel()
        Opens the metrical levels dialog and annotates the beat data correspondingly
      • setPercussionSounds

        public void setPercussionSounds()
        Initialises the percussion sound dialog and sound buffers
      • editPercussionSounds

        public void editPercussionSounds()
        Opens the percussion sound selection dialog and updates the sound buffers accordingly
      • getPercussionSound

        public java.lang.String getPercussionSound(int level)
        Returns the file name of a percussion sound for playing at beat times.
        level - The requested metrical level
        The file name of the percussion sound for the requested metrical level
      • setOnsetDetectionParameter

        public void setOnsetDetectionParameter(double param1,
                                               double param2)