Bug #570
Can't delete downloadable file from version in project with no issue tracker
Status: | New | Start date: | 2013-01-29 | |
Priority: | Normal | Due date: | ||
Assignee: | - | % Done: | 0% | |
Category: | - | |||
Target version: | - |
If a project has a file for download, and that file is associated with a version within the project, and the project does not have the issue tracker module enabled, then the file cannot be deleted, not even by an admin user.
This is because:
in acts_as_attachable.rb
def attachments_deletable?(user=User.current) (respond_to?(:visible?) ? visible?(user) : true) && user.allowed_to?(self.class.attachable_options[:delete_permission], self.project) end
i.e. first test if the version is visible to the user, but in version.rb
def visible?(user=User.current) user.allowed_to?(:view_issues, self.project) end
which only succeeds if issues are enabled.
Updated by Chris Cannam about 12 years ago
(It's interesting that the version returning false for "visible?" does not actually seem to prevent anyone from seeing the version.)