Feature #1851

Support "dark mode"

Added by Chris Cannam over 5 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:2018-11-09
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Target version:-


With Qt 5.12, the dark mode in macOS 10.14+ should work fairly well. And now that we finally have a dark theme working in macOS, we should reinstate & fix the old dark theme support that used to exist in SV long ago! (It was dropped because it was incomplete & there was no way to make it work in OS/X)

  • Linux desktop environments can usually be set to a dark theme, but Qt doesn't always seem to follow this. It might be nice if SV on Linux could be set to use a light/dark theme independent of the desktop settings. It would be nice(r) if it could actually follow the desktop theme consistently!
  • Windows 10 has a light/dark toggle for "app mode" in the settings - this presumably only directly affects UWP-type apps, but I wonder if we can query it?
  • macOS with Qt 5.12 just lacks a few things, e.g. sensible default colour for the overview widget, and some custom widgets are a bit strangely rendered.

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