Bug #1489

Weird bug about 'mandatory' question when hitting enter in survey

Added by Brecht De Man almost 9 years ago. Updated almost 9 years ago.

Status:ResolvedStart date:2015-12-08
Priority:NormalDue date:
Assignee:Nicholas Jillings% Done:


Target version:-


Had this a few times: I respond to this mandatory question (post-test, 'what is the genre'), I hit enter, and it shows me the 'this question is mandatory' error a few times. See also console log (might be due to some questions/radio buttons among the 'comment boxes'?).
Just using the example project.xml again.

Screen Shot 2015-12-08 at 15.18.17.png - mandatory question error 83.9 KB, downloaded 16 times Brecht De Man, 2015-12-08 02:39 PM

Screen Shot 2015-12-08 at 15.19.45.png - console log 118 KB, downloaded 17 times Brecht De Man, 2015-12-08 02:39 PM

Related issues

Related to Bug #1490: Hitting enter after radio button question skips next surv... Resolved 2015-12-08


#1 Updated by Nicholas Jillings almost 9 years ago

This should be fixed along with bug #1490, the problem was the binding for capturing the enter key presses was being added each time the popup was being created, but not cleared. So at the beginning for the preTest you have enter = 1 'button click' for proceed, then do the test. Then the post-test of the first page adds another bind so hitting enter = 2 'button clicks' and so on. At the end it actually hits an error because a radio button cannot be empty (it can rather I need to allow the response to be empty).

#2 Updated by Nicholas Jillings almost 9 years ago

  • Related to Bug #1490: Hitting enter after radio button question skips next survey element added

#3 Updated by Nicholas Jillings almost 9 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved

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