Bug #1485

Major bugs introduced

Added by Brecht De Man over 8 years ago. Updated over 8 years ago.

Status:ResolvedStart date:2015-12-08
Priority:ImmediateDue date:
Assignee:Nicholas Jillings% Done:


Target version:-


- When clicking a slider, sometimes the bug "TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'event.currentTarget.owner')" appears and instead of playing it, it stays green and 'sticks' to the mouse pointer, as if you're dragging. Clicking again 'drops' the marker, and clicking once more plays the sample as if nothing ever happened.

- Clicking submit doesn't do anything, except throwing the following error:
[Error] TypeError: undefined is not a function (evaluating 'testXML.appendChild(metric)')
testPageCompleted (core.js, line 661)
advanceState (core.js, line 622)
advanceInnerState (core.js, line 695)
advanceState (core.js, line 646)
advanceState (core.js, line 577)
proceedClicked (core.js, line 529)
onclick (core.js, line 279)
(anonymous function) (core.js, line 311)
dispatch (jquery-2.1.4.js, line 4435)
handle (jquery-2.1.4.js, line 4121)

Clicking it once again yields this:
[Error] TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'testState.currentStateMap[testState.currentIndex].interfaces')
buttonSubmitClick (ape.js, line 540)

All in Safari, using the example project.xml.


#1 Updated by Nicholas Jillings over 8 years ago

- "TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating 'event.currentTarget.owner')"

Cannot seem to replicate this bug, haven't touched that part of the code (audioObject.play() function) as this deals with what to do when a fragment has finished playing. There is another 'sticking' bug for when operating on synchronous looped samples but this is also in the next revision.

- Clicking submit doesn't do anything, except throwing the following error:

Being fixed in next revision

#2 Updated by Nicholas Jillings over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Resolved

Calling these resolved as whilst not replicated, all parts pertaining to this are tightened up to reduce erroneous states.

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