Feature #1477

exponential/logarithmic map()

Added by Dan Stowell over 9 years ago.

Status:NewStart date:2015-12-05
Priority:LowDue date:
Assignee:-% Done:


Target version:-


It's quite common to need exponential/logarithmic mappings, not just linear, so here's a little (low priority) request for that.

FWIW, the interface in supercollider looks like:

y = linlin(x, in_lo, in_hi, out_lo, out_hi)    // equivalent of Bela's map()
y = linexp(x, in_lo, in_hi, out_lo, out_hi) // linear to exponential
y = explin(x, in_lo, in_hi, out_lo, out_hi) // exponential to linear

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